Monthly Archives: August 2024

Democrats are liars

Lying is a popular occupation for Democrats.

They lie about themselves:

Walz — “I carried weapons in war”…………”I retired as a Command Sargent Major”……….”I received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce”. ALL OF THESE STATEMENTS BY WALZ ARE LIES!

Kamala claimed to be: “against fracking” before she was “for fracking”…………..”the border czar” before she wasn’t the border czar……………………..for giving criminals a free pass and yet, being a tough prosecutor………….against the border wall before she was for the wall………….for amnesty for illegal aliens before she decided to be against amnesty.

These are all lies by Harris and Walz and yet the mainstream media not only lets the lies go forward, they even argue with people who try to expose the lies.

However, worse yet is that Democrats continue to lie about President Trump and candidate Vance EVEN THOUGH the lies have been exposed over and over and the issues in the lies have been vociferously denounced by both Republican candidates.

Claiming Trump is a proponent of Project 2025 is just one of the many, many lies that the Democrats keep lying about. Trump has consistently said he is NOT affiliated with the project (which, btw, is a proposal, NOT a platform) . Trump’s denials, though, do not penetrate the thick skin of these lying Dems.

Abortion is another topic that Dems lie about. The Supreme Court adjudicated the issue and gave the right to decide abortion questions to the states. President Trump is not a Justice and could NOT influence the Justices, but the Dems continue to lie and say that Trump will ban abortions nationwide.

Why do Dems lie so much?

1….After the Biden-Harris administration destroyed the economy, our military, and let millions of unchecked, illegal aliens into our country, Dems have nothing to brag about nor to campaign on.

2…Lying comes naturally to Dems. Biden admitted to plagiarizing many years ago and yet continued to run for Congress and the Presidency. Bill Clinton is a sexual deviant and yet the Democrat party continues to hold him up as a great President. Harris lies about her views and what she has done in the past and THE DEMOCRATS ENTHUSIASTICALLY AND UNDEMOCRATICALLY PUT HER ON THE TOP OF THE PARTY TICKET FOR THE PRESIDENCY!!!

But, the Democrat party is full of liars, so they feel comfortable lying and having liars represent them.

3…But, most of all, Dems just want to win and maintain their stranglehold on our country. And, if staying in power means lying, well, they are happy to lie. And, in the case of Harris and Walz, Dems are happy to vote for them whether it is good for America or not.

The Irrational Lie-berals, i.e., Democrats

Throughout history, there have been people who deserve to be pilloried, castigated, and, really, thrown into a dungeon. The most infamous in our lives, was undoubtedly Hitler. He is the epitome of all that can be evil in our world.

Putin, Xi, Iran’s Khomeni, and Kim Jong Un are also evil men, like Hitler, because they are willing to sacrifice political opponents and helpless civilians just to achieve their goal of ruling the world.

The question in this year’s election is…………….is it fair for Lie-berals and Democrats to equate these evil men to Trump? Any rational person would say absolutely NOT!

Of course, Lie-berals and Democrats can NOT be considered rational, honest nor moral when they know they are lying about what Mr. Trump has said and yet, they continue to lie. Instead of discussing policies, they prefer to take the easy way out and pretend that Mr. Trump is a horrible person! Democrats only want power and if that power comes at the price of a man’s reputation, they don’t care.

Their lies created an atmosphere where a deranged man tried to assassinate Mr. Trump. Surely that would have made Dems stop lying about Mr. Trump, right? Unfortunately, their philosophy is to destroy any and all opposition and they continue to lie about Mr. Trump and to take his comments out of context.

I think that no one since Hitler has been demonized as much as Mr. Trump.

And, it has to stop!

Politics has always been a nitty, gritty, no-holds-barred type of “game”. But, let’s try to be somewhat civil. Let’s discuss policies and not personalities. Let’s work toward a better America and ask candidates to talk about and debate policies.

Of course, that would require Lie-berals and Democrats to act honestly and with integrity. Based upon the way their party leaders lie, obfuscate, and grab power, that is probably an impossible goal.

What is a slur, especially a racial slur?

If you’re listening to Democrats, anything they don’t like is a racial slur. Stephanopoulos just proved it in a conversation with Byron Donalds.


Stephanopoulos kept asking Representative Donalds about President Trump saying that Kamala was Indian until she preferred her Black heritage. It’s true that she began emphasizing her Indian heritage years ago when it was politically expedient. And now, when it serves her current political agenda, has switched to her Black side. It’s absolutely true if you check the records. In fact, the AP called her the first senator of Indian heritage.

But, Dems are always willing to side step any video, newspaper report, or witness account that doesn’t fit their narrative. Stephanopoulos is a “good” Dem and, so, he kept asking Rep Donalds why he, Donalds, and President Trump kept using the “racial slur”…..that is, saying Kamala was only Black when it served a political purpose.

Rep Donalds defended Trump by saying it was a 2 minute exchange, begun by the reporter, NOT Trump, and that there were important issues he’d like to address… the economy, the border crisis, and the danger in the world today….all of the many, horrendous situations which are the result of President Biden and VP Kamala’s policies.

Stephanopoulos ignored everything Rep Donalds brought up and said any reference to Kamala’s Black heritage was a racial slur.


I’m really confused now. Since when is it a racial slur to call someone Black? Or to self identify as Indian? Remember, Kamala herself publicly self identified as of Indian heritage although now she refers to herself as Black.

Is it a racial slur now, Mr. Stephanopoulos, to call someone Black even if they themselves are calling themselves Black?
