Category Archives: Andrea Mitchell

Andrea Mitchell

Why is it that MSNBC will allow Andrea Mitchell,  one of their “journalists”,   to continuously accost Governor Romney while she lauds everything Obama does?

Andrea Mitchell is a shill for Obama and the Democrats, cloaked in the mantle of a tv network.

Shame on Andrea Mitchel.  Shame on MSNBC!  Shame on anyone who believes the garbage that MSNBC broadcasts!

Andrew Mitchell — racist

Andrea Mitchell reports that Iowans will NOT re-elect Obama because he is black.

It would be interesting to hear how she knows this?  Did she ask everyone in Iowa?  Can she predict the future?  The answer is probably “no” to both questions.  So, why would she say that?  Well, the reason is that Andrea Mitchel is a racist!  Why?   RACISM is making assumptions about people based, NOT on what the people say or do or even truly think, but based upon YOUR OWN PERCEPTIONS OF WHAT THAT PERSON IS SAYING, DOING, OR THINKING.  So, when Andrea says that Iowans will NOT support Obama for a second term, she is assuming the non-support — if that non-support actually exists —  is due to Obama’s skin color, and NOT based on his destroying our economy, our status in the world, or because he insists on placing onerous tax burdens on Americans.

Her refusal to attribute lack of support for Obama assumes that others are racists when, actually, their vote for someone else is more likely based on the poor economy, the unemployment, the increased danger from Iran, etc..  Her “analysis” is absolutely racist and, to the detriment of our country and even the profession of journalism, all too prevalent in our “experts” in TVland.

If she truly wanted to know why people are voting a certain way, she should go out and ask a majority of Iowans.  Her job is to report facts, not her own personal opinions which are based on her own misconceptions, not facts.

Until then, Andrea Mitchell is typical of so many in our television and cable media.  She is a racist!