Author Archives: themomteam

Media’s drive to "drive" The News

There is an interesting posting on the Drudge today that speculates as to whether the IM that sank Foley’s career was actually part and parcel of an elaborate joke gone “bad”. The unfortunate jokesters, it is said, have now hired lawyers to protect themselves from any law suits that might spring from their defaming, although unwittingly, the now defunct Flordia legislator and/or others.

Wow. What if that is true? If you didn’t read the Drudge, you would never hear of this possibility because the media pundits are intent on ramming the trainload of accusations further down the track. They don’t want to wait and see if the rail cars are full or not.

For example, if you watched Tony Snow’s news conference today, you would have seen David Gregory once again trying to extricate an answer that coincides with David’s view of the issue. Mr. Gregory is unable to accept any answer unless it fits his agenda. He is typical of the media with his arrogant assumption that the other “guy” has to be wrong and he has to be right.

We’ll have to wait and see how this fiasco turns out.

However, if the genesis of this scandal does begin with a false and horrible practical joke, I hope that the joke comes back to bite the media and not us!

Who’s for "go" and who’s for "show" ?

The difference between the political parties in dealing with scandals is strikingly clear when you compare the reactions of both parties to the despicable actions of the Florida legislator.

When a Democrat shows bad behaviour, the Democrats circle the wagons and use every means, fair and foul, to keep that person in office. President Clinton was the most recent and egregious betrayer of the public trust when he abused a White House intern and lied about it to the public. He was not the only Democrat to commit immoral and even criminal acts, but he certainly was the most public figure to do so. What happened? Most Democrats tried to defend him rather than impeach him.

Now, a Republican has been caught and what happened? The Republicans immediately forced the miscreant to resign. While the Democrats are whooping and hollering, happy to witch hunt with questions about who knew what, when, and how, the Republicans acted.

That is the difference between the two parties. The Democrats scheme to gain the most political mileage from every event. The Republicans act honorably and evict the offender.

Vested Interests and Mr. Woodward

Have you noticed all the books jumping into the political limelight?

Did you realize that this is “high tide” for the upcoming elections?

Is there any better time to sell an expose in book form?

Almost everyone knows the answers to the above, but can you answer this? Why is everyone hawking the new Woodward book as though it had been received on stone tablets? Why is no one questioning the tenets of this book? Why does everyone assume Mr. Woodward is right?

It is obvious that the release is timed to make money off the political season’s voracious appetite. It is equally obvious that another tell-all book, featuring purported misdeeds by Republicans, will be the Grand Marshall of the Democratic “hit” parade.

What is not obvious is why so many otherwise literate media have pounced on this book as though it were gospel. No one seems to doubt a single word that is written in this book. Maybe the book is true. Maybe it is not.

Before we swallow this story whole, there should be a long and arduous questioning period. No one should assume that Mr. Woodward is a benevolent, all seeing guru who has all the answers especially when he has a vested interest in the success of this book. Maybe that influence some of what he wrote, maybe not. But, let’s check his facts before we give him a pass.

After all, Mr. Woodward doesn’t have a lot of reasons to help the President. But, Mr. Woodward might have lots of reasons to write a book that challenges the President…..and many of those reasons likely will soon be in the bank account of Mr. Woodward.

Whom to trust

Former Presidents Carter and Clinton have apparently undergone a miraculous experience. They now know ALL THE ANSWERS!

And, apparently, the answers always run contrary to whatever our current President Bush is doing, saying, thinking, or feeling. Wow. It is so comforting to realize that President Carter, aka “Give away the canal regardless of what the American people want”, and President Clinton, of “I tried and failed” vintage, can now positively tell the American public how to solve every world crises.

Unfortunately, the only part of their plan articulated is to throw out Republicans. Then, these two Democratic icons claim all the world’s problems will be fixed.

Forget that both of these lackluster, former Presidents were renowned world-wide as indecisive leaders who allowed terrorism to gain ground through their inability to deal forcefully and immediately with aggression and violence. President Carter was too busy asking his daughter, about 10 years old at the time, what she thought of the world situation. President Clinton was too busy asking……….well, we all know what he was thinking and doing. Both of them failed in their duties as President and now want to change history so that the blame falls on the current administration.

Well, I am old enough to remember both of these men and their tenure. Frankly, neither of them were effective in the Oval Office. The United States’ foreign policy was given away to the UN and anyone else who cared to tell us what to do. Rather than a resolute, pro-American stance, these two twisted in the political winds of their time. With their past debacles, why would anyone trust or believe them now?

But, they claim that they know better now. Let’s hope the American voters do, too.

Privacy and the public’s right to know

Today, the press are avidly reporting about the personal life of an NFL player. You all know whom I am speaking of because the reports are the “news of the day”.

Who cares if someone else’s personal life is ripped to shreds? After all, this player is notoriously difficult to deal with. He is not a “nice” man, according to some.

We all should care.

First, the news reports could be erroneous. Medicine can have strange reactions on any of us. Sometimes aberrant behaviour is merely the body’s attempt to cope with a new chemical imbalance, often caused by drugs — and, yes, even prescribed drugs can have this effect.

Secondly, EVERYONE deserves to have their privacy, especially their medical privacy, guarded. This is a story about an individual and the problem is not linked to the public’s safety at all. Whether a police report contains such information or not, some information does not belong in the public domain. This story is one of them.

Thirdly, where is the advantage to the public, or individual, by the reporting of this story? If this person did attempt suicide, the public humiliation is not going to help him out of his depression. If the person did NOT attempt suicide, this story forever taints the player’s reputation. The only person helped by revealing this news is the reporter himself (or herself).

How terrible that someone disregards another person’s rights to privacy, possible future health, and even career, in a frantic drive to be “first” to break a purported tragedy! In this case, the public’s right to know is dwarfed, or should be, by the victim’s right to deal with this issue in his own time and way.

Whether it becomes public knowledge simply by appearing on the police blotter is immaterial. All of us should consider whether our demand for such stories is worth the cost to the human being suffering the tragedy.

Shame on our legal system for not protecting the privacy of every citizen from career-driven reporters.

Shame on the media for promoting this story with such gleeful avidity.

Shame on us for not telling the media to keep their nose out of someone’s private misery.

Discretion, Common sense and Self control

Why can’t the media show a little discretion, common sense and self control?

Yes, freedom of speech guarantees the media’s right to publish pretty much anything. Yes, the American public has a right to know what is happening here and in the world. And, yes, the Iranian president is coming to the UN.

But, knowing that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons and that Amandinejad is fervantly anti-Israel, why not use some discretion in reporting his visit? Banish the news article to a back page somewhere — like the classifieds! Why let a monster have the benefit of such wide and generally positive media exposure? Discretion is still the better part of valor.

Common sense tells us that publicity strengthens his hateful message and everytime he appears on tv, or in print, he wins a little. Common sense questions why Russia, China, and even Germany, are afraid to confront this mid-east beast. Ask why anyone continues to pretend that Iran’s arguments are logical when everyone knows that a nuclear Iran would be a threat to world peace. Ask the UN and Annan why they want to strengthen Iran? If any of them are honest, they all seek to weaken America and Israel in order to improve their own status in the world community. Common sense says that these are questions the media should be, but are not, asking.

Knowing this, where is the media’s self control in selecting headlines? Where is the media of yesteryear who were instrumental in defeating America’s enemies through their judicious reporting? Where is the media who would choose not to publish headline which only serve the career of the journalist? Self control by the media has served our country well in the past, and could be important in our war against terror.

We should not only expect but demand that the media develop some discretion, common sense and self control. Supporting America should be the mantra of our media! Otherwise, soon that media, and perhaps the world, will be in the same position as the Iranian media — under the thumb of a cruel, aggressive, bigoted dictator.

Proof is in the Pudding

Isn’t it ironic that the Pope reads an excerpt from someone else that states that the Islam faith is too often promoted by radicals through violent means…. and immediately, radical Islamists protest through riots, horrendous threats, burning the Pope in effigy, destroying churches, and, in general, threatening to kill, maim, and destroy the “infidels”. Don’t these violent actions pretty much prove the point?

The Tail End Of A Greedy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a large village called Happyland, so named because most of the people were content. Oh, there were problems, but for the most part, the majority felt that their little island was a safe and secure homeland. Because this village boasted almost every race, color and creed, everyone who came could find somewhere to be accepted. So, it was, indeed, a happy land.

Then, one day, in a village across the water but not too far away, loud sounds were heard and people died. Evil stalked the Earth again. Happyland was unhappy to hear of trouble anywhere; but, after all, they were an island and no harm could reach them.

Well, sad to say, one day Harm did come to Happyland. There were big explosions and many people died. Everyone in Happyland immediately demanded that the evil people who had brought this disaster to them be found and punished. The people demanded that every means possible be used to find the perpetrators. After all, Security was at stake!

So, the officials began their search. They looked high in the sky, checking all the airplanes and the people on the airplanes. They looked low, checking all the people and baggage on trains and buses. They looked in between, checking all the telephones and computers. There were no more attacks and the people rested better at night.

But then, it was time to elect new officials or to re-elect the old officials. The wanna-be officials decided that it was time to rewrite history. Instead of agreeing, as they had in the past, that the elected officials had done everything that the population had demanded – and that everyone had agreed with at that time — the wanna-be group insulted, denigrated, denied, and attacked every word, action, and intent of those in power. If you had been listening to the new diatribe, you would have assumed that Happyland had been attacked again.

Not so.

In fact, Happyland prospered despite the attack. Yes, there were people who lost treasures and lives in other tragedies; but, that is Life, isn’t it? But, more and more people built or bought homes. Almost everyone had enough money for food, clothing and everyday expenses. Children smiled and shouted once again. In short, you would have thought that Happyland would have been happy. And, they were.

Well, they were until the microphones started shouting that Happyland was NOT happy. Day after day and night after night, the litany rang out. The elected officials were vilified at every twist and turn. Eventually, people began to wonder if they truly were happy.

Those who defended Happyland began to lose their place of honor because they had used force to protect Happyland. Even though people could sleep better at night because of that force, the wanna-be politicians derided the very group that had saved Happyland. Every move and decision was questioned and debated with the benefit of hindsight. The wanna-be group made a concerted effort to convince others that “they” would have done better. Unfortunately for them, the history books show that they, too, made decisions based on the facts available at the time. But, they refused to listen and insisted that the “OTHERS” had been wrong!

The constant barrage of criticism eventually changed Happyland into Unhappyland. Rather than working with others to protect the happy island, the naysayers used every opportunity they were given, and bought other opportunities, with the sole intent of tearing down the good that had been done for Happyland. People became tense and worried again. Uncertainty about the future created problems for those at home and those at work. It was a sad time for many. Instead of promoting a confident atmosphere, the naysayers destroyed the island’s image of a united Happyland. The naysayers created an atmosphere where terror and evil could sneak in.

And, the enemy smiled.

From : The Mom Team