Hillary against the FBI’s investigation

While it’s true that Hillary Clinton, if she had any love for our country, would take herself off the ticket to avoid the turmoil her potential election would bring about, no one, and I mean, NO ONE expects she will do that. Democrats are more than willing to pretend that her actions are just misunderstood.  Hah!  Nixon has been pilloried for years as a corrupt President, yet he resigned when Republicans told him he had to.  It’s a shame that there are NO Democrats who will admit Hillary is corrupt and tell her to resign!

After all, her history has been tarnished with a complete disregard for honesty and integrity as well as a multitude of scandals which never deterred her or Bill from forging ahead with their own, self-serving interests.  They have used the power of office and political connections to remedy situations and problems which others would be imprisoned for.  Everyone who follows the news knows about her scandalous behaviour….yet, Democrats refuse to disavow her because it serves their interests to keep her in power.

This election has exposed more of the subterfuge and double-dealing in Washington than any other election in our memory.  There are too many willing to excuse Hillary’s illegalities because it is easier to ignore them.  Or, they complain that the issues are too complicated.  Or, they pretend that the charges are part of a conspiracy. Or, more often than not, they enjoy the future leverage if they let her get away with those crimes.

It reminds me of the story in Don Quijote about the blind man who eats more of the grapes than he and his servant boy agreed to.  Upon seeing this, the boy eats more, too.  When the grapes are gone, the blind man accuses the boy of taking more than his share.  The boy is surprised and asks how the blind man knew the boy was “double-dipping”.

The blind man says, “Because, you did NOT complain when I took more than MY share”.

Democrats don’t care if Hillary takes more than her “fair” share so long as they can continue to aggrandize or enrich themselves, too.   And, that’s why she will never be asked to step down.

Noah Feldman is a “blooming” — Bloomberg — fool.

It always surprises me that Lieberals, and, yes, the “lie” portion is intentional, are so willing to denigrate those who support someone else. Their first line of attack is almost always to insult any person or idea that doesn’t line up with their agenda.  Rather than responding to all the horrible things that Hillary said and did, as revealed by Wikileaks, the Democrats try to shift the story line to who released the emails and whom should be blamed for their release.  It’s a “kill the messenger” strategy that often works because the media refuse to report the facts, rather than their opinion of the facts. The malevolence and deviousness of the media toward conservatives shouldn’t surprise me, but it does!

The real story should be the CONTENT OF HILLARY’S EMAILS, NOT HOW THE EMAILS CAME INTO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.  Yet, the Lieberal press keeps on plugging the storyline that the problem is who released the emails.  It’s ironic that, if Hillary had followed her own State Department’s guidelines, none of her vitriol nor self-servicing actions would be public knowledge! It’s her own fault that we now know a great deal about her perfidious behaviour, DESPITE a press that cowers at her feet like lapdogs.

So, unsurprisingly, Bloomberg press has found yet another Lieberal, Noah Feldman,  who ignores Hillary’s problems with the Truth and who scomplains about those of us who support Donald Trump.  Mr. Feldman believes that those of us who prefer a businessman, i.e., Donald Trump,to be our next President versus a  woman, Hillary Clinton, who has proven over and over that she is willing to commit illegalities if it promotes her own career…..EVEN when she holds public office……have a lack of intelligence.  Yes, Mr. Feldman believes those of us who prefer a businessman over a dishonest, career politician are not able to discern facts from fiction.


I believe that Mr. Feldman is the one who is unable to look at facts and come up with an objective answer.  If he could think rationally, he would have looked at Hillary’s dishonesty throughout her public career and he would have made the right choice to vote for Mr. Trump.

How can anyone with a lick of common sense prefer Hillary over Trump?  How can anyone pretend that Hillary is an honest politician?  How can anyone, like Mr. Feldman, continue to cover up for one of this country’s most egregious liars that is Hillary?

There must be something to be gained by Mr. Feldman.  How does his support for the Democrats help him?  Really.  What is there to be gained in supporting Hillary with all her illegal  baggage? That, too, is likely hidden in one of the “bleached” emails that Hillary did NOT want us to see.

So, rather than questioning the intelligence of Trump supporters, let’s discuss Mr. Feldman’s lack of intelligence and objectivity.

As one of the deplorables, let me ask Mr. Feldman, and all his cronies in the Lieberal press,  a question.  Why do you support a candidate, Hillary Clinton, who has been involved in countless illegal activites while holding public office?  Why do you insist on ignoring and covering up Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, the abuse of Bill’s  rape victims, the theft of White House  silverware (etc.), the potential involvement with Vincent Foster, her flip flops on policies (TPP),  her illegal and inexcusable use of an unsecured private server to send and receive classified information (see Comey’s testimony about whether it was classified), her perjury to Congress regarding her use of multiple devices, her bleaching of governmental information AFTER a subpoena was issued and served, her collusion to hide her unsecured server, her dereliction of duty to protect those in Benghazi, her delivering American uranium to Russia, her use of the Clinton Foundation to further her and Bill’s financial gains,  her lies about the extent of donations made by the Clinton Foundation, her use of gifts to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments which appear to have influenced her decisions as Secretary of State…………………..her lies to the American voter about almost everything?

The Lieberal press can’t answer these questions with a straight face because the Truth about Hillary and her unsavory behaviour is so unpalatable to any American voter.  The media reminds me of an old saying regarding hiding the truth.  It was:  Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.

Apparently, Mr. Feldman prefers asking no questions of Hillary Clinton because he knows he will only get lies back!

Yes, Mr. Feldman wants the public to believe that Trump supporters are idiots;  but, his own opinionated writings belie the Truth.  In fact, if he could even recognize a fact, Mr. Feldman  is just another Lieberal who can’t accept the truth about the Democrat’s nominee.

Abortions murder babies

In last night’s debate, Mr. Trump said that partial birth abortion is a procedure that “rips”  babies out of their mother’s wombs.  He is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

Partial Birth Abortion

Partial birth abortion is a gruesome, horrendous, murderous act.  How do we know?  BECAUSE, the entire point of that procedure is that the BABY DIES.   And, the Baby dies a horrible death.  And, even worse, the murdered victim, the baby, is then rendered into usable parts and these parts are sold to the highest bidder.  What kind of country allows trafficking of human body parts?

I would never have thought Americans would accept the murder of innocents…..which all babies are.

What kind of country allows infanticide?  Well, proponents of partial birth abortion insist it is a woman’s right, regardless of the fact that the baby always dies.  This cavalier attitude about another human life is usually only seen in third world countries.

I would never have thought that, in America,  even Lieberals would sink so low as to protest they have the right to kill  the unborn.

So, how bad is that procedure?  Well……proponents of partial birth abortion would NEVER willingly undergo a similar procedure — that is, have scissors stuck into the back of their head and their brains sucked out!  Yet, for some reason, they condone these procedures based on the canard that the “health of the mother” is in jeopardy.  In almost all cases, it is healthier and safer for a mother to give birth naturally rather than undergo an abortion.  IT IS ABSOLUTELY SAFER FOR THE BABY IF THE MOTHER CHOOSES TO ALLOW THE BABY TO BE BORN AND LIVE!

Partial birth proponents always try to change the subject of this form of infanticide into whether the mother’s life is in danger.  Since delivering a baby is a natural process, this argument is false.  And, if the mother’s life is at stake, a caesarean section could be performed where, almost always, BOTH MOTHER AND BABY SURVIVE!

If that argument fails, the next ploy becomes…..well, the baby is “defective”…..or, “it is inconvenient to have a baby right now”…………..or, “the mother is too young”……”they can’t afford to have a baby now”……………………………..

These are factually specious, and arguably immoral,  considerations when a Life is at stake.  And, if the arguments are false, as can be proven, then there is no place in our country for partial birth abortions.

However, the best argument against partial birth abortion is to consider how many of its proponents would have wanted their own mothers to have made that choice?

How many abortion proponents believe that the world would be a better place if their own mothers had aborted THEM?

How many partial abortion birth abortion advocates have actually been at that procedure?  How many of them have heard the baby’s cries stopped when the scissors penetrate the skull?  How many of these Lieberals are defending a murderous act?

Their own words condemn them ……ALL OF THEM ARE DEFENDING MURDER……………because, no matter how they “slice and dice” it………………..ABORTIONS MURDER BABIES!



How to break America’s laws….by the NY Times and the Clintons

The NY Times has consistently published only articles that support or help Hillary.  They have admitted they hate Trump and all the people who support Trump.  The Times has joined with the arrogant elites who believe they have the right to control the “deplorables” in America, i.e., us.  It is no surprise then that the NY Times has published what they claim to be some old tax records from Donald Trump.

HOWEVER, it is ILLEGAL to see, much less publish, someone’s taxes UNLESS that PERSON GIVES HIS OR HER PERMISSION!  And, you can bet that Mr. Trump has never consented to the Time’s misuse of his own personal information, if these even are Trump’s taxes.

By definition, the NY Times has committed a felonious act by publishing the alleged tax records.  By definition, whoever released Trump’s taxes is also breaking the law!  In fact, by definition, if these really are Trump’s tax records, the IRS should be rushing to discover who is the culprit who gave them to the NY Times!

The important factor in this story SHOULD be the criminality in releasing private records of an American citizen without his or her consent. 

But, guess what the biased media chooses to focus on?  Of course, they want the American voter to be upset with Trump.  So,  naturally, the NY Times overlooks their own criminal behaviour and actually brags about being willing to break the law.  The NY Times feels no shame for breaking the law;  but, what would you expect of a newspaper that supports Hillary, and her impeached husband, both of whom are  known for past criminal activity?

The printed media or the Fourth Estate, like the NY Times, used to take pride in being the watchdog which kept politicians in check.  The Fourth estate used to be composed of journalists who wanted to print the Truth, whether they agreed with it or not.  The Fourth Estate used to be comprised of professionals, unlike today’s political hacks who pretend to report the “news”, but really print anything, even lies, if it promotes their own personal political agenda.

Rather than taking the word of someone who breaks the law to further their political agenda, we should repudiate the NY Times and their criminal actions.  As my husband always says, “Consider the source”.

So, if you know the NY Times is breaking the laws by knowingly printing confidential records, AND THEY ARE, then they are already impeached by their own behaviour.   And, they should not be considered a reliable source of information.  Nor, even though Hillary seems to be escaping prosecution for her crimes against America, should the NY Times escape without punishment.

Only criminals break laws.  But, not all criminals are thugs lurking in dark alleys until an unsuspecting victim comes by.

No, today’s criminals can be the publishers of can well-known media outlets, like the NY Times.  Today’s criminals occupy our highest political offices, like Hillary did.  And, now, we know how these politicians stay in power.  They depend upon the collusion of media sources such as the NY Times.

It is a sad day in America when what used to be a premier newspaper is writing the book  on “How to break America’s laws” and publicly bragging about it.

How to break American law?  Just ask the NY Times or their best buddy, Hillary Clinton.

Another Democrat Give-away…..

President Carter gave away the Panama Canal.  Remember that canal?  It was paid for with American sweat, blood, tears……and, money.  A majority of Americans did NOT want the Panama Canal to be given away.

President Obama is giving away the Internet.  Remember the Internet?  It’s that tool that our American military developed and which has blossomed into a world-wide communication device.  The majority of Americans do NOT want the Internet given away.

No matter.  Both Democrat Presidents believe they know better than the American voter upon whose judgment  both said they trusted.  Oh, wait.  They only trusted the American voters’ judgment if that judgment agreed with theirs!

Give-away is the mantra of almost every Democrat politician. They buy votes with their give-aways.   The only clinker in the deal is that they ONLY give away what is not theirs.  And, they don’t believe they need to do what American citizens want.

Whether  the give-away includes a vital waterway such as the Panama Canal or a communication link which is vital to our national security and Constitutional rights, these Democrat politicians don’t care.  What they want is the International community to applaud their “generosity”.  Whether their decisions are good for America, they don’t care.  After all, their image in the world, their legacy, their status is all that matters to them.

The loss of Internet control is going to cost America in unforeseen ways.  After all, how can it be good for America to give something away that is intrinsically American.  Why would we allow another to be in charge of the Internet which is the only truly free communication device in the world.  No.  There is no justifiable reason to give up the Internet.

It is just another Democrat give-away!


Trump and Hillary

Considering the results of last night’s debate, I agree with Dennis Green who said,  “They are who we thought they were!”

Hillary was robotic, snotty, arrogant and…..willing to lie about her support for the “gold standard”, the TTP….and exemplified  everything else we thought she was.

Hillary memorized talking points so she could list items.  She obviously didn’t think up all these things on the spur of the moment.  Hillary never had to defend her record because Lester Holt ONLY asked pointed questions of Donald Trump.  And, Hillary was given extensive time for her answers whereas Holt interrupted Trump and even cut him off several times.

Although I have never liked Hillary because she  escaped accountability and prosecution for her many crimes, as did her husband, I tried to watch with an open mind.  Her performance at the debate did not convince me that Hillary has improved her character from the annoying, arrogant, supercilious, self-serving politician that she has always been.

Trump, on the other hand,  was smooth, polite, and a gentleman even while Hillary was obnoxiously insulting.  He treated Hillary with far more respect than she deserved.  She, at every turn, insulted and belittled him and his successful career as a businessman.  Lester Holt never challenged her facts, especially the “gold standard” remark she denied ever making.

Trump defended himself well despite Hillary’s non-stop attack with scurrilous and untrue comments.  She never had to defend herself because Holt never asked her anything pointed.

Character should be the most important determining factor on who is suited to be President.

If you consider the performance of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the only conclusion to be reached is that Hillary’s character is devious and not suited to the Presidency.  Donald Trump spoke truthfully and does have the skills and character to be President.

So, Trump and Hillary definitely are who we thought they were.  And, Trump is the best choice for President.

Is America “Bushed” ??????

As a strong  supporter of Bush 41 AND 43, I am appalled at the report that Bush 41 might choose to vote for Hillary over Donald Trump.   Even the hint of such a betrayal makes me wonder as Vince Lombardi famously said,  “What in the hell is going on out there?”

What is happening to these Republicans?  How can they say that Hillary, with all the scandals in her past, could EVER be superior to a President Trump,  a successful businessman?

In fact, how can any bonafide Republican vote for her in good conscience?

The answer is that they can’t.  Any Republican who supports her has to twist himself, or herself, into knots in an effort to justify their betrayal of the party that put them into office.  They claim that they don’t approve of Trump; but, can they honestly say that they approve of Hillary, with all her scandals?

I have been losing faith in the Bushes who treat Bill Clinton, a proven sexual pervert, like a son.  And, yet, they treat Trump, a man who has never smoked, drunk alcohol, nor used drugs, like a pariah.  They rode the Republican elephant into office and now, when we need them, where are they?  They pretend that their “sensibilities” are offended!  That is sheer arrogance and complete disregard for what is best for America.

Do they want our country to keep descending into chaos?  Do they truly believe that Hillary is capable of returning the country to safety after Obama’s disastrous 8 years? Trump has proven himself an adept businessman and a capable leader.  He is the candidate to return America to Greatness.

And, even if the Bushes don’t feel an obligation to vote for Trump, they should do it for the Republican party!  They owe a great deal to us Republicans who put both of them into the Presidency. And, because we Republicans put them into office, they owe the party’s nominee, Trump, their complete support. Enough with the pettiness and the pretense that they aren’t endorsing Trump because their vote is private!  That is hogwash.   Jeb, especially, needs to honor his pledge to support the party’s nominee. No ifs, ands, or buts, are acceptable.

So, is America “Bushed” or “Bushwhacked”?   Only time will tell.







Racist, xenophobic,…..basket of deplorables………….

Yup.  That’s us….the Trump supporters!

Well, at least that’s how Hillary describes us.  (http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/09/politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-basket-of-deplorables/index.html)

Hillary has always resorted to insults to protect herself and her political position.  And, in some cases, she has used even stronger measures.  Measures which are, in many cases, illegal.  Since turnabout is fair play, let me list a few adjectives that  describe Hillary.  Criminal springs to mind.  Other adjectives would include:  hateful, divisive, arrogant, selfish, bullying, unpleasant, grasping, unChristian, anti-American, and, racist!

She likes to talk about how America will be if she becomes President.  Unfortunately, with her propensity to divide people into those who agree with her and those who don’t, there is little likelihood that she can unite Americans.  With her tendency to use political office for her own personal gain (and Bill’s and Chelsea’s), there is NO chance that issues which affect America will ever be decided in favor of Americans.  With her scorn and uncontrolled anger for those who oppose her and her ideas, there will be many more IRS “interventions” and DOJ “exonerations” and State Department’s “losing” of important papers of state.

And, if her past history of dealing with international issues is any guide, ALL Americans will be less safe. Or worse, dead, like our heroes in Benghazi  who trusted Hillary.  Or, the innocents in Syria, or Iraq, or Libya, who thought they could help America and SHE would defend them.  All of them are buried somewhere.

Hillary has always liked to categorize people, like jars of jam.  This one is part of the “vast right wing conspiracy”.  That one is “racist”.  The other one might be “deplorable”.  What she forgets is that we are all Americans and Americans have the Constitutional right to disagree with her.  She forgets that we are all individuals with individual ideas and individual dreams.  Her dreams are not necessarily ours!

However, if she gets into office,  all dreams had better line up with hers because a disagreement is NOT going to be fairly decided.  Hillary will use every ounce of her power as President  to squelch those who oppose her and to help those who side with her ideas.  Then, the opposition will be hunted down with subpoenas, IRS audits, and every power of State which was supposed to protect American citizens.

If she is elected, be prepared to be called worse than “racist, senophobic………………basket of deplorables”.

Attacking the “Hill”……….

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s political campaigns have never truly been about improving America.  Their focus has always been on improving their own lot in life or their status among the world’s leaders.  To reach that goal, they have relied upon destroying their political opponents….or, in their terminology, the  enemy.  No matter who is the “enemy” — to most others, the opponent — , Hill and Bill count on voters believing that there is a conspiracy of some sort that is out to ruin the Clintons’ careers.  Those of us who oppose the Clintons have been called racists, bigots, sexists, the vast right wing conspiracy, intellectually challenged, and just plain too stupid to understand the grandeur of the Clintons’ vision for America.

Unfortunately, that vision usually includes a sizeable benefit for the Clintons.

Those of us old enough to have seen how avaricious the Clintons are do not need to be reminded of their blatant criminality even while serving in a variety of our political offices.  For those who are too young to remember, there is “Clinton Cash”, a very good recitation of how Clintons became so wealthy.

Attacking the Hill has always been presented as an attack on Women in general and NOT as an attack upon a political opponent’s unfitness for office.  So, if someone asks about Hillary’s use of an unsanctioned email server, that questioner becomes a sexist.  Or, if Congress asks to see the emails, they are part of the vast right wing conspiracy.  When Judicial Watch asked for documents that Hillary created while Secretary of State which belong to the American public,  she and her minions stalled, stalled, and stalled some more.  Finally, a court intervened and demanded that the emails be released.

When Dr. Drew questioned Hillary’s health, his program was cancelled.  Of course, the network claimed this had been “in the works” for a long time.  Sure it was.

When stories appear that are unflattering to Hillary, that network becomes a pariah and, unless forced to, no one from the Democrat’s camp nor Hillary will be interviewed by them.  Of course, that network is FOX.

With this type of history and histrionics coming from the Hill’s camp, most politicians are afraid to publicly criticize her, much less itemize her faults and criminal history.

That is why Donald Trump is the only politician who could run against her and succeed.  Although he, too, has been called names, subjected to vile distortion of his words and speeches, he alone has the guts to challenge her credentials, her health, and her unfitness to be President of the United States.

The media, Hillary’s attack dog,  likes to claim that Trump is unqualified, too.  But, he has run successful businesses all his life.  He is worth a LOT of money and, unlike the Clintons,  none of that came from “pay for play” while in office.  In fact, he has never held a political office, but has worked his entire life.

Compare that to Bill and Hill who essentially have been lotus eaters, always campaigning for the next office and always living off the fat of the land, i.e., the taxpayers’ dollar.

Time to end their parasitic dependence upon the taxpayers’ coffers.  Time to reveal the real Hillary and her predilection for her self aggrandizement policies.  It’s time to say no to Hillary and Bill who have always used  public office for personal gain.

In short, it’s time, long past time, to attack the Hill, and bring her back down to Earth!


Cokie Roberts is either blind or willfully ignorant!

So, Cokie Roberts is supporting Hillary Clinton and believes that those of us who support Donald Trump are morally tainted for that support?  It’s unbelievable that a “journalist”  — if she can be called that — would believe that she knows us all so well that she can decide our morality or immorality.  I think that supporting Hillary shows a decided inability to witness to the facts and decide upon the facts of Hillary’s despotic and criminal history.  After all, Cokie supports Hillary who:

1…Lied to Congress and the American people about Benghazi.

2…Lied to Congress and the American people about not allowing classified email to be unsecured on her server.

3….Lied to Congress and the American people about only using the private, UNSECURED, server for personal activities.

4….Lied to Congress and the American people about keeping her decisions as Secretary of State separate from her husband’s speaking fees.  Those fees brought in millions of dollars to them personally and millions, even billions, to the Clinton Foundation.

5…Lied to the American people about supporting rape victims when she attacked those women who say that Bill Clinton raped them.

6…Berated Secret Service and staff to the point where some of them were depressed and, it is said, that Vince Foster committed suicide.

7….Made more money in stocks than is possible by any measure.

8…Stole the White House’s silverware as Bill left office.

9…Lied to the American public about the Travel Office debacle.

10…Lied, lies, and will lie some more.  That is Hillary’s modus operandi.

And, Cokie Roberts thinks that Trump supporters are morally tainted?  

I take great exception to anyone judging my support for Donald Trump.  The talking heads should stop trying to save Hillary from her own immorality.  What does Cokie’s support for Hillary show about Cokie’s own morality?  Maybe COKIE should look in the mirror because HER nominee, Hillary Clinton, has been involved in scandal after scandal.  The only thing saving Hillary is people like Cokie Roberts who are either blind to Hillary’s criminal acts, or, are willing to accept a morally challenged nominee because it gains them some personal benefit!  Just like the book, Clinton Cash, reveals, the Clintons have used the influence of their offices to improve their own lot.  I wonder what supporting Hillary is going to do for Cokie?

After all, Cokie,  birds of a feather, flock together. 


Cokie Roberts: Trump Backers Are ‘Morally Tainted’