Cop-y cats

This is a difficult week for those of us who appreciate the police.  The police who protect us and keep us safe in our homes and communities are being killed just because they are police.  Yes, these brave men and women are under attack and,  for some unfathomable reason,  have become the new scapegoats for many of the ills of our society.

Nowadays, any time there is a situation involving the cops and a suspect who happens not to appear “white”, the police’s  actions are questioned.  And, almost immediately, the media dubs the police actions as criminal.  Even though the facts have not been made public, the false assumptions are headline news.  And, THAT brings out the mobs.

Facts are immaterial.  In Ferguson, the “hands up, don’t shoot” mantra of the rioters was proven untrue.  No matter.  In a black on white controversy, the facts are ignored if they don’t  fit the liberal ideology.  Minority suspects MUST be victims if that narrative is to be believed.  So, even before the case is investigated, the police become the culprits.   And, because the lies are not refuted, it becomes open season on police.

We see countless media accounts of  police being attacked….on the street, in their cars….everywhere.

It is senseless violence, perpetrated by a particular subculture that promotes chaos because chaos gives these outcasts more power.  And, the media is a major part of the problem.  By promoting the anti-society agenda, the NY Times and other media, give these groups an open forum with NO objective examination of the facts.

In truth, the police are neither villains nor saints.  They, like us, are just brave people trying to do their job well.  And, unlike the false heroes that Hollywood and the media project, the police get little in return for their efforts.

How the world has changed.  When I was little, we all looked up to the police.  We admired them and respected them.  And, we all felt safer if a policeman was in the vicinity.  It is a shame that, rather than considering police as role models,  today’s world wants to blame police for society’s problems.

How much better the United States would be if police were honored and respected and little kids looked up to police as role models.  Wouldn’t we all be safer with more   “COP-y cats”?


Obama — a Slave to a Lie

Selma THEN — History.

Selma NOW  – a continuation of a false narrative.

Obama says that the White House was built by “us” — slaves!

Nothing could be further from the Truth….but, as my Dad used to say….it makes a good story!

Actually, the White House might have been built with blacks and they might have been slaves.  Every nation has had, and some still do have,  slaves.  Slavery was a shameful epoch which politicians trot out every time they want to create a divide between today’s Blacks and the rest of us Americans.  Obama relies on this Lie whenever he is in political difficulties.  And, with all the scandals that have evolved during his tenure, I can see why he would want to make Blacks think they are the aggrieved party and deserve MORE….of whatever. Class warfare and racist rhetoric have always been his bread and butter.

Still, it is unfair to label today’s Americans as racist for what happened before they were born.  Today, we are supposed to be ashamed of our ancestors for keeping slaves;  but, our grandparents lived in a different culture.  It is unfair to judge them by today’s standards.  And, through affirmative action, and the growth of our collective consciousness, Blacks have become an integral part of our country and culture.  There really are no limits to what ANY citizen can accomplish, if he/she only tries.  That is a Truth exemplified in many Blacks who have “made it” by their own efforts, and some through affirmative action.  Look at Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice.  Look at Charles Payne of FOX Business Channel.  Look at Thomas Sowell, a highly regarded economist.  Look at all of the Blacks who have succeeded:  Condaleeze Rice;  Colin Powell;  Tiger Woods, etc. The list is endless.   There is  just no limit to what a person, of any color, can do in America.So, why perpetuate the myth that Blacks are still being discriminated against?  Well, it makes for an easy “out” for those who rely upon the Government to make others pay for what one person has failed to do.

Yes,  today’s generation of Blacks should be cognizant of their ancestors’ sacrifices.  And, yes, some of those ancestors were slaves.  However, today’s Black citizens are NOT, and NEVER HAVE BEEN slaves!   And, today’s Blacks did NOT build the White House.  Black citizens, like White citizens and Asian citizens and every other ethnic citizen, have accomplished great things in our country.  But, it is a LIE EXTRAORDINAIRE to claim that today’s Blacks live in the same culture as slaves did.  And, it is unfortunate that Obama continues to divide the nation into Black and White.  When he perpetuates that lie, he always continues the LIE  that being Black in America automatically means being a “have not” while  being White means you are not only a “have”, but that you have contributed to the suppression of Blacks.

When I was a child and faced adversity, my parents would tell me to “get over it and get on with it”.  Obama, who is the recipient of America’s largesse, should be telling all Americans, including Blacks, to “get over it and get on with it!”  He should NOT be dividing Blacks from Whites, just to get a political advantage.

So, saying that “WE”, meaning today’s Blacks, built the White House is not only laughable, but it is a LIE.

Harking back to Obama’s own words,  “If the White House was built, We  — TODAY’S BLACKSDID NOT BUILD IT.


The Unconstitutional United States Supreme Court

The Supreme court was created to make sure that everyone, including the President, Congress, and all citizens follow the Constitution.

They were to be the arbiters of what is “Constitutional” or what is “Unconstitutional”.

Instead, the Supreme Court is now a hotbed of political partisanship and worries about whether a law or executive order will “affect” our American citizens or, whether if , as Ruth Bader Ginsberg is quoted as saying,  “….the American people are ‘ready” for gay marriage”.

How far the Justices have come from the ideal of judging laws and issues, based on the simple criteria that the law or issue be consistent with the Constitution of the United States!

Now, Chief Justice Roberts worries about whether the court will be seen as partisan.

Ginsberg believes a law should stand because she perceives that the public is ready for it.

Kennedy worries about the impact of rejecting a law because of its impact upon health insurance companies!

While the decision as to whether some law is truly Constitutional might be difficult, that is the ONLY basis for either accepting or rejecting a new law.

So, Roberts and Ginsberg and Kennedy, please remember that you are to see if every new law reflects the intent of the Constitution.  Other factors, such as whether new laws have an economic or emotional impact upon Americans was NEVER to be the criteria upon which laws are judged!


Netanyahu and Obama

Netanyahu and Obama

Both are heads of state.

Both are used to speaking publicly.

Both will, or have, given speeches in our House of Representatives this year.

And, there, they diverge.

President Obama gave a political speech, his SOTU,  to try to placate his leftist allies; and, while he was at it, insulted Conservatives once again, AND promised to spend more money for a variety of “worthy” causes.  There were no explanations of how to pay for all his generosity with OUR tax dollars.

Netanyahu will speak to the same Congress.  He will describe Israel’s place in an unfriendly world and how he hopes to protect his fellow citizens.  He will probably thank America for its past help.  He will explain how he sees Israel’s relationship with America and how he hopes to remain our best ally in the middle East.

Having an ally as a guest is good for America.  But, the White House’s “anonymous” sources say that President Obama is furious that Netanyahu did not say “Captain (Obama), may I come?” before the media heard of the upcoming speech.

The White House churlishly refuses to even meet with Netenyahu while he is here justifying that by saying that it is a “spit in the face” to not ask their permission.  Do they remember spitting in Netanyahu’s face when they unceremoniously ushered him out the back door of the White House on a previous visit?  Whose House is the House of Representatives anyway?  Why, it is OUR House.  And, if the Speaker of the House invites a guest to speak, that is his right.  Whether it is a head of state, or not, is immaterial.  And, no matter what Obama says, his nose is out of joint because he expected Boehner and Netanyahu to kow tow to him, NOT make their own decisions!  Obama is, to put it colloquially, acting like a JERK!

We should have seen this coming because Obama has never been a uniter.  He continually sets one economic class against another in his bid to get his own way on entitlement programs.  He said he would make all of us feel “American”.  Instead, he has played the race card over and over, dividing Americans into black and white — quite often before the facts prove there was no racial animus involved.  He repeatedly uses divisive, insulting  language against Conservatives or Conservative thoughts;  and then, whines that the Republicans aren’t willing to work with him.  He has even divided the world into two armed camps by reinforcing the demands of the Arab world, always at the expense of Israel.

So, let this Grandmother give President Obama a lesson in manners.  First, always make sure your words are tender because you might have to eat them some day. Always be the “better man” and welcome everyone, including those whom you disagree with.  And, always remember that you are NOT a monarch.  YOU are the President of the United States and should act as a Head of State, NOT a whining, spoiled brat.  You have bowed and scraped to almost every world leader you ever met which embarrassed Americans immensely.  Why not swallow your pride and, at least, make an effort to be a gracious host to one of our best allies in the world?

Remember, Mr. Obama.  You represent America, NOT a political faction.  And,  it serves America better to keep allies close and friendly than to openly create yet another divide between friends.

If you forget everything else, please remember this.  There are many countries and peoples who hate America and want to destroy her.  Netanyahu, and Israel, do not.  They are friends.





Face it, Hillary!

Hillary seems to be absent from all the latest controversies in the world today.  Usually, the Clintons, like Al Sharpton, are “johnny on the spot” whenever a political advantage can be found in a situation.

Not so lately.

So, where is she?

Is she busy building a Presidential team for 2016?

Is she busy on yet another speaking tour to raise millions for herself?

Is she busy helping the down-trodden through charitable donations of her millions?


She is out of sight because she is improving her “sight”.  That is, the most logical explanation of her absence from the national scene is that she is “exposing” herself to many plastic surgeons in an effort to remove the signs of her advanced age.  She is determined to remove her wrinkles, her saggy, baggy middle, and to appear as youthful enough be President.

In politics, your face is your fortune and, for Hillary,  her current one is too OLD!

But, Hillary wants to be President and, a face lift, tummy tuck, and new hair do are minor impediments to that end.

The problem for us is that she also is willing to change her political stances if it helps her desperate search for the White House.

Unless Hillary does a “face off”, we will never know the real Hillary and, as someone who twists in the political winds, she can never be trusted.

Face it!

What is a “fair share” ?

President Obama came into the presidency as an inexperienced, unaccomplished, and unabashed Lieberal.  And, he reached that pinnacle,  not by his own efforts, but through someone else’s efforts.  In fact, most of the benefits he received were the result of affirmative action and the efforts of  many others.

So, it’s no wonder that he is trying to redistribute wealth in America.  After all, it worked for him.  Besides, giving away money, especially when it isn’t yours, must be a lot of fun. I would love to give away millions, if it were someone else’s;  but, unfortunately, when you or I donate, it comes out of our own wallet……..and, it comes out AFTER you pay the income taxes, gasoline taxes, fees, etc., that today’s welfare society requires.   Still, Obama doesn’t worry about that because, you see, unlike you and I, Obama has never had to pay his own way.

Obama has always taken the easy (lazy) way out.  He was a mediocre student in college by his own admission, favoring the Choom Gang.  He was a mediocre senator voting present countless times rather than making a tough call on bills.  And, even in his Presidency, he twists and turns every which way to avoid making any difficult decisions.  Red lines?  Forget them.  Supporting allies (Israel)?  Forget that!  Destroying terrorism?  Forget that.

Because, you see, it is so much easier to pretend that you are being conciliatory to promote peach, goodness, and the American dream than realizing that tough decisions are the result of blood, sweat and tears.

So, it is natural for Obama to lecture us about the rich paying their fair share despite multiple studies proving that the “rich” pay more in taxes, both in a percentage of the total tax burden, and in absolute dollars.

Besides, what is a fair share?  I fear Obama’s view is that “fair share” means whatever is politically needed at a given moment in time.  Forget that Equality in opportunity, NOT results, is what the Constitution promises.

His idea of fair share seems to be an America where he grabs all your income and redistributes it to his buddies.  Never mind that you worked for it, built it, and earned it.  HE WANTS IT ALL!

I ask you.  Is THAT fair?




Pope Francis “stepping out”……

Pope Francis is the undisputed, spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church.  And most of us Catholics respect his moral authority in spiritual matters because few of us have the training or the time to study and contemplate spiritual matters.  For most of us, working and living consume almost all our time whereas for Pope Francis, living IS the study of all things spiritual.  When he speaks of our relationship with God, he speaks with authority.  When he issues an encyclical on a spiritual topic, he is infallible.

For this, I admire him.

However, Pope Francis is NOT a scientist.  And, though he is an expert on God and how we should conduct our spiritual lives, many of us believe that we know as much, if not more, on some issues than he does.

For example, I would say that there are many of us who have a better handle on daily living than he does.  After all, we live IN the world and must deal with earning a living, raising our children, and maintaining our personal relationships with our spouses, family and friends.   Many of us are more familiar with subjects such as sewing, or computers, or sports than he is.  More people understand astronomy or business than he does.  And, there are even more who understand farming or plumbing or carpentry than he does.  He is NOT an expert in many areas of life.

And, because we know more than Pope Francis on some of these subjects, it truly bothers me that there are rumors he intends to write an encyclical, an infallible document, on the subject of global warming.  Although he has company if he believes in this, there are many, many  scientists who disagree with that theory.  And, because the science is NOT settled, despite what President Obama opined, it is dangerous for Pope Francis to write a one-sided opinion and expect Catholics to accept his beliefs when they know them to be false.  While his motives might be good, it is unwise, if not arrogant, for Pope Francis to believe that he knows enough science to dictate what Catholics should believe and how we must act on the issue of global warming.

By positing an erroneous theory as true,  he will lose the aura of authority he now possesses as Pope.  If he tries to insist that all of us believe his theory about a scientific issue like global warming, and a crowd of scientists dispute his theory, the Pope loses even the moral authority that is his due as Pope.  If he maintains that there is global warming and it can be demonstrated that he is wrong, it will be much easier to question whether he is correct about spiritual matters.

In short, by stepping outside the circle of the Church and spiritual issues, he is exposing himself, the Church, and future Popes, to proof that he does NOT know everything. And,  once proven wrong, many Catholics will begin to question his right to expound even on spiritual issues.

There have been other Popes in other times who have tried to force  their flocks in secular areas,  rather than leading them toward God.  In eras when Catholics were illiterate, Popes could easily direct, and even force,  people to act and speak in accordance with Church teachings.  However, in today’s world, where most of us can not only read and write, but think about matters which affect our lives, it is much more difficult for a Pope to insist that he alone knows everything.

So, maybe the Pope should stay “home”, and deal with religious issues, as he was elected to do.  He was not elected King over us.  He was elected Pope, or shepherd.  When he “steps out” into areas where we all have knowledge and some of us are true experts, he is no longer infallible.  He is just another man trying to force his own beliefs upon others.



We have lost our way in this country.  We allow criminals to trample other people and other peoples’ property.  We allow the violent loss of life and property because we don’t want to offend the “protestors”.

It all began when the PC police decided that illegal aliens — those who were in the USA illegally –can stay.  In fact, we must give them driver’s licenses, Social Security, and other welfare benefits.  And we MUST NOT  CALL THEM ILLEGAL ALIENS, EVEN THOUGH THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE.  And, once we said it was okay for millions of illegal aliens to stay, the rule of law was in ruins.

The protestors in California destroyed property, supposedly in the pursuit of “justice”.  But, justice is following the rule of law!  If you allow criminals to pulverize others’ property or to attack police officers, you are  condoning the criminal behaviour.  And, you are shredding the rights of the law-abiding citizens.

It’s true that Black men were killed by the police;  but, there seems to be no attempt to discuss the deaths on a factual level. ……to show that the officer was in fear of his own life.  If you aim a gun at a police officer, or don’t comply with his orders, you must expect to be taken down forcefully.  That is not to say that indiscriminate shooting by the police is acceptable.  But, they, too, should have the right to defend themselves.

Protestors are vilifying the police based on these latest deaths of Black men.  “Black Lives matter”  is their cause celebre.  And, of course,Bblack lives matter.  But, so do the lives of the police officers.  And, if the protestors would check out the facts, they would see that at least two of the three recent deaths of Black men were the result of a Black men threatening of  the police, not vice versa.

These events are NOT attempts by policemen to kill black men. These deaths are the direct result of men not following a police man’s orders.  The fact that the men were black is a tangential issue, if it even is an issue.   If a policeman sees a gun, the race of the person holding the gun is immaterial.  No matter whether the gun-h0lder is black, green, purple, white, or red, the gun is what the police officer must defuse.

Anyone pointing a gun at a police officer is committing a criminal act and must expect to face the consequences of his actions as should  anyone destroying stores or personal property.  These people pointing guns or destroying property are criminals.  Criminal acts, by definition, can never be considered legal or justified even IF you think you have been dealt with wrongly.

So, please stop holding the protestors up as example of people seeking to correct a wrong.  Let’s stop rationalizing the violent actions of some  protestors because, no matter the reason,  the riots and looting are not justified,  The fact is that the Black men were wrong and they suffered the consequences of their actions.  Criminals commit criminal acts.  The police save us from those criminals and criminal acts.  So, rather than vilifying the police, let’s give them a hand.  And, let’s let them do the job they were hired to do.  Stop Criminals!

President Obama — Grubering Americans

We’ve seen scandal after scandal from Obama and his cronies.  NSA spying on Americans.  IRS stunting the development of Conservative non-profit organizations.  Lois Lerner responsible for harassing Conservatives and then, hiding behind the Fifth Amendment.  The IRS pretending to research Lois Lerner’s email accounts and finally, admitting they had not.  Our Ambassador and the brave security officers being killed in Benghazi and Obama claiming it was due to a video.  The Fast and Furious gun running debacle which killed at least one American.  Attorney General Holder refusing to provide Congress with supoened information.  The Obama administration repeatedly raising the specter of racism, even when none was warranted. And, on and on!

In fact, there are so many lies, subterfuges, obfuscations, and misdirections from our current President  that most Americans can’t even remember what yesterday’s scandal was!

There is no excuse, except the media’s complicity in hiding the Truth, for Obama to have gotten away with even one of the scandals.  All scandals are horrific and should be condemned.  However, knowing that Obama and his staff deliberately lied to Americans  about  Obama-Scare  because they knew it would not pass otherwise is criminal.  If Professor Gruber had not been caught  on video describing all these criminal acts, perhaps Obama would have gotten away with it.  After all, the media can be counted on to support Obama and to run interference for him against anyone who would question his acts and decisions.

Now we have a whistleblower in Gruber, even though he wishes otherwise.  Now we have Gruber, who was at the center of the formation of Obama-Scare, and who has admitted to deliberately lying to the American voter.  Now, we have video which provides an inner window into the machinations of a corrupt administration and corrupt Democrats in both the Senate and House.

And, what happened when the Truth about Obama-Scare and its corrupt formation was revealed?  What happened when one liar, Gruber, was outed by his own words?  Suddenly, no one in Washington knows Professor Gruber!  It is almost humorous to watch Obama and all his minions like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi squirm as they try to separate themselves from Gruber.  Unfortunately for them, there is video of them bragging Gruber and his policies up. When they needed his professional “expertise”,   Gruber was the economic guru they trotted out to support their views.  Now, when the lies are obvious, Gruber is their least favorite economist…….well, he would be IF THEY KNEW WHO HE WAS.  Ha ha.

Still, President Obama pushes on with his agenda.  He ignores all the scandals to foist yet another tragedy upon our country.  And, that tragedy is to go around Congress and implement his own version of immigration.

Saying that the system is broken and must be fixed is NOT  enough to warrant his rewriting the immigration laws.

Saying that Congress has had enough time to fix the law and has not does NOT justify his rewriting the immigration laws.

Saying that he has the right to implement executive orders is NOT Constitutional.

As a professed Constitutional scholar, he should know that Congress writes the laws.  His job is to accept or  veto those laws.  And, if Congress overrides his veto, and he still disagrees, then the Courts are to judge the merits of the law.

President Obama was RIGHT when he repeatedly claimed that, as President, he did NOT have the right to use Executive powers to change the immigration laws.

President Obama is WRONG when he now maintains that he has the ability to change those same immigration laws.

I wonder how Obama intends to deceive Americans about this about face in his thinking?  I’m sure he’ll find a way to lie his way out of any complications.  After all, when he needed someone to find a way “around” the American people on Obama-Scare, he found Gruber.

He had no problem lying to us before.  Why should he worry about Grubering  us once again?