Category Archives: Samuel Jackson

Samuel Jackson — Racist!

Racism, as Samuel Jackson proves, is alive and well in America:

Isn’t it ironic that those of us who preferred McCain, with his extensive background in a multitude of areas, to President Obama, who had no executive experience….well, no experience in anything except rabble rousing….are called “racist” while those who openly admit their vote for Obama was based on Obama’s skin color alone are not called racist?  Isn’t it ironic that I will be criticized as being racist for calling Samuel Jackson to account for HIS professed racism?  When will we begin to stop using skin color as a reason for personal aggrandizement or personal advancement?

Racism is NOT just white against black.  Racism is ANY judgment of another person based solely on the skin color or ethnicity.  And, Jackson’s admission is not surprising considering that almost 90% of our Americans, who happen to be “black”, voted for Obama.  BUT, it is still a sad commentary on how some Americans pledge their allegiance.

For years, we’ve heard stories of racism directed against blacks, Japanese, Hmong, etc.  And, some of those stories are undoubtedly true.  But, racism is color blind.  A black man, such as Samuel Jackson, who claims he voted for Obama, based on skin color alone, is just as racist as anyone who voted for McCain because McCain is white!

So, when Samuel Jackson claims he voted based only on a candidate’s skin color, that is RACISM.  When 90% of blacks voted for Obama, that is RACISM.  When Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton constantly criticize any issue that involves black and white with the duo always agreeing with the blacks involved, THAT IS RACISM.

If America is truly the land of opportunity, then we should be trying to STOP such racism, not just redirect it against another group.  Everybody deserves an equal opportunity.  But, that opportunity cannot come at the expense of another because government should not be picking winners and losers.  Yet, continuing to create divides between Americans is what Obama has thrived on.  He NEEDS those blacks to support him, regardless of his policies.

However, such blind adoration is not only risky, it is racist.  Oh, yes.  Racism is definitely thriving in America.  And, yes, Samuel Jackson is marching at the head of the parade.  Samuel Jackson is a Racist!