Author Archives: mrknowledge

Global… erm, global stuff. Yep, “stuff” should encompass all our positions on the topic.

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Per previous posts, here, here and here.

It’s just ridiculous to assume we, as humans, can change Earth’s climate. The fact that the Earth has gone through it’s own heating and cooling periods without us is proof that we are just a small part of the entire eco-system.

Let’s wait a few years before Obama and the LIEberals start saying we caused global cooling, and claim the Republicans are ignorant for not seeing all the effects.

-Mr. Knowledge

How to have two scandals BEFORE you are sworn into office.

Previous Post :

Then Read This!

Hm.. Imagine that. More corruption from the Obama camp. Why does anyone think he’s going to bring change? It’s the same corruption and kick-backs that have plagued government since the Clintons made it accepted policy. Here, Obama is not even in office and he’s already got 2 scandals on his hands; the taxes guy and this. It would be hilarious to me if his stupid decisions didn’t affect my security, well being and all round affect it will have on my life.

Is it 2012 yet?

-Mr. Knowledge

Obama Means Change… Riiight

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Obama means change. Change, as in what he says and what he does. His whole campaign was against the multi-million dollar companies. He’s not even into office and he’s already picked someone who is FOR the multi-million dollar industry, and not for the ”little” man as he claims.

It’s not just Obama, and it’s not JUST the LIEberals who do this. BUT, it’s much, much more prevalent on their side. Obama is still weeks away from inauguration and he’s already in flip-flop mode. The promises he made sound all good and cheery and even I would like to see some of the things he said come true, but it’s downright impossible. Just mathematically speaking his policies make no sense. Reduce taxes and increase services will let the economy grow. Ok, that almost works. He ran as a pro-tech guy having speeches on YouTube and other web tools, but when it’s time to make a decision he falls right back to whatever devious plan he has, not to what he says. Had this been Bush who said one thing and did another, the media and all the lib-tards would be up in arms over what he says and does.

Obama has bamboozled the American people into voting for him, because he seems like a shining light, a glimmer of hope, change. How has he changed anything? He’s right back to lying and deceitful tactics that the LIEberals claim the Bush administration had. If you claim the Bush administration said one thing and did another, then you should be up in arms about Obama too. Change only happens when an honest, decent American gets elected President. Change better happen in 2012.

Mr. Knowledge

But… But… But

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Kosovo names street after US President Bush.

But, but… I thought the world hated him? Guess not, it’s just un-Americans who do. What do you have to say about this LIEberals? See, Kosovo knows who butters their bread, and by butter I mean help liberate them from facism.

For the few things I disagreed with Bush over, it’s going to be very sad to see him leave office. Now we get to have an unqualified President for 4 years. Here’s to remembering him, and hoping for a strong 2012.

Mr. Knowledge

A shoe up your ass.

So everyone heard about the story of the Iraqi journalist throwing shoes at President Bush. If not, Read This!

I’m not going to sit here and talk about the lunatic who threw the shoe with a brain that’s atrophied from lack of learning or education. No, this is more about what this one event means to me, and should mean to you. It shows that other countries not only do not respect Bush anymore, they don’t respect Americans. We are without a doubt the most powerful nation in the world. I mean, it’s not even close, but, those on the left have tried to tear us down throughout the past 8 years. It’s a little too obvious that LIEberals would rather win office and seats in the legislature, than win a war on terror.

I mean, a win against terrorism and tyranny around the world is what haunts LIEberals in their dreams (how LIEberals sleep with all that guilt is something science should study). You can’t sanction a group of people who are willing to kill themselves just to kill some of us, but LIEberals would make you believe that.

Whether the intentions were right or wrong, you cannot deny that Iraqi’s now have more freedoms than before. But, with the constant media pressure to the contrary, people around the world believe that a coward named Saddam treated his people better than the American military. I smell bullshit. This brings me back to my point. Others don’t respect Americans, because LIEberals do not respect Americans. What if we showed the same respect, or lack there of to a member of another country? Holy-hell would there be an uproar.

– Mr. Knowledge

Um.. ok?

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A friend of mine posted this on his Facebook status : is really? al-qaeda ur gonna call my man a “house negro”?? not a smart move

First of all, does he not have the right to say it?  Whether or not it’s right, does he have the right?  Yes.

Secondly, why wouldn’t they defend Bush with the same vigor when he was torn down from every angle.  Oh yeah, they had no respect for the man OR the Presidency.

Thirdly, where was this aggressive attitude when those faceless cowards killed thousands of Americans?

It’s just so funny, that they get their panties all in an uproar over words, and useless insults, but turn a blind eye when it really counts.

I call them cowards.

Mr. Knowledge


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Not much to say, but I’d like to point out that this decrease could be the cause of global warming.  I mean, I don’t really need real hard data to prove it.  No, all I need to do is scare people into believing it’s the truth, and I can sit on my butt raking in millions of dollars on some cheesy movie I’ll make.

Mr. Knowledge