Unintended Consequences….

Obama’s chickens are coming home to roost.  And, all because he has thwarted the natural processes of capitalism and the marketplace.

One of the main advantages of pure capitalism is that,  no matter the outcome of an invention or idea…..the market place factors in even unintended consequences.  All consequences, whether intended or unintended are related to the decisions made by individuals when they  choose which products or ideas succeed through their own purchases.  A farmer in Wisconsin undoubtedly knows which crop to plant better than a city “slicker” in Washington, D.C., or almost any state capital.  Having a bureaucrat regulate which crop, which field to plant, or even which fertilizer is acceptable, is going to create a system that is burdened down with rules and not efficient.  The success of any market place service or invention should rely upon those who actually use the product, not some bureaucrat.

Just look at your own life and you’ll see plenty of unintended consequences.  And, you’ll realize that it is YOUR job to handle even the unintended consequences that are a daily feature of all our lives.  While unintended consequences can be beneficial……for example, Play Doh was invented to clean wall paper and, instead,t became a kid’s toy and a financial success……………..unintended consequences are more likely to create problems.   By their unpredictability, unintended consequences are almost always a surprise.  For example, we took our family on an extended trip which everyone originally was stoked about.  However, it appears that some enjoyed the trip while others “endured” it.  Considering all the fore thought, careful planning  and expense, the probable outcome should have been a wildly enthusiastic bunch returning home.  Unfortunately, the outcome was different.  So, even on this most basic level, the family, there are unintended consequences.  Even we could not accurately predict our family’s responses.  How then could Washington, D.C., be able to determine the products that work best for us?  Regulating water in toilets, light bulbs, or even that puddle of water in your yard, are not the best uses of our tax dollar.  Because, if even a family cannot foresee how their own members will react, how then can President Obama believe that he will be able to manage larger issues, such as health care?

Capitalism is the only efficient and fair method of determining winners and losers.  The proponent of any idea or product in the market place receives the credit or blame for his own idea.  And,  if an invention suits the consumer, then the product thrives.  If a product turns out to be a dud, then the inventor loses his investment in time, energy and money.  “Putting your money where your mouth is” is the only way to make sure that an idea’s worthiness is carefully considered and that bureaucrats are not just throwing money at ideas that THEY approve of. So, if your neighbor invents a machine that trims and cuts entire trees, and markets it, the risk is your neighbor’s.  If the tree machine is a huge success, as our neighbor’s was, then he becomes a millionaire.  We might be envious of his success and wealth, but the time, energy, money and RISK was all his.  It is fair that he reaps the rewards of his ingenuity.

Obama, though, wants everyone to share in someone else’s success.  His “you didn’t build that” litany is all too common among the Lieberals.  Under Obama’s theory, a budding American capitalist is expected to work himself silly, wade through incomprehensible regulations, and…..maybe, be successful or maybe fail.  If that capitalist fails, the government is silent.  If that capitalist succeeds, Obama wants some of the “profits” for those who did NOT stay up late at night because  “you didn’t build that”.  Even though every fact and detail proves that YOU DID BUILD THAT, Obama wants to dig into your pocket for “his” share!

Why?  Well, Obama wants to fund his own ventures.  Unfortunately, Obama’s ventures are NOT of his own making nor are they commercially effective (Solyndra!).  He puts none of his own blood, sweat and tears into these ventures.  So, he is much more apt to throw dollars at a “pretty” idea without considering the potential success.  History shows us time and again that the most  effective use of our tax dollars requires that bureaucrats like Obama stay out of our business and lives.  Catastrophes almost always occur when government mandates  and controls details of individuals’ lives.   Such catastrophes are raining down upon us now, thanks to Obama’s  meddling in areas where he should just keep his nose out.  The current chaos in our health care is one example.  The failure of our economy to thrive due to unrelenting regulation is another.  The horrific numbers of Americans unemployed is another, for, no matter what the “numbers” say, everyone knows there are way too many Americans on the dole and not working.

.  It would benefit almost everyone if politicians and President Obama just got out of the way and let the chickens, who know what they are doing, lay their eggs when, where and how often they want to.

In fact, let’s get the bureaucrats entirely out of our health, welfare and pursuit of liberty.  Let’s get America crowing again!







Who are you and who am I?

Well, depending on which “you” I am referencing, you could be my sister, mother, brother, daughter, son, grandfather…………….any number of people.  You could also be my neighbor, my enemy, my best bud, my banker, my dentist……….any number of people.  However, if you are one of the thin-skinned people who now inhabit America, I will never know what to call you.

Because, you see, the Political Correctness Police have taken away my right to use words that used to be perfectly fine, but now, are offensive to someone.  And, if even one person is offended, why then, we must get rid of that word and, if the offended person is lucky, they will receive a huge court settlement…………………for their pain and suffering, you know.  As for the “offender”, there is no balm to soothe the financial loss, the loss of status in society, nor even an opportunity to explain that freedom of speech should be free, NOT paid for in various courts.  So, think carefully before you enter the dangerous territory of the spoken word!

Let me give you some pointers on which words to use or avoid.  You should know that  Indians are only Indians to other Indians….otherwise, it is Native American.  Black people used to call each other Negroes until they decided that was offensive and then, their  ethnic “name”  morphed into Black Americans and, I think, the preferred term is now African American.   However, Black Americans who are conservative can be referred to as  “Uncle Toms”, “traitors” and “white wannabees”…..but, ONLY if the person making the insult is himself or herself also black………..or, partly black……….and, to call that name, you MUST be Lieberal!   And, oh, yes, it is still perfectly acceptable to make fun of blondes as g dumb, to tell jokes about Sven and Helga (euphemisms for those of Scandinavian descent), and to speak disparagingly of Conservatives and Republicans.

It’s strange that societal standards are non-existent –anything goes — unless you are referring to “offending” someone, and then, it is a roll of the dice as to whether you can say something or not.  We learned today that a few students from the Fiji Islands were upset by other students wearing grass skirts and coconut bras because they felt it denigrated the Fiji history.  Unfortunately for them, research shows that, historically,  Fiji women did NOT wear coconuts, but rather went topless!  And, then, there are the Muslims who  were “upset” that the 911 memorial is showing a film that — gasp — actually says that Islamic terrorists blew up the Trade Centers! Do we have to tell lies now to appease those who don’t like the truth?

It’s gotten to the point that there is a move to suppress anything or anyone who might conceivably offend someone else.  If that were the case, then I have some suggestions about truly offensive issues that I feel should be stopped.  For instance, I am fervently against abortion.  But, Planned Parenthood hasn’t listened to ME yet.  I am adamantly against murder, but the Taliban and Al Quaida continue on their merry way, murdering countless men, women, and children.  I know that Climate Change is a bogus issue and yet the President of the United States and his minions continue to wage “war” against this straw man.  If we are trying not to offend people, why doesn’t anyone listen to what offends me?  In fact, I’m offended that people who think they know what I should be doing, saying, or thinking, are determined to censor my word, thoughts and deeds.

It seems to me that we should all have the right to say what we think, how we think it.  Yes, we should be conscious of others’ feelings because no one loves a bully.  And, we really do not want to cause another pain.  But, just because someone, somewhere, sometime, “might” be offended,  is it really incumbent upon us to monitor every word out of our mouth?  Must we change what we say or do? Must we all bend our life styles to suit the few who disagree with us?

Freedom of speech should mean exactly that.   Whether someone is offended by my wearing jeans should NOT mean that I can no longer dress in denim.  And, if I choose to refer to my maternal Grandmother as an Indian, no one should tell me that is inappropriate.  The truth is the truth, whether it hurts or not……and, the truth should never be censored.

So, who are you and who am I?

Well, that depends.  If you are a Lieberal, you might say I am a stupid Conservative.    If you are a Republican, you might say I was a smart Conservative.  And, at different times, you both might be right.  That’s the beauty of our language and country. Let’s hope it stays that way.

Racism — alive and well in the United States’ Senate

The label of Racist is a damning one.  It is heard all too often in our country, especially by politicians.   And, almost unilaterally, it is Democrats depicting anyone, especially Conservatives, who refuse to vote for the Lieberal agenda by that hated name.  Why?  Because it is easier to call someone a racist than to argue the issues.

The latest example occurred when Senator Rockefeller, in an almost empty room, hurled that acrimonious label onto all those who oppose Obama-scare.  Rockefeller postulated that  there could be NO other reason to oppose Obama-scare than President Obama’s race.  Really?  Fortunately, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin WAS in the room and listed many justifiable and good reasons to continue to oppose Obama-scare.

Even so, when Senator Johnson finished his exposition of reasons, Senator Rockefeller once again restated his theory that opposition to Obama-scare MUST be racist!  I guess that Senator Rockefeller believes his claim of racism is “settled”,  just like President Obama claimed that the “science”  about climate warming is “settled”.   For Democrats, it’s no longer “just the facts, ma’am”.  No, it’s the Democrats’ way, or the highway…………and, damn the facts.

This is the problem in trying to reason with Lieberal ideologues.  They have their own theories and conclusions which do NOT need to be based in fact, nor even resemble facts.  You can reason with them.  You can explain…..over and over.  You can show them the proof of what you say.  No matter.  Even when the truth counters their viewpoint, they maintain that they are right and you are wrong.  Why?  Well, their fail safe explanation is that YOU MUST BE RACIST!

Of course,  a reasonable person might say that anyone who prejudges you is himself, or herself, racist.  Because, racism is NOT a color.  Racism is an idea…..an arrogant assumption that one person knows what another is thinking, even when the “knower” has no intimate knowledge of the other person.  So, Rockefeller assumes he knows why Senator Johnson opposes Obama-scare.  Even when Johnson patiently explained his logical reasons for opposing Obama-scare, Rockefeller maintained that he himself knew that Johnson’s opinions are racist, and NOT based in fact.

So, Senator Rockefeller.  I’ve heard you are retiring and that is a good thing.  It’s a good thing for you because the lieberal agenda you support has helped lead our country into near economic disaster.  It’s a good thing for you to escape before Americans understand that it is bureaucrats like you with your big government ideas that suffocate individuals.   It’s a good thing if you leave before your bigoted ideas hurt anyone else.

It’s a good thing for our country because maybe now, we can elect someone who will listen to the facts before rendering a decision.  And, maybe, just maybe, we can elect someone who understands that the mere fact of being part of the “loyal opposition”  does NOT make someone racist!

Your retirement, and the retirement of all who loosely throw “RACIST” around,  might just encourage us all to work together.   That would be a good day for all of us.   No,  excuse me.  The death of  the calumnious epithet of racism — and the realization that we are individuals with different thoughts, prayers, and goals…..yet, still good and loyal citizens  —  would be a GREAT DAY  for America.


Are you better off today?

“Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” is a famous quote from President Reagan.  It remains a valid question whenever we approach another election cycle.

Well, I don’t know about you, but we are NOT better off than we were 4 years ago and we are much worse off than we were 6 years ago when Obama became President.  Here are just a few of the depressing changes that have happened to us and our family in the last 6 years.

Our health insurance was cancelled and the new plan is much more expensive and  has a much higher deductible.  We were luckier than some because we decided to pay an even higher premium to allow us to choose doctors and hospitals.  Some Americans are now relegated to specific doctors and hospitals whether they feel comfortable with those medical arrangements or not.  And, despite the vast millions spent by Obama to implement his Obama-scare, millions of Americans do NOT have insurance.  It would have been cheaper to use those millions and just pay for the uninsured because, we paid for the implementation and are STILL paying for the uninsured.

Our medical privacy is a thing of the past because our medical records are now transmitted via the internet to countless governmental agencies and are always at risk of being hacked and publicized.  Thanks to Obama-scare, medical decisions are made FOR US, and WITHOUT our  agreement or input, by governmental bureaucrats.  Some committee or individual whom we never see nor interact with is deciding when, how much, or IF, we can receive medications and surgeries that we and our doctor believe are appropriate.  At no time in our history has it ever been the purview of a governmental bureaucrat to make life and death, medical  decisions for American citizens….but, now it is.

Our income taxes have sky-rocketed.  Democrats and Obama continue to parade the lie that the “rich” should pay their fair share.  Statistically speaking, the “rich” pay ALL of their share and almost ALL of someone else’s share!  Plus, that tax money is being spent by politicians on crazy, political ploys like Obama’s Solyndra — now bankrupt — and other projects which promote the politician and not the American citizen.  And, because the taxes take so much of the income from the “rich” — btw, now being “rich” is anything over $100,000 — we are saving as much as we can and NOT spending on items which would create more jobs.

Our friends and neighbors can’t find employment.  Do YOU know anyone who is unemployed?  Is it YOU?  The result of unemployment is not only stagnation of the economy and, frequently, bankruptcy for the unemployed, but unemployment destroys a person’s self worth.  Unemployment has worsened the social status, financial security, and social structure of countless Americans, especially those who are African Americans.  Unemployment creates a dependent society that scrabbles for every government hand out available because it is far easier to stand in the unemployment benefit line than to look for work.

Our laws are being systematically bent, warped, and ignored by the very people who swore to uphold them.  The very fabric of law and order is threatened by President Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, because they ignore the laws they don’t like.   Illegal immigration?  Forget deportations and taking illegal immigrants who are criminals to court.  The IRS?  Forget that the IRS was supposed to fairly and judiciously administer the tax laws, CREATED BY CONGRESS, NOT the President, and now has become a  political tool to unfairly suppress Conservative groups and thought.  Equality under the law?  Forget that we are a country that was based on equal opportunity for all and now, thanks to the lieberals, has now degraded to the point that every  thought, word and deed, are run past the Lieberal political correct police.

Our country is NOT being defended against all enemies, foreign or here.  Russia invades Crimea with impunity.  Syria murders its own with chemical weapons.  Iran develops nuclear weapons.  North Korea’s citizens starve and/or are executed at the whim of their “leader”.  Saudi Arabia is upset with us.  India has decided to allign itself with countries other than the United States.  Radical islamists shoot Americans  and threaten us every day, and we are afraid to “upset them”.    We are weak on defense and thus, more at risk of being attacked than at any time since we became a nation.  We have become a nation that fears and is no longer a nation to fear!

So, now we have another election cycle upon us.  We have to decide whom to trust with our Life, Liberty and Happiness.  Elections have repercussions and it is up to us to decide whether to continue the decline begun when President Obama took office or if we are willing to elect people who will truly work to create an America that serves everyone.

So, I ask you.  Are you better off today than you were 6 years ago?

Obama………..The Great Appeaser

A form of Winston Churchill’s quotation, made in a radio broadcast in October 1939 was:

“I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma…………”

Russia is actually NOT a mystery at all.  Putin wants more………..more land, more access to Europe, more power………..more, more, more.  Putin is easy to understand if you remember he was a KGB operative and now is a dictator of a huge land mass in our world.

No, Putin and his motives and actions are easy to understand.

What is difficult to understand is why any United States President would be determined to destroy the country that allowed him to be President?

All of our freedoms were bought with American blood.  All of the wonderful inventions, like the Internet and countless spin offs from the space program, were American inventions.  Our unique place in the world was the result of AMERICAN ingenuity and persistence and blood, sweat, and tears, in an open, capitalistic market.

Our strong military, our strong health care system, our strong market place which fosters upward growth for everyone……………all are symbols of American prowess.

Why, then, does President Obama  persist in systematically destroying all that our country has created?

He has destroyed the health care system with Obama-scare.  He has destroyed much of the free market place’s ambition with his bailouts of losing companies.  He has destroyed jobs with his continual hand-outs and by stifling markets due to an insane adherence to the failed philosophy of climate change. He has destroyed the United States’ once booming economy.

It’s not enough to reduce our defense budget over and over.  It’s not enough to give away all the gains that our military earned in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It’s not enough to leave the Ukraine defenseless, even though we promised to protect them.  It wasn’t enough to refuse to follow through with our missile defense programs in Europe and it wasn’t  enough to tell Russia, and the world, that we will NOT use military force.   He has left us defenseless and, basically, naked before the world for any despot to take shots at.  We are now the bull’s eye of the world.

Nope.  Now, Obama wants to erase one of our most successful defensive weapons.

Obama Seeking to Abolish Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs

For all Obama’s protestations to the contrary, it is obvious that he doesn’t really like America much.  If he did, he would have embraced America’s exceptional history with all the triumphs in social justice.  He would have hailed  our national desire to help those less fortunate than us by being  the bulwark for the world against Communism, Fascism, and dictators.  And, yes, he would have bragged about our Foreign Aid which, through the years, has rebuilt Europe, saved millions of Africans from Aids, fed the hungry throughout the world, and, always, been the helping hand for other peoples and countries.

You would think that an American President would take great pride in America.  But, not President Obama.  He has done more damage to our economy, social fabric, and standing in the world than all the Presidents who came before him.  He has opened the door to aggression like Russia’s takeover of Crimea, and eventually all of the Ukraine.

The question is why?  Why would Obama prefer to see America weak and cringing before a petty tyrant like Putin?  Why would we be obsequious before illegal immigrants who demand and demand?  Why would we bow before any other nation or figurehead of that nation?

I think the answer is that Obama is the great appeaser.  He has no experience in the military nor market place to teach him the value of the American backbone.  He prefers to placate and to pacify rather than stand up for American ideals.  He is a paper tiger, glorified as the first Black President, NOT as a great American President.  And, I’m afraid, that he is leading our great country into an abyss which we may never recover from.

Appeasement is for the weak.  America is, and should be, stronger than to let playground bullies like Putin take the lead.

So, draw that red line, Mr. President.  Then, stand right on the edge of that line and tell Putin to take that ship out of Havana………or else!

Tell Putin to pull his troops back……………..or else.

Then, send in the Marines, the Army, the Navy, and the Coast Guard, if needed.

There’s still time for you to become a great President.  But, you have to accept and reinforce America’s greatness.  Being the Great Appeaser is not a role any American President should have!

Obama….afraid of Putin’s shadow!

Ukraine is in chaos.

Obama demands Russia stay out.

Putin sends in Russian troops.

And, what is President Obama’s response?

He wags his finger.  He postures.  He TALKS  AT Putin.  He has Secretary of State Kerry call his counterpart in Russia.

Wow.  Thanks to Obama’s placating manner and his deliberate ineptness in handling America’s military power, Putin is now convinced that he, and Russia, are the world’s new top dogs.  When Putin speaks, everyone listens.  When Putin flexes his muscles, the shock waves threaten the entire world.  When Putin wants to invade the Ukraine……he does!

And, our President?  He talks…..right through Happy hour at the local Democrat’s party zone.  Our President?  He drinks and glad-hands his buddies…..while the citizens of the Ukraine wait and hope…..while Americans wait, unemployed, at home………while the world waits, wondering what happened to America’s might.

Everyone, except Putin, waits because Obama is afraid to act.  He is afraid to lead.  He seems afraid of his own shadow.  In fact, it looks to me as though the only one afraid of Obama is the American media!

No wonder that Americans are pessimistic about the future.  And, the person to blame is President Obama.  Yes, the future is dark because President Obama has failed in his responsibilities as the leader of the free world.  And, now,  Putin is casting a long shadow and Obama…….why, even he seems afraid of Putin’s shadow!



Democrats and scorched earth policies…………….

Obama-scare is a huge failure.

Many of us who have lost our preferred health policy know that.  Many Americans with pre-existing conditions or terminal illnesses who have lost their health insurance know this.  Democrats who voted FOR it…..and who are now AGAINST it……………………know that.

And, because everyone knows that Obama-scare is a nightmare, and the majority of Americans disapprove of it, Democrats are running scared.  They know that they made a mistake by unilaterally ramming this bill through both houses of Congress.  They know, and KNEW,  that the law is unworkable.   And, they know that they might pay a political price in 2014 elections for having passed this monstrosity.

So, what do Democrats do?

First, they refuse to admit that the law should be repealed.

Second, they demonize anyone who makes a rational argument against Obama-scare.

Third, they demogogue those Americans who oppose Obama-scare.  Obama has publicly excoriated FOX news, specific FOX commentators, the Koch brothers, Republican senators and representatives.  Obama has attempted to make opposition to Obama-scare a racist issue by pretending that those who oppose the law are only racists who oppose HIM!  Republicans are called obstructionists because they OPPOSE A POLICY.  To a Democrat, Conservatives MUST be racist whenever they oppose a Liberal idea.

Fourth,  Democrats use any and every public event, and even the Senate floor, to demonize those who oppose Obama-scare.  Harry Reid even rebuked the Koch Brothers, conservatives, on the SENATE FLOOR.  In other words, Harry Reid has no scruples about using the sanctity of the Senate floor to insult and rebuke individual Americans who are using their resources to promote a conservative agenda. Unsurprisingly,  Harry doesn’t quibble when George Soros invests his vast empire to promote Lieberal causes.  But,in Harry’s world,  anyone who is conservatively oriented is apparently not allowed to freely invest their own political capital.


It’s obvious that Harry Reid and the Democrats are running away from Obama-scare like scalded cats!

It’s obvious that Democrats have NO legislation to be proud of because nothing they have proposed has helped Americans find employment nor to be safer and happier.

So, expect more diatribes from poor Harry in OUR Senate.  Expect Harry to forget that he should be an elder statesman, bringing legislators together.  Expect Harry to burn, pillage, and defile any and all conservative policies or Conservatives.  Because, the only way out of this horrendous mess for Democrats is to burn the House down.

And, if the earth is scorched, and Americans get burned,  as they march along to 2014 elections, Democrats don’t care.  Why?  Because………………..Winning and staying in power is all that concerns Democrats.

Is abortion racist?

Abortion….the murder of the most helpless of us all.

Abortion…..the psychological trauma that lasts a mother’s lifetime.


Of course it is.  Remember the butchering “doctor”, Gosnell, who gleefully scraped baby after baby out of their safe haven?  Remember Gosnell….the creep  who just as happily murdered any poor baby that survived an abortion?  Remember Gosnell…the serial killer who murdered countless innocents and whose office was in a black neighborhood?

I do.  And, what do you get when you combine abortion, a murdering doctor, and a black neighborhood?

Unsurprisingly, you have a hell where more black babies are murdered than white babies…or, Chinese babies…or Hispanic babies.  And, it happens to be true in New York city,too,  unfortunately.


Despite the fact that a New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene report found that more black babies were killed by abortion in the city than were born there in 2012, Mayor Bill de Blasio has pledged to partner with Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers to expand their businesses and to wipe out pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.


So, knowing that more black babies are murdered due to abortions, why would anyone support, much less promote, abortions?  Knowing that a baby is murdered in EVERY ABORTION, why wouldn’t EVERYONE be against it?

Be aware.  Abortion  preys on everyone, but statistics prove that one ethnic group — Blacks —  is especially vulnerable. Why isn’t the Black community screaming?  Why aren’t we all screaming?

We know that Racism .is any event or activity that targets a specific ethnic group.  And, no matter what the rationale is, abortion targets Black babies and kills them.

The inevitable conclusion is that abortion is racist!

Censorship…..the Left’s Dirty Secret

Censorship has always been a dirty word in America.  No citizen believes that anyone should have the right to tell another what to say….to censor speech.  In fact, the right to Freedom of Speech, our First Amendment, is so intrinsic to our nature as Americans that even school children will cite it.  The only occasions that Americans understand a need for “some” censorship would be for National Security such as happens during wars.  Nowadays, we also understand that “some” censorship is acceptable to protect the inner workings of our intelligence systems or our negotiations with foreign nations from those who would harm us.

However, censorship can take many forms and much of that censorship is not only uncalled for, but is promoted for ulterior notices such as influencing an election.

In the past five years, the Left has succeeded in suppressing information about many situations  by claiming that releasing information would damage National Security.  Unfortunately, much of the details on those situations is NOT concealed for our own security, but for the benefit of a politician, or political party.  In effect, the Left and President Obama claim the right to hide almost anything that would damage them politically.  That is why they have misdirected, LIED, and obfuscated the free flow of information about:  Benghazi;  the CIA spying scandal;  the IRS subverting their powers by intimidating Conservative non-profits;  the ATF gun walking scandal;  the truth about Obama-scare…………………………..and, the list goes on and on.

The Left is comfortable with censorship or Lies because they are so accustomed to their political cronies lying!  This cynical, criminal habit of hiding the truth from the public probably began before Bill Clinton was President and before Hillary Clinton began her snow job on the Left.  However, though there are corrupt politicians in every party, the Left is unusually good at these activities.   Remember Hillary benefiting from the White Water scandal where she was the beneficiary of a huge windfall….one in which no broker could honestly say was possible?  Remember Bill hiding his perversions in the Oval Office from the public even under oath, until he was forced to admit it?   And, even then, he made excuses?  Remember Hillary savaging and persecuting the women (Wiley, Lewinsky, and others) to save their own political ambitions?  Remember the Clintons stealing the silverware when they left the White House………..and, maybe more?

Censorship is not a new activity in Washington, D.C.  Nor is the major news media playing lap dog to the Left, especially President Obama, a new or surprising development.

What is surprising, though, is the extent to which the media will go to promote the politicians and legislation of the Left.  The latest cry of the “Pack” of the Left is to elect Hillary Clinton.  All of the major newspapers, except for the WSJ, and all of the “major” networks (CBS, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CNN), are in full battle cry.  According to them, Hillary is the modern equivalent of the Virgin Mary because Hillary has done NO WRONG……….NOT EVER….NO WAY….NO HOW!

These pseudo news outlets run ONLY stories that promote Saint Hillary.  They ignore her failures when she was Bill’s wife, First lady, Senator, and even Secretary of State because those failures do nothing to advance Hillary as a viable President.

Even though it seems impossible for those media to do anything more for Hillary, they have now added censorship to their repertoire.  Censorship?  Yes, Censorship.  Censorship of a surreptitious nature because the Left is desperate to prevent bringing up Hillary’s history because they KNOW that Hillary’s history will kill her, and their, political ambitions.  Who wants a President who intimidated women?  Who wants a President who couldn’t understand the importance of securing an American embassy where Americans, including our Ambassador Stevens, were murdered?  Who wants a President who has a history of thuggery, outright lying, and incompetence?  Because, that is the kind of President that Hillary would be.

So, CBS pretends that these issues from Hillary’s past are not of importance when considering her as a candidate for President of the United States!


Of course CBS wants to suppress the story.  Of course CBS wants Hillary to be the next President.  And, of course, CBS, like Candy Crowley of CNN fame — or infamy, will use any method to help the Democrats and, most especially Hillary, the face of the Democrats for 2016.

Censorship has always been a double-edged sword for our Democracy.  That is why the First Amendment guarantees Freedom of Speech.  And, that Freedom of Speech should never be abrogated by any individual, any institution, or any media outlet.  So, while we need some discretion on true National Security issues, we DO NOT NEED the media to be hiding and obscuring FACTS about people running for political office, especially the Presidency of our great country.  The Fourth Estate, the media, have NOT been providing news for a long time.  They are content to regurgitate whatever the Democrats, President Obama or any on the Left, tell them.  That suppression of Truth is one of the most detrimental types of censorship experienced in the United States.

Censorship by the media is a direct contradiction to what we expect from the media.  And, the Democrats will never acknowledge that they censor what we hear from them.  But, when President Obama and the Democrats misdirect, hide, Lie, and withhold the truth  from us because they hold the reins of the media, censorship will continue.

Censorship……………..the Left’s Dirty Secret.

Grandchildren are the reward of a long life!

We are lucky to have 9 beautiful grandchildren.  They come in all ages, sizes, and shapes.  Each and every one of them is beautiful and a bright spot in our lives.

These grandchildren were born to moms and dads who have loved them since before the day of birth.   We grandparents were just as thrilled to know we had another grandchild in the family who would  bring even more joy to all of us.

Other babies are not so lucky.  Some of them are scraped out of their mothers’ wombs…..a torture that cannot even be imagined by most of us.  Other babies die from their mothers’ use of drugs or alcohol.  Yet other babies die as a result of assault or accidents.  Sad to say, these babies are treated worse than most people treat their pets!

Worse yet, is that there is no reason for these babies to suffer because there are throngs of people who would adopt these babies and give them a wonderful, loving home.  For unknown reasons, though, some mothers choose the dark path for themselves and death for their babies.  It is an unreasonable and immoral choice.  Pro choice advocates’ argument for abortions is that the mothers have no choice because they are too poor, too weak, too alone, or just too “something” to bear the burden of raising a child.

Hogwash!  If killing another is murder, then the killing of an innocent is absolutely murder!  And, the murder is a tortuous one.  Imagine someone taking a razor to your own body.  This is what an abortion is.  Of course, Planned Parenthood ignores this horror and promotes a selfish view citing the “right” of the mother to choose her own life’s course.  Naturally, the baby is not part of this “choice” and thus, must be done away with.  The concept of “choice” does not pertain to the baby, only the mother, if Planned Parenthood is the arbiter.  I have never understood why it is acceptable to kill an infant in its mother’s womb, or as it comes out of its safe haven, when it is a crime to kill the mother…..at ANY TIME OF HER LIFE.

How tragic that all of these millions of babies who have been murdered could be the joy and delight to an adopted parent or a doting grandparent.  Babies give everyone, especially grandparents, new interests in life and a reason to keep involved in sports, school, and all kinds of projects as they follow their grandchildren.  It is a compliment of the highest order when a grandchild runs into a grandpa or grandma’s arms.  Cuddling these little ones is a happiness beyond anyone’s imagination and I wish that everyone would have the opportunity that we  enjoy.

So, to all the mothers who are contemplating an abortion,  please consider adoption.  There are other mothers and fathers who yearn to hold a baby of their own.  There are even more grandparents just waiting to have another chance to love a baby and to spoil a grandchild.

As a Grandma with a lot of experience, I can say that there is no greater joy than holding a grandson or granddaughter or feeling their warm faces against your cheek.  When they look at you and say, “I love you, Grandma” or, “I love you Grandpa”, the circle of love is complete.

Yes, we love our grandchildren and have been fortunate enough to be part of their lives.  They have made our lives fuller and richer, just for having been born. We, and their parents, have created a world where our grandchildren can grow into responsible, mature and loving adults.  When it is their turn, they can return the love to their own children and grandchildren, enriching everyone around them!  It is the wheel of Life and the coaster ride is well worth the price of admission!

My husband and I — Grandma and Grandpa — can state with absolute certainty that GRANDCHILDREN ARE THE REWARD OF A LONG LIFE.