Author Archives: themomteam

Juan Williams

In all the posturing done by NPR about their decision to fire Mr. Williams for voicing his personal opinions, we see politics once again entering the fray.  Why else would they fire Juan and keep the other opinionated people on staff?  Of course, the answer is that the other people with opinions are liberal and liberal opinions coincide with the management’s opinions.

But, knowing that everyone has a personal set of biases, isn’t it to everyone’s benefit that Mr. Williams let you know what his deep feelings are?  That way, when he expresses an opinion, you can weigh the value of his opinions against what you might or might not perceive to be his biases.  Every commentator should have to let us know their personal convictions BEFORE they speak, just as FOX news will introduce people with the caveat “a commentator for FOX news”.

It’s unfortunate that NPR fired Mr. Williams. We seldom agree with his opinions, but have always thought he was fair-minded in his analyses.   But, maybe this incident will begin a debate about how the liberal media conceals their deep-seated biases and pretends to be objective!  Maybe this incident will make the taxpayer reconsider whether tax money should support a lop-sided view of the world…a view, by the way, not held by the majority of Americans.  And, since there is NO constitutional justification to fund any kind of media, maybe public financing for NPR, the National Endowment of the Arts, and other liberal causes, can be cut.

After all, the American taxpayer is suffering from a deep recession, high unemployment, and a loss of hope for the future.   Maybe NPR is not a major component of the total budget deficit, but every penny saved is a penny that the taxpayer doesn’t have to pay out of his own pocket.

And, in THIS economy, we need all the pennies we can get!

Corner a rat, and he fights back…….

Why is this election becoming so virulently nasty?  Well,  Democrats are boxed in by their votes on Healthcare, the non-stimulus stimulus, the horrendous unemployment, the increasing numbers of home foreclosures, and even their inability to tell the truth on much of anything.

If it weren’t so vital to our future welfare, it might be funny to see how Democrats are scrambling to disassociate  themselves from anything to do with the very legislation they voted to pass!  Few Democrats want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Obama now! Do you notice how Democrats are suddenly “too busy” to appear with Obama when he comes to town?

Unfortunately, the elections are no joke.  And, also unfortunately, rather than argue the issues, Democrats are slinging mud.  After all, if you don’t have the issues on your side, obfuscate, change the subject, and throw mud.  That explains why  the Democrats are fighting back with erroneous ads about their opponents. And the mud slinging is not limited to Congress.   President Obama has called the American electorate “uninformed” and “scared”  to explain the majority of us opposing those invasive and unconstitutional laws he signed.   The irony is that people are “scared” because he, his policies, and his henchmen in Congress have totally destroyed our economy.

There is no way for any Democrat to face his constituents and defend these votes.  So, expect more attack ads by the Democrats.

After all, you know what they say about a cornered rat.  They fight dirty.

Black and White in America….the 91%….

Racism is alive and well in America and, this time, it isn’t the whites who are the culprit.    Oh, no,THIS TIME,  it is the black community!

The Politically Correct crowd would deny such a thing could happen;  but, if you read this survey, that is the only conclusion possible.  Why else would the black community   give Barack Obama a 91% approval rating while the rest of the country is well below that approval?

Support among even young people is down: 57%. Hispanics: 55%. Moderates: 54%. Unmarrieds: 53%. Easterners: 52%. Women: 47%. Midwesterners and Westerners: 45%.

Men: 43%. Southerners: 41%. Independents: 40%. Marrieds: 39%. Seniors: 38%. Whites: 36%. Conservatives: 23%.

It is a blatant case of racism, except that no one will call it that because it is black people who are using race as a basis for judging someone. Blacks are simply supporting “one of their own”,  i.e., Obama . Maybe lieberals would like to call this racist approval rating something else, but it so “black and white”, that even they would have trouble  contradicting this conclusion.

It’s definitely black and white!

Football, freedom, pride…………

Today, we enjoyed a Packers’ victory over the Detroit Lions.   It was a typical football day with a beautiful blue sky and a sun so bright that we all burned to a crisp.  The home crowd cheered the Packers on, but managed to find mostly friendly words for the Lions fans who found seats in “our” stadium.

But, no matter which team you cheered for, the entire audience was wowed when, just as the National Anthem ended,  four F16 jets flew over. Everyone, and I mean everyone, hollered with pride in our brave military men and women.

You can be thrilled with a winning football team,  as we were.  You can be thankful for freedom to enjoy a football game.

But, it was pride that had everyone standing and cheering our fighter pilots.

Go, U.S. A.!

Who’s holding “hostages” ????

President Obama is supposed to be an intellectual and yet, he can’t seem to find enough words to describe different situations.  According to CBS news, his favorite word of late is “hostage”.

For a man who is described as “brilliant” by those who promote him, Obama sure can’t seem to figure out the American language….or, for that matter, anything else American! Instead, he latches onto a word like hostage and just keeps hammering it into his speeches.   According to him, anything that contradicts his agenda is held hostage by his opponents.

It seems to me that Obamacare, the stimulus, and cap and trade, are going to make hostages of the American taxpayer for the rest of our lives!

In fact, who’s holding hostages now?

Is the Constitution Dead?

Our country was founded under the principle of  law and that NO ONE is above the law.  However,  Obama has never let the Constitution and our legal system stand in the way of promoting and enforcing his Lieberal philosophy.  He is willing to let tax cheats run our governmental agencies (Geithner comes to mind)  while at the same time he attacks Freedom of Speech (the minister in Florida and his Koran burning come to mind).  He attacks the Koran burning as “insensitive” and yet condones a mosque being built at the site of the Twin Trade Towers.  He says we will never be at war with Islam, yet he never protests when our American flag is dragged through the streets of Pakistan and other Muslim countries.

The President is not supposed to write laws.  He can sign a law into effect.  He can campaign for certain laws;  but, he is NOT  a maker of laws.   However, now, even though a huge majority of Americans want illegal aliens deported, and even though the law specifically states that illegal aliens shall be deported, the Obama administration has decided to use bureaucratic measures to keep illegal aliens here!

Maybe this shouldn’t surprise us.  After all, he rammed through Health Care, despite the public being adamantly opposed to it;  and he forced public companies to accept governmental controls in order to get taxpayer dollars.  He toured Europe with a “Hate America” campaign despite the millions of lives and dollars America has spent.  He willingly corrupts economic figures to convince people his policies are working when unemployment and new home purchases are obviously in dire straits.

Why do the rest of us have to pay our bills or face the bill collector, but Obama just keeps spending and spending and spending our tax dollars, even before we have earned them?  Surely no employee takes a job with the thought that he/she will be paying more for their taxes than they can keep for themselves.  But, this is what it has come down to.

Illegal aliens being granted a reprieve is just another in a long line of illegal acts by the administration.  Obama doesn’t feel HE should have to follow the Constitution and our laws nor does he insist that illegal aliens follow our laws.  Only those of us law-abiding citizens are required to follow the law.  Is this fair or even constitutional?

In fact, is the Constitution dead?

Burn, Baby, Burn…..

Or, maybe it should read:  “Burn, Koran, Burn.”

I can understand Petreaus’ concern for our soldiers; and, if more trouble ensues because  this Floridian church  burns the Koran, it will be tragic.  However, burning a Koran should NOT be an excuse to kill Americans or American soldiers.  After all, the Christian Bible has been abused for centuries by non-believers and only a few, hardy souls complained.  Yet, everyone seems to believe that it is somehow understandable that terrorists  kill Americans if  Islam is insulted.  In fact,  the Black Panthers even threatened the minister who is determined to burn the Koran.

People who should know better,  like Hillary Clinton,  are condemning the Koran burning.  But, who condemned the violent mobs who stomped on our flag in reaction to the proposed burning of the Koran?  These are the same blind mobs who react to any insult to Islam but refuse to give the same respect to Christians or other religions.   Why is religious freedom no longer the right of EVERY citizen, not just the Islamist?

It’s difficult for me to understand the mind set that condones violence in support of ANY religion.  But, the Lieberal outrage on behalf of the Koran is certainly showing where their loyalties lie.  And, it’s not with God, Country,and the American Way of Life!


“I can’t wear my birth certificate on my forehead…..”

Say, what?

When the media was his best buddy, President Obama  was oh-so-polite and oh-so-pleasant.  Now, when the economy is failing, unemployment is rising and causing misery for thousands of Americans, Iran is going nuclear, anything Muslim is okay as is illegal immigration, even the Lieberal Media is starting to ask questions.  Obama has taken more vacations and played more golf than the times would seem to allow and yet, his spokesmen say he deserves a rest.  A rest from what?  Is he escaping the sea of his arrogant and bad decisions that are adversely affecting our country?  Is his golf game suffering because he has to play at President every now and then…maybe even give a speech or two?

His spokesman, Gibbs, has always been lippy and arrogant in his brush off of legitimate questions, but both of them got away with it because……….Obama is the President.  But, now, even Obama is getting chippy with his former admirers, the Media.

It used to be that Obama’s lack of experience was his principal fault.  Now, it appears that his bruised ego is making him less than cordial when asked uncomfortable questions.

Finally, the real Obama is showing up.

Imam Rauf

The American tax payer is paying for this creep to travel the Muslim world to ADVANCE cooperation between the west and Islam.

And, what are his credentials?  Why should he be a representative for us?  And,  what has he said in the past?

Well, his past condemns him.  He spread the canard that the west has killed more muslims than anyone else.   Hello.  Does he remember Saddam Hussein who murdered his own citizens whenever it pleased him?  Has he heard of Al Qaida, a terrorist group, who kill anyone who doesn’t accept their radical view of Islam?  Has he forgotten 9/11?

We sure haven’t! But, maybe President Obama and the Democrats have.

Obama is NOT a true representative for America because he apologizes for everything American and attempts to please everything Islamic.  Isn’t it time for President Obama and Congress to start protecting and defending Americans and the American ideals rather than trying to placate radical Islam?

Isn’t it time to throw out a congress that spends our tax dollars so foolishly?

Going nuclear

Iran is now a nuclear nation.

Why didn’t President Obama “go nuclear”  before Iran did?  Well, he  was just sooooo busy — vacationing…. playing politics…. chastising Republicans for having the gall to disagree with him.

So now, we are all at great risk because OUR President refused to abide by his oath “to protect and defend” us.  Now, a radical society holds the key to destroy anyone they disagree with.

One more failure to add to Obama’s resume.