Author Archives: mrknowledge

I don’t like LIEberals…

Plain and simple. So foreclosures are up to all time highs, and who do you blame? Blame Bush. Well that’s what you’d say if you are one of these people getting foreclosed on. Whatever happened to responsibility in this country? It’s YOUR FAULT for buying a house which is outside your means. And now the government is supposed to bail you out? So I’m supposed to pay higher taxes so you can live in your home, while I am unable to purchase one myself? Where does that add up?

Hey, I guess the new motto is, work hard, but when the going gets tough, cry like a baby and the government will bail you out. That does not compute.

This is part of a bigger problem, where everyone thinks they deserve everything. No longer can you give used clothing to people in need. No, they need new clothing. No more do people have two old cars, but rather two with leases on both. And then, when the going gets rough, they cry and cry that they can’t afford it.

When will people take responsibility for any of their actions?

Mr. Knowledge thinks never.

Mike Vick

Mike Vick should rot in prison, yet, people are saying it was racially charged. Excuse me? He killed defenseless animals. Where is the race in that? I even read somewhere where someone stated that it’s black culture to fight dogs, and some other rubbish. So if it’s my culture to hate people of color, does that make it right?

Mr. Knowledge says no it does not.

Letter To The UW-Conservation Division

This candy-ass division of our University says they want to be 20% reduced, or 20% something by 2010. Whatever it is, they want to be using less energy. This is what i had to say to them :

“I think it’s so funny how big of a hypocrite the UW is. You want more conservation, yet you water lawns (question i asked a while back, and never heard a response from), you put 2 new dorms in, which hold less than Ogg, then want to tear Ogg down. Also, not sure if it’s just rumor, but tear down Sellery and Whitte? Where is the conservation there? Ogg just needed a little work to get that nice enough. Building on University Square is also a non-conservatory effort. While new equipment is necessary, new rooms are not. The students of today can learn in the same classrooms our parents did. Now, while I agree some dorms may be too small, why not use Ogg as a single student/room? When will it end? If only they’d stop building, maybe we could save on energy, and with that money, maybe pay some professors to stay on campus.”

I was going to end with, and lower tuition for us students, but I thought they wouldn’t think I was taking a direct approach against their Al Gore hypocrite style of living.

Mr. Knowledge

Who can you believe?

No one these days. Everyone is a flip-flop artist. Both sides have their share. The real problem is no-one calls anyone out on anything anymore, well except for those LIEberal TV stations. But do they call everyone out? No, only George Bush, and any other Republican in congress. They believe that the American public is stupid, and most of it is to listen to these idiots and believe them, so they can say whatever they want and no-one will call them on it. But when you directly ask one of these stations, all they say is, “Well, well…. Fox News is Conservative.” What are your comparisons for this? Did you know that there’s a show called Hannity & Colmes. Colmes is a Democrat. Did you know that they give pretty fair coverage? Probably not cause you only watch that lackluster comedian John Stewart and only see the 2 scenes that are based on pro-Republican ideas. Watch it for a day and you’ll find some very fair coverage. Sure they have O’Riley and Hannity, but NBC or CBS or ABC (same shit, different pile) has Chris Matthews (just shit), a former Democratic writer. Yeah, no bias there.

Back to John Stewart. Did you notice his whole comedy is based on showing a clip of GWB and then him staring at the monitor like a dumb-shit, and everyone laughing. Ok, it’s not funny, people are just too stupid to make up their mind so they try to look to you. And yeah, you are shitty. There’s probably good reason you are named like the last losing President and Vice President candidates. Oh yeah, who were they? Flush the Johns!!!!

Mr. Knowledge knows. And that’s why he’s Mr. Knowledge.

Call a spade a spade….

Anyone remember when that Democratic senator was caught with those documents and money in his house, and everyone in Congress went poo-poo because how dare they entice him and search his home. Now that it’s a Republican, I know, no one will come to his backing, and everyone will say Republicans are bad. You can’t have it both ways liberals. Well, I guess you think you can. Support the troops, but not the war. What about supporting the troops that have already perished, and not pulling out after they died for what they thought was right?

Now Wisconsin is trying to pass this universal healthcare deal. What a bunch of retards running their mouths at what they think will work. How will this honestly help business and people who already have healthcare? If the standard of care is not going to drop, how will working Wisconsinites be paying less when they are paying for more people? Simple math people. If there are 10 hard working Wisconsinites that pay for their own healthcare, they are in theory, paying for 10 people, right? So now add 10 free loaders, illegals and any other miscreants who want free healthcare. That now means those 10 workers pay for 20 people instead of 10. With equal coverage and quality, that’s going to increase the cost. Plus we all know how once the government runs something, it either takes a nose dive, or it costs 20 times the ammount it would in the private sector.

Whatever happened to the idea that we were the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? We now seem to be the Land of the Freeloaders and Home of the Minority (getting whatever they want…). We used to be a capitalist country, and that’s what made us better and stronger than any challenger. Now with the liberals trying to tell me how to spend my money, where has the capitalism gone? People do need help, and there are some programs that do infact, help. But I will not sit here and let some liberal tell me this bullshit that some illegal immigrant should be able to come into my country, and have a baby at my expense. I’m going to school to do what? I guess to earn money to pay for people who do not go to school and want to ride my coat tails so they have an easy life. Go home illegals, no one wants you here, and get a job you welfare free loaders.

Mr. Knowledge out.

What’s so wrong about this….,2933,287043,00.html

So, they tried to get here legally and now they might be deported. How about the millions of ILLEGAL ones who are not being deported.

This is so wrong.

So I guess this is how this country works. Come in ILEGALLY and get special treatment and help from human rights groups, but come here LEGALLY and kiss your ass goodbye.

Mr. Knowledge is furious.

Putin.. More Like Pukehead

So Putin, yeah, that Russian guy, has said that if the US puts a missile shield in Europe, he’s going to point some Nuke’s at Europe. Does anyone see the irony? He claims we shouldn’t put them there, because he’s peaceful, but if we do put them there, he’ll point nukes at us. What an idiot. Hey Russia, we whipped your ass once, and remember, you collapsed after engaging in a pissing contest with us?

Mr. Knowledge

MIA and Ramblings

Well, I’ve been MIA from this board for a while, and there’s nothing wrong, but I just wasn’t in the mood to grace your computer with great text. Alot has happened since then and I will sum quite a bit up here.

First of all, I heard global warming is just out of control. Well, Reid Bryson, the man who created the department of meteorology here at the UW, and also the MOST quoted man in the meteorology field, has said that humans are not the cause. I would probably say I agree with him over any news media outlet spewing propaganda. So, Mr. Knowledge, does this mean that we should continue to drive cars that get poor mileage and shouldn’t look for alternative fuels? Classic liberal question, but they fail to realize, that I NEVER say those things. I want us to become non-dependent of the Middle East. I would like to drive a car that gets 100 MPG, but in the meantime, I’m not going to sit here and tell you that us puny humans are changing the environment.

There’s this J**** C***** thing, which was already covered by another blogger, so he doesn’t deserve anything in my post.

Cindy Sheehan is quitting. Thank God. She was just a puppet for the Liberal Left, until she became somewhat of an anchor, and they of course, flip-flop and abandon her.

That’s all I have for now, and I should be here now weekly or more for the summer.

Mr. Knowledge

harry reid

You might ask why I don’t capitalize his name… well it’s because he doesn’t deserve it to me. He has no worth to American existence. Yes… we need differing views, but don’t you EVER say we are defeated. America is NEVER defeated. We fight for the right, whether you left winged lunatics believe it or not, we fight for what’s right. Did you believe Iraq had WMD’s? No? Do you think we should help Dafur? Nothing is different you hypocritical assholes. Sadaam killed people un-mercifly. Dafur is doing the same. It’s just someone killing another person. But you turn it political. Even say Bush lied 100%, there is no way you can deny the helping of innocent civilians. Just like the Holocaust… someone wanting to exterminate someone else. All Iran wants to do is eliminate Christianity. In all forms.

I forget the phrase ’cause I hear it so often, but here is he short version. (From what I remember) Besides slavery and communism, war has solved nothing.