Author Archives: mrknowledge

Political Politics

I just think it’s funny how LIEberals didn’t want another Bush in office before the 2000 election, yet are fully willing to want Billary to get into office. This is quite amazing if you ask me. A woman, if she is one, who has no real experiance with public office, and her only claim to fame is turning the other cheek when Bill cheated on her numerous times. How can you trust someone like that? I can’t.

Now, I never was a McCainer support from the beginning. And, yes, I would take many of the other candidates, such as Tancredo or Romney, but McCain is still better than the alternative. Watching Ann Coulter the other night say she would vote Billary over McCain made me laugh. If she was serious, then she’s lost it. If she was joking, then thank God.

McCain should win alot of the moderate voters through most of the states. That leaves the LIEberal voters who will vote for the Democratic candidate, and the Conservative voters voting for the Republican candidate. There is no way a Conservative should NOT vote for McCain in this election. McCain may not embody what I believe or alot of Conservatives, but he sure embodies more than Billary or Obama.

Speaking of Obama, did you see he claims he was opposed to the war in ’02 when it was up for vote? Well I’m so glad he did. But, wait, looking over his time in the Sennate, he wasn’t even elected until 2004. So, how was he against the war when it was up for vote when he wasn’t even in office?

Mr. Knowledge

Global Warming

I want to take a step back from all the statistics and graphs and anything else that deals with global warming and take a logical approach. First off, the past few winters have been a bit milder, but this isn’t the first time this has happened. I’ve heard stories of people wearing shorts at Christmas time. So this isn’t the first time this has happened. Then, look at this year. Probably one of the coldest I can personally remember, and it’s been consistantly cold. I think we haven’t broken 30 degrees more than a couple of times.

Then the snow. Oh the snow. We have been dumped on, in fact I believe Madison has now reached a new record for snow-fall. Now, I believe this is a bad argument, because the temperature has fluctuated other winters, and we’ve had pretty consistant snow, but the reason I bring it up, is the past few years, all you hear from the global warming hysteria is that the low snow fall is just more proof of global warming. So, does this high snow fall now account for global cooling?

I forget where I heard it, but one of the things I like to say is, People are arrogant to think they have caused global warming. We are a small fraction of the earth’s eco-system, and to think we can adjust the temperatures is assanine.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Conserving energy is great. I have no problem with people recycling or biking to work instead of driving. But, when these so called experts try to force their ideas upon you and make you drive less, that’s bullying and not the right way to go about enviromentalism.

Come Al Gore, come George Clooney, get up here in Wisconsin and see how you like to drive your little electric car. Oh, sorry, Al Gore has an SUV so he’d be ok.

Mr. Knowledge is steamed. Luckily it’s cold out to cool him off.

A Matter of Sense

So the town of Berkley wants to remove the Marines from their city. Aren’t these the same Marines that fought for their rights to say this? Also, the town has given a parking spot to one of the groups that protests the Marines. Talk about not allowing free speech. That’s a government imposing their will upon the people of the town. That’s wrong.

I saw these Marines should leave. Then, they surround Berkley with roadblocks and don’t allow anyone in, or out, and see how they like to play by their own rules. Ok, that’s a bit much, but you see the point.

These liberals only want the Marines when they need them. They don’t want them now, because they aren’t being attacked. Why aren’t they being attacked? Because we HAVE Marines.

Mr. Knowledge hates liberals.


So, Harry Reid said the American people are losing because the ‘Right’ is blocking legislation that the ‘Wrong’ proposes. Does this idiot know that the same thing happened when the Republicans had the majority. It’s just the way politics works. But he doesn’t understand that maybe he should try to compromise, and then the Republicans would vote his crappy bills in. Of course the Republicans will not vote for some crap bill he proposes that goes against party lines.

Dumb idiot. Senator Reid makes me want to puke.

Mr. Knowledge

Fundamentally Flawed Thinking

It has been all over the news about the NY Governor trying to get legislation passed to allow illegal aliens the right to a license, so I thought I’d say a few words about it. First of all, this is stupid. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. Secondly, if he admits that illegal wrongdoings are going on, then why is he not under fire for 1 million illegal drivers? Not even the fact that they are illegal aliens, the fact that they drive illegally.

This would be the same things as giving people who say, drive under the influence, a special license so they are no longer breaking the law.

The fundamental flaw to all these laws that the sympathizers trying to pass is the root of the question. It is illegal to be in the USA without correctly going through the immigration process. So why are they trying to create new laws, when they should be enforcing the old and existing laws?

Simple, they want their vote. They also want to appear as the person who succeeded in melting America together, when in reality, they are separating it more and more.

Mr. Knowledge asks, “Can I get a special license to be Judge, Jury and Executioner on illegals?”

Horowitz Speaks

So, last night Mr. Knowledge got to go and see David Horowitz speak at the UW-Madison campus. Needless to say, he recieved alot of scoff from the left for his ‘racist’ comments. Nowhere in his speach did he come remotely close to anything that could be called racist. His platform was based on radical Islamo-Facism, and he explained the why and the whry of the necessity to fight terroism and these radical factions.

Overall his speech was not interruped except for two ass-jockeys who stopped the lecture for 5 minutes yelling stupid shit like investigate 9-11. His overall message was that of denouncing the radicals, and taking action on them to stop them where they live.

After the speach, a short Q&A session was held, where many of the left tried to tear down his remarks. One of the funniest exchanges happened when one dumbass tried to tear him down for something he said in a book, and Horowitz said, did you read the book, and when the kid said no, of course he lost the battle.

Overall i was impressed with how little disruption the left caused, although what could you say? The whole lecture was basically a fact finding mission, and he wanted to inform us of the real facts. He then wanted us to make our own decisions, after hearing all the facts from both sides.

Mr. Knowledge was happy to see Horowitz. Also, after hearing this, Mr. Knowledge says let’s go balls to the wall and exterminate these pecker-head radicals.

Wire Tapping and You!!

So, Governor Doyle has been accused of tapping into UW students private data to search for students who are on financial aide. He did this to gain access to their email addresses to have them attend an event where he was going to speak about financial aide. Of course, none of this gets reported in the LIEberal media, but luckily, the College Republicans caught it and filed a suit.

LIEberals will come to Doyle’s side and say he was just doing this for the good of the students. That, he accessed this information only for matters that would further financial aide.

This is against the law. That is private information, even if it was done without malice.

But the real kicker here, is that LIEberals will rip Bush up one side and down the other for his legal ‘wire-tapping’ of terroists, but defend Doyle in his actions, because his intent was in the best interest of the people. Wait… what? So Bush trying to save lives is less of interest to the people than Doyle stealing private information.

One is legal : Bush’s wire tapping.
One is illegal : Doyle’s stealing of private information.

Mr. Knowledge is out.

So… tell me? Who is this?

A man who does not believe in free speech.

A man who does not believe that people diffrent than him should be treated as equals.

A man who does not believe that women are equal to men.

A man who hates America.

No, it’s not George Bush. No it’s not Ted Kennedy. No it’s not Barack Obama. It’s that a$$-hole from Iran. His name deserves no writing. I bannish his name from this site.

America is great. It is the greatest country on the planet. We believe in freedom. We believe that the people make the decisions, not the Government. Sometimes we let that line get too gray.

When will someone come up to the stage, either democrat or Republican and take action? We need a person who is not influenced by minority groups. No. We need someone who is for the people, who IS the people.

Mr. Knowledge loves America The Beautiful

Short… but sweet

Flying is a damn privelage, not a right. If you damn towel heads don’t understand that, then stay away from my airports. If they pat down hats or people with ass towels as hats, and you have one of those, shouldn’t you realize that you’re gonna get patted down no matter the race?

What is this country coming to.

-Mr. Knowledge hates the minority community holding all the cards. Well… call a spade a spade, and a towel head a towel head.