Category Archives: obama

Obama’s Teleprompter

Ronald Reagan was known as the “Great Communicator” for his inspiring speeches and his impressive knowledge on world affairs, as well as domestic issues.  All Presidents have used the podium to inform Americans on issues.  Unfortunately, today, President Obama feels uncomfortable answering even the most minute question without the aid of his teleprompter.  The few times that Obama answered “off the cuff” were not only embarassing to all, but a measure of his inexperience.  That is why Obama has retreated to “reading” his answers rather than spontaneously answering anything put before him!

Speaking extemporaneously might not be the only way to measure a President, but most Americans expect the president to be speaking TO THEM, not reading from a teleprompter.  And, if Obama must be prompted by a teleprompter so he gives the “right” answer, WHO IS PROMPTING THE TELEPROMPTER?

Obama wants to censor “some” media………

“Then”, nominee Obama hinted at requiring radio stations, etc., to toe the line for talk show topics and the responses to those shows.  Now,  President Obama and his censorship team feel comfortable in publicly admitting that they want to suppress certain talk show radio hosts.  Under the guise of “balance”, Obama is determined to control even the conservative station’s themes!

Man, this is scarey stuff!

Obama — about as suave as President Ford

Remember how the media ridiculed President Ford for slipping on a step?  Well, here’s a Democratic President who forgot to duck and hit his head.  Is the media making a similar fuss about it?

No?  Oh, that’s right.  This is a Democratic President and Democrats can do no wrong!

Let’s hope that  the knock on the head will knock some sense into President Obama’s noggin!

President Obama — Wrong about the economy!

I wonder if President Obama is listening to anyone except Democrats like Senator Reid?  Why doesn’t he call the Congressional Budget Office and ask their opinion?  If he did, he would find out that the CBO is OPPOSED to tObama’s stimulus package and says it would hurt the economy!  Read ’em and weep.


President Obama reportedly gave one of his first foreign interviews to an Arab network.  Of course, the Saudis, Iranians, and other muslim nations are ecstatic.  The wedge is now firmly driven between Israel and the United States, thanks to one, foolish interview given by our President.

Obama seems to forget that Israel is a democracy and most of the Arab nations are not.

Obama seems to forget that Israel is eager to help us destroy the terrorists and most of the Arab nations are not.

Obama seems to forget that Israel is one of our strongest allies in the Middle East and most of the Arab nations are not!

President Obama has forgotten the threat of a nuclear Iran and ignored the beleaguered status of Israel.

All the efforts to contain terrorism which flourishes in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and yes, even Jordan, are all for naught.  Our current President is not only oblivious to reality in the Middle East, but also foolish to ignore an important ally like Israel merely to show his power.   It looks to me like Obama’s inexperience is showing.  And, most of what Obama does is simply foolishness!

Rushing Rush

From the “now I’ve heard everything” book:   President Obama tells Republican legislators to not listen to Rush Limbaugh so “they” can get things done!  Well, he means so that they will toe his and the Democrats’ line.

In a blatant demonstration of arrogance, Obama tried to demoralize the Republicans by implying that they are puppets of a talk show host .  And, with that rude comment, he also hoped to  marginalize Mr. Limbaugh.  It was an absurd way for a President to act, but if you have watched the Democrats, you understand that they believe they — and they alone — have the right to say or do anything!  This was just the latest example of that philosophy.

This “we’re right and you’re wrong” attitude comes from the Democrats being  “me” driven and is why  President Obama does not understand that Republicans are united by a philosphy of individualism, self reliance, and a high moral standard.   If the Republican legislators and Mr. Limbaugh have common hopes, ideals and beliefs, that should surprise no one.  And, if a Democratic President attempts to divide his “enemy”, as he sees conservatives, that should surprise no one either.

Maybe with the SuperBowl approaching, Obama thought a pass rush on Rush would confuse Republicans.  But all of us have now seen how the Democrats play the game and we’re more than willing to call penalties when we see them.  So, I give Obama 15 yards on a personal penalty for taunting.    

After all, Mr. Limbaugh is a private citizen, not a foreign country or enemy combatant!   Surely Obama should be dealing with issues of state and not trying to destroy an individual!! So, while Obama won’t lose the ball because he is President, he showed the true colors of the Democrats  with that unsportsmanlike conduct!

World – Class – Arrogance

President Obama called a few Republicans into the White House to discuss the economic stimulus he says is needed.  Some have said that the American economy fuels the world economy and therefore, it is of paramount importance to cure America before the World falls ill.  However, it sounds like Obama has a different agenda.  Aparently, he wants 25% of the billions mentioned to be spent on items not approved, like contraceptives !  I don’t understand how limiting the number of babies born to Americans will stimulate the economy nor help the world.  It sounds as though Obama lives in his own, little World.

Then, he complains about how much money the wealthy have and how he means to steal that difference and give it to the poor.  That is class warfare.

Finally, even his aides admit that when questioned about a specific item in the stimulus plan, Obama said,  “I won”.  That is, I won and you will do as I say.  That is arrogance.

Add those up and you come up with a very clear and honest depiction of President Obama — World Class Arrogance.

Why now?

Read This!

7 things to do to help Obama? These are all things we should have been doing all along, not just now, to help OURSELVES. But, LIEberals assume that Obama will make everything perfect and hunky-dory. It’s so sad that some of these idiots who voted for him are stupider than a box of rocks and assume everything will work out now that Obama is in office.

Jesus hippies, get a job, work hard, and amazingly, you are usually rewarded with a good life. Unless, of course, you work too hard and make too much money. Well… then you are taxed (read penalized) for making too much. Ugh, idiots.

-Mr. Knowledge