Real change huh?
Author Archives: mrknowledge
Stupid Dictators
As they say in the article, how dumb are they? Make it look more natural if you’re going to rig the election.
– Mr. Knowledge
Obama… Flip Flop Extraordinaire
He ran campaign ads against McCain stating that he wouldn’t raise them, then this? Why am I not surprised?
– Mr. Knowledge
Last night I saw Letterman’s opening monologue. Of course I didn’t watch all of it, but one of his jokes was explaing that it was April Fools Day, and how funny it was that when Bush took office his National Holiday was so early in his term. That was 8 years ago. How does someone even remotely think that is funny anymore? Had he done it during his term, I could see where LIEberals would find it amusing, but come on, is this the best they have to offer?
Sadly, it is.
– Mr. Knowledge
One of the sties I freqeuent is, and I found this cartoon especially interesting.
While I’m in no way agreeing with all the bonuses, I just found it interesting how the media coerces us into seeing something totally different.
– Mr Knowledge
On a side note, Mr. Knowledge is back and willing to continue his posting habits.
Thank you Morgan Freeman.
3 Days In…
Why now?
7 things to do to help Obama? These are all things we should have been doing all along, not just now, to help OURSELVES. But, LIEberals assume that Obama will make everything perfect and hunky-dory. It’s so sad that some of these idiots who voted for him are stupider than a box of rocks and assume everything will work out now that Obama is in office.
Jesus hippies, get a job, work hard, and amazingly, you are usually rewarded with a good life. Unless, of course, you work too hard and make too much money. Well… then you are taxed (read penalized) for making too much. Ugh, idiots.
-Mr. Knowledge
This historical hysterical day.
Someone posted on Facebook that today is the MOST important day in history.
So today is more important than the Declaration of Independence, end of slavery, removal of Hitler, the right for women to vote, end of segregation… just to name a few. I mean, how bat-sh*t have these people gotten? Yes, I’ll admit the fact that a half black man being inaugurated is pretty historical in the essence that he is the first, but, that doesn’t mean this is the most important day in history. Without three of the five things I mentioned above would this have ever happened. Had we not declared independence, ended slavery and segregation, Obama would have no chance for this to even be considered historical.
-Mr. Knowledge
Money, money, money, must be funny, in a LIEberals world.
Obama’s inauguration is expected to be close to $150 million. So in these tough economic times, it’s ok to waste away that money? Why not put that towards education or clothing for the poor? That’s right, they want my tax money to do that, their’s can go towards parties and concerts.
The shocker? Four years ago, they told Bush to keep his low-key. Sorry, that’s not a shocker, that’s expected from these liars and cheats.
-Mr. Knowledge