Author Archives: mrknowledge

Blame Bush

So all I hear from the left-wing media or liberals in my daily life is that the economy is bad or Bush eats defenseless puppies. Ok, so maybe not that last part, but the first one makes me sick.

“Put simply, American companies are enjoying the most sumptuously profitable period in the 500’s 53-year history,” said Shawn Tully, Fortune’s editor at large.

So that means that basically that the economy is dang strong. So sorry liberals, stronger than under Clinton. But Mr. Knowledge, that’s only talking about the corporations, how does that help me? Note how liberals are ‘Me, Me, Me’ when they want it for themselves, then rip on Republicans when we believe in less government intervention? But what people don’t realize is the jobs that these ‘corporations’ give to people. All the workers at GM, or any of the other businesses, or the fact that they do good, so that means the price of those products are cheaper. Benefiting you.

-Mr. Knowledge

Um… what?

Um… ok. So anything factual from history that offends someone should be removed. Evolution offends Christians, should that be removed? Saying Abe Lincoln was shot offends me, do not teach it.

-Mr. Knowledge

Iran speaks… who cares?

Ok, and I care why? They say they want to eliminate everything that is Christian or anyone who doesn’t believe what they do. So they can rip on us, and we can’t rip on them. EVEN though this isn’t a rip, it’s HISTORY. Just like the Danish cartoons about Muslims got their panties, or rather, head towels in an uproar. How many times have you seen cartoons about Jesus or things I believe in?

Agree… with Steve Jobs?

I can’t believe that I’m going to say this… but for the first time i agree with Steve Jobs.

Unions promote medocrity. When you have no incentive to work harder, or be a better worker, or teacher, then of course there’s no reason to do that. I’ve had good teachers, who deserve more, and bad teachers who deserved less.

The good teachers should be in outrage because they aren’t getting as much as they should, all because of damn unions.

Put these in your pipe…

The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That’s 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who’s counting?” — Alicia Colon

As I’ve said. Every lost life is bad, but when people don’t put things into perspective, they get lost in numbers. 3000 seems bad, but 4000 during ‘peace’-time?

And all the liberals who say we shouldn’t play numbers with deaths, comparing two administrations is just stupid, are hypocrits. They’re the ones keeping tally on Iraq deaths.

“I just don’t like homosexuals. If you ask me, they’re all homosexuals in the Pudding. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia.” (Mr. Franken, a 1973 graduate of Harvard, was referring to Harvard’s Hasty Pudding theatrical club).” ->

Hm… so why the outrage at Tim Hardaway?

* 57% believe “The Iraq War is a key part of the global war on terrorism.”

* 57% “support finishing the job in Iraq, that is, keeping the troops there until the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security for its people.

* 50% want our troops should stay and “do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country” while only 17% favor immediate withdrawal

* 56% believe “Even if they have concerns about his war policies, Americans should stand behind the President in Iraq because we are at war.”

* 53% believe “The Democrats are going too far, too fast in pressing the President to withdraw the troops from Iraq.”


So, only 17% of Americans want immediate withdrawl? Wow, I guess the media and democratic hopefuls are out of touch with America, like usual.

Mr. Knowledge

A Few Stories

Call him whatever you want, but he has every right to say that. I’m proud of him. About time someone says something that people won’t take as PC. It’s the same with the Rush Limbaugh incident with Donovan McNabb a few years ago. He said that the only reason people really like him, is because he’s a black QB. Hey, he was right, but since you can’t say that, he got fired. Same thing with this, people claim free speech, but when someone doesn’t agree with them, they get their panties in an uproar.

I think it’s about time we put those countries back in place. I just wish Bush would come out, like foreign leaders, and say, “Russia is bad for the world, and need to be taken care of.” Whoever you are, you cannot say that the US being the world power is a bad thing. If you disagree with individual decisions, that’s fine, but the overall picture and plan of the US is the best any other country could dream of.

Note how no attacks after 9-11? Can’t deny those facts. So basically, our war on terror is working, right? I don’t think Peace solved that. So long as Bush is in office, they will not attack, because they know he’ll throw the kitchen sink, and then some against them.

What Democrats Do….,CST-NWS-sweet13.article

He really believes their lives are wasted. That’s why he said it. See, all the liberals do is say something outlandish. If no one calls them on it, they just keep saying it. If someone calls them, they say they misspoke, or didn’t mean what everyone else thinks they did.

Now, if Bush even says a word wrong, it’s all over CNN and other outlets, calling him a liar or something similar.

-Mr. Knowledge

Super Bowl…

So did anyone watch the Super Bowl? If you did, they made sure to let you know that 2 black coaches were meeting for the first time in the SB. Now, why should that matter? If we are truely wanting to be colorblind, then you should never even mention this, let alone think it. I didn’t, but apparently CBS had to make it apparent. I don’t care one bit that they were black. I think that they are 2 decent coaches. The sad thing is I was waiting for the game to end, and them say, “Well look here, every coach should be black cause they can win.” Well, one coach also lost here. I was sad that they failed to mention this is the first time ever, where both teams starting QB’s were white, and named Grossman and Manning.

Also, if you watched the ads, aside from being downright bad, you’d of seen the Coke ad that was celebrating black history. Showing the dates, such as, in 1950 something, a woman refused to give up her seat. Ok, that’s great, they were all strong people. But why didn’t they put up an ad talking about how Washington, Adams and such made this country what it is? Where was the ad of thanking each and every soldier?

Mr. Knowledge

Rules of Engagement

Talking with some friends who i respect very much and are members of our armed forces, I’ve come to hate the very idea of rules of engagement. One friend said that Iraq would be all cleaned out of terroist orginations had the military been able to basically go out and stomp the enemy, instead of being fired upon first. Now my friend is no genius, but I’d trust him making the right decisions when it comes to who to shoot.

It’s like the movie of the same name, the Rules of Engagement are just too strict.

Liberals get their panties in an uproar when one of our soliders does something even close to breaking Geneva convention rules. What happens when the others use power drills to peoples heads? Where are they supporting the use of force to remove these people from power.

My favorite quote from the movie.

Childers – “Yes they had weapons! You think there’s a script for fighting a war without pissing somebody off? Follow the rules and nobody gets hurt? Yes, innocent people probably died. Innocent people always die but I did not exceed my orders.”

Biggs – “There are rules and Marines are sworn to uphold them. “

Childers – “I was not going to stand by and see another Marine die just to live by those fucking rules.”

-Mr. Knowledge

Why he’s a good man.

This picture is from the funeral of Cpl. Dunham, who was awarded the Medal of Honor. While the liberals are around galavanting, and trying to win with dirty tactics, Mr. Bush still realizes these are human beings that are being killed instead of statistics that can help win elections.

Mr. Knowledge