Author Archives: mrknowledge

Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman is now running for a seat in the sennate as an Independent. After reading that headline this morning I sat back and took a deep hard thought about what this means.

This means that the Democrat Presidental hopeful for 2004 and Democrat Vice Presdent hopeful for 2000 is no longer supported by liberals. Now why would liberals such as Hillary and Dean not support him anymore?

Did he turn neo-conservative? Not that I can tell.
Did he do anything to harm any of these other democrats? Doesn’t look like it.

But they hate (yes hate) him because he supports the war in Iraq and the war on terror. They don’t want him in there because, heaven forbid, a democrat agrees with Bush on the war on terror. Here a democrat has the balls to stand up for what’s right for America, even though he knew he was committing political suicide.

Not only that, the racial slurs the liberals have sent his way is just sick.

One thing is for sure, the liberal are getting more and more liberal with every passing second. They can’t even support a man who could have been their Vice Prez not 6 years ago. It boggles my mind.

John Gard put it right when he said, “They have to stop being democrats, and start being Americans.” The radical liberals aren’t trying to help America, but rather, help their own agenda even if it means stepping on people they used to support.

-Mr. Knowledge

Broken Silence

What is this blog about? It’s about those of us out there that are fed up with liberal propaganda and want to bring to light what liberalism is all about. Political correctness does not exist on Republican Banter; we speak the truth like it was always meant to be spoken. Indians are not Native Americans, Blacks are not African-Americans, all terrorists ARE Muslim, Liberals are not Democrats, Libertarians, or Independents, they are LIBERALS (Also commonly known as Lagots). Repus, let’s come together to expose liberals for what they are and help the common cause.

– The Conservative Renegade


So what is this? This is my blog. That’s about it.

I’m here on this earth for 1 thing, and that is to dominate lagots. Lagots is a term I will use frequently, which is a combination of Liberals and Fagots. Lagots is a term that is meant to describe people like John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Al Sharpton. All of them are useless piles of garbage, or easier said, lagots.

In 5 years when I’m on FOXNews or the presidents right hand man, you will be thanking your lucky stars you read my banter.

-Mr. Knowledge