Do Rules matter?

Do rules matter any more?  Even little, school  children understand and obey rules.  There are rules for standing in line……rules about potty breaks……rules on when to speak and when to be silent.  If only we adults were so obedient!

The likelihood of questioning a rule is especially prevalent in the political world.  Many of us who originally supported Donald Trump have lost our faith in his candidacy.  There are several reasons for that, but the most recent are his tirades against how delegates are selected….i.e., against the rules.  Regardless of whether he likes the way delegates are selected or not, the rules were in place when he entered the Presidential race.  To foment more anger by saying that the delegate selection process is “unfair” and that those who support him are being disenfranchised is a dishonest appraisal of what is happening in Republican parties across the country.  The selection process is absolutely being followed.  And, despite what Mr. Trump trumpets in public —  and tweets  —  the crux of his argument against the delegate selection process is that Mr. Cruz and his supporters understand how the process works better than Mr. Trump’s team does.

Unfortunately, the divisions that Mr. Trump is creating with his remarks will ultimately hurt whoever is the Republican candidate.

Of course, a similar process is happening in the Democrats’ selection of a candidate.  Although Bernie Sanders is winning many states, he is losing almost all of the Super Delegates to Hillary.   Why aren’t the rules of the Democrats an issue?  The difference is that Democrats are in lock step with Hillary and the rules benefit her.  So, only Bernie’s supporters are complaining and the party is comfortable ignoring them.  The media is, too.

So, do rules matter?

Well, if we expect little children to mind the rules, we should definitely expect adults to follow the rules.  Whether it be a game of Scrabble or a political contest, the rules are mutually agreed upon before the game, or nomination process, begins.

Mr. Trump should spend more time coalescing his supporters and less time tearing down the Republican selection process.  His constant assault of the system will only help the Democrats in the fall and lead to a criminal,  Hillary, entering the White House next January.





It’s great to be a Conservative in America today!

Many Conservatives would state their political preferences in the acronym, ABC …………which means Anyone But Clinton.

I am one of that group.

However, even if you are not, the Republicans have certainly given Americans a wide variety of candidates to choose form.  I liked them all and believed any one of them was better than Hillary.

I still do.

And, yet, eventually, we will have to have to choose either Trump, Cruz or Kasich.  What a wonderful quandary the Republicans  present to the American voter!   It is difficult to pick just one candidate and this is the first time ever that my husband prefers a different candidate, Trump,  than I do.  I prefer Cruz.  But, we both are satisfied with any of the three Republicans.

No matter who ends up with the Republican nomination, we need to unite around whoever wins that nomination.   It should be an easy choice to vote Republican because the Democrats have only the Old Maid and the Old Has Been.

So vote.  Vote Republican.  Put either Cruz, Trump or Kasich in the White House .  It WILL be a great day for America.






The Republicans have offered the most diverse group of candidates for President that we have ever seen.  And, to a man……… or woman…………they have been very qualified for the Presidency.

And, no matter who wins the nomination, we will be happy.  After all, none of them are being investigated for criminal acts, like Hillary Clinton is.  But, more importantly, all of them have high standards of morality on a wide variety of issues.  They all seem to understand that we can’t have illegal aliens flood our country and then, allow these illegals to gain welfare benefits and, as in some states, even vote!

Whether Pope Francis understands of not, voting and many other rights in this country are reserved for United States citizens! And, whether he likes it or not, every country in the world has traditionally standards which must be met to be allowed to travel into that country and, more importantly, to stay and live in that country.

All the Republican candidates believe that we must control social spending in order to lower the deficit.  All the Republicans understand that bureaucratic regulation is crushing small businesses and even large corporations and that uncontrolled taxation is driving many of our multi-faceted companies to relocate outside the United States.  And, all the Republican candidates realize that being a strong military presence is a good thing in the world.

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barrack Obama accept these concepts which is why our country is in a recession and also at risk for a terrorist attack every day.

However, of all the candidates currently running, my favorite is Ted Cruz.  A Republican ticket with Cruz for President and Ben Carson for Vice President would be a true meeting of the minds.  Both of them are brilliant thinkers, as their past history illustrates.  Both of them are men of strong, moral character, regardless of what the media says.  Both of them believe in a strong, united America.  Both of them are willing to aggressively confront all the problems facing the US of A, including illegal immigration, the terrorism threat, the National Deficit, and the burgeoning Federal bureaucracy.

So, even though I would vote for any of the Republican candidates, my preference is for Ted Cruz to be our nominee.  Time to start “cruisin’ ”  with Ted.

In the FOXhole

Foxes are known to be……well, foxy.  They can also be vicious, if you are a squirrel or other small animal, especially if they catch you in their foxhole.

And, now, it appears that the “foxes” at FOX news are pretty dangerous, too, especially to Republican candidates.  For, in the FOXhole, there are dangerous critters.  Dangerous critters like the moderators who believe that THEY are the focus of the show and that THEIR opinions are most important and that THEY have the right to decide what Americans want to hear from the candidates.

Their “he said, what do you say about what he said” approach in the debates  is really not helping voters understand where candidates stand on the issues.  And, their “got’cha” questions are downright obnoxious, and particularly destructive to a debate that was meant to highlight the candidates’ stances, NOT whether the moderators could catch the candidates off guard.   Plus, apparently, even the FOX crew now believe that they have the right to argue with candidates and candidates’ opinions, ala Candy Crowley when she defended Obama even though the facts supported Romney!  It’s crazy.  It’s journalism at its worst.

But most annoying of all is the overbearing and arrogant attitude of the moderators.  The smarmy looks and comments by Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace did NOT leave an impression of even-handedness.  Nor did it help when Kelly had a montage of ONLY TWO of the candidates to “prove” they were changing their stance on a given issue.  Wallace’s smart-aleck response to Ted Cruz and his disallowing Cruz to respond when Cruz’ name came up, only highlighted how the moderators were out of control.  And, today, I see everyone patronizing the moderators and saying what a great job they did.  Of course, the people who are complimenting those moderators all have a vested interest in the debate being a success.  As for me and MY house, we thought the debate was a disaster for FOX and anyone who hoped to learn something about the candidates.   And, as Lombardi, my husband’s favorite coach,  used to say,  “What in the hell is going on out there?”

Where were the objective reporters ferreting out the facts?  Where was the opportunity for the candidates to constructively analyze issues?  Where were the concerns of the American voter represented?

Oh, that’s right.  Your best reporter, Catherine Herridge, is tackling the Hillary Clinton scandals.  Too bad because her journalistic standards would have been a beacon of light in that dark forum last night.

I finally have to admit that FOX no longer is our favorite channel.  We are tired of watching the FIVE at FIVE promote themselves and their books.  We are aghast at the comments by many of the moderators, like Kelly and Wallace, who too often insert their personal grudges and opinions into what should be a factual discussion.  In short, we are just plain angry that FOX, which claims to be fair and balanced and was our last hope of accurate reporting, has become just another channel with an agenda….that agenda being to promote its personnel and not the Truth.

So, thank goodness for the Drudge Report, Breitbart News, and a host of other online news outlets which can inform us on many issues because we don’t expect to crawl into the FOXhole again.   There are too many nasty critters in there!

It’s a CRYING shame!

Crying is a natural human reaction to many different events.  Babies cry when they are tired, wet, hungry, lonesome………..or, just to get attention.

The rest of us often cry for the same reasons, or maybe for joy, shock………..or, just to get attention.

President Obama is no different than the rest of us and, I assume that like me or my family, he cries in private, too.  Usually, though, he has not cried in public.  He didn’t cry when Al Quiada beheaded a journalist, nor the multitude of others similarly murdered.  All those Christian men lined up on a beach and systematically and ruthlessly beheaded were not enough to make Obama cry in public.  The massacre at Charlie Hebdo did NOT make Obama cry.  The random and relentless assassination of Parisians did NOT make Obama cry.  Even his cause celebre of climate change did NOT make him cry.

But, gun control?  Well, that made him cry.

He pretended that he wants gun control to stop the tragedies that occur when someone guns down helpless people in restaurants, or any public place.  Those horrendous occasions cause all of us to cry.  The difference between Obama and most of us is that we don’t blame the gun.  We blame the person shooting the gun.  Murdering a group of people is always a cause for grief, but it does not make us want to ban the weapon.  After all, when suicide bombers drive into a United States barracks, setting off their bombs and killing our sons and daughters, Obama does not call for us to ban cars, or limit who can have a car……..NOR does he cry!

I believe that his tears in this particular public forum did come partially from sadness.  The loss of loved ones is absolutely a reason to cry.  But, I also believe that he went out of his way to cry for political purposes.  Why is there this pessimistic view of Obama’s tears?   Because he did NOT cry for other mass tragedies, it is out of character for him to cry in this instance.  The obvious conclusion is that his tears served some ulterior purpose and, I believe that purpose was to create the impression that gun control is so important that even the President of the United States cries   in public about it.  Trying to appear emotionally engaged on an issue is not a new tactic for Democrats.  Remember when Hillary Clinton cried in public,?  Her poll numbers went up, thanks to the media reporting those tears as proof that Hillary was a “truly wonderful and emotionally engaged woman”.

Ironically, when another politician cried in public, he was insulted and derided for not being able to control his emotions.  The media claimed that THAT politician was an immature hack and unqualified to hold his position.  That politician, of course, was Republican Representative Boehner, the Speaker of the House.

Why is it that both men, and Hillary,  cried in public and, yet, the media’s reaction is so different?

Obama was lauded for feeling so deeply about an issue.  Hillary tears were proof that she was not the robot she appeared to be.  Boehner was characterized as a buffoon and, according to the media, his lack of control of his feelings made him not worthy to hold the Speakership.

The plain truth is that the media never lets a “tragedy go to waste”, as Rahm Emmanuel once infamously said.  And, politician’ tears are just so useful in advancing a point of view.

It’s no wonder that the American electorate increasingly believes that the media has leaned so far to the left and Lieberalism that the media no longer recognizes honest men and women nor honest emotions.  The media manipulates issues, reports, and even TEARS to enable Lieberals to continue taking more power, money, and control of our lives.  Lieberals do NOT believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness………….unless THEY can define those Constitutional guarantees.   They now even “define” tears.

So,  it’s no wonder that the American electorate senses that we need a new President, like Trump or Cruz, or Rubio, or Christie, or Fiorina.  We need men and women in politics who are honest….honest with themselves and honest with us.  We do NOT need another President who manipulates policy or their public persona to gain political stature, as the Obama and the Clintons have done on multiple occasions, or who use emotions to further their agenda.

It’s too bad that the Democrats can’t find at least one, solid, honest person to run for President.  They rely upon a woman who has been involved in scandal after scandal, from Whitewater, to Foster’s death, to the multitude of women whom have been sexually abused by Governor and then President Clinton and, the women who have been consistently abused by Hillary in her attempts to disguise, hide, and minimize her husband’s sexual perversions.

It’s easy to understand a baby’s tears and even for us to understand and empathize with adults crying.  And, if those abused women cry, we would surely understand.  But, to see Obama or Hillary get teary eyed in public is just an obvious, and sickening, ploy for political gain.  Whether the media can bring themselves to couch the big O’s or the Big Hill’s tears as just another useful tool in their political tool box is unlikely.  More likely is that the media will laud them for their tears and pretend that the tears makes these politicians real people.

We should not fall for that lie.  If we do, THAT would be a real CRYING SHAME!


Yik Yak and other Yaks

Yik Yak is becoming a popular way for college kids to converse with others on their immediate campus.  The app only has a “reach” of about 1.5 miles, so the social circle is fairly limited.  And, it is anonymous, so anyone in the vicinity can “let loose” on any subject any time.

It sounds like a good idea.  Let young people, who are supposedly in an intellectually-stimulating environment, freely vent on a wide variety of topics that are of special interest to them.

But, wait.

The PC police have once again sent out their thugs and said that this app should be shut down because some are using it as an avenue for hate speech and sexually or sexist speech.  And, of course, hate speech or sexually explicit comments cannot be allowed!  That privilege is reserved for Hollywood, I guess.

While I agree that racial slurs, etc., are terrible, controlling speech is even worse.  One of our founding principles is that speech is free.  That is why the Constitution forbids any censorship of speech.  And, that is why it is called free.

Unfortunately, Freedom of  speech, according to the Lieberals, is only “free” if it is politically correct.  And, if any one person is offended, why then, that speech must be censored.  Who better to decide what the majority of us can say, do, or even think, than the Lieberals?  They seem to be much more advanced in their sentiments than the rest of us and, therefore,  they feel obligated, even “destined”,  to ensure that their opinions and viewpoints become the standard by which we all must live.

The problem raised by one group censoring another’s free speech is, of course, that there is no ONE standard to guide us.  We all of us have different opinions and thoughts about everything in life.  What is offensive to me might be an innocuous issue to another and so, why should a small minority rule the roost or why should the PC viewpoint be the standard?  Remember, in the PC world, it only takes one person to be offended before the Libs jump in to limit freedom of speech.  It’s a crazy way to operate in a country that believes in the rule of the majority, NOT the minority.

Besides, while no mature adult in America wants there to be hate speech, or racial violence or sexist comments, you cannot eliminate those aspects of society even though, for some crazy reason, the Lieberals seem to think that clamping down on free speech will cure those who are hateful people.  The words are NOT the problem.  The problem lies in the attitudes of people who cannot live peacefully with others.

So, long live Freedom of speech.  And, all you college kids?  Yak all you like.   Yik Yak on and on and on and on.

It’s Halloween and Hillary is….Stirring the Pot

Boil, boil, toil, and trouble.  It’s Halloween and the cauldron continues to boil with Hillary’s poisonous brew.

There’s not a ghost of a chance that the fans of Hillary Clinton will admit that her behaviour is scandalous nor acknowledge that her attempts to explain the inexplicable are ridiculous.  They are true believers.  Nothing will dissuade them from their belief in her…..even as she leads them deeper and deeper into the darkening woods.

There seems to be no retribution despite how the Clintons have betrayed the American public while in their public positions.  Hillary “knows”  her misbehaviour will be forgiven if she blames the Republicans or finds another scapegoat.  It is NEVER her fault when her perfidious, manipulative and yes, evil actions become public knowledge. For, if the past is prelude to the future, she can rely upon her fans forgiving her because they always have.  There are never any consequences for Hillary’s mistakes.  From Whitewater to the death of Foster to the women abused by former President Bill Clinton and Hillary’s scorn for them  to Benghazi to the deleted emails on an unauthorized server, Hillary’s lap dogs continue to drool  at her feet.

Much of the reason for this mindless adoration is that the media has always been her greatest asset and ally.  They have been complicit in her deviousness by under reporting or even misrepresenting her disingenuous explanations.  Whatever advances the Clintons has been more important to the media than the Truth.   They and the  Democrats routinely put on their rose-colored glasses and belly up to the bar to swill down Hillary’s  poisonous potions.  Seldom does a Democrat question a Clinton pronouncement, even when what Hillary or Bill is saying is ludicrous and demonstrably false.  Countless videos prove Hillary has lied countless times, yet Democrats’ eyes glaze over when she speaks and they willingly accept the lie. It’s as if Hillary bewitches them all.

Like vampires who suck the life blood out of their victims, Hillary uses and abuses her sycophants, throwing them to the wolves when it serves her own purposes.  This is her history and it is unlikely she will change.  Unfortunately, she has been around a long time, maybe too long.  If we learn from our past, she, and her mistakes, should warn us not to trust her.

And, while it might be Halloween and we expect goblins and ghoulies to roam our streets,maybe  it’s okay if Hillary disguises herself as the good fairy even though evidence proves she is an evil witch.  But, as we choose our next President, we should remember that Hillary is a devious egomaniac.  And, knowing this, we MUST NOT allow Hillary to bewitch  us into believing her lies.


What’s in a name?

Well, sometimes, a lot.

Being called names when you are a child can cause lifelong, emotional scars from which people never recover.  Even adults can have their feelings hurt by someone’s harsh words.  But, adults are expected to roll with the punches.  Or, as my husband always says,  “Consider the source.”

So, if you know someone dislikes red hair, don’t be surprised if he yells  “carrot top” when he sees a redhead.   Knowing the person calling names is just being nasty might not take away all the sting;  but, it does let you know that it’s truly NOT you, it’s just that other person’s problematic attitude.

Unfortunately, some people can be mean, nasty, rude, and just plain hostile to others who don’t fit their personal preferences.  That was evident when the man at a Trump rally talked about Muslims and President Obama in one breath.  Rather than offering facts to support his comments, he threw out accusations and the PC police jumped on him?  Nope.  They jumped on Trump who was  the guest speaker.

However, that man was NOT a representative of Trump.  That man did NOT speak for Trump.  Those comments came from a man in the crowd!  But, of course, the Lieberals blamed Trump anyway.

It’s wrong to penalize one person for what another says.  But, in this day and age of Political Correctness, the PC police are everywhere and always, always, want to hang someone, especially if that someone is a Conservative.  That is what happened to Trump.  Rather than complain about the man in the crowd who was making offensive comments, the  PC police  attacked Trump’s “non” response.  Trump was innocent of any offensive comments — in that particular case — but his political opponents called him a racist because he didn’t correct the man in the crowd.

Of course, back when Hillary called Obama a Muslim, it was just hard politicking.  The media always loves and supports Lieberals.  But, Trump?  He was an easy target for the media’s and pundits’ scorn.  In the past, the media had no qualms about calling  Trump a clown and now, a racist.  None of that is true, of course, but after all, it’s “only” a name, right?   Names only matter if it is deemed that a Conservative might be using them.

So, what’s in a name?  Well, sometimes, as in this case,  nothing.  Sometimes, it’s all a political tempest in a teapot.

Obama — Hypocrite in Chief!

In recent days, those awful videos of Planned Parenthood aborting and then harvesting organs from innocent babies have disgusted anyone with even a shred of decency.  No matter the euphemism cited, there is absolutely NO excuse or rationale to kill innocent babies and then harvest their “salable” parts!  To accept those specious arguments is not only immoral;  but, to me, the height of hypocrisy.

Last night on the Five at Five, Greg Gutfeld explained why even the “it would be a shame to let the body parts ‘go to waste'” is a disingenuous and fallacious argument.  He said that, for there to be “value in waste”, there must first be something of value.  In an abortion, that “something valuable” would be the murdered baby.

As most of you know, Obama has never been one of my favorite people.  I think he has done more damage to our country and the nation’s moral compass than even I feared.  Nevertheless, there are many who maintain that he is a “good” man and a “good” husband and father.  Maybe he is.  However, I find it difficult to believe him a good man when he ardently supports Planned Parenthood and the mass murder of all those babies every year, using OUR tax dollars to do so.  Even if you ONLY accept the mantra that “Black Lives Matter”, then, how can you accept that thousands of black babies are aborted each year ?  It is illogical, and hypocritical, to suggest that both philosophies are compatible with a decent, Christian, or just humane society.

So, I do not hold Obama in high regard.  But, even I am shocked by the blatant hypocrisy of his condoning abortions, and the subsequent harvesting of the infants’ organs and even entire bodies; and then, pontificating on the horrors of killing albinos in Africa  for a similar purpose.  I agree that the Africa murders are horrific.  But, how can the murder of all those poor, little babies be acceptable?

Anyway, to Obama, killing albinos is “dehumanizing” and killing babies is okay.  Here is the great man, Obama, proving he is the world’s most famous hypocrite.

Obama: Killing Humans And Harvesting Their Organs Is An Atrocity That Must End

President Barack Obama told a group of young African leaders on Monday that harvesting organs from humans that are killed as part of an African ritual was “craziness” and a “cruel” tradition that needed to stop. He warned of dehumanizing marginal groups of humans and of the problems that arise when “you are not able to see someone else as a human being.”

Pope Francis

Christians everywhere  are being persecuted.  Some are beheaded.  Some are murdered by drowning.  Some are being driven out of their homes and becoming refugees in foreign lands.  And, some are slowly being killed by repressive policies, even here in America.

The persecutions are a human tragedy. Lives lost.  Lives destroyed.  Futures and dreams never to be realized.

Amid all this chaos, the Catholic Church is a beacon of hope through its outreach to the poor, oppressed, and hopeless.

As Catholics, we accept the responsibility to try to make the world a better place.  Although we can never create a perfect world, we try.  Our goal is to live according to Jesus’ command:  do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

As the Shepherd of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis’ responsibility is to help us be better Christians, better Catholics, and  better human beings.  To that end, he reminds us of our personal goals and how to avoid the sins we might not be able to resist.  Because we are all human and sin, his mission is monumental.  It should be all encompassing.

Unfortunately, Pope Francis  must not find it satisfying enough because he has now  stepped outside of his priestly role and entered the political arena when he states that denying Climate Change is a sin.  And, to unilaterally recognize Palestine as a state or to say that Abbas is “an angel of peace” is to establish a rift between the Church and Israel, America’s strongest ally.

In effect, the Pope has taken sides in a political matter and is leading our Church into more confrontation.  Rather than leading us into a holier state, he is becoming a politician  and making us pawns in his personal philosophy of the world.

That is not only sad, it is the wrong role for a Pope.

Instead of playing politics, Pope Francis should concentrate on leading “all souls to heaven”.