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Fixing Obama-Scare…..


1…Obama-scare is weighing down the entire economy..

2…Obama-scare is little more than a wealth redistribution scheme.

3…Obama-scare is NOT improving health care in America.


1…Repeal the entire fiasco.

2…Allow Insurance Companies to sell ANYWHERE, including ACROSS STATE LINES!

3…Allow Americans to decide for themselves what to buy, from whom to buy, and when to buy.


1…Obama-Scare is NOT health care.  It is mandated, governmental control of our health INSURANCE.

2…Health insurance, like any other form of insurance, is meant to cover CATASTROPHIC EMERGENCIES.  It is NOT meant to cover every hang nail, immunization, or cough that occurs.

3…If Americans are responsible for their own health care, they will find the insurance that covers their OWN needs, not what some bureaucrat believes is needed by them.




Sticks and stones, Second Verse, same as the first………………..

Sticks and stone may break my bones………..but, words will never hurt me!

That’s probably the line that Lieberals will trot out after the horrific attack on Republicans yesterday.  Fortunately, we know that is NOT true.  Verbal abuse is still abuse.  And, vicious words have consequences even if Democrats try to escape the awful aftermath of their own vicious words.

Hatred starts out small sometimes.  There are Democrats and Lieberals who are too quick to blame Conservatives and, especially President Trump, for following the Conservative agenda.  Dems don’t like that philosophy, so they obstruct and attack with the worst vocabulary in their arsenal.  It’s sad that, besides Democrats funding “activists” to disrupt, the Democrats  have thrown vicious words around like candy.  Hatred can start out “small”, but the constant recriminations spewed forth by discontented “leaders” , especially in the public forums, continue the trend toward warlike attitudes.

It is almost a daily maxim to hear Maxine Waters’ continuous call for impeachment.  This does NOT help unify our country. There are a multitude of Democrats who don’t understand the result of their constant accusations and lies that the media perpetuate.  For example,  Gildebrand uttering the F word over and over is a “call” to violence for those who don’t understand the difference between a vulgar representative’s epithets  and polite discourse.  Perez’ coarse language is also a clarion call to destroy Democracy.  And, not to be forgotten, the professor from some obscure college instructing his students and social media followers to “string them up”, meaning Republicans and Mr. Trump, is publicly fomenting violence and hatred.  And, now, the Dems pretend to be appalled by the shooting that happened yesterday.  Unfortunately, Dems  won’t accept that their acrimonious words and actions WILL have an effect.

Rather than attempting to work with Republicans, elected by the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, these Democrats have decided that even chaos is preferable to accepting the results of our last election. And, we all suffer for the Dems’ abhorrent behaviour.   The vicious mobs created by the Democrats WILL create the havoc that Democrats desire.  The worst of humanity WILL latch onto the Democrats’ repetition of lies and innuendoes as a platform for their own evil actions.  They are wrong.

And, yes, the Democrats ARE responsible.  The Dems’ despicable public pronouncements prove that WORDS CAN HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS STICKS AND STONES!

Sticks and Stones

Or, maybe it should be:  picks and stones because, when the Democrats aren’t throwing stones at President Trump, they are picking away at anything he says or does.

It doesn’t matter if the world agrees with President Trump, the media-ites at CNN, MSNBC, etc., will find fault with Trump’s activities.  The bombing of a chemical depot in Syria is just the latest bone to stick in their craw.  Never mind that Germany, France, Israel, and other countries are relieved that America is once again beating back the bullies of the world………….and, said so.  Forget that Assad just committed another atrocity, this time with chemicals against his own men, women and children.  Ignore the facts, say the mainstream media so they can  concoct some outlandish story that better fits the narrative they prefer.  So……………..President Trump approving the bombs against Syrian chemical depots morphs into a storyline that Trump “only” bombed so that he could counter the media’s false belief that Trump is a pawn of Putin!

It’s crazy.  It’s ridiculous.  And, it’s an insult to the profession of Journalism.  But, in an Alice in Wonderland fashion, Chris Matthews, et al, have competed to see who could find the worst insult to lodge against Trump.  Whether the insults are warranted or not, they are screamed out every hour, on the hour.  And, even if there is no story, they will inveigle and connive among themselves to find some rumor or purported fault to inflate into scandalous stories.

The media has become so biased that we no longer even watch or listen to them.  Now, rather than wait for the media who want to tell us what something means, we listen to Sean Spicer’s press conferences and, when available, we listen to President Trump.  If you want the truth, that is the only way to hear it.

Learn to filter out the lies that the media spews day after day.  Words do hurt.  Words do create false narratives.  And, if we don’t separate the media’s lies from the Truth, those words can do immeasurable harm to us and our beloved America.

Some words, like lies,  can be as hurtful as sticks and stones.  No matter what the media says, it’s up to u to follow the facts and find the Truth.

Abortions murder babies

In last night’s debate, Mr. Trump said that partial birth abortion is a procedure that “rips”  babies out of their mother’s wombs.  He is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

Partial Birth Abortion

Partial birth abortion is a gruesome, horrendous, murderous act.  How do we know?  BECAUSE, the entire point of that procedure is that the BABY DIES.   And, the Baby dies a horrible death.  And, even worse, the murdered victim, the baby, is then rendered into usable parts and these parts are sold to the highest bidder.  What kind of country allows trafficking of human body parts?

I would never have thought Americans would accept the murder of innocents…..which all babies are.

What kind of country allows infanticide?  Well, proponents of partial birth abortion insist it is a woman’s right, regardless of the fact that the baby always dies.  This cavalier attitude about another human life is usually only seen in third world countries.

I would never have thought that, in America,  even Lieberals would sink so low as to protest they have the right to kill  the unborn.

So, how bad is that procedure?  Well……proponents of partial birth abortion would NEVER willingly undergo a similar procedure — that is, have scissors stuck into the back of their head and their brains sucked out!  Yet, for some reason, they condone these procedures based on the canard that the “health of the mother” is in jeopardy.  In almost all cases, it is healthier and safer for a mother to give birth naturally rather than undergo an abortion.  IT IS ABSOLUTELY SAFER FOR THE BABY IF THE MOTHER CHOOSES TO ALLOW THE BABY TO BE BORN AND LIVE!

Partial birth proponents always try to change the subject of this form of infanticide into whether the mother’s life is in danger.  Since delivering a baby is a natural process, this argument is false.  And, if the mother’s life is at stake, a caesarean section could be performed where, almost always, BOTH MOTHER AND BABY SURVIVE!

If that argument fails, the next ploy becomes…..well, the baby is “defective”…..or, “it is inconvenient to have a baby right now”…………..or, “the mother is too young”……”they can’t afford to have a baby now”……………………………..

These are factually specious, and arguably immoral,  considerations when a Life is at stake.  And, if the arguments are false, as can be proven, then there is no place in our country for partial birth abortions.

However, the best argument against partial birth abortion is to consider how many of its proponents would have wanted their own mothers to have made that choice?

How many abortion proponents believe that the world would be a better place if their own mothers had aborted THEM?

How many partial abortion birth abortion advocates have actually been at that procedure?  How many of them have heard the baby’s cries stopped when the scissors penetrate the skull?  How many of these Lieberals are defending a murderous act?

Their own words condemn them ……ALL OF THEM ARE DEFENDING MURDER……………because, no matter how they “slice and dice” it………………..ABORTIONS MURDER BABIES!



Racist, xenophobic,…..basket of deplorables………….

Yup.  That’s us….the Trump supporters!

Well, at least that’s how Hillary describes us.  (

Hillary has always resorted to insults to protect herself and her political position.  And, in some cases, she has used even stronger measures.  Measures which are, in many cases, illegal.  Since turnabout is fair play, let me list a few adjectives that  describe Hillary.  Criminal springs to mind.  Other adjectives would include:  hateful, divisive, arrogant, selfish, bullying, unpleasant, grasping, unChristian, anti-American, and, racist!

She likes to talk about how America will be if she becomes President.  Unfortunately, with her propensity to divide people into those who agree with her and those who don’t, there is little likelihood that she can unite Americans.  With her tendency to use political office for her own personal gain (and Bill’s and Chelsea’s), there is NO chance that issues which affect America will ever be decided in favor of Americans.  With her scorn and uncontrolled anger for those who oppose her and her ideas, there will be many more IRS “interventions” and DOJ “exonerations” and State Department’s “losing” of important papers of state.

And, if her past history of dealing with international issues is any guide, ALL Americans will be less safe. Or worse, dead, like our heroes in Benghazi  who trusted Hillary.  Or, the innocents in Syria, or Iraq, or Libya, who thought they could help America and SHE would defend them.  All of them are buried somewhere.

Hillary has always liked to categorize people, like jars of jam.  This one is part of the “vast right wing conspiracy”.  That one is “racist”.  The other one might be “deplorable”.  What she forgets is that we are all Americans and Americans have the Constitutional right to disagree with her.  She forgets that we are all individuals with individual ideas and individual dreams.  Her dreams are not necessarily ours!

However, if she gets into office,  all dreams had better line up with hers because a disagreement is NOT going to be fairly decided.  Hillary will use every ounce of her power as President  to squelch those who oppose her and to help those who side with her ideas.  Then, the opposition will be hunted down with subpoenas, IRS audits, and every power of State which was supposed to protect American citizens.

If she is elected, be prepared to be called worse than “racist, senophobic………………basket of deplorables”.

Attacking the “Hill”……….

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s political campaigns have never truly been about improving America.  Their focus has always been on improving their own lot in life or their status among the world’s leaders.  To reach that goal, they have relied upon destroying their political opponents….or, in their terminology, the  enemy.  No matter who is the “enemy” — to most others, the opponent — , Hill and Bill count on voters believing that there is a conspiracy of some sort that is out to ruin the Clintons’ careers.  Those of us who oppose the Clintons have been called racists, bigots, sexists, the vast right wing conspiracy, intellectually challenged, and just plain too stupid to understand the grandeur of the Clintons’ vision for America.

Unfortunately, that vision usually includes a sizeable benefit for the Clintons.

Those of us old enough to have seen how avaricious the Clintons are do not need to be reminded of their blatant criminality even while serving in a variety of our political offices.  For those who are too young to remember, there is “Clinton Cash”, a very good recitation of how Clintons became so wealthy.

Attacking the Hill has always been presented as an attack on Women in general and NOT as an attack upon a political opponent’s unfitness for office.  So, if someone asks about Hillary’s use of an unsanctioned email server, that questioner becomes a sexist.  Or, if Congress asks to see the emails, they are part of the vast right wing conspiracy.  When Judicial Watch asked for documents that Hillary created while Secretary of State which belong to the American public,  she and her minions stalled, stalled, and stalled some more.  Finally, a court intervened and demanded that the emails be released.

When Dr. Drew questioned Hillary’s health, his program was cancelled.  Of course, the network claimed this had been “in the works” for a long time.  Sure it was.

When stories appear that are unflattering to Hillary, that network becomes a pariah and, unless forced to, no one from the Democrat’s camp nor Hillary will be interviewed by them.  Of course, that network is FOX.

With this type of history and histrionics coming from the Hill’s camp, most politicians are afraid to publicly criticize her, much less itemize her faults and criminal history.

That is why Donald Trump is the only politician who could run against her and succeed.  Although he, too, has been called names, subjected to vile distortion of his words and speeches, he alone has the guts to challenge her credentials, her health, and her unfitness to be President of the United States.

The media, Hillary’s attack dog,  likes to claim that Trump is unqualified, too.  But, he has run successful businesses all his life.  He is worth a LOT of money and, unlike the Clintons,  none of that came from “pay for play” while in office.  In fact, he has never held a political office, but has worked his entire life.

Compare that to Bill and Hill who essentially have been lotus eaters, always campaigning for the next office and always living off the fat of the land, i.e., the taxpayers’ dollar.

Time to end their parasitic dependence upon the taxpayers’ coffers.  Time to reveal the real Hillary and her predilection for her self aggrandizement policies.  It’s time to say no to Hillary and Bill who have always used  public office for personal gain.

In short, it’s time, long past time, to attack the Hill, and bring her back down to Earth!


Do Rules matter?

Do rules matter any more?  Even little, school  children understand and obey rules.  There are rules for standing in line……rules about potty breaks……rules on when to speak and when to be silent.  If only we adults were so obedient!

The likelihood of questioning a rule is especially prevalent in the political world.  Many of us who originally supported Donald Trump have lost our faith in his candidacy.  There are several reasons for that, but the most recent are his tirades against how delegates are selected….i.e., against the rules.  Regardless of whether he likes the way delegates are selected or not, the rules were in place when he entered the Presidential race.  To foment more anger by saying that the delegate selection process is “unfair” and that those who support him are being disenfranchised is a dishonest appraisal of what is happening in Republican parties across the country.  The selection process is absolutely being followed.  And, despite what Mr. Trump trumpets in public —  and tweets  —  the crux of his argument against the delegate selection process is that Mr. Cruz and his supporters understand how the process works better than Mr. Trump’s team does.

Unfortunately, the divisions that Mr. Trump is creating with his remarks will ultimately hurt whoever is the Republican candidate.

Of course, a similar process is happening in the Democrats’ selection of a candidate.  Although Bernie Sanders is winning many states, he is losing almost all of the Super Delegates to Hillary.   Why aren’t the rules of the Democrats an issue?  The difference is that Democrats are in lock step with Hillary and the rules benefit her.  So, only Bernie’s supporters are complaining and the party is comfortable ignoring them.  The media is, too.

So, do rules matter?

Well, if we expect little children to mind the rules, we should definitely expect adults to follow the rules.  Whether it be a game of Scrabble or a political contest, the rules are mutually agreed upon before the game, or nomination process, begins.

Mr. Trump should spend more time coalescing his supporters and less time tearing down the Republican selection process.  His constant assault of the system will only help the Democrats in the fall and lead to a criminal,  Hillary, entering the White House next January.





It’s great to be a Conservative in America today!

Many Conservatives would state their political preferences in the acronym, ABC …………which means Anyone But Clinton.

I am one of that group.

However, even if you are not, the Republicans have certainly given Americans a wide variety of candidates to choose form.  I liked them all and believed any one of them was better than Hillary.

I still do.

And, yet, eventually, we will have to have to choose either Trump, Cruz or Kasich.  What a wonderful quandary the Republicans  present to the American voter!   It is difficult to pick just one candidate and this is the first time ever that my husband prefers a different candidate, Trump,  than I do.  I prefer Cruz.  But, we both are satisfied with any of the three Republicans.

No matter who ends up with the Republican nomination, we need to unite around whoever wins that nomination.   It should be an easy choice to vote Republican because the Democrats have only the Old Maid and the Old Has Been.

So vote.  Vote Republican.  Put either Cruz, Trump or Kasich in the White House .  It WILL be a great day for America.





Netanyahu and Obama

Netanyahu and Obama

Both are heads of state.

Both are used to speaking publicly.

Both will, or have, given speeches in our House of Representatives this year.

And, there, they diverge.

President Obama gave a political speech, his SOTU,  to try to placate his leftist allies; and, while he was at it, insulted Conservatives once again, AND promised to spend more money for a variety of “worthy” causes.  There were no explanations of how to pay for all his generosity with OUR tax dollars.

Netanyahu will speak to the same Congress.  He will describe Israel’s place in an unfriendly world and how he hopes to protect his fellow citizens.  He will probably thank America for its past help.  He will explain how he sees Israel’s relationship with America and how he hopes to remain our best ally in the middle East.

Having an ally as a guest is good for America.  But, the White House’s “anonymous” sources say that President Obama is furious that Netanyahu did not say “Captain (Obama), may I come?” before the media heard of the upcoming speech.

The White House churlishly refuses to even meet with Netenyahu while he is here justifying that by saying that it is a “spit in the face” to not ask their permission.  Do they remember spitting in Netanyahu’s face when they unceremoniously ushered him out the back door of the White House on a previous visit?  Whose House is the House of Representatives anyway?  Why, it is OUR House.  And, if the Speaker of the House invites a guest to speak, that is his right.  Whether it is a head of state, or not, is immaterial.  And, no matter what Obama says, his nose is out of joint because he expected Boehner and Netanyahu to kow tow to him, NOT make their own decisions!  Obama is, to put it colloquially, acting like a JERK!

We should have seen this coming because Obama has never been a uniter.  He continually sets one economic class against another in his bid to get his own way on entitlement programs.  He said he would make all of us feel “American”.  Instead, he has played the race card over and over, dividing Americans into black and white — quite often before the facts prove there was no racial animus involved.  He repeatedly uses divisive, insulting  language against Conservatives or Conservative thoughts;  and then, whines that the Republicans aren’t willing to work with him.  He has even divided the world into two armed camps by reinforcing the demands of the Arab world, always at the expense of Israel.

So, let this Grandmother give President Obama a lesson in manners.  First, always make sure your words are tender because you might have to eat them some day. Always be the “better man” and welcome everyone, including those whom you disagree with.  And, always remember that you are NOT a monarch.  YOU are the President of the United States and should act as a Head of State, NOT a whining, spoiled brat.  You have bowed and scraped to almost every world leader you ever met which embarrassed Americans immensely.  Why not swallow your pride and, at least, make an effort to be a gracious host to one of our best allies in the world?

Remember, Mr. Obama.  You represent America, NOT a political faction.  And,  it serves America better to keep allies close and friendly than to openly create yet another divide between friends.

If you forget everything else, please remember this.  There are many countries and peoples who hate America and want to destroy her.  Netanyahu, and Israel, do not.  They are friends.





Biden, Fareed Zakaria, Burke…………………

What do these people all have in common?



BECAUSE:  We expect so little of our politicians that we no longer care if they lie, cheat, and steal to get into office.

BECAUSE:  The Lieberal media are desperate to keep their philosophical twins in office.

BECAUSE:  Special Interest groups continue to drive the country’s direction.