Author Archives: mrknowledge


I AM STEAMED. Just saw an article where some Choral group got beat up in San Fran. According to the article, some kid was making fun of the group as being gay. (Ironic… Frisco) Well, the group is from Yale and there was a fight, well not a fight, the choral boys got ambushed and many were seriously injured. Now what really steams my ass is the fact that people in response to the article are saying that the boys deserved it, or going even as far as to say that since Bush went to Yale, the kids deserved it. Sadly I am not making this up. Oh yeah, one guy even said the Star Spangled Banner is racist.

You dumb f’ers. People were beat up. It shouldn’t matter what’s the reason. What if in fact they were really gay. The ACLU would come crying in and do something about it. Why should it matter? These boys rights were abused and someone is going to be held accountable. Mr. Knowledge guarentees that.

Mr. Knowledge is not happy with what’s going on in this country. Why are we pampering the rights of illegals, when my rights, or the boys from Yale’s rights, are not being honored? Where is the ACLU fighting for those boys? Where is the public uproar when illegal’s come in and ruin the lives of hard working Americans? Where is the uproar when the media doesn’t do it’s job and only prints one side of the story? Where are the people to fight for the rights of ALL Americans, not just the ones that put you on the front page of the news?

Mr. Knowldge

Equal Oppurtunity

They’re at it again. Who you might ask? The NCAA president is calling for more minority coaches in the NCAA. There are 2 very big problems with this.

1. Where do they say anything about being qualified? From what I see, there are some very good white coaches, and there are some very bad ones. Same can be said for minority coaches, some good, some bad. America’s universities are some of the most liberal institutions around, and if they could hire a minoritiy over someone white, you know they would. If there’s a tallented black coach, then he’ll get hired.

2. If they want more coaches, I want more white running backs. I think there are too many black running backs and wide recievers in the NCAA and NFL ranks. What ever happened to equality. But Mr. Knowledge, don’t be silly, the black recievers and running backs are more tallented and that’s why they are holding those positions. Oh, so the most qualified person should get the job? Huh.

Five or maybe more years ago, Matt Millen was hired as GM for the Lions. He in turn was hiring a coach. The best coach available at the time was Steve Marriucci, a white coach. The NFL makes you interview like 3 black coahces everytime you are interviewing anyone. These coaches knew Millen wanted Mooch, so they didn’t come and interview. Millen recieved a 50,000 dollar fine or something for not interviewing the black coaches. Now, get real. Even though it doesn’t look like it now, but Mooch was the best coach available. Should Millen have hired, or even interviewed a less qualified coach just to appease the NFL. No. This, really should humiliate minorities. If you translate this, the NFL is really saying : “Minority coaches suck more than white coaches, so we need to give them a break and make teams give them interviews.” Bumble-farks.

Mr. Knowledge is PO’d.

Things I’ve Heard

I don’t like to listen to the news, because I see how absurd it is. I also laugh when people claim Fox News is biased. Yeah, it’s biased to the middle. CNN and other new outlets spew outright lies, and this should not be tolerated no matter what your political views are. Someone needs to hold them accountable, and not tune in. This happened with Air-America, the liberal talk radio, that since there were no listeners, it’s gone bankrupt. O’Riley, Limbaugh and other republican voices are still going strong on the radio.

I’ve heard people call Bush an outright criminal. Even though I agree Bush has made mistakes with some issues, he is no criminal. Bush fights for what’s right, no matter if you agree with how he does it. He wants to spread democracy, which is a good thing. He wants evil dictators out of power, such as Saddam.

War I guess never solves anything. A Revolutionary, Civil, 2 WW’s and countless others hasn’t done anything to improve life? Go back to pre-revolutionary times anti-war activists. See how fast you change your views. Fighting is necessary. I think Japan in WW2 is the prime example. We dropped the one big one, they wouldn’t put down their guns and surrender, so we dropped another. This stopped Americans from dying. And who started this war?

Global Warming. Err… Climate Change. I don’t know what they try to call it now. All I know is nothing is going on. First of all, do you think us pitiful humans can change the climate? Doubtful. Secondly, wasn’t global warming supposed to make this year the worst hurricane year on record. Yet, this year has been one of the calmest on record.

As Alec Baldwin says in Team America, “Who do you blame for the recent terroist attacks? The terroists themselves? The person who supplied the terroists with the bombs? No, blame Team America.”

– Mr. Knowledge

Illegals & Iraq

Check this out

So what’s going on? How could anyone argue this is unconstitutional and then turn around and say illegals should be allowed in? Of course the ACLU and other liberal groups will get all in a tizzy over these laws. Why? Can I go demand they write it in my own made up language? Instead of typical, I want them to print tybibal, which, is what I say sometimes.

Is this racism? How can it be racism when it deals with language? I’m not catching on, but I’m sure there are white people from France who speak French, and we are requiring if they come they have to speak English. So that debunks the racism call, but you know these groups will keep pushing it. Why? Because whenever you are in public position, and the word racism is remotely attached to you, the LIEberal media will get all over you. So people are afraid, and that’s the only thing the ACLU works on. Fear.

So how do you deal with Illegals? Deport them. You may say, hey Mr. Knowledge, that’ll cost us a fortune. Mr. Knowledge says, send the bill to Mexico. Tell them they have to pay for every illegal deported. If they help their people ‘break’ into the USA, then they’re going to pay for taking them back. As a whole, we have to stop pampering to forigen countries. Stop forigen aide, and see how fast they come around and support us.

On another note, Iraq. Everyone is calling it a complete failure. I would like to hear a liberal explain, after everything, if Bush lied about WMD’s, if there was no supposed link between the terroists and Saddaam, was getting Saddaam out of power a good thing? You can’t deny it. It was a good thing. What we need to do is take out Iran. Smoke them. Nuke them. I don’t care. They are only a threat and of no positive influence on the world. Show the world we aren’t here pussy-footing around anymore, but we are about getting things done. I think Iran is 75% of the problems in Iraq. So, Mr. Knowledge says, get rid of Iran.

-Mr. Knowledge

Wisconsin Votes Yes

Wisconsin voted Yes on the homosexual vote. I’ve heard many complaints and I’ll debunk them one by one. What’s sad, is these are not made up by me, but rather some that I’ve seen in various places.

1. Only reason the amendment passed was because of idiots from the ho-dunk towns not knowing what to vote for. -> Ok, Doyle was elected. So with the 60% or more, I forget the figure, voting Yes, that means that alot of people voted for Doyle and for the amendment. Lots of idiots voting for your guy.

2. Wisconsin is a bunch of bigots. -> This one was a little funny. If the amendment had said to kill all gays and lesbians, then yes, that could possibly be bigotry. But this was NOT attacking people, but rather protecting marriage. Until these libs can seperate the people from the issue, they’ll never understand that you can not be a bigot and still be against things like gay marriage, and not be a racist, but be against Affirmative Action or Illegal Immigration.

3. I’m moving out of Wisconsin because the people are so stupid. Haha, this one took the cake though. If Wisconsin was the only one who voted yes, then I could see why gay people would move, but MANY other states also voted yes. It’s not like Wisconsin is one in a bunch, but rather we are in the bunch.

Majority rules libs. And don’t pull the stupid phrase, well the majority are bigots then. I would like to see a libs response as to why I cannot marry my first cousin? I’m not saying I would, that’s just disgusting. How do they have a response for this? They don’t. They can’t say it’s gross, cause I’m not too happy with gay people having sex. They can’t say it’s not two people in love, because concievably they could be.

I’d just like an honest answer form liberals/democrats at somepoint. They only argue issues that they think they can gain support for.

Hopefully the Republicans will make a push in ’08. Republicans have to get back to their damn roots. Here are my few things republicans have to work on.
1. Get back to your damn roots. Keep government small and make sure the people know this. Many people who were polled in exit polling thought it was libs who wanted small government.
2. Be against Illegal Immigration 100%. Illegals are criminals. Put up a border, a LEGIT border.
3. Be strong with National Defense. Hey, Iraq didn’t go as well as we thought, but push forward the point Saddam is going to be hung for killing hundreds of thousands of people. That should outrage anyone, and it took Bush to finally do something about it.
4. Stop being little pussies. Don’t stick up for William Jefferson and other people like that. The democrats don’t do that for you, so don’t do it for them. I don’t care if it is the right thing to do. You aren’t going to win by sticking up for them. Tear down Harry Reid. He lied. He broke the law. Yet you guys pussy-footed around and didn’t do a damn thing. That should of been on top of your list trying to tear down the democrats. Tear down John Kerry. What he said was horrible, and he should be held accountable.
5. Get candidates out there who will win. I don’t like John McCain that much, but I’d rather see him in the Senate than someone like John Kerry.
6. Rally for ’08. Get a real contender for the presidency. Don’t pick some no-name from Indiana. The democrats have people who’ve been in the spotlight for over 10 years, Kerry and Hillary most noteably, and people don’t vote for people who they don’t know.

Mr. Knowledge is not happy.

– Mr. Knowldge

Love the Military

I’m sitting in peace with myself. Now why do I feel like that?

Is it because we are a peace loving country? No.
Is it because we fight for what’s right? Yes.
Is it because we don’t let communism and facism rule? Yes.
Is it because the reporters tell me I have freedom? No.
Is it because we listen to the Lagots and let the UN tell us what to do? No.
Is it because men who are much more brave than me risk their lives, so men like me can sit at home in peace? YES!!!!!

“Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was
too strong.”
– Ronald Reagan

– Mr. Knowledge

Ignorance is Bliss….

Today’s young voters, and sometimes even older voters are ignorant to policies and ideas. This problem has caused many times for people who do not deserve to be elected, Jim Doyle for instance, into office.

First things first. Doyle has raised tuition 52 percent in the 4 years since he’s taken office. Now I read that he’s going to give a tax write-off to instate students to help with the extra burden. Of course this is a political stunt because he’s being chastised for raising tuition by the Green camp. So, as a normal lib, he tries to pull some ass backwards idea out to help save him. Isn’t it time we hold him accountable? Of course, all the ignorant people out there will forget the increase and only see his tax break and be, “Hey, he’s looking out for us.” Well, he isn’t. He’s looking out to cover own backside, to win re-election, and then in the end blame someone else for the tuition problems.

Secondly, Harley-Davidson is moving a plant out of the state. This is because of some tax problems with their employes who already earn a crap load and have great benefits. Harley wants to increase production, so they’d need to cut some of these benefits, at least that’s what I’ve heard. To keep them in the state, Doyle was going to give them a tax break. Harley voted it down, and they are moving out of state. Now, if a sitting Republican had made that tax break to them, they would be ‘giving a tax break to corporations‘. But since it’s a democrat, he’s trying to improve economy. So, big time companies do help economy. Hm… I guess those GWB tax breaks do work.

Third is a little more head slapper. I know someone who is a very huge enviromentalist. She hates any kind of developement because it’s destorying what is already there. That has some basis. Yes stuff is being destroyed because of building, but you have to remember, population IS increasing. This is where it gets good though as she claimed that if banks have a loan on some land, and a developer wants to buy it, the banks can just take the land and sell it to the developer. When people have the wrong facts, it’s almost ridiculous. Infact, it IS ridiculous. When you base part of your opinion off of lies and false truths, then your opinion should be thrown out. She has many good points about people destroying the enviroment, but when her opinions are tainted by false ideas like this, you wonder why someone feels strongly about a point. Is it based off a lie, or do they actually have facts to back it up? It falls right in line with Barrett from UW-Madison. You have a right to freedom of teaching, but when your opinion has no factual truth, you are just lying, and that is not tolerated.

Wango tango.

-Mr. Knowledge

A Little Too Far?

Well, the left is at it again. Barbara Streisand had a concert in NY I believe, and she did a skit ripping on Bush. As a fan yelled and said he wanted a refund, she said, “Shut the f**k up if you can’t take a joke.” Now what is so funny about this is, it was no joke. What the joke is people are like, oh yeah, that was funny Barbara. I wonder if she ever did a ‘joke’ about good ole Bill Clinton? I bet not

n this time of political fire we really need to take a step back and see what people are doing and saying. Like the Foley case. Does anyone realize that there have been many democrat senators who actually had SEX with their underage victims and were still supported by the democratic party and won a few re-elctions. I am in no way supporting Foley, but the democrats can sure turn the other cheek when one of their own do the same, or in this case and many more, worse things.

Ohh… this was a few weeks ago but I was listening to some lib radio down here in Madison. The lady on there said that Bush was at parties groping other women. She was like, what kind of president would act like that. Now I’m not saying that had Bush done that, it would be right, but the hipocrisy of the left to think Clinton is their perfect leader, when he did much worse things than Bush is doing in their minds at parties. It doesn’t add up, but then again, nothing in the way liberals think do.

For Wisconsin voters who may ever read this. Vote YES in the marriage ban, vote Mark Green in and let’s get rid of the Doyle tuition hikes. Somehow he’s convinced the liberals that he didn’t have anything to do with it. Does anyone actually realize he’s increased it for in-state people and decresed for out-of-state. Isn’t a University such as Madison supposed to pander to in-state people.

– Mr. Knowledge

A Difference of Opinion

There is a difference of opinion in America. Having a differing opinion about what movie to watch, is good. It’s what makes everyone an individual. But, differences in how to handle terroism and dangerous threats to America should never be left to people who’s opinion is swayed purely by their own selfish, personal gain.

Terroism is obviously a huge issue in America. How best to defeat these horrible, horrible people is up for debate. Nancy Palosi will try to make you believe that America is bad, and if we’d just keep our nose out of issues, everything would work out. I’m sorry, but that did not work. We did that in the 90’s and we were attacked many times. These people want to kill us, not because of what we do, it’s because of who we are. We aren’t Muslim, so to them we deserve to die.

See this is where the whole focus changes. No one who can honestly think through this would ever want to sit on our hands, but since Nancy will probably get re-elected because of this view, she’s going to push that issue. People see me and think, oh all he wants is to fight in a war. I want peace just as much as anyone else. I just realize that to make peace, sometimes you have to fight.

I’ve already went over illegal immigration in a previous article, but that could easily go in this article. This leads into the Voter-ID situation. Democrats do not want Voter-ID because that would mean many illegal immigrants who vote for the democrats will now not be able to vote. But, what they tell you is that the poor will have problems getting ID’s. Well, ho-hum, the ID’s would be offered free of charge. So their whole argument has no basis what-so-ever.

– Mr. Knowledge

Hot Head….

Ok… so usually I’m a hot head, which most people including the Mom Team will verify. But, I think I know more about what’s going on than 95% of the people in this country. I have been pulled, and pulled, and finally that rubber-band has snapped.

Kevin Barret, the useless pile of rat shit who teaches at UW-Madison is at it yet. I just recieved an email that he is having a lecture in a building on campus. Now what really gives me a red ass is the fact it’s this Sunday, and it is not a normal lecture. He’s just lecturing on 9/11 and the conspiracys. Ok, I pay for the buildings on this campus. I don’t want to pay money to upkeep building where idiots who couldn’t find their ass with 2 hands to lecture people on subjects that are false.

You see, academic freedom means you have the right to teach anything you want. The only problem with that, is you can’t teach lies. I wish I was a famous professor, and I would hold a class teaching that black people are less smart than white people. In all honesty, it’s more of a fact than is 9/11 was a conspiracy. I bet you with 99% certainty, that white people are on average smarter than black’s. This isn’t racist, it’s stats libs. I bet you I would be fired because, that isn’t real, just an attempt to push my own theory. Well this conspiracy is the same thing.

This post may be badly written, but I’m in a pissed off mood. Take it as you see it. I hate liberals, pure and simple. As in a previous post about Lieberman,, I explain my distain for libs. They are egotistical idiots. They push their own agenda, even if it means disaster for the future and for Americans.

It’s the old joke about the girl and the kittens. If you don’t remember, I’ll re-tell the joke. “So this girl has some newborn kittens. The preacher comes around and asks her what kind of kittens she has. She’s like, ‘These are liberal kittens’. So the preacher leves and returns the next week and is like, ‘So how are those liberal kittens?’ and the girl responds, ‘Oh, they aren’t liberal kittens anymore, they are republican kittens now.’ The preacher says, ‘Well they were liberal kittens last week.’ The girl responds, ‘Well last week they had their eyes and ears closed.'”

– Mr. Knowledge