Never let it be said that Joe Biden, our goofy Vice President, ever had an original thought nor was able to clearly and coherently voice an opinion. His gaffes are legion. His gaffes are legendary. His gaffes are the window to his self-serving philosophy. Nor let anyone believe that Biden is unwilling to voice his thoughts and cliches ad nauseum and in public forums. He never learned the rule of threes that every stand up comedienne understands. That rule states that you never return to the same subject for a joke more than three times.
Unfortunately, Biden is willing to use the same, tired attack lines that Democrats roll out any time they believe they are losing in the public arena. And, use them he does…..over and over…..maybe 3 x 3 x 3 x 3……or, more. He has them all lined up in his mind and they just trip over his tongue and out his mouth, without rhyme nor reason.
The latest from Joe Biden is that the “rich do not pay their fair share of taxes”:
He doesn’t throw in any facts. He just uses that “witticism” to drum up class warfare issues in the hopes that the “poor” and “downtrodden” will rally and vote in yet another boring Democrat. Anyone who understands economics realizes that the rich not only pay more than their fair share of taxes; but, the rich are also the major source of charitable donations. So, here’s the fact, Jack!
CBO: The wealthy pay 70 percent of taxes