Category Archives: Obama’s lies

Your lyin’ eyes…..singing and dancing to President Obama’s tune………..

President Obama seems to be a man who will say or do anything to make political hay. …..even if he has to later repudiate what he said earlier.  Apparently, Obama is testing out the Al Gore school of political wisdom.  Remember Al Gore who said he voted  for it before he voted against it?

In a similar vein,  President Obama now claims he didn’t say :  “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it….period!”    “If you like your doctor, you can keep him.”

Well, if that wasn’t Obama, who was that man in the 29 different video repeating that specific pledge?  It sure looked like our President.  It sure sounded like our President.  The evidence is pretty clear that  IT WAS OUR PRESIDENT!

So, whom does Obama think he’s fooling by now claiming he was misunderstood?  Maybe he believes that old litany of a sucker being born every minute because he sure is trying to suck Americans into a lie.  Let’s be done with this shilly-shally routine of euphemisms where we call Obama’s lies other names to make them more palatable.  Obama did NOT misspeak.  Obama was NOT misunderstood.  Obama was NOT fed misinformation by subordinates.

Obama lied.  He lied every time he opened his mouth to speak about health care with his claim that FEW Americans would lose their health insurance.  He lied about the cost of the “new and improved governmental” health insurance   He lied about Americans being able to keep insurance, doctors, and even hospitals that they had chosen.  Obama lied…..lied….lied.

So, here’s a little song — this one by John Anderson, I believe — to immortalize President Obama’s lies.  Sing along, if you like because, if you are an American whose health insurance is being cancelled or one of those suckers who will be on the “guv’nmint’s” string, this will be the last time you sing your own song.  From now on, you will dance to Obama’s tune!

Your lying.....eyes used to charm me, hypnotize me through and through             
like a fool.... I''ve been dreamin, Your lying....eyes just told on you.

All those stories I've been hearin, I wouldn't believe that they were true
But just this morning over coffee your lying ...eyes just told on you.
like a fool....I've been dreamin your lying....eyes just told on you

(Verse 2)

For a long time I have loved you 
And I thought that you loved me too 
Now all my questions have been answered 
Your lying ....eyes just told on you

Why is Obama smiling?


Why is Obama smiling?

When droves of Americans no longer even hope to secure employment and drop out of those seeking employment….

When scandals abound — Benghazi; the Administration refusing to give information to Congressional committees;  Obamascare and the inability to impose any kind of intelligent organization to this catastrophic health scare plan;   the IRS spying on Americans;  the coordination of the CIA and FBI, and other governmental “initials”…..all to spy on AMERICANS;   the IRS prohibiting Conservative groups from their right to be non-profits;     countless political appointees who didn’t follow American laws, and yet, are installed in positions of power and influence;        lavish vacations for the big O and his family……..and friends…….AND,  reporters who cover the White House;      waivers for Unions, big political contributors (to Democrats, of course, especially Obama) ;     and anyone who can spell “Democrat”………………………..

Shouldn’t President Obama, and all of his administration, be FROWNING .………and working late at night to correct these scandals?

That’s what you would expect from an honest Administration or Congress.  In actuality, there is no need to concentrate on these scandals when  the NBC, ABC< MSNBC, ABC, and Obama’s other minions all  pretend that everything is hunky-dorey in America, and around the world.  No one contests Obama’s repeated lies, repeated omissions of facts, nor his repeated rewriting of his own History!


So, given that Obama has a license to say, do, spend, “go around Congress”, wouldn’t YOU be smiling, too?

Obama….just lyin’ around

So, why would anyone care if the United States President is of good moral character?  I know, many Libs would scoff that that’s an old-fashioned concept.  But, is moral integrity still of any importance in today’s world?  Well, consider these facts.

1-Libya’s president says that the riots in which our ambassador and three others were murdered was PREMEDITATED.

The lie:  Obama, and his cronies, say that the riots were an Islamic reaction to a video which purportedly showed the prophet Mohammed in a poor light.  Unfortunately, the video has been “out” for months.  And, unfortunately, FOX reports that there were no protestors present at the Embassy until the major attack began.

2-Obama claims that Americans are better off thanks to his policies.

The lies:

Unemployment has been above 8%  since his stimulus “worked its magic”.  Ask your friends, family, and neighbors how the stimulus helped them!

Small businesses are afraid of hiring anyone because no one knows what the future taxes nor regulations will be.  See the unemployment rate.

American influence is at an all time low…. so low that the Mid-east is seething with rioters….all insulting America and our flag…and, killing our representatives.

Business are moving their manufacturing overseas in order to be competitive, including GE, the President’s pet corporation.

Gas prices are at an all time high.  How’s that working out for people who commute?

Every poll finds that Americans are pessimistic about the future and believe that their children will have a worse future than they had.

3-Obama claimed he would have a transparent and “above-board” administration.

The lies:The health care bill was passed in secret and without the public even seeing the documents, DESPITE  OBAMA’S PROMISES THAT EVERY BILL WOULD BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC FOR A NUMBER OF DAYS BEFORE THE VOTE WAS TAKEN.

And, of course, the Congress didn’t read it either before the Democrats, on a partisan basis, passed the bill.  Remember Nancy Pelosi’s famous  comment “we’ll have to pass it so we can find out what’s in it?”

Representative Issa has requested documents about Fast and Furious over and over.  In more than a year, the Justice Department, under Eric Holder, has refused to allow the required access to documents.

4-Obama said he would run a campaign of high integrity.

The lie:  To date, his campaign has accused Governor Romney of being a financial vulture, of causing cancer which killed a woman, of being uncaring about the middle class, of not being skilled enough or experienced enough to be President.  (BTW, former President Clinton said that Romney was a sterling businessman and that, as a former governor, Romney was definitely qualified to be President.)

How can Americans trust a man like Obama who routinely lies and, through either his lack of experience or arrogance, has run our country into a deep recession and two downgrades of our financial rating?  How can Americans trust a man like Obama who refuses to release his college records?  How can Americans trust a man like Obama who wants to make secret deals with Russia….in the future…..when he has more “flexibility” ?

What makes a President trustworthy?  Is it endless golf?  Is it endless basketball games?  Is it endless social outings with Hollywood stars?  Is it more campaign stops than intelligence briefings?

The problem with our current administration is that they are constantly campaigning on a mixture of innuendoes and lies.  And, re-election is their only motive, NOT the welfare of America.  No.  Obama will say anything and do anything to be re-elected…..even if it means he’s just lyin’ around!