Author Archives: themomteam

Iran — a Killer Nation

Today, and yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and before that, too, negotiations for the British soldiers detained by Iran have continued.


Iran is a terroristic country, run by hoodlums. Diplomacy will only work if you are dealing with other diplomats. When dealing with terrorism, only harsh measures and forceful countermoves will suffice.

Politicians have to stop pretending that if only this, that, or the other thing happens, Iran will be able to step into the world as a responsible country. The fact is that Iran is governed by a murderous theocracy that demands human sacrifice to reach its goals. Iran’s government is a killing machine that understands only murder, rape and pillage.

How do we stop this brutal regime? The only short-term answer is to destroy the country with military might and diplomatic sanctions.

"I told you so"…………..

could be the motto of those who warned that Iran would do anything to maintain a stranglehold on the world.

Iran unilaterally declared that it would not cooperate with UN inspectors. Why? Iran doesn’t like the way the world is reacting to their refusal to deal honorably with the nuclear issue.

Iran routinely threatens Israel and the U.S. Why? Iran doesn’t like that neither the U.S. nor Israel is cowed by their threats.

Now, Iran has kidnapped British troops. Why? Iran claims the troops were “invading” their waters.

When are the nations going to stop the pretense that Iran is a responsible entity in the world? When are the nations going to unite and deal forcibly with the threat that exists in Iran, especially with Amadinejad in power?

What is the answer? The U.S., and Israel, and Britain have maintained that Iran needs to be controlled before the world suffers again from the radical Islamic philosophy that Iran espouses.

When will this happen? Only when another country suffers from Iran’s beligerance. And, then, no one should pretend that Iran’s aggression is a surprise because……….we told you so!

Scandals in the making, ala the Democratic party

Everyone puts some spin on their message, especially when the media is present. However, the Democrats have churned up the revolutions on their spin machine to new levels. The Democrats have decided to throw mud at every possible target in the hopes of improving their own status. Unfortunately, this undisciplined and childish display of vituperation is creating a revolutionary change in public respect and dignity for all our public officials and their offices.

The Valerie Plame incident is only one of many hyperbolic situations “ginned up” by the Democrats in their attempt to create more hatred for the current administration.

1 – The facts are that Valerie Plame was not a secret operative. Bob Novak proved that by finding her name, without resorting to secret files.

2 – Everyone, except Valerie, her husband and the Democratic party, agree that she was instrumental in finding work for her “retired” spouse.

3 – The report filed by her husband directly contradicts his public comments concerning that same report. Nevertheless, the media and the Democrats still pretend to believe his public pronouncements when the report itself repudiates those media commentaries.

The fact that Valerie is youngish, attractive and blond makes her a media star. However, anyone who truly cares about the issue and studies the facts will find that her story is little more than a fabricated scandal used by and for the media and the Democrats. In their zeal to demonize this President, the Democrats are destroying any hope of a national debate on this or any issue. More and more of the Hollywood types feel “safe” in saying the most demonstrably ridiculous and hateful slurs against President Bush that I have ever seen. Even when ex President Clinton was shown to be a pervert and should have been charged with sexual harassment of an employee, no one said such awful things about him. Afterall, what are the intellectual credentials of these critics? Oh, yes, a major network, with obvious liberal slant, puts their face before the audience frequently.

In their quest for elective offices, the Democrats are engaging in a conspiracy with the media hoping to convict any and all associates of this administration. The fact that there is no evidence of wrong doing is immaterial. There is no word too harsh or perjorative for them to use. Their lackeys, such as Rosie O’Donnel and Bill Maher, are encouraged to vilify President Bush by other psuedo intellectuals such as David Letterman. All told, their intellectual achievements cannot equal the Master’s Degree held by President Bush nor the fact that he was a governor of a large state. Another example of their rabid search is Alberto Gonzales…not because he did anything wrong; but because the liberals are manufacturing a scandal out of whole cloth.

What no one in the media or Democratic party mentions, however, is the Democratic member who was caught, on tape, discussing money he took illegally. Are the Democrats baying for his removal? No, they are very carefully tip-toeing around the legislator because: 1 – he is a Democrat; and, 2 – he is black. The Democrats desperately need the black vote next election period and don’t want to muddy the waters with his removal. The Republican who sent sexual text messages was hounded out of office within a week! If that isn’t political hypocrisy, I don’t know what is!

So, where are the true scandals? Everyone should ask the Democrats to sit down and shut up for awhile. Let the dust settle and then, in a civilized manner, study all the issues and come up with a bipartisan conclusion. Our country should be sickened by all the political jokeying for position when those people were elected to represent our best interests.

I don’t expect that to happen, though. The Democrats are too self-centered to consider what their true job is. Their pathetic efforts to indict every Republican with committee subpoenas and thus ensure their re-election is the real scandal in today’s world.

The Pseudo martyrdom of Palestinians

After the Holocaust of WWII, the state of Israel was created to give the Jewish people a home where they would always be welcome and where they could live without fear of reprisals from anti-Semitism.

Unfortunately, anti-Semites have never given Israel one day of true peace. Constant vigilance is the mantra of those who live in Israel. For some reason, the world has never required the Palestinians to make an effort to improve their own lot. The world allows the Palestinians to live as refugees because it is so much easier to complain about Israel than to do something with and for Palestinians.

Why are the Palestinians constantly begging for help from the rest of the world? Their own Arabic brethren in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, and Egypt have never offered to give up territory to create a Palestinian state. Why should Israel have to give up territory if no one else will? The Jewish people have endured genocide, terrorist bombing, and constant harassment from their neighbors. It is time that the Palestinians stop playing the martyr and begin constructive work to improve their lives!

There is no excuse for the Palestinians to live as they are when there are reasonable alternatives that do not depend upon Israel ceding territory to others. I believe that the world continues to support the Palestinian claim to Israel land because it is a way of opposing what the world believes is a United States’ comrade in arms. And, maybe the closest neighbors are showing their true colors when they refuse to accept Palestinians into their own countries. Maybe the Palestinians should be angry with their pseudo friends rather than with a country that is just trying to keep its citizens safe!

Sticks and stones

“Sticks and stone may break my bones…but, words will never hurt me” is the old litany we used to throw at others who were calling us names. The theory, when I grew up, is that words could not harm.

Now, we know better.

Verbal abuse is considered one of many forms of bullying — in the schoolyard, at home, or even in the work place. We even have a new crime category, hate speech, for insulting and abusive words used to harm or defame a specific ethnic group.

Why, then, are public figures, notably liberals, allowed to hurl malicious insults and curses towards those they oppose? We have all heard the vicious comments directed toward President Bush by Danny DeVito, aka “President Bush has a Harvard and a Yale degree; but I still think I am smarter than he.” Jane Fonda, Tim Robins, and others relish throwing insults at President Bush and, indeed, all conservatives. Yet, no one publicly rebukes them.

The epitome of such unbridled hate is Bill Maher’s infamous comment about wishing VP Cheney had been assassinated. He claims he is just using his right of free speech; but his ad hominem attacks are a pathetic attempt to destroy someone he disagrees with. That is the problem with hate mongers, like Mr. Maher, Barbara Streisand, and others. They do not actually study an issue and give an objective opinion. Their speeches are rabid denunciations of the person, not the policy.

So, they don’t like the war. Who does? They want the war to stop. Who doesn’t?

However, the fact is that if the military doesn’t defend us “over there”; then pretty soon, these big talkers might have to defend themselves from terrorism “here”. So, I advise them to be careful what and whom they criticize. If the terrorists succeed and conquer the world, these big talkers might find themselves singing a different tune.

In fact, I suggest that these big talkers begin finding plenty of sticks and stones. Why? Because words — even loud and insulting words — will not stop our enemies, the terrorists!

Shame, shame, blame

Choose the correct answer:

1 -A black candidate will destroy the Democrats’ chances of winning the presidency.

2 -Religion must be a determining factor in electing a President.

3 -“Everybody in politics does it (lies), but they (Bill and Hilary) do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”

And, the correct answer is # 3!

The Right of Free Speech

Legally, everyone is supposed to have the right of free speech, with a few obvious limitations, such as slander, etc.

However, this right does not exist today because we have a new, over-riding “law”. That law, promulgated by the politically correct police, is that we can say what we want to, so long as it is acceptable to everyone. Wow. What an unobtainable standard now exists.

Therefore, Indian mascots have to be discarded even though, for the most part, the Indian was perceived to be the ultimate warrior, capable of defeating any foe, and therefore, an excellent model of what every athlete wanted to be. An Indian mascot was our way of saying that we wanted to be as good as an Indian warrior. That was not an insult.

Religious symbols are no longer allowed, even if you only display it on your own desk top. And, cities which have long used a cross as their emblem now must remove these ancient forms of identification.

An NBA player is not allowed to admit that he is homophobic. As long as he does not act criminally against gays, why can’t he express himself?

Where do the strictures end? Who decides what is offensive and what is not? I myself find the “f” word so offensive that it makes me cringe to hear it thrown left and right, in every avenue. I dislike the sexual and violent nature of many commercials which air when children are watching tv, as during the Super Bowl. I resent being insulted for my political views. But, does that mean that others must stop doing those things because I am insulted? No. So, why would a man who admits to disliking gays be put under the media microscope and even prevented from attending a sporting event? Well, such stories help those making their living on scandals and bogus news stories.

Ultimately, whether you agree or disagree with Mr. Hardaway, he should have the right to speak freely. Otherwise, the next time someone disagrees with your viewpoint, the censor police might come knocking at my, or your, door!

Semper Fi

I saw a lady loading groceries into her car today. There is nothing unusual in that; but, our interaction was slightly out of the norm. Upon seeing a decal with the “Semper Fi” motto in her back window, I stopped to ask if she were a Marine. She hesitated slightly and then said that her son was a Marine. When I thanked her for his service, she smiled and said that he was currently deployed in Iraq.

She was a young woman which meant her son had to be quite young, too…but, not too young to serve his country. I told her I would remember them all in my prayers and she told me, “Thank you”!!!! Shouldn’t the thanks all go the other way? How is it that a mother whose son serves his country is worried about someone’s reaction? Why is it acceptable to disdain our soldiers? This sad state of affairs is directly attributable to liberals who wanted to gain political power and the media who are the liberals’ lap dogs.

It is “the” thing to do nowadays…vent at the war and President Bush while pompously proclaiming that you support the soldiers. Well, a man cannot serve two masters. Those who think they can curse the war effort while pretending support for the military might be fooling themselves, but anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands that this is a political ploy.

I would like to thank the military once again. Thank you to that mother, — and all the mothers and fathers, husbands, wives, sisters and brothers, uncles, aunts, grandparents — of our servicemen. Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for all the sacrifices you make on our behalf. There are many of us who appreciate your service. So, to all the military, Semper Fi.

The crowded Bandwagon

Parades are fun. They draw attention whenever and wherever they go. There are dancing bears, clowns, a bandwagon….and, always a crowd!

Unfortunately today, in our combative, political climate, too many issues become part of a circus act and not serious issues to discuss. Global warming is one of the most controversial concepts around today and is rapidly dividing the American public into two camps. Do you believe that people are responsible for global warming? Or, do you believe that global warming is a product of continual, climate change?

Former Senator Gore has made a lot of political hay with his strident assertions that MAN is the ultimate defiler of our glorious ecosystem. His speeches thunder with accusations and dire warnings. If he had a couple of stone tablets and a long, white beard, many would consider him to be the second coming of Moses.

Today, another voice entered the fray. Henrik Svensmark, a Danish scientist, stated that the current warming of the globe is typical of climate change and is due mostly to a thinning cloud cover which, in turn, is due to a change in cosmic rays. And, there are other SCIENTISTS, such as John Cristy or Steven Hayward, who condemn the bastardization of science merely to influence people to believe in global warming.

Why would anyone propose global warming if it weren’t true? Well, consider the political accolades and the monetary rewards taking a controversial stand gives someone like Al Gore. Essentially, his political career was ended and yet, now he rises once more as a potential, presidential candidate! Far too many politicians utilize crowd hysteria for their own personal advantage and I believe that the fear of global warming is just such an issue. Environmentalists are rejoicing in the mass hysteria that has resulted from such claims. Global warming is being used to shape ideological and social thought so that one group or another will have the upper hand in decisions about our environment, our commercial entities and even our social framework.

However, regardless of why or how the issue is presented, the future depends on today’s decisions, so we must choose one of the two theories — either there is global warming or there is not. I choose to believe that there is not anything happening to the climate that has not happened over and over — including before humans were around.

My belief is based upon stories my father told me of his childhood. He lived in northern Wisconsin, almost in Michigan, and he still remembers his mother harvesting watermelons, squash, and muskmelons from their home garden. As far as he knew, his childhood was the only period when this was possible. When I grew up in the same locale, we could not even grow cucumbers or summer squash. Summers were far too cold and short. Although this is only one example, and might be an anomaly, there are other examples of severe weather during this same time. The Dust Bowl had many factors, but severe weather change was definitely one of the causes.

I wish the media would stop hyping these stories. I wish the media would begin to report the news, not attempt to create the news by overblowing certain stories and minimizing others.

For example, if you believe in global warming, then you also have to believe that the real story is in China and the underdeveloped countries who produce huge quantities of greenhouse gases and have no vested interest in stopping. After all, the United States, thanks to certain public figures, is assuming all the blame. In fact, we are developing alternate energies. We are trying to harness the escape of factory emissions. As a society, we are recycling and working on protecting our planet. Yet, as usual, we are being taught that we are the problem. For once, let’s realize that we must protect the Earth but it is a worldwide project. Please do not let a few pompous, public figures push us into a knee jerk reaction, especially when many of the problems they shout about do not exist.

Unfortunately, the parade doesn’t stop unless the applause ceases. So long as the media and public clowns keep the interest high, promoting the concept of global warming as they promote themselves, we are in danger of losing sight of even more significant dangers that loom in front of us.

And, if watermelons begin to grow again in northern Wisconsin, remember that this is not the first time for climate change, nor the last.

How Best to Blog

Recently, several comments have appeared regarding blogs on this site. Because I frequently write on this blog, I would like to respond to the comments and the way in which the comments were written.

1. Blogs work best when you respond to someone else’s opinion by stating your own opinion, whether dissenting or agreeing, and not when you merely attack the blogger’s opinion. If you disagree or agree, give your own reasons for your stance.

2. If you notice the name of this blog, Republican Banter, you could and should assume that the main writers are probably conservatives. As conservatives, our views will be, well, conservative!

3. However, do not make the assumption that one conservative is exactly like another unless you know the individual. One blogger complained that “people like us” hate Hillary C. I do not hate Hillary at all. She has been through many rough situations and managed to adapt or adopt to them all. I do disrespect her for many of her decisions which led her into compromising situations from which she used her political power to extricate herself.

4. Do not assume that because some of us voice opinions that we do not also contribute in other ways to society We have family members serving in a variety of locations. We are active in our communities. We have also put our money where our mouth is for years — in charities, business, schools, political campaigns, and in raising our children. Have you?

5. It is always easy to assail another with labels and names. If you wish to be a part of a genuine discussion, forget being angry. Discuss your ideas clearly and concisely without rancor.

Maybe we can all learn from one another, but false assumptions and name-calling are not going to advance anyone’s opionion nor are they to anyone’s advantage. This blog was meant to host a rational discussion of many issues, not just to be a dartboard for angry writers.