Attacking the “Hill”……….

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s political campaigns have never truly been about improving America.  Their focus has always been on improving their own lot in life or their status among the world’s leaders.  To reach that goal, they have relied upon destroying their political opponents….or, in their terminology, the  enemy.  No matter who is the “enemy” — to most others, the opponent — , Hill and Bill count on voters believing that there is a conspiracy of some sort that is out to ruin the Clintons’ careers.  Those of us who oppose the Clintons have been called racists, bigots, sexists, the vast right wing conspiracy, intellectually challenged, and just plain too stupid to understand the grandeur of the Clintons’ vision for America.

Unfortunately, that vision usually includes a sizeable benefit for the Clintons.

Those of us old enough to have seen how avaricious the Clintons are do not need to be reminded of their blatant criminality even while serving in a variety of our political offices.  For those who are too young to remember, there is “Clinton Cash”, a very good recitation of how Clintons became so wealthy.

Attacking the Hill has always been presented as an attack on Women in general and NOT as an attack upon a political opponent’s unfitness for office.  So, if someone asks about Hillary’s use of an unsanctioned email server, that questioner becomes a sexist.  Or, if Congress asks to see the emails, they are part of the vast right wing conspiracy.  When Judicial Watch asked for documents that Hillary created while Secretary of State which belong to the American public,  she and her minions stalled, stalled, and stalled some more.  Finally, a court intervened and demanded that the emails be released.

When Dr. Drew questioned Hillary’s health, his program was cancelled.  Of course, the network claimed this had been “in the works” for a long time.  Sure it was.

When stories appear that are unflattering to Hillary, that network becomes a pariah and, unless forced to, no one from the Democrat’s camp nor Hillary will be interviewed by them.  Of course, that network is FOX.

With this type of history and histrionics coming from the Hill’s camp, most politicians are afraid to publicly criticize her, much less itemize her faults and criminal history.

That is why Donald Trump is the only politician who could run against her and succeed.  Although he, too, has been called names, subjected to vile distortion of his words and speeches, he alone has the guts to challenge her credentials, her health, and her unfitness to be President of the United States.

The media, Hillary’s attack dog,  likes to claim that Trump is unqualified, too.  But, he has run successful businesses all his life.  He is worth a LOT of money and, unlike the Clintons,  none of that came from “pay for play” while in office.  In fact, he has never held a political office, but has worked his entire life.

Compare that to Bill and Hill who essentially have been lotus eaters, always campaigning for the next office and always living off the fat of the land, i.e., the taxpayers’ dollar.

Time to end their parasitic dependence upon the taxpayers’ coffers.  Time to reveal the real Hillary and her predilection for her self aggrandizement policies.  It’s time to say no to Hillary and Bill who have always used  public office for personal gain.

In short, it’s time, long past time, to attack the Hill, and bring her back down to Earth!


Cokie Roberts is either blind or willfully ignorant!

So, Cokie Roberts is supporting Hillary Clinton and believes that those of us who support Donald Trump are morally tainted for that support?  It’s unbelievable that a “journalist”  — if she can be called that — would believe that she knows us all so well that she can decide our morality or immorality.  I think that supporting Hillary shows a decided inability to witness to the facts and decide upon the facts of Hillary’s despotic and criminal history.  After all, Cokie supports Hillary who:

1…Lied to Congress and the American people about Benghazi.

2…Lied to Congress and the American people about not allowing classified email to be unsecured on her server.

3….Lied to Congress and the American people about only using the private, UNSECURED, server for personal activities.

4….Lied to Congress and the American people about keeping her decisions as Secretary of State separate from her husband’s speaking fees.  Those fees brought in millions of dollars to them personally and millions, even billions, to the Clinton Foundation.

5…Lied to the American people about supporting rape victims when she attacked those women who say that Bill Clinton raped them.

6…Berated Secret Service and staff to the point where some of them were depressed and, it is said, that Vince Foster committed suicide.

7….Made more money in stocks than is possible by any measure.

8…Stole the White House’s silverware as Bill left office.

9…Lied to the American public about the Travel Office debacle.

10…Lied, lies, and will lie some more.  That is Hillary’s modus operandi.

And, Cokie Roberts thinks that Trump supporters are morally tainted?  

I take great exception to anyone judging my support for Donald Trump.  The talking heads should stop trying to save Hillary from her own immorality.  What does Cokie’s support for Hillary show about Cokie’s own morality?  Maybe COKIE should look in the mirror because HER nominee, Hillary Clinton, has been involved in scandal after scandal.  The only thing saving Hillary is people like Cokie Roberts who are either blind to Hillary’s criminal acts, or, are willing to accept a morally challenged nominee because it gains them some personal benefit!  Just like the book, Clinton Cash, reveals, the Clintons have used the influence of their offices to improve their own lot.  I wonder what supporting Hillary is going to do for Cokie?

After all, Cokie,  birds of a feather, flock together.

Cokie Roberts: Trump Backers Are ‘Morally Tainted’

Who’s to blame for America’s problems?

I say the answer is President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Why?  Well, why is there so much conflict in America?  Why do many blacks feel they have the right to riot and rampage?  Why do we law-abiding citizens not demand that criminal acts be punished?

Why wasn’t the election of our first black President a healing time?

Well, I believe that the first problem for and with President Obama is that he self-identifies as “black” when, in fact, he is as much white as he is black.

Secondly, he creates the impression of racial injustice by injecting himself into situations which should  be matters for the court system.  In case after case, he automatically chooses to believe the black.

Justice is supposed to be blind; and, as a lawyer, Obama was taught that mantra.  As President, he is required to be impartial.  But, Obama has failed that principle.  He  unconditionally supports whoever is  black.  And, by taking sides, he prevents the processes that lead to true justice.  By saying that a certain man could have been his son or saying that  the police were wrong or to continue the narrative that blacks in America are mistreaten, downtrodden, or somehow have failed to receive a fair shake, is to create an environment that fosters discord.

The targeting of whites in Milwaukee by blacks is symptomatic of a President who has failed to challenge all Americans to respect the rights of others and to follow the rule of law.  The killing of police officers is a result of Obama’s public disrespect for those men and women who risk their lives to defend ours.  Obama’s disastrous apologies for America’s might which was bought with the red blood of countless Americans, be they black, white or any shade of the rainbow, has decimated our military and allowed foreign powers to kill countless Americans and helpless innocents in other countries.

Obama, and now Hillary, seek to empower themselves politically and financially by dividing our citizens rather than uniting us for a strong America.  They enrich themselves all the while punishing successful businesses and individuals.  They have no respect for traditional American institutions and certainly no respect for our Constitution.

Obama and Hillary conflate every situation for their own benefit.  They routinely use hyperbolic language to denigrate the opposition and the media never questions their statements nor their motives.   They repeat lies even though the lies are demonstrably false and the media refuse to question those lies.  Obama and Hillary have used their positions of power to their own advantage and to the detriment of the American taxpayer.  And, the media sits at their feet, drooling like the most patient labrador retriever.

If only we could tell Obama and Hillary to “sit and heel”, maybe we could avert the sure disaster that these two are driving us towards.  Unfortunately, until the media begins delving into Hillary’s relationship with the Clinton Foundation and how foreign governments bought favors from her while she was Secretary of State, we can expect more shenanigans and more disgrace for our beloved country.

So, who is to blame for the racial strife and chaos that accompanies that strife?

None other than Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Their legacy will be a weaker America. Their legacy will be the death of more Americans.  Their legacy will be more and more strife, and grief for our America!

The Devil is in the details

If you are following the Hillary Clinton email scandal, you are NOT a media talking head.

If you are following the Hillary Clinton email scandal, you are NOT a Lieberal or a Democrat.

If you are following the Hillary Clinton email scandal, you are one of the few, responsible voters in America.

Because, the media is doing their best to make sure that no one will hear of one more Clinton scandal, one more criminal act by the Hill, and one more proof that Democrats vote like lemmings.  For Democrats, a D behind the name of a candidate is all they need to know.

And, the media is successfully obscuring details of Hillary’s treasonous use of her position as Secretary of State.  Unfortunately, the Devil, or Hillary, IS in the details.  And, if you want to save our country, you had better know each and every detail.

There WERE over 30,000 missing emails.

There WAS classified information transmitted through her unsecured servers.

There were human casualties caused by her reckless and criminal refusal to utilize secure internet services. Among them, of course, were the four American heroes at Benghazi.  And, now, add the Iranian nuclear scientist whom Hillary “gave up”  when she refused to use a secure server.  And, who knows how many others were sacrificed for Hillary’s “convenience” ?

Details, details, details.

Does anyone care that Hillary’s entire career has been littered with the bodies of both friends and opponents?

Does anyone care that Hillary  has always, and only, worked for her own, personal welfare?

Does anyone care that Hillary has sold our country’s secrets in order to advance her personal agenda and improve her personal financial situation?

The only way to stop this woman is to look at the common denominator in all these criminal tragedies.  We have to find the “devil”,  see what a corrupt woman she has been and will undoubtedly continue to be, and vote for Trump.

Oh, beautiful for Spacious Skies….

How Donald Trump might feel  when he hears this glorious ode to America.

Oh, beautiful for Spacious Skies………..

Mr. Trump sees the skies of America opening up with opportunity for all Americans to pursue Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

For amber waves of grain……………..

Mr. Trump envisions the end of poverty through an abundance of good-paying jobs for all Americans.

For purple mountain majesty, above the fruited plains…………

Mr. Trump wants to bring back the dignity of an honest day’s work.

America, America, God shed His Grace on thee!

Mr. Trump imagines an America where everyone finds his own, individual Higher Purpose.

And, crown thy good with brotherhood……….

Mr. Trump hopes that politicians will stop using class warfare and racial strife as a means to be reelected and that everyone will see their neighbor as their brother.

From sea to shining sea…………..

Mr. Trump dreams of an America with a bright future, no matter where each American lives.


Hillary escapes charges by FBI

Is anyone surprised that the FBI did NOT charge Hillary Clinton?

If so, you shouldn’t be.  After all, Hillary has used her position of power to avoid endless potential criminal charges.  And, now, she has a Democrat President, a Democrat-appointed Attorney General, and, a friendly media, who all conspired to save her once again from herself and her horrible deeds.

Just because there have been “little” guys charged for far less, don’t expect the establishment’s chosen to pay for her crimes.

Hillary……Obama…….and, now, the FBI…………..all synonyms for “power to the powerful” club!


Honor among thieves?

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch……..and, the list goes on and on.


In this PC world, you couldn’t call them “thieves” because, it might hurt their feelings!  The PC crowd has their Crown Prince in  President Obama who has infamously declared, felons are no longer felons and illegal aliens are no longer to be dubbed “illegal”.

Still, what do you call someone who is stealing your right to bear arms?  What label do you put on someone who wants to steal your income and future well being through the euphemism of “fair” taxation?  What category would you place our Justice system when the Powers-that-be , i.e., Lynch, Clinton, and Obama, are conspiring to prevent an honest assessment of Hillary Clinton’s criminal acts?

Any one of us would already be handcuffed and awaiting trial if we had done what Hillary did with her private email server.  And, that doesn’t even hold Hillary accountable for a myriad of other dubious, if not criminal, situations — remember Whitewater, Vincent Foster’s ignominious death, the stealing of the White House silverware, enabling a sexual pervert (oh, yes, Bill is a pervert and deserved to be jailed for his perversions), libeling the women who accused Bill Clinton…………the list goes on and on.  And, these are just the horrible things we know about!

So, how can anyone so “morally challenged”, to state it in the most PC terms available, continue to NOT be accused in any of these crimes?

It’s all part and parcel of the Establishment’s “honor among thieves”.

Hillary continues on her path to the Presidency because it serves the interests of those already in power.  They are a clique that doesn’t care what their fellow members do or say because that maintains the “cabal’s” power over the rest of us.

Years ago, my mother-in-law taught me this lesson when we were discussing how someone we knew did not require a contract when beginning a business with a friend.  It turned out to be a disastrous ending to the business, and friendship;  but, how, I wondered, was that person so stupid as to not require a contract?

Because, she said, if you are an honorable person, you expect everyone else to be honorable!

The corollary to her statement is that, if you are a dishonorable person, you expect others to be dishonorable!

This is especially true in politics where even a rogue politician is supported by his party until they absolutely have to cut him loose.  Republicans tend to throw bad members out as soon as the bad behaviour is discovered.  Democrats try to convene the “herd” around the member who is being challenged.  Democrats will protect even the worst Democrat just to provide party unity.  Forget that this hurts the American public.  Forget that it is illegal to give aid to a crime.  Forget that Hillary is one of the worst offenders.

She will probably never have to answer for all her corrupt behaviour.  Why?  Because she has two of the most powerful people in the world “at her back”.



Republicans can be losers, too!

Or, should I say that Conservatives can, and will be, losers if they continue on their anti-Trump ranting and raving?

As a fairly strong Conservative myself, I was thrilled when the Republicans had so many qualified candidates running for the Republican Presidential nomination.  I liked them all, including Donald Trump.  I liked that they all swore allegiance to whomever won the nomination.  I liked their ideas on stopping illegal immigration and on lowering the National Debt and on abolishing the horrendous  Obama-scare.  The debates were dynamic battles of wit even when the moderators tried to pit one Republican against the other.

My personal favorite was Ted Cruz.

Well, Ted lost to Donald Trump.  Did I go on tv to complain that Trump had won?  No.  Well, truly, no one asked my opinion;  but, I wouldn’t have been the one to piously proclaim that the apparent Republican nominee was not my first choice.  I do like Trump.  I do like that he speaks his mind freely and isn’t afraid to call out Clinton on her criminal activities.  I like that he smiles at people.  I like that he is an optimist with a business background.  Both his good nature and common sense should do much to reinvigorate our economy and even our American spirit which Obama and Hillary have desperately tried to suppress.  I also believe that, being a businessman, Trump will use people who are the best at their chosen field, regardless of their personal characteristics.

So, what’s not to like?

Well, many Republicans seem to hold a grudge that Trump survived the debates and even thrived when the Lieberal media sought to bring him low.  We have lost so much respect for politicians we actively supported previously and even donated to.  Romney is the biggest disappointment of all.  We donated to his campaign.  We hosted a huge sign in our yard for him.  We went out of our way to press our children and friends to vote for him.  Now, he, too, has decided he knows more than the millions of Americans who chose Trump as our standard bearer.  Paul Ryan insults Trump with faint praise and a knowing snicker when asked about what Trump does or says.  Why can’t our House Speaker simply say that Trump is the presumptive nominee and has won fairly and squarely  rather than provide future fodder for the Democrats?   All those sound bites of Republicans refusing to support Trump are already making their way into Democrats’ ads!

And, now, we come to George Will, professional pundit and know-it-all of TV fame, a real sabelotodo!  So, he knows more history than most Americans.  He undoubtedly writes and speaks more clearly than most of us.  No matter. Contrary to what the “experts” wanted,  Americans, who work for a living, have responded enthusiastically to Trump’s down-to-earth opinions and respect and like Trump.  These Americans have propelled Trump to the nomination.  And, since Hillary Clinton will be the only other “choice”, Will had better get on board…..and soon.  Or, his freedom to keep his large paycheck,  his freedom to carry a gun, and his freedom to speak his mind freely might be at risk.

When the only alternative candidate is Hill the Pill, it is a losing proposition to not support the Republican nominee, Trump.  Pretending that you are “better” or more “knowledgeable” than the average American voter is also a losing proposition.  Romney, Ryan, Will, and all those other so-called Republicans are dooming this country with their childish demonstrations of arrogance.  It’s as if they can’t understand the real choices this election presents with:  the Supreme Court needing a new Justice; the Federal Debt at an all time high; the economy at an all-time low; the American spirit as low as is can be; people out of work and no options; the increase of violence; and the widening scope of radical islamic terrorism.

So, please, all you Republicans — especially Romney, Ryan and even poor Will — get on the band wagon or you will be lost in the dust of the Trump train.  Yes, you will be losers.  After all, even Republicans can be losers.  Just don’t let our Republican nominee lose because you are too mean-spirited to honor your commitment to support the nominee of our party!

Republicans versus Democrats

Why didn’t the Democrats, especially their newly annointed candidate for President, vehemently disagree with the Huffington post which has now openly encouraged violence against Trump’s supporters?

It’s scary that Lieberals believe they have the right to use violence against anyone with an opposing political philosophy.  Hillary repeated her talking point that “Trump started it” .  What a childish response to actions taken by her side of the fence.  Actually, by her not staunchly condemning the violence, she condoned it!

Shouldn’t she, who claims to have “fixes” for American foreign policy, have been able to formulate a method of stopping this virulent and uncontrolled violence?

Shouldn’t she have condemned the mayor of San Diego who blamed  Trump for what the “other side” did to Trump supporters?  Shouldn’t she have raised questions about the mayor’s passing the buck as to why the police did NOT protect the Trump supporters?  Shouldn’t the Democrats condemn  the hotel staff who prevented that poor women being pelted with eggs and insults and violence from entering the lobby of their building?

This rationalization as to why it is acceptable for Democrats’ supporters to riot, create mayhem, assault people who disagree with them, destroy police cars, intimidate the police, is all part of the stock in trade for Democrats.  They march and protest whenever they want because the Lieberal agenda cannot be defended with intelligent conversations.  Their mantra is that the ends justify the means, much like when Senator Reid lied about Governor Romney’s taxes and later, infamously claimed he was NOT sorry because “Romney lost, didn’t he?”

Many Democrats have lost their moral guidance system.  Their quest is to win, win, win, no matter the cost.  If opponents lose their right to free speech and even their right to be physically safe………….well, that’s okay because it might further the Democrats’ agenda.  If police feel insecure in doing their jobs because the Democrats have hounded them at every turn and every point,…………..well, that’s okay, too, because creating a disenfranchised group means you can isolate that group and make promises so they vote in your favor.  And, if you promote violence towards Conservatives, especially Trump supporters………………well, that’s okay, too, because…….well, just because.

If it means more votes, Democrats promise free college, free child care, free everything…………..all at the expense of those who have worked to earn their way through Life.  Lieberals want to buy votes by creating an America where everyone relies upon the government..  That means the Lieberals can remain in power longer which, in turn, means they become rich.  Only in this instance, being rich would be okay because these Lieberals have the best interests of the masses in mind.  Sure they do.  Tell me how a $12,000 jacket that Hillary wore feeds one more hungry child.

And, in this search for votes, hurting Trump supporters seems like an easy venue to the Lieberals.  The truly horrible aspect of this attitude is that Lieberals now feel they can voice this strategy of violence in public, i.e., the Huffington Post!

It is no longer Republicans versus Democrats about political philosophy.  Democrats have begun their own violent revolution, including physical violence against Republicans.

Until Democrats, especially their nominee, vigorously condemn these hostile actions, there will be more violence and more people hurt.  It is time for Democrats to follow the Constitution which promises Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness to ALL, not just their own partisans.

Speak Easy

During Prohibition, a Speak Easy was a clandestine location where you could get alcohol.    The name supposedly came from the patrons speaking quietly, or “easy”, about where such establishments were located so the police would not find it.

As someone who enjoys words being used creatively, speak easy speaks to me!

However, I think it is also a phrase that should describe Freedom of Speech in America.  We should be able to “speak easy” on ANY subject with ANY words we choose.  Unfortunately, in Lieberal America, every single word is diced and dissected to make sure that it offends no one.  And, woe to anyone who, with even a single word,  offends a minority group…………or, especially anyone who is not White.

There, I said it.

Today, thanks to Obama and his Lieberal agenda and Lieberal hooligans, Whites are the only minority that can be taunted, insulted, humiliated, and discriminated against.  Any word used in connection with Black Lives Matter, women, Muslims, or any other ethnic group, is subject to the most intense scrutiny.  And, almost always, there is someone, somewhere, who is offended.  Look at those students who were traumatized by merely seeing the word Trump in chalk!  Or, the Black Lives Matter geniuses who assaulted Milo Yiannupoulos at a Conservative Forum, which forum was bought and paid for by Conservatives and at which Mr. Yiannoupoulos had been ASKED to speak !  Look at the agitators who assaulted a man in a wheelchair who wanted to hear Trump speak.   Look at our own government deciding that the words “felons” and “convicts” will no longer apply to…………whom?…………….well, felons and convicts.

When did it become legal to prevent an American from listening to someone?  When did it become legal to censor someone’s words?  When did it become legal to prevent an American citizen from speaking his mind in public?

It began long ago when Lieberals decided that the liberties, including Freedom of Speech,  promised to all of us in the Constitution were “suggestions”, and  NOT RIGHTS.

It continues with Obama renaming illegal aliens because, to him,  it is offensive to call someone illegal.  Well, if you break an American law, you are a criminal, a felon, and, yes, you could be an illegal alien.  Words do have meanings and, whether Obama likes it or not, the word illegal alien DOES describe a person who enters the United States illegally.  He can’t change the meaning just by unilaterally deciding to change the nomenclature.  His executive actions might work, for a while, but words will be more difficult to control by fiat.  At least,  I hope so!

So, how do we correct our Ship of State which is veering dangerously close to dark waters where one group, the Lieberals, have control over every word we utter?

First, we elect Donald Trump who feels free to express his mind on all issues.  Unlike the Democrats, he is NOT governed by the power-crazed Lieberals.  He has spoken freely and easily to a wide swath of Americans and most of them seem to appreciate his candor and his willingness to speak honestly about issues that truly concern them, their children, and even their grandchilden.  And, if he uses words which a select group find unappealing, so be it.  Freedom of Speech guarantees the Right to speak Freely.  It does NOT guarantee that the audience will always approve.

Like Mr. Trump, Americans should always feel comfortable speaking their mind and there should be NO repercussions when they do.  Speak Easy should be America’s  new motto.  Well, maybe add “Make America Great Again”………………”Speak Easy”.