Category Archives: obama

Another health scare!

OMG!  I almost had a heart attack when I heard President Obama state that he was going to shrug off his partisan ways and actually discuss health legislation with the Republicans!  This bi-partisanship would be a first in his year-long presidency.   What a wonderful scenario it would be if he and the Democrats stopped their posturing and pontificating and tried to work around what the American people want, not what politicians want!

Well, today, we know that Obama’s latest promise of working with ALL the congress, not just conspiring with Democrats, is about as true as the data used by those scientists who claimed global warming would destroy the Earth.

Today, Obama proposed what HE sees as a plan for health care.  He didn’t bother to ask Americans exactly what they wanted.  He didn’t bother to check with anyone but his own bully partisans, i.e., Reid, Pelosi, Schurmer, and the other “ilks”.  He didn’t bother to determine what proposals are needed and how to implement them.

Nope.  He just had someone write down a bunch of proposals…oh, by the way, they are Democrat proposals!   That is typical of many “small” legislative proposals— written in the back room by some assistant and voted in by legislators who take neither the time to read it nor the time to study it.  It is typical to make the legislation so verbose that no one can understand it nor the nuances.  It is typical to hide gifts for your advocates within the legislation.

What is not typical is the complete lack of bi-partisanship on a bill of this monumental importance. It is NOT typical to TELL the American public that they MUST BUY HEALTH INSURANCE or face fines. It is NOT typical to continue spending taxpayer money to convince Americans that they are pretty stupid and don’t know what is best for them. It is NOT typical to claim transparency because the bill will be online, if it truly is this time, for 72 hours!

Those with any common sense know that 72 hours is not enough time to scrutinize a bill — Democrats are counting on this.  Everyone knows this is a political ploy by Democrats — Democrats are hoping we will forget before election day.  Everyone in America, except the Democrats, is saying “NO!”  In poll after poll, Americans resoundingly say they DO NOT WANT THIS HEALTH LEGISLATION TO PASS!  So, why do Obama and his league of miscreants totter on?

Well, we all know why.  It is a canard to say that Democrats are trying to improve health care. It is true that they are trying to foist a health system on all Americans that only a few will pay for and that will ration health care and that will scare away doctors.  Their pet dogs, like the unions and a few chosen few of the states, MIGHT benefit FINANCIALLY because someone ELSE IS PAYING THE BILL.

Oh, President Obama’s proposals for health legislation are indeed scary.  In fact, they might be the death of the wonderful health care that Americans enjoy today.  Obama and the Democrats’ proposals are the worst health scare yet!

Reading Tea Leaves….

Although tea is considered a healthy, beneficial beverage, tea baggers-Americans who are frightened by the arrogance of Congress and are only trying to be heard,  are considered poisonous fear-mongerers by Democrats.

Democrats, of course, have the right to their opinion, but I wonder if insulting every-day Americans who just want Congress to listen to THEM is helpful to anyone.  Americans, by a significant majority, have rejected the plan for a governmental take over of health care that Democrats, under the leadership of President Obama, are still pushing.  Of course, if the government runs health care, then Congress and the President gain even more power to reward their “own”  with taxpayer dollars, so they’re pushing hard.  They piously claim to be doing what’s best for the American public.  But, are they?

If this is such a good plan, why are Americans against it?  If this is such a good plan,  why is no one in Congress or the President himself clamoring to be included in the newly “insured” group?  If this is such a good plan, why has it not been presented to the American public for THEIR opinion?

The proposed health care legislation would be another governmental fiasco.  NO ONE with any influence wants to be part of the plan!   In actuality,  everyone who could exempted themselves as fast as they could from this “wonderful”  plan.  Unions made a special trip to the White House to get their exemption.  Senators Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson cried about the hardship to their states and received exemptions. And, with every exemption, the burden for paying for this hideous monster rested on fewer and fewer people.  This was NOT a good plan nor was it carefully thought out.  It was a political ploy to make the president and congress APPEAR to be concerned with Americans’ welfare.

Unfortunately, the health care legislation has been little more than congressional scavengers carving out benefits for themselves or their constituency.  This is not Democracy in action.

Demonizing tea baggers in favor of President Obama’s and the Democrats’ version of “what’s best for us” is NOT Democracy in action.

Tea-baggers, who are exercising their freedom of speech, and attempting to get Congress to act in the best interests of the American taxpayer ARE Democracy in action.

So, if Congress is smart, and BEFORE they propose legislation, they should study the issues and actually ASK the American taxpayers what is best for America.

Otherwise, Congress will find themselves in hot water.  And, then, they WON’T be able to read the tea leaves!


Change?  Nope.  It’s the same old, same old, routine for President Obama and his surrogates.

Bad economy?  Blame Bush.

Health Care Legislation in shambles?  Blame Bush.

Iran not “behaving” ?  Blame Bush.

DEMOCRAT LOSES IN MASSACHUSETTS?  Blame Bush!  (No kidding.  Howard Dean did that on Chris Matthews’ show!)

Even after the huge loss by Democrats in Massachusetts, Obama doesn’t understand that HE is now in charge and that HIS huge spending programs are exasperating American voters and deepening the pain for many of us.  Maybe some Americans wanted change;  but, I bet they didn’t want: over 10% unemployment;the financial system mired in regulatory morass and a poor economy; Iran ready to fire missiles at us and our allies;  terrorists in our skies and military bases; and China and Russia forming an alliance to shut us out of the world economy and world decisions!

If this is the CHANGE that Obama and his followers wanted, I wish they would keep it to themselves.

The rest of us want to see full employment, a secure homeland, and an economic environment that doesn’t punish any one sector of our economy, like banks,  for the mistakes of politicians and other segments of the economy.

Government should not bail out business using the mantra that it is  “TOO BIG TO FAIL”.   That philosophy has just led to political greed and corruption on a more massive scale.    No one and no business is too big to fail………….unless you’re describing President Obama’s first year in office!

Nuclear Power Plants

I’d like to touch on one part of Obama’s State of the Union speech, and this isn’t to rip on him. He talked about the need of more nuclear power plants for the future, but for some reason this has LIEberals up in arms. How could he not say wind, solar or other renewable energy? The simple fact is, using nuclear power would be a benefit over our current situation. It’s cleaner, so isn’t that an improvement? It can produce much more power and decrease our dependency on the oil and coal from overseas, isn’t that better?

I just don’t get LIEberals. You give’m an inch, they want a foot. You give’m a foot, they want a yard. They’re never satisfied with what you are doing, such as when I take paper bags from the grocery, they’d get mad and want me to bring my own bags. Sure, that or I should just carry the food home without any bag, saving more energy in the process.

You have to stand before you walk. When will they realize that sometimes things like nuclear power is a good thing over the alternative. I’m all for the development of solar and wind technology, but why waste money on something that doesn’t have all the flaws worked out? Why not build nuclear now, then with the money we save invest and develop other technologies?

-Mr. Knowledge

President Obama and Miss America

The only people cheering the President last night in his State of the Union address were Democrats.  And, they were desperately seeking to show a united front after the election debacle in Massachusetts.

The question is whether Obama actually said anything of value or was he just singing to the choir?

Unfortunately, like Miss America contestants who promise to work for Peace in the world and save the children, Obama has always been good at promises.  He promised a transparent administration and you can see where that went.  The Health Reform legislation was the most covert, prejudiced process the American public NEVER SAW!  He promised more jobs.  But, he intends to create those jobs by giving tax credits to small businesses and by reining in China’s imports.  How does he define small business and where is he going to find money to allow them a tax break? And,  China hasn’t paid any attention to Obama yet, so what makes Obama think that his strong words on Chinese imports is going to change the world of business?

The problem with someone like President Obama, who never lived in the real world of business, and even in politics is a novice, is that he thinks he can talk anyone or anything into submission with his glib tongue.  As in Copenhagen with the global warming issue, or when he tried to bring the Olympics to Chicago, NO ONE ELSE IS LISTENING TO HIM!  He has become little more than the left’s trained circus act — spouting the ritualistic mantra of the left and playing the role assigned him.  But, he has not accomplished anything in his first year other than to give foreign countries the confidence that they can supersede us on all issues while taking our money in foreign aid and stealing our technology and jobs.  Oh, yes, he has also spent trillions of future tax dollars to bail out industries that should have failed because they were not viable businesses.  And, unemployment under his guidance has risen to over 10% nationally with some areas in the 15% range.  And, this does not even count those who have given up looking for jobs!

President Obama has had more disastrous effects on America in one year than even President Carter did.  And, that’s saying something!

President Obama has trivialized the Presidency by bowing to foreign heads of state, thus  visually diminishing not only himself, but all of us.  In an attempt to curry favor of foreign countries, he insulted America while abroad.  We are the most generous nation in the world and many countries are intact today thanks to the sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears of Americans.  Yet, he ignores the good in our country in order to make political hay.  He has created fissures among Americans by his politically motivated class hatred and his hatred of all conservative thought, including religious freedoms.  He even feels he knows better than the Supreme Court on Constitutional issues!  This is a man too arrogant for his office.

What happened to the candidate who said he would unite Americans?

What happened to the candidate who promised to create jobs?

What happened to the candidate who promised transparency?

I’m afraid that, like Miss America contestants,  President Obama talks a good story;  but when it comes to actually implementing their grandiose ideas, they have no practical measures in mind.  So, let him sing to the choir of lefties and Democrats.  President Obama and Miss America are two figureheads who should stay in their ivory towers and let the real thinkers in America,  American citizens, choose their own paths under their own steam!

Putting words in Obama’s mouth…

Ho hum.  It’s another day, another tedious and scripted speech from President Obama.  For a man touted as near genius, isn’t it amazing that he cannot frame an answer without a teleprompter?

Can’t the man put two words together without help?  Apparently, he can’t.

Discrimination FOR unions —

Discrimination is not only when one ethnic group suppresses another.  Discrimination occurs whenever one group of American citizens receives a special advantage over another and, usually, the discriminated group ends up paying more for something .  The health care reform legislation is just the latest, although one of the most blatant, example of discrimination against Americans who have tried to provide for their families and employees.   Already, certain  “superior” Americans like Congress and the President will not even be part of the reform!  How unfair and unAmerican is that?

If it’s good enough for everyday Americans, then it should be good enough for Congress and the President!

However, EVERYONE who actually pays the bills for big government knew it was only a matter of time before Unions, like Congress and the President, would be exempt from paying for this pseudo health reform bill.  Well, now it is official.  Unions will NOT have to pay for their Cadillac plans.  WHY DO UNIONS GET A SPECIAL BREAK?  The only reason to exempt anyone is that they are a voting group and are worth more to the Democrats in election years than the rest of us….so,they buy their votes with OUR tax dollars.

Of course this means that we, the ordinary folk,  will be paying even more to support yet another PREFERRED  group of Americans!

Thanks, Obama and Congress.  You have successfully bought the Union’s vote by exempting them from the Cadillac health care tax provision.  Discrimination is alive and well in Obama’s and Congress’  sphere of influence!

Obama – Ambushing Bush Again!

Isn’t it pathetic that President Obama still feels a need to destroy the reputation of his predecessor, rather than to destroy terrorists?

Democrats, exemplified byObama, have become political, and opportunistic,  attack dogs.  Rather than listening to the American public who wants no part of health care reform or the cap and trade, Democrats are bullrushing the legislation through.  Rather than admitting that the stimulus has promoted neither  job growth nor a better economic environment in the U.S., they fudge numbers and talk about “saved” jobs.   They must really think we’re dumb.  The only job growth there’s been is in government with Obama’s coterie of czars!

President Bush kept us safe after 9/11.  There have been several terrorist disasters in just the first year of Obama’s reign.

If I could speak with President Obama for five minutes, I would tell him to stop blaming someone else when his own inexperience is to blame.  I would tell him to stop forcing HIS agenda on an unwilling American citizens.

But, he won’t listen.  He’s too busy ambushing Bush!

Lies, Lies, and more Lies!

How many lies does it take to make one a Democrat?  Well, here are some of the whoppers coming out of what was once a party “of the people”.

Al Gore — lying about Climategate:

Hillary’s nepotism for friends:

Obama urging “more of the same bad lending practices” that led to the recession while simultaneously complaining about being handed a recession.

Obama pretending to have deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, while sending 30,000 more troops into harm’s way.

And, our beloved Senator Reid, trying to drum up racism in order to promote his own agenda.


Media blunder…?

If you’ve been under a rock and don’t know about the White House dinner story, Read This! Personally, I think the stunt / gag was pretty funny.

Here’s where the media rears its ugly head. Had this been President Bush in the White House the press would have a field day talking about the administration’s incompetence. Instead, the lieberal media comes to Obama’s defense and claims the stunt was wrong and charges be flung at the couple like candy. Had this been with the Bush administration, the media would be lauding the couple for sticking it to President Bush. It’s this double standard in the media I think shows a clear cut example of how bat-shit insane they are.

Another example is the Tiger Woods story. First of all, everyone and their brother are making assumptions and throwing out opinions as on national tv. It’s ok if you want to throw out opinion in the safety of your home, but when you’re in a public forum you can’t decide what the facts are on his personal life or what may have happened. Then watching the Sports Reporters Sunday, Mike Lupica made note that they deserve to know all the details as to where he was going and why, so that they may correctly determine what happened. Until it’s public record, he and everyone else have no right to know what went down.

Maybe Tiger just lost control of his car, maybe there was some personal issues or maybe he was trying to run over a nosy reporter.

If it’s the third option, let’s hope there’s more like him. 🙂

– Mr. Knowledge