Category Archives: obama

Bowing and Scraping..

First we had to listen to our own President denigrate the United States while overseas.

Then, we had to try to figure out which strategy for Afghanistan he truly believes in.

Now, we have to see our President bowing and scraping to emperors and Arabian “kings” and wearing clothes suitable for China, but not most Americans!

President Obama should realize that he represents the American people and our DEMOCRACY.  When he bowed to the Japanese emporer, when he bowed to the Arab “king”, and now, when he dons Chinese clothing while in China,  he shows just how little he understands of the American persona and our belief that everyone is equal.

So, enough of this fawning and bowing and scraping.  Stand up and be a man, Mr. President.  Stand up for America.

How low will Obama go?

First he bows to a Muslim leader and now to a Japanese leader.

Isn’t it ironic that Obama, who routinely talks about discrimination that emanated from slavery, is now bowing to what are, or were, dictators.  Doesn’t he realize that he is conferring legitimacy on a form of government that Americans did not want when our country began, and still do not want?

His inexperience and self-serving goals are definitely being showcased in his Asian tour.  However, he wants to be the dictator here in America, so accepting other countries’ non-democratic institutions can only further his own goals back here.  Unfortunately, by playing a subservient role, he is making a fool of himself and our entire country!

So, rather than standing up for America, he bows to other nations.  How low will Obama go?  No one knows, but every time he bows, neither his nor America’s best side is showing!


President Obama wanted control of the “failing” companies and Wall Street.    He got that through the bail-out plans which, he said, allowed him to create czars who tell the companies how much to pay their employees.  CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC never questioned Obama’s actions even though, constitutionally, there is no power given to the President to regulate salaries or even to fire CEOs as he did.

Obama wanted world adulation.  He got that by running to Europe and criticizing everything American.  Rather than acting like the Commander in Chief, he became the Apologist in Chief!  Rather than explaining how generous the United States has been throughout many, many years, he agreed with everyone who is anti-American.  He is considering allowing the UN — of which we are the main financial support — to dictate policy to us…… and the World Bank — of which we are the main financial support — to control our economy. It’s no wonder he got the Nobel Peace Prize from those who want America and capitalism to fail.   Again, the major networks remain silent.

Obama has a checkered past of associating with people who have radical philosophies and ideals.  Witness his long association with Reverand Wright, Farakhan, and even Van Jones.  These three, and many in Obama’s cabinet, profess views against capitalism and even against the ideals of our country, as expressed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  And, what did CNN, MSNBC, or ABC say about these problems?  They are uniformly silent.

Now, President Obama and his cabinet, and other Democrats, are trying to silence FOX news.  First, they said it wasn’t really fair.  Then, they asked their minions at NBC, CNN, and MSNBC to shun FOX news.  Now, Obama is claiming that FOX news is only opinion, disguised as news.   In a recent speech, Obama also claimed that Republicans “do what they are told.”

And, at the same time, Obama claims to be a unifier!

It is time for journalists to actually BE journalists, not just lackeys of the Democrat party.  Get up and actually do some research rather than regurgitating what the White House gives you. If you study even the few months that Obama has been in office, you will find that he routinely changes his stance, depending on the political climate.

And, remember, power corrupts.  And, absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Take that Obama-Speak and try to decipher whether he is actually right or wrong.  But, don’t just take him at his word because Obama-Speak is a constantly changing language!

Nobel “Piece” Prize

By awarding the nobel peace prize to a highly inexperienced politician, i.e., President Obama, the committee has shown just how little this prize actually means any more.  I would like the committee to name ONE thing that Obama has actually accomplished in his years as a community organizer, 2 year senator, and now President of the United States.

They couldn’t because there is nothing.

The committee is using the Peace prize as a political piece of incentive to encourage the United States to shift its policies and philosophy to be more in accord with the socialist agenda of Europe. By stroking Obama’s ego, they know that they will get more “goodies from the candy jar” of the United States!

There may be some who will herald this award as yet another feather in Obama’s cap.  I see it as a confirmation that even the Nobel Peace Prize committee is  politically motivated.  They hope to shift the world’s attention to what Obama “might” accomplish rather than the lack of accomplishments.  It is a gesture of pure politics, not a reward for a job well done.  And, it proves that Obama is more attuned to European and Asian demands than those of his own country, the United States.

Oh, yes, the Nobel Peace Prize is a REAL PIECE of work!

Obama — the Great Fence Straddler

Now, President Obama wants to legalize even illegal aliens just so they can get health care coverage!  What kind of crazy logic is that?

Oh, I know.  Let’s invite in the felons from every country in the world so the American taxpayer can provide health care benefits, housing, and even food.  Why should an American citizen expect to use his own hard earned wages for himself and his family?

Oh, Lord.  Save us from Obama’s attempts to buy votes with welfare!

Joe Wilson

When President Bush (41) spoke to school children, the Democrats demanded hearings on the issue.  When President Obama spoke with school children, the Democrats were vocal in their outrage that anyone would question Obama.

When President Bush was called Hitler and other vicious names on the House floor, the Democrats encouraged them. When Joe Wilson rebukes Obama for an erroneous statement, the Democrats censure him.

When other countries insulted us, our system, and demanded MORE MONEY, the Democrats said nothing.  When Russia decides to give nuclear weapons to Venezuela, they sit on their hands.

So, when the President made his comment, so obviously wrong at that time, someone from his own party should have called him on it.  But, the Democrats are afraid to be out of lock step with Pelosi and Reid, so they waited for someone else to reprove the President.  That person was Joe Wilson.

Joe just called it like he saw it!

CNN spinning

I think that many Americans feel as Joe Wilson did about President Obama’s speech last night — “that’s a lie!”–  rather than the spin some networks are handing out as their “reading” of the president’s speech last night.

CNN, especially,  has once again shown itself to be a partisan network, heavily biased in FAVOR of President Obama.  It doesn’t seem to matter how ridiculous Obama’s statements are, CNN routinely “finds” people who agree with them.  In this case, CNN did a poll of reactions to the President’s pathetic attempt to justify his health care reform package.  Characteristically, they included nearly twice the Democrats compared to Republicans in the poll.

Let’s face it.  CNN wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face.

The truth is that there is no need for health care reform.  What is needed is to reform Medicare so that doctors get paid what their services are worth!  What is needed is tort reform so doctors don’t pay upwards of $200,000 PER YEAR in malpractice fees,  trying to offset the ridiculous cases that are pressed against them. What is needed is for the Democrats to stop playing politics.

Health care reform, as envisioned by Obama, is nothing more than a hand out to groups that support him.  The unions are the worst of the worst.  But, I heard Obama enlist another group last night — the nurses!  It is always pleasant to be told that you are so vital that we want to raise your salary; however, Obama is using them as yet another divisive ploy in an attempt to “get his way” on health care reform.

This is just another case of class warfare at which Obama is the king.  Unfortunately, he wants to be king of the world, and health care is just his platform.  Time for “the king” to step down from his throne and stop raising the national debt at the cost of our grandchildren.  And, it is time for networks like CNN, NBC, and even ABC, to stop letting Obama get away with such patently untrue statements!

The blame game….

It doesn’t surprise me that President Obama is looking to blame someone, anyone, for his own policy failures here and abroad, notably Afghanistan.  For a man who professed to look “forward”, he spends an amazing amount of time and energy trying to redirect the responsibility for events backwards onto his predecessor, former President Bush.

So, here’s Obama’s latest attempt to pass the buck:

The White House sought on Monday to pin the blame for the grave state of the war in Afghanistan on the Bush administration, which made Iraq its top military priority.

Obama, the “Techie”…….NOT

Ha ha.  The President whom everyone claimed was the most technologically advanced candidate in the world is now claiming a “mistake” was made when unsolicited emails — spam to most of us ordinary folk — were sent.

It couldn’t have been that they tried spamming as a trial balloon, could it?  And, when people complained, they looked for a scapegoat?  Ah, yes.  It was a mistake!!!

Change-up: White House sent unsolicited e-mails

WASHINGTON (AP) – The White House is blaming unnamed political groups for the unsolicited e-mails it had wrongly insisted no one was receiving from its online operation.”We’re certainly not interested in anyone receiving e-mails from the White House who don’t want them,” White House online director Macon Phillips said in a blog posting Monday night.

Phillips said groups outside the White House—he offered no specifics—had signed up their members to receive regular White House updates about President Barack Obama’s projects, priorities and speeches. Adding names from a commercial or political list to the White House list was not the practice there, he said.

After the White House had consistently denied that anyone who hadn’t sought the e-mails had received them, Phillips acknowledged that people may have been added to the e-mail lists without their knowledge.

“We regret any inconvenience caused by receiving an unexpected message,” he wrote in the blog.