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Your Lyin’ Eyes

Democrats have jumped on every possible pretext to scream that President Trump should be impeached. There is no need to list the debacles that befell the Dems when they insisted that the Russian collusion story would be the downfall of his Presidency. No need to list unless you have been listening to CBS, NBC, MSNBC or CNN. Their breathless exclamations regarding each and every potential disaster have been systematically reduced to the gibberish that the “news” was to begin with.

So, to even the playing field with the Truth, there was no collusion between Mr. Trump and his team with Russia. General Flynn caved to the onslaught against him, but he only do so after they threatened his family and Flynn had no resources left to fight with. They harried countless good men and women out of serving our country with half truths and innuendoes which the main media distributed ad nauseum. Forget that these were salacious lies that only fed the reporters’ egos and the networks’ desire for anything to titillate the public.

Gone is any sense that reporters’ true job is to report facts. Their mission should not be to color a story to fit their own opinions or own agenda. But, the idea of reporting being an honest profession is long gone. Nowadays, reporters are known for their political bias and their stories reflect that. They are unapologetic in their hatred of President Trump. And, because the media owns the “mouthpieces” , that is the airwaves, it is difficult to bring any rationality to today’s “news”.

So, when Rep Schiff proclaimed that he had proof positive of Mr. Trump colluding with Russia to win the election, few in the media asked him to prove it. When, after demanding that a transcript of the phone call between the Ukraine President and President Trump be released to the public — and, it was, Schumer says that the transcript is not as critical as what the whistle blower had to say. A whistleblower who, by his own admission, never heard the actual phone call. His complaints were based on “sources” at the White House! No media outlet asked Schumer why a non-participant’s opinion of a conversation that he did not hear was more critical than the actual transcript.

It is no surprise that many of us have turned off the news and tuned out of the constant barrage against President Trump. After all the lies, innuendoes, false stories, and obvious attempts to destroy Mr. Trump, we find that we are more and more inclined to believe the outspoken President than a bunch of nattering, back-stabbing reporters who, along with many Democrats, have no concern for the damage their fallacious stories are doing to our country.

It is inconceivable why our elected representatives are hell bent on destroying President Trump and, with him, our country. Their constant attacks give our enemies comfort because the enemies realize we are a divided people.

So, I say to the Democrats, “Stop this ridiculous attempt to satisfy your own egos with the impeachment of President Trump. Get busy on what we sent you to Washington to do. And, for God’s sake, close your mouths and listen to what the American people say they want!”

Else, your lyin’ eyes will destroy all that is good in America!

Out of the mouth of babes……

This Biblical phrase tells us that sometimes, innocents know and speak only the truth. That is why a child is often more believable than an adult. The child has not learned to obfuscate, lie, or mislead. Hence, an innocent child speaks the truth, regardless of the consequences.

Out of the mouths of babes might be one way to find the Truth, but only if the children have not been brainwashed, either by experience or their community. Once indoctrination has begun, it is difficult to know if children are speaking the Truth, or someone else’s “truth”.

To my way of thinking, there are too many children receiving media attention because the children have been taught a certain, ideological view point. I’m thinking of David Hogg who feels that his own, personal experience gives him the right to lecture everyone else on gun control. Though 19, he has been the media’s sweetheart for several years, long before he could possibly have understood all the ramifications of gun control and Constitutional issues. Yes, he had a traumatic experience, but that experience might also have disproportionately influenced his opinions. His youthful approach, as with most advocates for gun control, reflects the theory that only he knows the truth. Anyone who disagrees with his stance HAS to be wrong, simply because he is right.

Greta Thunberg is another child whom the media is cultivating because she is on the march against climate warming. That opinion is very popular in Sweden and, of course, the liberal media gloms onto her and her viewpoint because………..she has the same ideas as they do. It’s sad to see a child cynically used for the benefit of a political issue, yet the press has no compunction about using, and abusing, even children. And, expecting a child to be the spokesperson for anything is, indeed, child abuse.

Normally, we encourage children to be aware of their world and to learn and listen as they grow up so they can be responsible adults. The problem with these two is that they have NOT grown up yet and, thus, are being used by the media in a very cavalier and debasing manner simply to advance PC issues. It is another example of the main stream media promoting their own causes, only this time, by exploiting children and their fears. And, worse, adults are expected to bow at the knee of these two, juvenile “experts”.

CNN and MSNBC and NBC need to start doing some homework and actually studying issues before giving a breathless, dramatic headline. And, certainly, any story worth telling should have its basis in facts. Neither David Hogg nor Greta Thunberg are old enough nor educated enough to be lecturing society on anything. David seems to be scarred by the horrific event he lived through. And Greta, well, who knows if her parents or community are instigating her public comments? At any rate, neither can be considered objective observers.

To stop this foolish reliance on a mere child, we need to insist that the media stop hyping the ridiculous idea that children should choose how society lives, or even, how government should react to what are, after all, important issues. Let’s insist that the media report facts and not merely the regurgitation of a popular ideology. And, to have that happen, we must hear from adults, not children.

So, what else is new?

Just a little less than two months ago, I chastised Democrats for their never-ending name calling of President Trump, his supporters, Republican, and, anything Conservative. That was June 9th, 2019.

Now, in the aftermath of two more, unprovoked and heart-wrenching shooting sprees, the Democrats are going all out in blaming President Trump. It reminds me of that Biblical passage about looking for the mote in your own eye before calling out someone else. But, for them, it is always easier to look for someone else to blame rather than the effect of what they have said or done.

If the Democrats were at all concerned about the country and not their own political career, they would be consoling the survivors, not taking trying to gain an advantage from the deaths of the innocents. If the Democrats truly wanted to heal the divisions in this country, they would be asking their constituents, their legislative partners, and, primarily, their own heart about how to stop these tragedies. But, no. For them, accusing another is part of their stock and trade, politically speaking, of course.

Too bad they don’t take a lesson from the young man who asked people to honor El Paso’s victim by doing 22 acts of kindness.

But, that would be asking Democrats to completely overhaul their modus operandi. They would have to forget what is politically expedient and to consider that their own name calling and hateful accusations are creating more hate and more potential heart break for America.

And, that is like asking a leopard to change his spots. Democrats are just not going to stop trying to tear down President Trump with their own despicable words. I guess I hoped they would be better than this. But, ignoring their own failings and using derogatory names against political opponents is so ingrained in their psyche that this terrible habit will continue to be their “issue” of the day. It’s been this way for many years and will continue to be so.

So, what else is new?

Democrats — Perfecting Name Calling

So, the media is reporting that President Trump criticized his political opponents while he was overseas. And, that his criticism is a “bad” thing.

What hypocrites!

Why was Pelosi not criticized for saying she wanted President Trump in jail………….while he was overseas commemorating D Day?

Why was it okay on President Trump’s other overseas trips to call him names and to argue against almost everything he said or did? When Obama was President, anyone who even discussed his policies while he was overseas was categorized as racist. Why does that standard not continue to be applied now?

Back when legislators at least tried to be statesmanlike, the policy of both parties was that NO ONE criticized the President while he was out of the country. But, the Democrats have no shame. While they can try to justify all their insults, innuendoes, and downright libelous comments, the rest of us understand that they are just politicians who have perfected name calling. The Democrats do very little that is perfect, but they certainly have excelled in casting aspersions on Trump and on creating conspiracy theories about not only him, but also about his family! Those outrageous insults of our President continue despite the harm it does to our country.

Lately, the Democrats’ party has become a hateful, and harmful, force in America. They refuse to work for the betterment of all Americans. They probably don’t have enough time because, of course, most of the Democrats are busy running for President instead of doing their job of being Senators or Congressmen. Their intentions are to make as much trouble and turmoil for our President as they possibly can regardless of how that affects us.

No President has been as vilified nor attacked as much as President Trump. He is a man of strong character who has stood tall and maintained his allegiance to his job as President. That job is to make America great again which he is doing. Despite the Democrats’ animus toward him, he has lowered the unemployment rate to the lowest it has been in years He has encouraged a spirit of “can do” again in America. He has promoted the welfare of America in general, improved the morale of our military, and worked for the betterment of every American with his policies of America First.

If there is any name calling to be done, let’s give Trump the names he deserves…………………..because………..he is Energetic, Proud to be an American, Smart, and, yes, a Decent Man.

That would be truly perfecting name calling.

Unless you can say something good…..


Isn’t that what most parents tell their children?

I wish that someone would remind the CHILDISH Democrats about this philosophy. They have become the most obnoxious, bigoted, narcissistic, and, just generally, nasty-speaking, public figures in America. Their constant diatribes against President Trump and openly antagonistic attitude are the most divisive feature of American politics. Their insults are beyond belief and unfitting for those we choose to represent us. Worse, by continually insulting and denigrating our President, they diminish his ability to keep America safe because their carping creates the illusion that America is weak because we are not united behind our Commander in Chief.

Lately, they refuse to accept the PROVEN fact that President Trump was NOT part of the Russian attempt to affect our elections. They repeat lies that have been proven false in the hope that if they keep spouting these lies, the voters will accept the lie as truth. Unfortunately, the Democrats don’t care what is true or not. Their only goal is to keep throwing mud in order to destroy President Trump and raise their re-election chances.

They say that President Trump was not proven innocent. Well, according to our law, he was INNOCENT from the beginning and did not have to prove his innocence. So, whether the Lie-berals like it or not, Trump is an innocent man STILL!

I hope that, at some point, Democrats and all those Lie-berals will realize they are destroying the country with their petty and venal attacks on the President. With their obstructive tactics, it is amazing that unemployment is at a 50 year low, thanks to President Trump. Wages are up for lower and median income Americans. And, other countries are beginning to realize that our President means what he says and that he truly does want America to be great again.

Democrats are NOT acting in America’s best intersts! Why not celebrate America’s return to its position at the pinnacle of world politics and prestige. We have the most generous and wonderful country in the entire known universe. Why not accept that fact and work toward keeping us be the land where the entire world wants to live!

To make that happen, we need Democrats to stop their bickering and try to work with Republicans and President Trump.

There used to be a saying about America. It was “Love it or Leave it”. That should be true of politicians, too. If the Democrats don’t love America enough to work towards its success, then, they should leave politics. At the very least, they should,at least, pretend to be statesmen which means they should try to work with Republicans and President Trump.

No. Let me rephrase that. At the very least, Democrats should attempt to act in the same way that we demand of our children. If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all.

Let’s pull the polls…..

Every day, there is a poll taken somewhere, somehow, about something or someone and the results are always “BREAKING NEWS”!

Unfortunately, most of the polls are a waste of money because they ask a question that anyone with common sense could answer without hesitation. Lie-berals favor these types of polls because the polls might help them sway public opinion. But, most of the polls, including the latest poll, breathlessly reported on yahoo, is that a majority of those polled favor raising taxes on the “rich”.

Wow. I can imagine how difficult that question was to answer.

Pollster: If you had the chance to make a rich person give you some of their money, would you rather get that money for free…..or, would you prefer to work and earn money to support yourself?

Oh, the turmoil that question must have caused!

Respondent: Oh me, oh my. I’ll have to think about that. Let’s see…..whether to work or sit around and just have money handed to me. What a difficult decision. Oh, I know. I definitely prefer to have the rich taxed more and have that money given to ME!!!!

Please. Talk about slanting a question. Ask the question in the right way and you can configure the answer you want to hear.

What if the question had been asked this way?

Pollster: Even though the rich have worked hard and earned every single dollar they have, would you really believe it is fair that they should be required to give you some of that money, especially when you have been just sitting around and doing nothing, not even looking for employment? And, do you understand that the rich actually pay almost all of the total income tax for the entire country?

Respondent: Well, I don’t know. I guess that, if you put it that way, maybe they deserve to keep their own money.

You would never hear of a pollster asking a question in that manner because that would not elicit the response the Lie-berals want to hear. Oh, no, Lie-berals want to hear that the rich deserve nothing, not even to keep their own money. Polls are a farce for the most part.

So, polls be damned. It’s time to “pull” the polls and not try to manufacture public outrage with fake polls.

School Daze

Education is essential to society’s welfare and is the basis for much of America’s success in the world.    Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance of an educated citizenry and encouraged public literacy by forming public schools and public libraries.  They feared that, without literacy for every citizen, unscrupulous politicians would be able to manipulate people’s opinions.

Education then, and now, is what will secure America’s future success.

However, the idea of an education for everyone has been corrupted.   My Father only went through eighth grade, but he studied a variety of subjects throughout his long life.  He took correspondence courses in architecture and became a successful master carpenter….all on his own.  My Mother graduated high school and became a successful businesswoman….all on her own.

Somewhere, somehow, though, my parents’ generation came to worship higher education and insisted that all their children attend college.  College became the end of the rainbow for them because college was believed to be the only route to success.  My brothers and I went to college as a matter of course.  The thought that we might just begin working after high school was considered to be under-achieving .  Vocational education, too, had the stigma of  a sub-standard career choice.

As a result of that philosophy,  we now have a dearth of talent in the trades.  And, we have an excess of college-educated people who have no real world experience and consider themselves to be somehow too “educated” to work in many jobs, especially manual labor jobs.

And, we have an excess of jobs that require experienced workers who know a trade and a dearth of people who have the skills to work those jobs.  We have an excess of college-educated graduates who cannot find a job because so many of the college degrees have no real world relationship.  Too many of the college degrees earned do NOT lead to a meaningful job.  That is sad, but it is also reality.

This manic obsession with going to college stems from the belief that college is the ONLY worthwhile path after high school.  That is not only untrue, but has led to countless young people graduating without a practical degree and…………….with a huge debt from their four years –or more — of college.  That, too, is sad, but also reality.

But, far worse is the Lieberal belief that these college students should be reimbursed for their college debt!  The Libs claim that these “poor” college graduates have been unduly burdened by the high cost of college and that we, the American taxpayer, MUST pull them out of their financial disaster.

But, why?  Why should anyone, except the students themselves, bear the cost of their education?

More importantly, if we pay off the debt for these college graduates, WHAT DO WE PAY FOR THOSE KIDS WHO DECIDED TO WORK RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?

Why should we reward one group for making a decision that they thought would benefit themselves…and not reward another career path?  In America, self reliance is considered the honorable way to success.  So, let’s get over the idea that just because someone has college debt that somehow, that person deserves to have those debts paid by taxpayers!

If someone chooses to go to college……great.  But, they should weigh the benefits of a college degree against the costs of that education.  And, everyone should accept that personal debts, whether they are for college or a car or a house, belong to the person who incurs that debt.

And, if high school graduates choose to begin work immediately, also great.  After all, most of the Greatest Generation did NOT go to college.  Most of them, like my parents, worked  to be successful and continued their education on their own.

Let school days be weighed against the costs and benefits.  Do not let school days daze us.



Low brow Elites

Elites, i.e., Lieberals, believe that they are high-minded geniuses who, being brilliant in their own mind,  should be running the world.  The rest of us are just morons to them.

Still, pretty is as pretty does,  and some of us wonder what kind of person relies on low-brow insults to demean their political opponents?  Where are the discussions about political policies or how to fix this or that?  Where are the offers to discuss problems or honestly work towards making America Great again?  No, Lieberals soil their arguments — and us — with dirty words forgetting that profane language is the lowest common denominator and NOT the sign of a high IQ.  Profanity is the last ditch of the feeble minded.

So, when Hollywood repeats the “f” bomb over and over, or Pelosi repeatedly resorts to calling the Republican Tax Reform the Apocalypse, what does that say about them?  It says they are intellectually challenged, especially in the vocabulary department.

Are they interested in promoting America’s welfare?  No.  They prefer to march in protest or shout insults.  They threaten.  They scream bloody murder.  They agitate.  They act like belligerent and mean bullies.  They threaten  to shut down the government. And, then, they pretend to have our best interests in mind.  Ha ha!

So, let a Flyover Country Grandmother give them some advice.

Until you can speak like an adult and treat everyone else, even those with differing views, with respect, please sit down.  If you don’t open your mouth, no one will know that you are less than you pretend to be.

And,if your noise level goes down,maybe we all will be able to hear one another and truly work together to make life better for everyone in America.






Or, are you a “squatter”?

According to the Lieberals, the football players who are kneeling during the National Anthem, and thus, insulting America, are only showing their “Freedom of Speech”.  For some quirky reason, their disdain for all that our Country has given them is considered “noble”.

But, President Trump, who voiced his own opinion of those football players and who reflects the opinion of most Americans, is not?

Either everyone has Freedom of Speech, including the President, or no one has.  Freedom of anything has to apply to everyone or it means nothing.

The confusion arises because football players are NOT individuals on the field.  In fact, their reasoning for locking arms together this week was to show that “THEY ARE A TEAM”.  Okay.  If you are a team, then you represent your owners, city, state, AND COUNTRY.  As a team, you do NOT have the right to express individual opinions.

If you, as an individual, wish to speak to groups, or publicly profess an opinion, go ahead.  However, as a Packer, Steeler, Viking, etc., follow the rules and get on that field and STAND TALL.

I think one of our sons said it best:

         On Sunday, some football players and even teams refused to enter the stadium during the National Anthem……….despite league rules requiring the team to be on the sidelines  during the playing of the national anthem.
So,  is there any punishment for NOT being out there when the “rules….IE:  your boss……require it”?????? 
On your OWN free time do what you want, but, when you are WORKING you are representing your employer…IE:  the man who signs your paycheck!
And, I would add, you are representing the Country that allows you to receive these exorbitant pay checks.  So, SHOW SOME RESPECT AND STAND TALL FOR OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM!