Author Archives: themomteam

Don’t trust Obama!

Don’t trust President Obama nor the Democrats to keep their promises.  Obama has broken most of his campaign promises already, so what makes anyone think he would make good on an agreement about health care?  Let the protests continue!

White House appears ready to drop ‘public option’

WASHINGTON (AP) — Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama’s administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.

Facing mounting opposition to the overhaul, administration officials left open the chance for a compromise with Republicans that would include health insurance cooperatives instead of a government-run plan. Such a concession probably would enrage Obama’s liberal supporters but could deliver a much-needed victory on a top domestic priority opposed by GOP lawmakers.

White House Pressure

Looks as though President Obama wants even more from the press — he doesn’t like it when some in the media actually report the news.  Obama wants only the news he thinks is fit to print to be printed!

Maybe the press corps is waking up to its responsibilities.  Their job is to report the news, not placate President Obama.

Health “care” or “scare” ?????

Democratic legislators are trying desperately to convince Americans that the Health Care bill they propose is a solution for anything wrong with our current health care system.  You know what?  I don’t care!

I don’t care that they TELL me it is for my own best interests.  I know better.  Government has NEVER run anything efficiently or well.  I WANT the current system to remain because it has served me, and everyone I know,  very well.

I don’t care that Specter, and Pelosi, and Reid, and others are saying that the protestors “don’t represent the American people.”   Unless they have a referendum on health care, there is NO way for anyone to actually know what Americans think of any issue.  Elections are indications of general philosophies, but they are terrible indicators of attitudes on specific issue.

I do care that these legislators are using MY, and your, tax money to convince us to accept a program that we don’t want.  I do care that these legislators are calling us names when we voice our opinions.

I do care that, in the rush to pass legislation, a new system will be enacted which will devastate health care as we know it.  No one will be better off.  Everyone will suffer.  But, the legislators have forgotten that they are supposed to represent US – yes the United States is US-  rather than TELL us what to think, feel, say, or do!  Some legislators think they were elected to be gods, not representatives of the People.

So, health CARE?  A better name would be Health SCARE!

Do YOU understand?

A day after facing a hostile crowd at a town hall meeting in Green Bay, U.S. Rep Steve Kagen (D-WI) said people opposed to health care reform are being driven by fear and misinformation.

“They’re angry because they’re fearful, and they’re fearful of what they don’t understand,” Kagen said during a visit to the Shawano Leader Tuesday.

The proposed health care plan is just the latest in the Lieberal assault on our personal liberties.  It is not enough that they regulate the amount of water a toilet can use nor that they even decide who can run certain companies.  No.  They want to control every detail of your life, including your medical choices.

Representative Kagen of Wisconsin espoused the Democratic litany of “you don’t understand” to explain why there is so much opposition to the health care proposals.  Democrats never accept that individual Americans might have ideas that are not in accord with the lieberal agenda!  If you disagree with their plan,  according to the Democrats, you must either:  be part of an organized opposition to the plan which makes it “bad” in their opinion;  do not understand the plan;  be selfish or apathetic;  or, just plain stupid.  They maintain that they alone know what is best for ALL Americans’ health care plans.  Despite the failure of other countries who have universal health care, these buffoons continue to press toward the socialistic agenda of “free” health care.  Ha ha.  Exactly who pays for this “free” health care?  Unfortunately, it will be me, you, our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren.

As a college graduate from UW-Madison with a degree in Education, let me educate these Lieberals.

1 – I am not part of any organized group.

2 – I DO understand the plan.  I just don’t like that it taxes people who have worked hard and saved for their own futures for those who have not.  I do NOT trust the government to make better decisions for me and mine than I would or could.

3 – I do care about my fellow Americans.  My husband and I contribute substantial amounts every year to our church charities.

4 – I am NOT stupid nor are other Americans who oppose universal health care.  My husband and I both graduated from UW-Madison.  We continue to follow issues that affect our lives and those of our children.  YOUR problem is that the American public is NOT stupid and sees through your ridiculous positions and assertions!

So, it is not a question of me being opposed to the ridiculous health care plan that Obama wants because I don’t understand the concept.  It is a question of me NOT WANTING the government to run my, or anyone else’s, health care and NOT wanting the government to tax more to pay for those who choose not to save for their own health care.  My opinions are founded in fact whereas the lieberals, as usual, are expounding a philosophical viewpoint as though IT WERE FACT!

So, my question to Rep. Kagen and the other lieberals who support this bill is, what makes you think we don’t understand the issue?  And, do YOU, the Congress, understand our heartfelt opposition?

Who’s the racist here?

President Obama must move beyond racism as the culprit for everything that goes wrong to a black person in America.  Without even knowing the facts, he condemns the police because the intruder was black.

Isn’t it time for blacks and other minorities to stop claiming “racism” for every fracas that they are involved in?  Whether the Harvard professor was black or white, his neighbors reported  that “someone” was breaking into that house.  How did the police know whether this was the owner or a robber, especially when the professor refused to identify himself?  What would the professor have said if the intruder had not been himself, but a real robber?

Blacks have to accept that sometimes events do not play out as they wish.  We all have the same problem.

Surely, the president is intelligent enough to know that not everything that happens to a black person is based on race.  Or, is he?

More Power

Everyone used to laugh at Tim Allen’s he-man claim to need  “MORE POWER” .  But, it appears that the White House is still stuck in that old sitcom mode.  The headline reads:  White House wants more power to control Medicare Costs.

It appears that the White House, i.e. Obama and his Democratic minions, just want MORE POWER period.

They already control what the major media outlets tell us….witness the pandering from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and NBC.  But, wait, that’s not enough!   They want to control what a CEO can be paid.  They want to control the minimum wage.  They want to control health care.  They want to control the education system.  They even used our tax dollars, despite most Americans opposing the bailout,  to bailout car companies, some financial institutions, and are now considering helping newspapers and tv outlets! They want to strip parents of being informed if an underage girl chooses to have an abortion.

When government has the power of life or death, abortion or life, then watch out!


Talking out of both sides of his mouth!!!!!

The Democrats and Prsident Obama are so eager to get their welfare plans in place that they don’t even pay attention to what they’re saying.  One day, they say the stimulus will work “now”.   When the stimulus is seen as failing, Obama declares that he never meant “now”.  Well, what did he mean when he said “now”?????

Miscarriage of Justice

When a potential Supreme Court Justice has a history of making racist comments, as Soltomayor has, then even the Democrats should not support her.  Unfortunately, the Democrats are hell-bent on “winning”, no matter what the issue is.

So, they support a candidate for the Supreme Court who says that cultural biases make her a better judge than a white man would be.  They support National Health Care even though government NEVER runs things better than the private sector and even though countries with this system have much poorer health care than we do.

They support groups like Acorn, despite its exposed illegal actions, because Acorn will bring in more votes for them.  Heck.  In Minnesota, the liberals found more votes available for the Clown than there were registered voters!

For LIEberals, the goal is winning votes and they don’t care how they do it.  Steal from the “rich”?  Hey, what a novel idea!  Steal an election in Minnesota?  No problem, bro!

In America today, miscarriage of justice is the modus operandi of Democrats.  And, as long as we “let” them steal our democracy from us, they will keep being clowns and thieves.

Bring in the clowns…..

Well, with the addition of Al Franken, idiotic clown extraordinaire, as the Senator from Minnesota, the Senate is now exactly what most of thought it was — a bunch of clowns.

As the old Judy Collins’ song goes :

Don’t you love a farce?
But where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.
Don’t bother, they’re here.