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Governor Walker


Before Governor Walker was elected….and, re-elected in a recall fiasco…….the former governor,  together with his crony, the woman who would be Governor,  lost over 130,000 jobs and created a state where unemployment was way out there at over 9%.  And, oh yes, we had a budget deficit of over $3  billion.   But, hey, who remembers that?

Well, I do.  I also remember that our “balanced budget”  was partially from taking moneys from a private fund that the doctors had themselves created — and funded — to help pay for cases where the malpractice insurance was NOT sufficient.  Many of these problems were not obvious;  but,  our state was ailing and in  a dangerous “state”.

Then, Wisconsin came to her senses and elected Scott Walker who had a fiscal plan to bring our state out of its malaise.  It wasn’t easy.  The teachers unions protested violently, invaded and occupied our statehouse, and acted like unfettered mobs.  Several Democrat lawmakers ran away to another state in an attempt to prevent a vote that would make certain union pension plans and other agreements more in line with what  the rest of Wisconsin employees were paid.

Fortunately, the shenanigans of the teacher unions and Democrats didn’t stop Wisconsin’s progress back to a more democratic environment.  Thanks to the hard work of Governor Walker, Wisconsin is now in great shape.  The unemployment rate is way down, to about 6 %.  We have a budget surplus…..yes, a surplus!  And, Wisconsin taxpayers are even enjoying a cut in their taxes !

Most Wisconsinites are happy with the way Wisconsin is recovering from the unwise and fiscally irresponsible previous administration.  More people are able to find jobs.  More businesses are happy to settle in Wisconsin.  And,  people, in general, are feeling more secure knowing that the state’s economy is moving into a better and better condition.

And, if our Wisconsin and  our economy are doing so well, why would anyone want to change a successful administration?

Should we move back to when our state was in economic trouble?  No.  After all, our state motto is “Forward”.

Let’s keep moving Forward.  And, the only way to do that is to re-elect Governor Walker.

So, please.  Help Wisconsin.  Help yourselves.  And, vote for Governor Walker.  Keep Wisconsin moving Forward.

Wisconsin state quarter


Senator Harry Reid is a COWARD!

And, an impediment to solving our country’s problems.


Well, Senator Reid consistently labels his opponents as racists, rather than carefully considering alternative ideas on problems America faces.

Example:  black Conservatives are “Uncle Toms”, and ignorant of their “duty” to support any Lieberal, black cause.  Even Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas does not meet Harry Reid’s standards for what Reid assumes a black man should think, say or do.

Senator Reid consistently impedes any votes on the over 300 bills passed by the House, NOT because the bills are faulty or unworkable.  No, he refuses to bring them to a vote BECAUSE it is politically expedient.

Example/s:  Multiple House bills are thrown in the junk heap BEFORE a vote is taken and then, Harry rails at the House as a “do nothing”  Congress.


Example:  The latest is his claiming that former Vice President Cheney is RESPONSIBLE for all the troubles in the Mid-East. ……FROM THE SENATE FLOOR!

Senator Harry Reid — a prime example of a COWARD.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s re-emergence in Washington this week to talk about fighting terrorists in Iraq must have seemed like a bad nightmare for President Obama, who is trying to make a case to skittish voters that the U.S. can expand its military action in the Middle East without repeating the mistakes of his predecessor’s war on terror.

For Mr. Obama and his allies on Capitol Hill, the specter of Mr. Cheney and his boss, President George W. Bush, continues to hang over them as they try to grapple with the ascendent insurgents of the Islamic State, also known by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid went further, delivering a stinging rebuke of Mr. Cheney on the Senate floor, and seeking to reinforce the point that Mr. Obama won’t fall into the same traps.

Dick Cheney is more responsible than anyone else for the worst foreign policy decision in the history of the country: the invasion of Iraq,” said Mr. Reid. The Nevada Democrat had voted for the 2002 resolution authorizing the war in Iraq, but has said it was a mistake in hindsight and challenged colleagues Wednesday to “do it the right way this time.”

WHAT A COWARD!    Come on, Harry.  You’re so proud of your boxing career.  Let’s see you come out from behind the safety of the Senate floor and SAY THAT TO VP CHENEY’S FACE!

Obama….just doesn’t “get it” !

Most Americans were horrified to hear that an American journalist had been beheaded by ISIS.

Obama?  Well, he said he was horrified.  And, then, headed to the golf course.

Most Americans prayed,  worried that ISIS would perpetrate more horrors on innocent civilians.  And, ISIS did.  It beheaded ANOTHER innocent civilian, another journalist.

Obama?  Well, he went on vacation and golfed some more.

Most Americans were horrified  that our President said he was horrified and yet, could golf immediately after learning of the tragedy.  Most of us were bowed down in pain, praying for an end to terrorism.

And, now, President Obama acknowledges that he should have known that it didn’t “look good” to golf immediately after appearing in public  to denounce that atrocity.

But, does Obama understand why it didn’t “look good” ? Does he feel the family’s pain?   Does he accept that his ability to play golf when Americans were crying over another loss of life from a terrorist shows a complete lack of empathy for the rest of us?  NO!  Nothing, not even ISIS beheading an American and laughing about it in a video which was broadcast worldwide,  kept him from golf.


OBAMA…..the President of the American people……our face to the world…….a father and husband……JUST DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHY WE THINK HE WAS ARROGANT AND UNFEELING TO IGNORE THE DANGER OF TERRORISM………..



Obama: ‘I Should’ve Anticipated The Optics’ Of Golfing After Foley Beheading

Are you better off today?

“Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” is a famous quote from President Reagan.  It remains a valid question whenever we approach another election cycle.

Well, I don’t know about you, but we are NOT better off than we were 4 years ago and we are much worse off than we were 6 years ago when Obama became President.  Here are just a few of the depressing changes that have happened to us and our family in the last 6 years.

Our health insurance was cancelled and the new plan is much more expensive and  has a much higher deductible.  We were luckier than some because we decided to pay an even higher premium to allow us to choose doctors and hospitals.  Some Americans are now relegated to specific doctors and hospitals whether they feel comfortable with those medical arrangements or not.  And, despite the vast millions spent by Obama to implement his Obama-scare, millions of Americans do NOT have insurance.  It would have been cheaper to use those millions and just pay for the uninsured because, we paid for the implementation and are STILL paying for the uninsured.

Our medical privacy is a thing of the past because our medical records are now transmitted via the internet to countless governmental agencies and are always at risk of being hacked and publicized.  Thanks to Obama-scare, medical decisions are made FOR US, and WITHOUT our  agreement or input, by governmental bureaucrats.  Some committee or individual whom we never see nor interact with is deciding when, how much, or IF, we can receive medications and surgeries that we and our doctor believe are appropriate.  At no time in our history has it ever been the purview of a governmental bureaucrat to make life and death, medical  decisions for American citizens….but, now it is.

Our income taxes have sky-rocketed.  Democrats and Obama continue to parade the lie that the “rich” should pay their fair share.  Statistically speaking, the “rich” pay ALL of their share and almost ALL of someone else’s share!  Plus, that tax money is being spent by politicians on crazy, political ploys like Obama’s Solyndra — now bankrupt — and other projects which promote the politician and not the American citizen.  And, because the taxes take so much of the income from the “rich” — btw, now being “rich” is anything over $100,000 — we are saving as much as we can and NOT spending on items which would create more jobs.

Our friends and neighbors can’t find employment.  Do YOU know anyone who is unemployed?  Is it YOU?  The result of unemployment is not only stagnation of the economy and, frequently, bankruptcy for the unemployed, but unemployment destroys a person’s self worth.  Unemployment has worsened the social status, financial security, and social structure of countless Americans, especially those who are African Americans.  Unemployment creates a dependent society that scrabbles for every government hand out available because it is far easier to stand in the unemployment benefit line than to look for work.

Our laws are being systematically bent, warped, and ignored by the very people who swore to uphold them.  The very fabric of law and order is threatened by President Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, because they ignore the laws they don’t like.   Illegal immigration?  Forget deportations and taking illegal immigrants who are criminals to court.  The IRS?  Forget that the IRS was supposed to fairly and judiciously administer the tax laws, CREATED BY CONGRESS, NOT the President, and now has become a  political tool to unfairly suppress Conservative groups and thought.  Equality under the law?  Forget that we are a country that was based on equal opportunity for all and now, thanks to the lieberals, has now degraded to the point that every  thought, word and deed, are run past the Lieberal political correct police.

Our country is NOT being defended against all enemies, foreign or here.  Russia invades Crimea with impunity.  Syria murders its own with chemical weapons.  Iran develops nuclear weapons.  North Korea’s citizens starve and/or are executed at the whim of their “leader”.  Saudi Arabia is upset with us.  India has decided to allign itself with countries other than the United States.  Radical islamists shoot Americans  and threaten us every day, and we are afraid to “upset them”.    We are weak on defense and thus, more at risk of being attacked than at any time since we became a nation.  We have become a nation that fears and is no longer a nation to fear!

So, now we have another election cycle upon us.  We have to decide whom to trust with our Life, Liberty and Happiness.  Elections have repercussions and it is up to us to decide whether to continue the decline begun when President Obama took office or if we are willing to elect people who will truly work to create an America that serves everyone.

So, I ask you.  Are you better off today than you were 6 years ago?

Grandchildren are the reward of a long life!

We are lucky to have 9 beautiful grandchildren.  They come in all ages, sizes, and shapes.  Each and every one of them is beautiful and a bright spot in our lives.

These grandchildren were born to moms and dads who have loved them since before the day of birth.   We grandparents were just as thrilled to know we had another grandchild in the family who would  bring even more joy to all of us.

Other babies are not so lucky.  Some of them are scraped out of their mothers’ wombs…..a torture that cannot even be imagined by most of us.  Other babies die from their mothers’ use of drugs or alcohol.  Yet other babies die as a result of assault or accidents.  Sad to say, these babies are treated worse than most people treat their pets!

Worse yet, is that there is no reason for these babies to suffer because there are throngs of people who would adopt these babies and give them a wonderful, loving home.  For unknown reasons, though, some mothers choose the dark path for themselves and death for their babies.  It is an unreasonable and immoral choice.  Pro choice advocates’ argument for abortions is that the mothers have no choice because they are too poor, too weak, too alone, or just too “something” to bear the burden of raising a child.

Hogwash!  If killing another is murder, then the killing of an innocent is absolutely murder!  And, the murder is a tortuous one.  Imagine someone taking a razor to your own body.  This is what an abortion is.  Of course, Planned Parenthood ignores this horror and promotes a selfish view citing the “right” of the mother to choose her own life’s course.  Naturally, the baby is not part of this “choice” and thus, must be done away with.  The concept of “choice” does not pertain to the baby, only the mother, if Planned Parenthood is the arbiter.  I have never understood why it is acceptable to kill an infant in its mother’s womb, or as it comes out of its safe haven, when it is a crime to kill the mother… ANY TIME OF HER LIFE.

How tragic that all of these millions of babies who have been murdered could be the joy and delight to an adopted parent or a doting grandparent.  Babies give everyone, especially grandparents, new interests in life and a reason to keep involved in sports, school, and all kinds of projects as they follow their grandchildren.  It is a compliment of the highest order when a grandchild runs into a grandpa or grandma’s arms.  Cuddling these little ones is a happiness beyond anyone’s imagination and I wish that everyone would have the opportunity that we  enjoy.

So, to all the mothers who are contemplating an abortion,  please consider adoption.  There are other mothers and fathers who yearn to hold a baby of their own.  There are even more grandparents just waiting to have another chance to love a baby and to spoil a grandchild.

As a Grandma with a lot of experience, I can say that there is no greater joy than holding a grandson or granddaughter or feeling their warm faces against your cheek.  When they look at you and say, “I love you, Grandma” or, “I love you Grandpa”, the circle of love is complete.

Yes, we love our grandchildren and have been fortunate enough to be part of their lives.  They have made our lives fuller and richer, just for having been born. We, and their parents, have created a world where our grandchildren can grow into responsible, mature and loving adults.  When it is their turn, they can return the love to their own children and grandchildren, enriching everyone around them!  It is the wheel of Life and the coaster ride is well worth the price of admission!

My husband and I — Grandma and Grandpa — can state with absolute certainty that GRANDCHILDREN ARE THE REWARD OF A LONG LIFE.

Who is shutting down the government?

Once again, thanks to the Media’s yen to promote anything Obamaesque, the true facts of whether the government will shut down or not, whose fault it would be, and why it might shut down, are not being relayed to the American public.

So, here are a few facts:

A.     The House bill was adulterated by the Senate and sent back to the House.  The House offered a compromise that:  1–delays the start of Obama-scare for individuals;  2 — fully funds the Military, no matter how negotiations evolve;  does NOT SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT, but offers a continuing resolution.

B.    The Republican-controlled House has repeatedly sought to work with President Obama and the Senate, but Harry Reid has not only refused to consider anything the House passes, but publicly excoriates anything Conservatives believe.  The House has passed numerous bills and, even before the vote is taken, President Obama and Senator Reid expound on how they will NOT accept anything that the House sends over.

C.    The Media is trying to misconstrue the facts so that, if the government shuts down, Republicans will be blamed!  In fact, NOT ONE REPUBLICAN has supported shutting down the government.  The ONLY people talking about shutting down the government are President Obama and the Democrats.  Here are just a few of the comments by President Obama, and Democrats to prove that the potential shut down of government will be the fault of the Democrats because Democrats have refused to work with the House.  (Ironically, Obama will talk with the leader of radial islamist Iran, but NOT the United States House of Representatives!)

D.  Here are paraphrased comments from the Democrats who profess to NOT want a government shut-down;  but, are doing everything in their power to shut down the government so they can blame Republicans:

1 –I will NOT negotiate with Congress (President Obama).

                         2  — We will NOT accept this bill if the House adds anything! (Schumer)

                                3 —   The Republicans are using extortion to get their way. (Obama, again.)

So, who is really trying to shut down the government?  Well, if you refuse to negotiate (Obama and Harry Reid), continually call Conservative names (Schumer and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi), it kind of sounds as though the Democrats are at fault.

Republicans WANT a budget.

Republicans WANT a continuing resolution.

Republicans WANT middle class Americans to have the same benefits as Congress, and the big businesses have been granted through waivers.

Who is shutting down the government?

The Democrats and President Obama.  That’s who!

So true…

Saw this on a comment board…

The Liberal mantra.
Can I choose a large drink? No it is not good for you
Can I choose an incandescent bulb? No it is not good for the environment
Can I choose low cost coal? No it is not good for the planet
Can I choose to honor God? No that’s offensive
Can I choose to eat fast food? No it is unhealthy
Can I choose to own a gun? No, think of the children.
What can I choose? An abortion

Come to Jesus Moments

Easter is the ultimate “Come to Jesus” moment. After all, a huge part of the world believes that Jesus died and rose from the dead on this day!

Unfortunately, Google decided that Easter, the penultimate day of Christians’ year, should be remembered more for Chavez, a dictator who raped his own country economically and left Venezuelans poorer than before he ruled them.

The media seems to give Google a pass……after all,  it was only one person’s teeny, tiny blooper.  It was not meant to be a statement by Google!

Or, was it?

It seems to me that Easter trumps anything else for such a huge part of the world that no one in their right mind would believe Chavez was more important than the Easter holiday.  Nor would anyone believe that it was a mistake, NOT a planned assault on the Church’s most important day of the year.  Google can protest all it wants, but there is NO justification for focusing on Chavez when the day belonged to Jesus and all Christians.

So, boo to Google.

Maybe Google needs to have its own “Come to Jesus” moment!




Obamaesque… word in the dictionary…..but, what does it mean?

Well, if the previous 4 years are any indication,Obamaesque means:

1-More dissension between Americans and much more wealth redistribution.

2-More economic chaos as the Federal deficit rises and the GDP crashes.

3-More taxes on the wealthy, i.e., the job producers.

4-More “free” stuff for Obama’s supporters/lobbyists/donors.

5-More world problems as Obama’s inexperience gives our foes confidence to ignore American values.

6-More scandals as Obama’s appointees’ criminal use of official positions  surfaces.

7-And, maybe a world war as American influence recedes and foreign dictators vie to fill the void created  by that failing policy.

Obamaesque……means a world in chaos!

Biden, the Class Clown for the Democrats

Other than smirking, giggling up his sleeve, gesticulating in a wild fashion, interrupting both Congressman Ryan and the moderator (who also interrupted Ryan), and, generally, acting like the class clown, what did Biden do in the VP debate?


Well, he lied.  What a surprise.


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by Joel B. Pollak 12 Oct 2012, 5:28 AM PDT post a comment

Once again, Joe Biden lied his way through a Vice Presidential debate–just as he did in his contest with Sarah Palin in 2008. This time, the media caught a few of Biden’s worst “malarkey” moments–as did his opponent, Paul Ryan, when he could get a word in edgewise.

Here are the top ten worst lies told by Biden during the debate:

10. “With all due respect, that’s a bunch of malarkey….not a single thing he said is accurate.” At the outset of the debate, Biden tried to paint Ryan as a liar–when Biden, in fact, was the one lying. Ryan had pointed out: 1) that the White House had distanced itself from the Cairo embassy’s apologies on 9/11; 2) that Obama had failed to speak up for Iranian protestors in 2009; 3) that the Obama administration called Syria’s dictator a “reformer”; 4) and that the Obama administration is imposing defense cuts and projecting weakness. All of that is true.

9. “The president has met with Bibi [Netanyahu] a dozen times….This is a bunch of stuff.” While they have met several times–not a dozen–that includes a meeting at which Obama made the Israeli prime minister enter the White House through a back entrance, refused to take a picture with him, and left him on his own for dinner. Specifically, Ryan had criticized Obama’s refusal to meet Netanyahu in New York last month, and to tape talk show interviews instead–a clear snub that sent the wrong signal, again, to Israel’s enemies.

8. “Just let the taxes expire like they’re supposed to on those millionaires.” Biden’s “millionaires” are actually households earning more than $250,000 a year, which includes many middle-class families with two earners, and small business owners in particular who report business earnings as personal income. Biden and Obama have repeatedly labeled those earning over $250,000 as “millionaires and billionaires,” distorting the actual impact of their tax plan on the non-millionaires it would hit hardest, who create a vast proportion of small business jobs.

7. “You know, I heard that death panel argument from Sarah Palin. It seems that every vice presidential debate, I hear this kind of stuff about panels.” Biden’s cheap shot against Palin was an attempt to diminish both her and the man sitting across from him. But Palin never talked about “death panels” in her debate with Biden, for the simple reason that Obamacare had not yet been proposed. Nor did Ryan mention “death panels”–he had addressed the undeniable fact that Obamacare proposes a board to impose cost controls.

6. “The congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for.” Biden’s lie about Ryan’s budget was an attempt to dodge responsibility for lax embassy security–and to cover up that the Obama called for new cuts to embassy security just days after the 9/11 attacks. Ryan’s proposal, which called for a 19% overall decrease in non-defense discretionary spending, does not even mention embassy security–the Obama campaign merely made up that number by applying 19% across the board.

5. “No, they are not four years closer to a nuclear weapon.” Biden’s attempt to lie about the glaring reality of the Iranian nuclear program fell flat. Iran is indeed four years closer to a nuclear weapon, and the Obama administration–believing it knew better than its predecessors–tried to reinvent the wheel on talks with Iran, causing frustration to our allies in Europe and the Middle East. Meeting after meeting this year has failed to produce results, and the loophole-filled sanctions, while hurting Iran somewhat, are not stopping its nuclear program.

4. “No religious institution, Catholic or otherwise…has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact.” No, it is not a fact–it is the opposite of a fact, and saying “that is a fact” does not make it any less a blatant lie. The Obama administration is forcing religious institutions to provide contraceptive and abortion drugs through their insurance policies. That is the reason several dozen religious institutions are suing the administration to defend their First Amendment freedom of religion.

3. “It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card…I was there. I voted against him.” Biden voted for both the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war. He did not vote for George W. Bush’s plan to extend coverage of Medicare to prescription drugs (though he voted for an earlier, similar proposal), nor did he vote for the Bush tax cuts. But he voted for both of the wars he derided last night. To quote Bill Clinton’s speech to the Democratic National Convention: “It takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did.”

2. “What we did is we saved $716 billion and put it back — applied it to Medicare.” Biden repeated the lie the Obama administration has been telling since before Obamacare passed in 2010: that cuts to Medicare today were savings that extend the life of the program. They would be–if the same $716 billion wasn’t also being used to pay for Obamacare. As Ryan pointed out in 2010, and again last night, you can’t double-count the same cuts. Taking $716 billion out of Medicare means exactly that–and hurts, not helps, the program’s solvency.

1. “Well, we weren’t told they wanted more security again.” Biden lied through his teeth about the fact that the administration–specifically, the State Department–had been told again and again that security on the ground in Libya, and in Benghazi in particular, was inadequate. The day before, in Congressional hearings on the Libya attacks, former regional security director Eric Nordstrom described his frustration with having those requests turned down by the government bureaucracy: “For me the Taliban is on the inside of the building.