Author Archives: mrknowledge


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This is obvious.  50 years ago there wasn’t as much sprawl as there is now.  So naturally, the odds of an area getting hit hard is increased.

New Orleans is the perfect example.  We were just so lucky that for so many years nothing hit them too directly.  The second it does, they cry and cry to everyone.  But, it gets better.  They REBUILD there.

Mr. Knowledge

No idea why…

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So, they want to protect the wet-lands, but at what cost? We could prevent major flooding, crop damage and millions of dollars in housing damage, but they’d rather not think about that. I mean, heaven forbid, a froggy’s home is moved to save some crops or people’s homes.

– Mr. Knowledge

Muchas Gracias… Har-har

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Ahh… this will cause a shit storm, but I love it.  From what I see, there is no real issue here.  The LPGA wants to set a standard in their league and decided upon English because they are American.

I don’t understand why this is a huge issue ever.  Americans have bent over backwards to accept every culture even though the LIEberals would have you think otherwise.  But, to be a civilized society we should have standards, and one of those is a standard language to follow.  Oh, Mr. Knowledge, these accepting countries like France and Germany probably have other languages.  Wrong.  They both have official languages, and if you can’t decipher what they are let me help you.  Germany speaks German, and France speaks “Surrender”… er, French.

I’ve figured out why stories like this make headway, and it’s because America is held to the highest standard, which is good and bad.  People say we’re tough on immigrants from the south, when Mexico kills, rapes and tortures their own immigrants from the south.  We want one official language and we’re seen as racist and discriminatory when almost every country has their one official language.

Mr. Knowledge

Comical AND Scary

“The UN, despite its flaws, has done more good in the world in the last 30 years than the US has done in 100.” – Some ungrateful moron.

Trebek – For 500, the answer is, The United States Of America.

Mr. Knowledge – Bing.  I’d like to answer.  Is it…. Who removed Hitler, Mussolini and is the biggest money contributor to the UN?

Trebek : That is correct.

When the UN needs aide to foreign countries, who pays?  The US.  Then we’re supposed to take it and smile while countries like France receive kickbacks.  Why do you think the white-flag waving French didn’t want to liberate Iraq?  Weird, I guess when your pockets are getting filled with money you’d like to keep that going.  The UN is the most corrupt organization in the world.

Mr. Knowledge.

Fix This, You Warmongers

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The story itself is a travesty.  I can’t imagine living in a culture where that could be seen as possibly ‘right’.  I’m not here to argue the story, but the reactions.

LIEberals get in a hissy-fit when stories like this come out or even the situation in Darfur.  They want the US to do something about the deplorable situations in these countries. If we don’t do anything, we are ridiculed from all sides.  If we do go in, our president gets called a Cowboy and warmonger.  Attention rest of the world, and our beloved LIEberals.  Kiss our collective butts.

You want us to go in to fix situations like Darfur where people are being slaughtered, then turncoat and blast what we are doing two years later if it doesn’t work out?  See, this is why you can never put your trust in LIEberals.  Sure public opinion is very important for re-election, but if you truly believe in something, stick with it.  Bush believed in Iraq, and while opinion was low in 2004, he still won re-election.

What if Bush would go into Darfur and in three years and thousands of American lives are lost.  The LIEberals would be all over him, saying it was the worst move the president could have done.  But, three years prior they were berating him for not doing anything.  They back him when we go in because it’s the popular opinion.  If things turn out good, they will sit there all smug, saying I told you so.  If it somehow doesn’t turn out perfectly they will change their opinion, and come up with conspiracy theories and that they were duped into believing it was a good move.

Mr. Knowledge

Cold War Redoux

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This is exactly why we can’t have Obama win the presidency.  He will completely undermine American power in the world, and let Russia bully smaller countries at will.  I’m not saying we need to go all out here, but if Russia wants another pissing match, I think we’re game.

As Ronald Reagan said, no wars have been fought because America has been too powerful.  And no matter what the LIEberal media or your LIEberal congressmen, or women, will say, we still are powerful.  They would have you believe that we have a sagging economy, and that we are in recession.  These bozo’s don’t even know the definition of recession, which, if used here, does not apply.  We are NOT in recession.

No matter your political views, the Presidency as a symbol, is America.  You don’t tear down your own symbol so vigorously the way LIEberals have.  They have made a mockery of the man and the Presidency.  They have worked harder at tearing down America and what we stand for, than any foreign country has.  They should be disgusted, but their lack of moral standing only has them looking smug and with a look of accomplishment.  The only thing they’ve accomplished is confirming my lack of trust and respect for them.

Mr. Knowledge

Energy Policies

Obama says that inflating our tires will help America get better gas mileage.  While true, the kicker to me is how everyone is saying this is insightful.  This is how bad the press and LIEberals have gotten in this country.  The fact that they are so blind and only want their man to win no matter the cost, is comical.  Inflating tires is part of an energy plan?  That’s a real zinger of a plan, Obama.

How about actually having a plan Obama.  All you do is talk eloquently about nothing.  I’m not the most informed person when it comes to the candidates positions, but I can tell you that I have absolutely no idea what Obama’s REAL plans are, because he has none.

Sure, I can go out there and blow smoke up everyone’s arse that we should try to use wind and solar power, but I also realize we don’t have the infrastructure built up for that yet.  Had the LIEberals not scared America in the past about nuclear power, we could be less dependent on coal and oil today.  Once we are less dependent we can look into other areas such as wind and solar.  That’s what LIEberals don’t want you to believe.  They want to scare, and use any tactic to make you listen to them jabber.

For example.  The new Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid gets around 20+ mpg.  A small increase over the standard one that gets only 15-17, but none the less, it’s still an improvement.  Instead of praising this, LIEberals are all up in a tizzy because 20 is still not as much as they’d like.

I want to mention though, that I have no problem with people wanting to go green.  Hell, Mr. Knowledge even optioned his energy bill to be 100% renewable energy.  I just wish instead of scare tactics, the LIEberals used encouraging tactics.  Don’t tear down people who buy the hybrid Tahoe, but rather praise them that they are willing to make an effort.

Mr. Knowedge


So, Obama voted yes on the FISA bill. Funny how the ”savior” to the demoCRAPic party is a flip flopper just like every other LIEberal. But, unlike the a Republican, he will not be dragged through the mud for it. This will quickly be over and done with within a few days.

There is this crazy love fest for Obama, when we know nothing about him, his past voting records, or anything. The only claim to fame he has is that he is black and has a wonderful speaking voice.

No experience. No vote.

Mr. Knowledge

Universal Health care…

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So maybe, universal health care isn’t all it’s cracked out to be. I don’t understand why anyone would think it would be better. What does the government run/regulate that isn’t inefficient? Why does every other industry that isn’t heavily regulated by the government very efficient? It’s because when it’s private businesses who want to get your business, they’re going to have price wars.

Common sense people. Although no LIEberal understands that.

Mr. Knowledge


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Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. What are the LIEberals going to whine about now? The fact that what we are doing over there is working. The fact that they are willing to take on these extremists themselves?

Maybe not a lot of action will come of this, but the fact it is said publicly, brings hope to an area of scoundrels. I’m glad someone like Karzai is willing to stand up to these extremists.

Mr. Knowledge