Monthly Archives: February 2025

Never “what have you done for me in the past………”

It’s always “what can you do for me now”.

The Marshall plan was implemented after WWII to help Europe rebuild after the devastating war. The idea was that we would help European countries get back on their feet so they would be equal partners in upholding Democracy. Americans sacrificed time, money and energy in that effort.

Unfortunately, the “giving” on the part of America has never ended. We have been handing over foreign aid in massive amounts to pretty much every other country in the world while our Veterans and American citizens pay the price.

And, are the foreign countries appreciative?

Most of them have not used the moneys to improve their citizens’ lives. Most of the money has gone into the coffers of the “elites”. And, most of the countries do not give their “fair share” to the UN nor other institutions designed to create harmony in the world.

So, when Brennan, a confirmed liar, declares that President Trump’s policies are making other countries dislike or even hate us, he is not giving us a news flash. Most foreign countries are NOT grateful. They are resentful that we are not giving them “more”. Few of them send us a thank you nor do they even pretend to like us.

President Trump saying he would even the playing field with tariffs is long past due. WWII ended a long time ago and there has been plenty of time for other countries to learn to fend for themselves. They are like children who refuse to grow up and want to be given everything rather than maturing and becoming responsible adults.

It is time to correct the trajectory of our benevolence. Americans must come first. It is time for the needs of Americans to take precedence over other countries. It is time for our tax dollars to help Americans affected by hurricanes or rampant fires. It is time for our first priority to be the welfare of Americans, NOT illegal aliens.

People like Brennan had their chance to right the wrongs of the world and did nothing to improve America nor the world. Worse, they are trying to derail everything that President Trump is focusing on. Isn’t it a better idea to at least let Mr. Trump have a chance to fix our economy, our tax system, and all of the government bureaucracy that has impoverished Americans for the benefit of other countries?

The Dems and Lie-berals are making fools of themselves………….yelling, cussing, singing, and giving irrelevant and irresponsible speeches. Time for them to sit down and try to help America and her citizens.

Americans know what the Dems and Lie-berals have “done” for us and it is to create a really horrible society that impinges on free speech and promotes bizarre cultural behaviours. Let’s see if Dems and Lie-berals can grow up enough to be partners in fixing these problems. Or, if they will continue to attempt to thwart progress simply because Trump is President.

After all, we want to know “what will you do for us NOW”.