Category Archives: obama

This historical hysterical day.

Someone posted on Facebook that today is the MOST important day in history.

So today is more important than the Declaration of Independence, end of slavery, removal of Hitler, the right for women to vote, end of segregation… just to name a few. I mean, how bat-sh*t have these people gotten? Yes, I’ll admit the fact that a half black man being inaugurated is pretty historical in the essence that he is the first, but, that doesn’t mean this is the most important day in history. Without three of the five things I mentioned above would this have ever happened. Had we not declared independence, ended slavery and segregation, Obama would have no chance for this to even be considered historical.

-Mr. Knowledge

Money, money, money, must be funny, in a LIEberals world.

Obama’s inauguration is expected to be close to $150 million. So in these tough economic times, it’s ok to waste away that money? Why not put that towards education or clothing for the poor? That’s right, they want my tax money to do that, their’s can go towards parties and concerts.

The shocker? Four years ago, they told Bush to keep his low-key. Sorry, that’s not a shocker, that’s expected from these liars and cheats.

-Mr. Knowledge

Global… erm, global stuff. Yep, “stuff” should encompass all our positions on the topic.

Read This!

Per previous posts, here, here and here.

It’s just ridiculous to assume we, as humans, can change Earth’s climate. The fact that the Earth has gone through it’s own heating and cooling periods without us is proof that we are just a small part of the entire eco-system.

Let’s wait a few years before Obama and the LIEberals start saying we caused global cooling, and claim the Republicans are ignorant for not seeing all the effects.

-Mr. Knowledge

How to have two scandals BEFORE you are sworn into office.

Previous Post :

Then Read This!

Hm.. Imagine that. More corruption from the Obama camp. Why does anyone think he’s going to bring change? It’s the same corruption and kick-backs that have plagued government since the Clintons made it accepted policy. Here, Obama is not even in office and he’s already got 2 scandals on his hands; the taxes guy and this. It would be hilarious to me if his stupid decisions didn’t affect my security, well being and all round affect it will have on my life.

Is it 2012 yet?

-Mr. Knowledge

Obama Means Change… Riiight

Read This!

Obama means change. Change, as in what he says and what he does. His whole campaign was against the multi-million dollar companies. He’s not even into office and he’s already picked someone who is FOR the multi-million dollar industry, and not for the ”little” man as he claims.

It’s not just Obama, and it’s not JUST the LIEberals who do this. BUT, it’s much, much more prevalent on their side. Obama is still weeks away from inauguration and he’s already in flip-flop mode. The promises he made sound all good and cheery and even I would like to see some of the things he said come true, but it’s downright impossible. Just mathematically speaking his policies make no sense. Reduce taxes and increase services will let the economy grow. Ok, that almost works. He ran as a pro-tech guy having speeches on YouTube and other web tools, but when it’s time to make a decision he falls right back to whatever devious plan he has, not to what he says. Had this been Bush who said one thing and did another, the media and all the lib-tards would be up in arms over what he says and does.

Obama has bamboozled the American people into voting for him, because he seems like a shining light, a glimmer of hope, change. How has he changed anything? He’s right back to lying and deceitful tactics that the LIEberals claim the Bush administration had. If you claim the Bush administration said one thing and did another, then you should be up in arms about Obama too. Change only happens when an honest, decent American gets elected President. Change better happen in 2012.

Mr. Knowledge

Um.. ok?

Read This!

A friend of mine posted this on his Facebook status : is really? al-qaeda ur gonna call my man a “house negro”?? not a smart move

First of all, does he not have the right to say it?  Whether or not it’s right, does he have the right?  Yes.

Secondly, why wouldn’t they defend Bush with the same vigor when he was torn down from every angle.  Oh yeah, they had no respect for the man OR the Presidency.

Thirdly, where was this aggressive attitude when those faceless cowards killed thousands of Americans?

It’s just so funny, that they get their panties all in an uproar over words, and useless insults, but turn a blind eye when it really counts.

I call them cowards.

Mr. Knowledge

You go, Girl!

An editorialist today suggested that Senator Clinton is not qualified to be Secretary of State in the new administration.  Although obviously true, it is irrelevant.  Experience is no longer a prerequisite for anything in America.  Nope.  If you’re a minority, we will pump up your qualifications until you meet job specifications.  If you’re a minority, you can be President….even when you have no legislative — or any other — experience.

Let’s be realistic.  When the Democratic party rallied behind the least experienced, least knowledgable candidate in the history of our country, they ignored the need for experience!  It’s true that Hillary has no experience in foreign affairs, except for those little tea parties she attended as First Lady.  But, why should the Secretary of State specs be any more challenging than those for the President?    Neither Obama nor Hillary have any experience in running a country or running to foreign countries with our policies, but, in today’s America, that apparently has no bearing on who is the best person for a job.

I can’t say that I have ever supported Hillary for anything.  But,  if it takes her out of the country, as Secretary of State duties will do, I say, “You go, Girl!”


Inexperienced was the obvious winner in last night’s presidential election, and in some senatorial contests, too.  For me, the fact that the Democrats would promote such an inexperienced man with a dubious past has confirmed what I believe the Democratic party has turned into — a power-hungry group of hypocrits who will do and say anything to win.

Witness the slandering of President Bush throughout his presidency.  No matter what happened, the Democrats laid all the blame at his administration’s door.   The slander was bad enough, but the net effect is that the rest of the world felt safe in also criticizing him and also felt safe in not working with him because they knew the Democratic congress would do anything to thwart his efforts.

Maybe the majority of voters was right to elect someone without experience.  We can only wait and see.  However, I fear that my children and grandchildren will not live in a better world than we have.  They will not be able to count on working hard and reaching their goals because higher taxes will cut into their paycheck.  Seniors, such as I, will not be able to retire as early and what we have earned and saved so far will be reduced to the point that we all have to do with less and work longer.

Is it fair?  The black woman who said she wanted Obama elected because then “I won’t have to worry about paying for my car and house” obviously represented a significant portion of the American voting public.  I just wonder what she will say when the better-off Americans and corporations decide they have to tighten their belt to pay higher taxes and thus, cutting jobs is the only answer.  Maybe she will lose her own job, car or house.  Will she be so happy then?

No one knows because no one has ever lived with a President this inexperienced before.  We all hope for the best, but I fear that we are going to experience a far harsher country where our young people no longer dream because they know the government will control their every move through financial strictures, such as higher taxes and fees on individuals and business.

Inexperienced?  This is the new standard and new reality of politics.  Experience the inexperienced!

Black man FOR other Black Man

So, where’s the surprise in Colin Powell endorsing the Democratic nominee?  Both are black men and the media routinely gloats that 95% of black Americans will vote for the black candidate.  No one questions if it is okay for black people to unanimously vote for black candidates, but any white who is for Senator McCain is routinely villified for his “racism” !!!!

Only in America would it be politically correct for almost 100% of an ethnic group to vote, based on their candidate being “one of them”, and no one asks about racism on their part!