How to misread a comment by Governor DeSantis

The headline is that Governor DeSantis floated the idea of taking President Biden off the Florida ballot.

However, an intelligent reading of the quote from Gov DeSantis is that he does NOT approve of kicking ANY CANDIDATE OFF THE PRESIDENTIAL BALLOTS. I’m not sure why Breitbart even published this with the misleading headline. What I do know is that the writer is definitely misreading Governor DeSantis’ comments.

Gov DeSantis only used removing President Biden den from the Florida ballot based on Biden’s failures to stop illegal immigration as an example of how crazy this trend could be.

NOTICE DeSantis using THE WORD “what”………. That is him beginning a hypothetical example of why you do NOT remove Presidential candidates from state ballots.

Also, notice Governor DeSantis’ final comments.

What a ridiculous article and damaging headline which obviously is not only incorrect, but bordering on malicious. If you don’t like Gov DeSantis, that is your opinion. But, don’t try to misquote him or revise what he meant to say. Hopefully, most voters will read the article and know the truth. But, for those who only read the headline, be advised that even conservative media can report incorrectly!

DeSantis suggested Florida could remove President Joe Biden from his state’s ballot for his alleged mishandling of border security.

However, the Florida GOP governor said the act by Bellows was not an appropriate interpretation of the 14th Amendment and would ultimately be reversed by the Supreme Court.

“Well, obviously, to have one executive branch official unilaterally striking someone off the ballot is not an appropriate interpretation of the 14th Amendment,” he said. “We could have — in Florida, what, are we going to have Biden struck off the ballot because he’s allowed an invasion of 8 million people, including enemy nations have sent people in? This could just be — end up being a tit-for-tat. So I think it’ll get reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court. I think it’s more of a stunt that you have a very liberal person in that position who’s just trying to play for cheap clicks.”

“But, ultimately, I don’t think it’s grounded in a proper interpretation of the Constitution,” DeSantis added.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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