Who loves yuh, baby?

Famous words uttered by Kojac resonate after Democrats show whom THEY love.

Do they love Trump? Obviously, they hate him and do everything they can to thwart the promises he made to Americans and that Americans overwhelmingly voted for.

Do they love America? Obviously not because they denigrate American patriotism, American workers, American men, and, well, anything intrinsically American.

So, whom do the Dems love?

They love chaos because it keeps them in power.

They love class warfare because it keeps them in power.

They love division among Americans because……yes, it keeps them in power.

The proof is how they all proclaimed their agreement with Zelensky despite Zelensky’s refusal to sign an agreement with the U.S. which would have helped bring about a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia.

Susan Rice, and others, loudly jeered that the Oval Office debate was a “set up”. Uh huh. Isn’t it interesting how many Dems used the exact same word to describe how they felt about Zelensky insulting our President and Vice President? “Set up” is the insult du jour for Dems and they all fall in line with the Party stance in the hope they will prevent President Trump from fulfilling his promises.

For me, the question is why would Dems act against America’s interests and for Ukraine.

Remember that Zelensky refused to accept a generous proposal from the Trump administration which would have enriched Ukraine, reduced our reliance on China for precious metals, and punished Russia who is best buds with China. AND, the presence of American workers in Ukraine would have stymied any further Russian attacks. It would be a win-win for Ukraine, America, and Europe.

BUT…………remember, they hate Trump.

They hate Trump more than Trump’s plan to enrich Ukraine. They hate Trump more than anything Trump would do to promote American democracy and benefit.

In essence, the Democrats are the party of hate. The only one they love is themselves and the love for power. They will say or do anything to stay in power even when it hurts the U.S. of A.

Trump has stepped into a world of chaos that the Dems created. All he wants is a prosperous America where our citizens can live and raise their families.

If actions speak louder than words, you decide.

Who loves yuh, baby?

Never “what have you done for me in the past………”

It’s always “what can you do for me now”.

The Marshall plan was implemented after WWII to help Europe rebuild after the devastating war. The idea was that we would help European countries get back on their feet so they would be equal partners in upholding Democracy. Americans sacrificed time, money and energy in that effort.

Unfortunately, the “giving” on the part of America has never ended. We have been handing over foreign aid in massive amounts to pretty much every other country in the world while our Veterans and American citizens pay the price.

And, are the foreign countries appreciative?

Most of them have not used the moneys to improve their citizens’ lives. Most of the money has gone into the coffers of the “elites”. And, most of the countries do not give their “fair share” to the UN nor other institutions designed to create harmony in the world.

So, when Brennan, a confirmed liar, declares that President Trump’s policies are making other countries dislike or even hate us, he is not giving us a news flash. Most foreign countries are NOT grateful. They are resentful that we are not giving them “more”. Few of them send us a thank you nor do they even pretend to like us.

President Trump saying he would even the playing field with tariffs is long past due. WWII ended a long time ago and there has been plenty of time for other countries to learn to fend for themselves. They are like children who refuse to grow up and want to be given everything rather than maturing and becoming responsible adults.

It is time to correct the trajectory of our benevolence. Americans must come first. It is time for the needs of Americans to take precedence over other countries. It is time for our tax dollars to help Americans affected by hurricanes or rampant fires. It is time for our first priority to be the welfare of Americans, NOT illegal aliens.

People like Brennan had their chance to right the wrongs of the world and did nothing to improve America nor the world. Worse, they are trying to derail everything that President Trump is focusing on. Isn’t it a better idea to at least let Mr. Trump have a chance to fix our economy, our tax system, and all of the government bureaucracy that has impoverished Americans for the benefit of other countries?

The Dems and Lie-berals are making fools of themselves………….yelling, cussing, singing, and giving irrelevant and irresponsible speeches. Time for them to sit down and try to help America and her citizens.

Americans know what the Dems and Lie-berals have “done” for us and it is to create a really horrible society that impinges on free speech and promotes bizarre cultural behaviours. Let’s see if Dems and Lie-berals can grow up enough to be partners in fixing these problems. Or, if they will continue to attempt to thwart progress simply because Trump is President.

After all, we want to know “what will you do for us NOW”.

New Year’s Resolutions for the Mass Media

Here is a Christmas gift, in the form of free advice — for the “journalists” who will still have a job come the New Year. You don’t deserve anything, but, hey, it’s Christmas. So, here you go. You can thank me later.

1…The majority of Americans want the Truth from you and from politicians….NOT your biased view of the world. So, stuff your pejorative adjectives and just give us the facts. One of the reasons many of us admire Donald Trump is that he tells us the truth, even when it doesn’t serve him personally nor politically. You should do the same.

Example: The House voted (give the count) to approve a CR and the government will not shut down.

You said: Speaker Johnson struggled to pass this resolution and HAD to rely upon the Democrats to pass the bill.

Isn’t that called bi-partisanship? And, isn’t that what we want in government?

2…The Green Bay Press reported that Trump speaking of dogs and cats being eaten is the BIGGEST lie of 2024.

Really? Did you forget that the Dems and Biden administration purposefully concealed his diminished mental faculties which allowed the chaos in the world? And, you were part and parcel of that conspiracy…..not just once, but over and over as you repeated the lie that Biden was “sharp” and “in control” even when he was hiding out in his basement.

Did you forget the entire Harris/Biden conspiracy to label President elect Trump as “Hitler”, a “threat to Democracy”?

Did you forget the Russian hoax that you all conspired to promote to thwart President Trump and again to defeat candidate Trump? Those 55 writers — “experts” according to you in the mass media — who promoted the Russian hoax should be fired and excoriated, not presented as experts. They were wrong and have not even had the spine to admit their error. Talk about election interference!

3…And, you are still working hard to prevent President elect Trump from saving our country from the Biden/Harris debacle. The new mantra is that Elon Musk is acting as President and Donald Trump is VP. How ridiculous. If you know anything about Trump, you know he is his own man.

4…So, get off your biased “horse” and try, for once, to actually be reporters. Give us the facts and only the facts. Don’t couch your stories with derogative frames.

Maybe then, we will start listening to you again. For now, you are history, just like the tragedies of 2024……………..and, thank goodness.

We won’t miss you. We’re moving on and looking forward to the successes that President Trump and VP Vance will bring to America.


Joy, joy, joy

While the Dems are feeling blue, true-“blue” Americans are feeling joy because President Trump’s chances of winning this election are improving. Americans are realizing that the Dems have thwarted the democratic process — creating a nominee by simply annointing Harris. She is a nominee without any concrete plans to solve the economic crisis she and Biden created nor how to deal with the wars in Ukraine and help Israel defeat the terrorists.

The Harris/Waltz machine have NO good ideas for America so they have resorted to the age old Democrat tactic of throwing mud. It doesn’t matter to them that the lies in that mud have been repeatedly repudiated. Lacking any genuine ideas or experience in dealing with World problems, they can only go low. Going low means dredging up muck from the bottom of the scum pond and hoping it sticks.

If it weren’t for the media being complicit in spreading these lies and the media shilling for Harris and Waltz, there would be no cause for alarm. Unfortunately, the media has been on the Lie-beral’s train for too long and they are too lazy to look for FACTS.

My hope is that Americans can see through the muddy waters and realize that Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are the only ones who can put America back on her path to greatness.

If they do, it will be “joy, joy, joy” again for America.

Democrats are liars

Lying is a popular occupation for Democrats.

They lie about themselves:

Walz — “I carried weapons in war”…………”I retired as a Command Sargent Major”……….”I received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce”. ALL OF THESE STATEMENTS BY WALZ ARE LIES!

Kamala claimed to be: “against fracking” before she was “for fracking”…………..”the border czar” before she wasn’t the border czar……………………..for giving criminals a free pass and yet, being a tough prosecutor………….against the border wall before she was for the wall………….for amnesty for illegal aliens before she decided to be against amnesty.

These are all lies by Harris and Walz and yet the mainstream media not only lets the lies go forward, they even argue with people who try to expose the lies.

However, worse yet is that Democrats continue to lie about President Trump and candidate Vance EVEN THOUGH the lies have been exposed over and over and the issues in the lies have been vociferously denounced by both Republican candidates.

Claiming Trump is a proponent of Project 2025 is just one of the many, many lies that the Democrats keep lying about. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/kamala-harris-donald-trump-project-2025/2024/08/28/id/1178206/ Trump has consistently said he is NOT affiliated with the project (which, btw, is a proposal, NOT a platform) . Trump’s denials, though, do not penetrate the thick skin of these lying Dems.

Abortion is another topic that Dems lie about. The Supreme Court adjudicated the issue and gave the right to decide abortion questions to the states. President Trump is not a Justice and could NOT influence the Justices, but the Dems continue to lie and say that Trump will ban abortions nationwide.

Why do Dems lie so much?

1….After the Biden-Harris administration destroyed the economy, our military, and let millions of unchecked, illegal aliens into our country, Dems have nothing to brag about nor to campaign on.

2…Lying comes naturally to Dems. Biden admitted to plagiarizing many years ago and yet continued to run for Congress and the Presidency. Bill Clinton is a sexual deviant and yet the Democrat party continues to hold him up as a great President. Harris lies about her views and what she has done in the past and THE DEMOCRATS ENTHUSIASTICALLY AND UNDEMOCRATICALLY PUT HER ON THE TOP OF THE PARTY TICKET FOR THE PRESIDENCY!!!

But, the Democrat party is full of liars, so they feel comfortable lying and having liars represent them.

3…But, most of all, Dems just want to win and maintain their stranglehold on our country. And, if staying in power means lying, well, they are happy to lie. And, in the case of Harris and Walz, Dems are happy to vote for them whether it is good for America or not.

The Irrational Lie-berals, i.e., Democrats

Throughout history, there have been people who deserve to be pilloried, castigated, and, really, thrown into a dungeon. The most infamous in our lives, was undoubtedly Hitler. He is the epitome of all that can be evil in our world.

Putin, Xi, Iran’s Khomeni, and Kim Jong Un are also evil men, like Hitler, because they are willing to sacrifice political opponents and helpless civilians just to achieve their goal of ruling the world.

The question in this year’s election is…………….is it fair for Lie-berals and Democrats to equate these evil men to Trump? Any rational person would say absolutely NOT!

Of course, Lie-berals and Democrats can NOT be considered rational, honest nor moral when they know they are lying about what Mr. Trump has said and yet, they continue to lie. Instead of discussing policies, they prefer to take the easy way out and pretend that Mr. Trump is a horrible person! Democrats only want power and if that power comes at the price of a man’s reputation, they don’t care.

Their lies created an atmosphere where a deranged man tried to assassinate Mr. Trump. Surely that would have made Dems stop lying about Mr. Trump, right? Unfortunately, their philosophy is to destroy any and all opposition and they continue to lie about Mr. Trump and to take his comments out of context.

I think that no one since Hitler has been demonized as much as Mr. Trump.

And, it has to stop!

Politics has always been a nitty, gritty, no-holds-barred type of “game”. But, let’s try to be somewhat civil. Let’s discuss policies and not personalities. Let’s work toward a better America and ask candidates to talk about and debate policies.

Of course, that would require Lie-berals and Democrats to act honestly and with integrity. Based upon the way their party leaders lie, obfuscate, and grab power, that is probably an impossible goal.

What is a slur, especially a racial slur?

If you’re listening to Democrats, anything they don’t like is a racial slur. Stephanopoulos just proved it in a conversation with Byron Donalds.


Stephanopoulos kept asking Representative Donalds about President Trump saying that Kamala was Indian until she preferred her Black heritage. It’s true that she began emphasizing her Indian heritage years ago when it was politically expedient. And now, when it serves her current political agenda, has switched to her Black side. It’s absolutely true if you check the records. In fact, the AP called her the first senator of Indian heritage.

But, Dems are always willing to side step any video, newspaper report, or witness account that doesn’t fit their narrative. Stephanopoulos is a “good” Dem and, so, he kept asking Rep Donalds why he, Donalds, and President Trump kept using the “racial slur”…..that is, saying Kamala was only Black when it served a political purpose.

Rep Donalds defended Trump by saying it was a 2 minute exchange, begun by the reporter, NOT Trump, and that there were important issues he’d like to address…..like the economy, the border crisis, and the danger in the world today….all of the many, horrendous situations which are the result of President Biden and VP Kamala’s policies.

Stephanopoulos ignored everything Rep Donalds brought up and said any reference to Kamala’s Black heritage was a racial slur.


I’m really confused now. Since when is it a racial slur to call someone Black? Or to self identify as Indian? Remember, Kamala herself publicly self identified as of Indian heritage although now she refers to herself as Black.

Is it a racial slur now, Mr. Stephanopoulos, to call someone Black even if they themselves are calling themselves Black?


Threats, Threatening, Threatened

No one, and nothing, in this world is ever promised complete safety.

Since the beginning of time, the human race has faced threats. Threats came from other people. Wild animals and even the environment were threatening. From the day Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, we have been threatened by something or someone.

Today is no different and today’s world seems pretty scary. Russia bombs Ukraine almost daily. African mobs kidnap children and butcher innocent people. China is hovering over Taiwan and Kim Jung Un constantly plots against South Korea.

These are all real world dangers.

But, in American politics, another, maybe worse, threat has emerged. And, the impetus behind the threats in politics is the same as all the perils listed above. Democrats want power. Not just any power, but absolute power……….the kind of power where they control what we all do, say, or think.

Nothing is allowed to stand in their way.

Their tool is the media — a powerful tool because the media is almost completely governed by the Left’s ideas. Seldom are Conservative values which created America allowed to penetrate the story that the media spin. And, without the truth, our Freedoms are lost.

The Dems often say that President Trump is an existential threat to Democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The media is complicit with Dems and Libs when it fawns over the Left’s ideology and ignores the Conservative viewpoints.

The media is the real, existential threat that continues threatening Americans through reporting that promotes the Left’s ideology and not with the truth.

The Libs have to grow up, for heaven’s sakes!


I am so tired of the Lie-berals and their foolish talk. Chrissy-Teigen is just the latest with her “fears” that Donald Trump would come after her if he wins the Presidency again.


Have you talked with him? That seems very unlikely. Why would he bother with you? Honestly, do you really think you are so important that a President of the United States would waste his time coming after you?

Let me reassure you, Chrissy-teigen. You will be much safer with President Trump in the White House than with any other candidate running for that office.

Russia, China, North Korea, and even Iran were delirious when Biden came into office. Look at how they have attacked their neighbors and threatened the world. While Trump was in the White House, none of them dared to act provocatively.

So, your worries are baseless. Maybe it’s time to act like an adult, if you can. Your childish whining is not based on any realistic fact. You sound not only foolish, but obnoxious.

Can you do that? Or, do you want to wallow in the Lie-beral morass of lies and more lies?

Grow up or keep saying dumb things. I’m sure President Trump won’t care!

The new Walter Mitty

Enter President Joe Biden

Walter Mitty was a fictional character who enjoyed greatness….but, ONLY IN HIS OWN MIND! In his mind, he was the greatest EVERYTHING — pilot, driver, you name it. He excelled at everything……except in his own life.

Walter Mitty stories were funny and kind of cute. It’s not so funny nor definitely cute when President Joe Biden lies about what he has done, said, or what happened to him. Poor Joe has always inflated his own history with stories of his mastering this or that…being a spectacular student…………determining the course of world events………….or, just being greatness exemplified.

The problem is that he lies. He lied throughout his political career and he is still lying.

It all began way back in law school when he plagiarized a paper. He admitted he did it. But, that admission never hurt him politically, so he continued to aggrandize his resume. He was the ultimate bs artist and the crowds loved his “lovable Joe” routine. So, why not keep up the ruse?

And, now, he is definitely senile and seems to believe even the wildest of his own stories despite them being demonstrably false — i.e., lies! Here’s one of his latest:


As the 76th ranking member of an 85 member class, it was unlikely he would have received a standing ovation. The unlikelihood of this is beyond anyone’s stretch of imagination, but Biden has repeated his claim to fame many times.

As my Dad used to say, “It makes a good story. And, it might even be true”. Of course, my Dad meant that it was absolutely untrue. My Dad could have been talking about poor Joe because, while Walter Mitty stories were funny, Biden’s are not. Worse, Biden’s lies and his inability to recognize the truth, are destroying our country.

It’s time for Joe to either live in the real world or live full time in his own storybook. If he wants to live in his own dream world, let him. But, don’t let him do it on America’s time.

To paraphrase a Democrat, Lloyd Bentsen, from long ago. My generation “knew” Walter Mitty. Walter was a fictional friend of ours. President Biden — you are NO WALTER MITTY!