Monthly Archives: March 2009

Well, experience DOES matter………….

This Salon writer claims that President Obama’s advisors are not serving the new President well.  They are making him, and his actions, appear “oafish”.  President Obama has insulted Israel, the United Kingdom, and those who cherish freedom of speech (his lambasting of Rush Limbaugh).   Obama and his minions have passed mammoth legislation that is so full of pork that even the pigs are squealing!

However, the assumption of this article is that the problem lies with Obama’s advisors, not Obama.

Unfortunately, for Obama, he is the one who appointed all these pompous Lieberals.  If they are not serving him as they should, he can replace them.  The Salon article states that it is the inexperience of many, including the new Treasury Secretary, that are hindering progress on economic issues, etc.  No.  The reason that Washington is in such disarray is directly due to having a President who is so inexperienced that he can’t even speak without a teleprompter! Apparently, while Lieberals stoutly deny it, experience does matter!

Excuses, excuses……

During the campaign, candidate Obama had ALL the answers for EVERY question.

Now in office, and with events spiraling downward, AND President Obama having trouble formulating an EXACT cure for even one problem, the excuses begin.

1 – It’s a complex situation and needs serious study.  (Were you so obtuse that you couldn’t see this back in summer of ’08?)

2 – The Republicans refuse to act bipartisanly.  (Which party controls all branches of government?  Which party has been double-dealing behind closed doors without any input from the Republicans?)

3 – This administration has only been “in” for 7 weeks and you can’t expect immediate results.  (Oh, even though instantaneous results and cures were promised during the campaign?)

Methinks thou dost protest too much, President Obama!!!!

Hillary — her inexperience showing in Europe

Oh, what the heck.  We know the President is inexperienced and needs a teleprompter to answer questions.  Now, it turns out that his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,  is also showing her inexperience in Europe.  Well, they make a good team of misfits!

Obama’s Teleprompter

Ronald Reagan was known as the “Great Communicator” for his inspiring speeches and his impressive knowledge on world affairs, as well as domestic issues.  All Presidents have used the podium to inform Americans on issues.  Unfortunately, today, President Obama feels uncomfortable answering even the most minute question without the aid of his teleprompter.  The few times that Obama answered “off the cuff” were not only embarassing to all, but a measure of his inexperience.  That is why Obama has retreated to “reading” his answers rather than spontaneously answering anything put before him!

Speaking extemporaneously might not be the only way to measure a President, but most Americans expect the president to be speaking TO THEM, not reading from a teleprompter.  And, if Obama must be prompted by a teleprompter so he gives the “right” answer, WHO IS PROMPTING THE TELEPROMPTER?

Obama wants to censor “some” media………

“Then”, nominee Obama hinted at requiring radio stations, etc., to toe the line for talk show topics and the responses to those shows.  Now,  President Obama and his censorship team feel comfortable in publicly admitting that they want to suppress certain talk show radio hosts.  Under the guise of “balance”, Obama is determined to control even the conservative station’s themes!

Man, this is scarey stuff!

Democrats and the Smear routine–again!

Despite the campaign finishing last year, Democratic operatives are busy creating a new “seek and destroy” initiative, this time for conservative talk radio and tv commentators.  Their attacks against Limbaugh are juvenile at best, and, at worst, a serious infringement of the right to free speech.  If a radio commentator must “meet” standards, set up by the Obama administration, then that commentator, and we, lose our right of free speech.

Losing another freedom  does not seem to bother Democrats at all!  And, ad hominem attacks are always the form that Democrats prefer.  They seldom discuss issues, but label a person and then attack the person.  This is politics at its lowest, but typical Democrat in its form, message, and timing.

Isn’t it time for even the Democrats to at least pretend to work with all voters, including conservatives?  Not only was that one of President Obama’s pledges, but unity of purpose will also promote the public welfare. It’s time for President Obama to understand that people like Begala, Carville, and his other minions will not help either him or the country in the long run.  It’s time to stand those characters outside the door and let honest men and women run this country!