Obama Promises

Well, another State of the Union address is upon us.  So, what is President Obama going to promise this time?

Like Miss America applicants, Obama promises what  no one can oppose.

World peace?  Oh, yes, please.

Full employment?  Absolutely.

Unifying the country?  Wonderful.

Better education for our children?  Yes.

Protecting us from terrorism?  Definitely.

Who can argue with these grandiose dreams that Obama promises?  None of us could, or would.  Everyone hopes all of these ideas are fulfilled.  However, the problem is NOT that President Obama proposes these goals.  The problem  is that he has promised all of them before and he has produced NONE of them.

Besides, we EXPECT our President to work towards these goals.  To pretend that these are new or novel goals is ridiculous.  To pretend that he is saying something new is ridiculous.  To pretend that even he believes what he says is ridiculous.

On the surface, this State of the Union address  will promise much, but deliver little.  Democrats will jump up and applaud as if the President had solved World Hunger.  Know, though, that it is all a sham…..a show to entice voters into believing that Obama knows how to correct the problems facing America.  But, in the end, he will be speaking empty words….giving us promises he will never be able to keep.

Promises, promises, promises.  In reality, Obama’s promises are like  the Wisconsin snows which  come and go — every year  —  AND, in the spring, they melt away into nothingness.

So, beware!  This time, don’t let Obama’s promises “snow” YOU!




Racism rears its ugly head again…


“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the article by David Remnick, appearing in the magazine’s Jan. 27 edition.

President Obama has routinely used racism as a straw man to attack whenever something “ails” him,  his agenda, or whenever he finds himself in a tight spot.

He’s in a very tight spot today.  His Obama-scare is failing.  You know.  The great plan that Americans would love if they only understood it.  America’s approval in the world is lying in shreds.  You know.  The great plan Obama had that he would “talk” with those foreign countries and they would all lie down and lick his feet.  The American public’s approval of him and his ridiculous Obama-scare, along with its roll out,  is dropping day by day.  You know.  Democrats and Obama think that Americans are so dumb that they won’t notice that Obama-scare raises their taxes, their insurance premiums, AND, reduces the quality of their health care.  Unemployment, especially those who have given up finding work, is sky high. You know.  The unemployed are your friends and neighbors who WANT to work, but can’t find it thanks to the terrible economy.  Democrats, his own party, are distancing themselves from him.  You know.  Democrats are the party that claimed to know everything, including what is best for you. The CIA, FBI, IRS, and who knows who else are spying on you.  You know every government bureaucrat is tracking you.  Wait.  Actually, you didn’t know!

As America’s dreams fade into the sunset,  it is finally dawning on Americans that Obama hasn’t a clue about anything.  Finally, it is dawning on Americans that Obama is a loser.  And, finally, it is dawning on us that, because he is a loser, so are we.

So, what is his solution?

As always, Obama chooses to save his own skin, no matter the cost nor the risk of creating further divisions among the American public.  He WANTS to stoke up claims of racism because that false battle cry will almost always bring out his base.  He chooses to further divide Americans by inciting the specter of racism…..NOT because there is any basis for that claim;  but, because he doesn’t know any other way to fight.

Democrats have been successful through the years by dividing the electorate.  Class warfare and claims of racism are the two pillars of the traditional Democrats’ strategy.  When President Obama claims that his approval ratings are sinking because of racism, he ignores the fact that non-Black people helped elect him….twice!  He ignores the fact that, while he is black, he is also white.  Would he claim that his approval rating is dropping because Blacks don’t want a white President?  Of course not.  That would sound almost as ridiculous as his claim that “people don’t want a Black President”.

His claim about racism is a real sign of desperation because everyone knows that true racism is ugly and can  NOT be tolerated.  True racism must be destroyed.  Charges of racism should not be trotted out just as a political ploy because such charges can cause untold misery to many.

The good news is that racism is not the prevailing attitude in America.  In the rest of the world, though, racism causes more misery and slaughter than America ever witnessed.  Look at the Middle East where Suniis and Shiites fight each other daily.  In Africa, tribes destroy other tribes for trivial reasons.  Al Quaida bombs anyone who even looks askance at Islam.  Those are the areas which President Obama could reasonably label as racist.  But, NOT America….at least, not now.

The bad news is that, if President Obama insists upon crying “wolf” , i.e., racism, every time he needs a fix in the polls, he will encourage conflict in America. He knows that the charge of racism creates conflict, and, yet, he still brings it out when he needs a boost.  He , of all people, should be above using this hideous charge just to improve his own image.  And, we should expect our President to ignore the polls and show more strength of character and to improve America, not to divide Americans.

So, let’s not let racism rear its ugly head again.  It’s obvious that Obama’s  low approval ratings are the result of his own disastrous ineptness and poor choices, not the reaction to who his mother or father were.  No one can honestly say that Americans care whether he is black, white, purple or green.  We all just want him to be a good President.



I Spy

Remember the old I Spy game from when we were kids?   It was an innocuous game meant to improve your observational skills.  We all played it and had fun.  Nowadays,  if you said, “I spy”, everyone would think you work for the government of the United States.

Unfortunately, that is NOT a joke…..not with all the revelations of how our government continuously and ceaselessly spies on us.  It’s ironic that our own government feels it can spy on us because most of us do NOT spy on others and we would resent anyone who did.  We do NOT spy on our friends or neighbors.  We  might listen to gossip.  We might overhear someone’s conversation, especially if they are shouting into their cell phone in the grocery store.  Or, we might see someone’s email, if it is part of a forwarded email.  But, most Americans  DO NOT purposely spy on anyone.  In fact, most Americans try to avoid intruding on someone’s privacy.  It’s just the right thing to do.  If you believe you yourself have the right to privacy, you certainly expect others to have that same right.  But, the right to privacy has eroded to the point where there is NO privacy.  And, the government obviously believes they have the right to anyone’s personal information, WITHOUT even a court order.  And, worse, no one has to tell you that you are being spied upon.

Medical records used to be known only to you and your doctor.  Now, they are just another computer file and anyone who really wants to see what you “have”, can do so.   Nurses, aides, insurance companies are all privy to YOUR medical records.  And, with Obama-scare and its unsecured system and navigators, some of whom are known criminals, you can expect to see your test results posted online at some point in the future.  Even humiliating conditions will be coming to the Big Screen.  You know it.  I know it.  Obama knows it.  The difference is that we care about our privacy and Obama doesn’t.  He and his Lieberal friends just want a political victory.  And, if the price of victory is an end to your privacy, so be it.

While the march to invade privacy began long ago, it has accelerated in the past 2-3 years.

When my generation was growing up, your Social Security number was sacrosanct and could NOT be used by anyone but you…and then, only for a very few purposes.  Then, colleges started combining social security numbers into the student ID system.  And, soon, every time you turned around, someone somewhere was demanding your Social Security number.

Student grades used to be between the student, teacher and the student’s parents.  Today, those grades are posted on the school’s computer system…………….and, pretty much anyone with access to a computer can find those grades.

Financial information used to be highly secure.  Our bank used to have an “in house” system that only the officers could access.  Then, the government began demanding that routine reports be transmitted via the internet.  Even though the banks have attempted to provide a secure connection to the Feds’ system, there is always a chance that someone could hack into information that leaves the bank.  Look at Target and the other huge institutions recently who have lost countless reams of their customers’ private information and you’ll understand that NO computer network is ever entirely secure.

These instances of loss of privacy are not only scary but offensive to Americans.  There might be occasions when the government does need to secretly obtain information;  however,  there has been a quantum leap in what our very own government now knows about each and everyone of us.  And, almost always, without our permission!   They spy on everything.  Whether it’s the CIA, the FBI, your local police, or “just” the camera in the stop lights, it seems that someone is always watching you!  Your computer camera can watch you.  A few days ago, someone reported that even a tv can watch you.  Your emails and telephone and cell phone are routinely monitored.  And, for those foolish enough to post private information on Facebook or Twitter, you might as well stand naked in the town square because your life is definitely an open book.

President Obama would have us believe that spying on American citizens is not a big deal.  If that were true, his birth certificate, college grades, and maybe even someone who recognized him from college, would be public knowledge.  It is interesting that only OUR information is considered open to public purview.

Isn’t it time that we Americans take a little closer look at President Obama, his disregard for our rights under the Constitution, and even the politicians who support his continuing actions which erode our Country’s legacy of law and order?  Shouldn’t personal privacy,  an integral part of the Constitution of the United States and  intrinsic  to the welfare of our citizens, be of greater importance?

I believe that it’s time for us to start playing I Spy again.  Only this time, let’s “spy” on those who would invade our privacy.  Let’s make sure that everything they say and anything they do becomes public so we know what they are really up to.  If all of our history is available to the government, then, let’s make the government’s information public, too.  And, let’s start with the politicians who refuse to safeguard our privacy.

I Spy.  Do you?


Name a Racist………….

Racism was, and still is, a dangerous topic in America today.  Dangerous not only for the damage that racism can cause, but dangerous because the term has become a buzz word for many Lieberals who are desperate for a political victory.  Dangerous because Lieberals throw the word around like it was candy.  And, dangerous because the term has such negative connotations that it divides Americans when we should be working together to repair the damaged economy and the damaged lives caused by the last 3 years!

Could YOU name a racist?  I’m not sure I could, but, Lieberals claim to know who is racist and who isn’t.  So, who really is a racist?

If you asked that question of many Black American public figures, such as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, their standard answer would undoubtedly include  some white Conservative, especially white Conservatives who are male.  If you ask many White American public figures, they would feel compelled to fudge their answers.  Why?  Well, racism is a political hot spot that even the most honest of people don’t want to talk about publicly.

And, why is racism such a potent issue?  It’s because racism is a means of separating Americans into a voting block that politicians can appeal to and that politicians can use to be re-elected.  As such, it is a sinister and cynical tool.  Asking someone about racism is like asking a Miss America candidate if she hates children.  Or, when did you stop beating your wife?  Labeling someone a racist tarnishes their reputation forever, even when it isn’t true.  So, why can’t we separate the real racists from the non-racist Americans?

Well, how would you KNOW whether someone is racist or not?  It’s not as if there is a litmus test.  In fact, calling another racist is problematic because there is no objective means of testing the accusation.  For example, many of us were considered racist because we didn’t vote for President Obama.  But, the accusers never asked which candidate had policies we liked.  We preferred Governor Romney’s Conservative and business-conscious approach to Obama’s “big government” ideas.  That did NOT make us racist………….but, those calling names didn’t worry about the truth.  They just kept on calling names.  Unfortunately, Oprah has repeated these accusations again, so the notion that anyone opposing Obama is racist continues to survive even todday, despite it being UNTRUE!

In fact, if Oprah would think about it, she would realize that racism is NOT about color or ethnicity.  Racism is a lazy way to label someone so you can attack the label and avoid confronting the real person or his ideas.  Democrats are very successful at these cheap shots as we’ve seen in the last few years.   In reality,  if you jump to the conclusion that you know what someone will say or think, based on his color or ethnicity, then YOU ARE THE RACIST!

So,  who are the Racists in America?

Is it President Obama who jumped to the defense of a professor BECAUSE the professor was black and the policeman was white?

Was it President Obama who crusaded against George Zimmerman because he thought Travon was black and George was white?

Was it President Obama who refuses to call the Ft. Hood shooting terrorism by an Islamic radical even all the evidence points to that fact being true?

Is it President Obama who had a Black father and a White mother, yet refuses to recognize that he is just as white as he is black?

Is it Morgan Freeman who admitted he voted for Obama BECAUSE Obama was black?

Is it Oprah Winfrey who, to this day, claims that any opposition to Obama is based on racist feelings?

Is it “establishment” Blacks, like Sharpton and Jackson, who ridicule any Black who dares to be Conservative, like Justice Thomas or Allen West, or Charles Payne or Condaleeza Rice?

Of course, there are people who are racist in every state, and in every country around the world.  That does NOT mean that opposing Lieberals and their “front man”, Obama, makes the rest of us racist.  In fact, it seems to me, based on those listed in the questions above,  that there are more Lieberals  who are racist than whites!

And, calling  Conservatives  racist, just because their political philosophy differs from yours is not only ludicrous, but……..maybe makes YOU the RACIST.

Remember,  our  DIFFERENCES in political views, our personal life style choices, or even our words  DO NOT MAKE US RACIST.

So, please, let’s drop all this name-calling and race-baiting.  Let’s NOT name a Racist……………………..   Let’s just live together as Americans….free, equal, and glad to be Americans!




Democrats fleeing the Obama-scare ship………………..

Some Democrats, especially those up for re-election, are rethinking their support for Obama-scare.  No, they did not have an epiphany.  No, they did not get “religion”.  And, no, they are still not concerned with Americans’ health.

Rather, these Democrats want to have their cake and eat it, too.  They don’t want Obama-scare to scare voters away from them!

First, they were in the thrall of National Healthcare.  Oh, yes.  Obama-scare would be the “war to end all wars (health care wars, that is)”.  And, no matter that poll after poll showed Americans did NOT WANT national healthcare, Democrats decided they knew better and forced the legislation through.

However, now that the roll out has been an utter fiasco and now that cancellations are as thick as snow in a Wisconsin winter, and now that Americans are beginning to realize what a disaster the entire idea is,  THESE POLITICIANS ARE SCRAMBLING TO SAVE THEMSELVES!

These Democrats who unanimously voted FOR Obama-scare would have us believe that they are just as furious as President Obama claims to be. And, in an attempt to avoid the blame for this nightmare,  Democrats blame Republicans.   Ho ho ho.  Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, these Democrats don’t give a fig about anyone else, just their own hides.  They will act angrily — remember Bachus calling Obama-scare a “train wreck”?  They will say anything — remember Wasserman-Schultz calling cancellations “transitions”?  They will lie to your face and expect you to believe them because……………….it has ALWAYS worked in the past.

After all, President Obama repeatedly lied about how Obama-scare will affect Americans’ health insurance…………….and no one contradicted him.  Remember his  infamous “you can keep your health care/doctor/plan  period” quote?  I do.  Most Americans do, yet, he is willing to pretend that he didn’t say it.   The over 29 videos of those exact words by Obama belie his current statements.  Carney, his press secretary, pretends to be indignant that anyone would question the President’s credibility.  But what are we to think?  We have the incontrovertible evidence of Obama’s lies, along with all his Democrats’ lies, and yet, somehow, they expect us to believe their new lies?

Wow.  Obama and the Democrats really do NOT think much of our intelligence, do they?  Because, there is no way to justify the lies, the cost, nor the havoc that Obama-scare has caused.  There is no way for Democrats to lie their way out of this pickle…..even if they will continue to try.  There is no way for Democrats to fix Obama-scare with their words.  If they truly wanted to fix this legislative nightmare, they would trash the entire bill and begin again.  And, this time, they should ask the American people what WE WANT!  Enough of them telling us what we SHOULD want.

Democrats are increasingly mutinous because “captain” Obama is out playing golf for the 150th time while Democrats’ representatives and Senators are left to bail out the ship.   Knowing this, is there any surprise that Democrats are fleeing the Obama-scare ship?

Your lyin’ eyes…..singing and dancing to President Obama’s tune………..

President Obama seems to be a man who will say or do anything to make political hay. …..even if he has to later repudiate what he said earlier.  Apparently, Obama is testing out the Al Gore school of political wisdom.  Remember Al Gore who said he voted  for it before he voted against it?

In a similar vein,  President Obama now claims he didn’t say :  “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it….period!”    “If you like your doctor, you can keep him.”

Well, if that wasn’t Obama, who was that man in the 29 different video repeating that specific pledge?  It sure looked like our President.  It sure sounded like our President.  The evidence is pretty clear that  IT WAS OUR PRESIDENT!

So, whom does Obama think he’s fooling by now claiming he was misunderstood?  Maybe he believes that old litany of a sucker being born every minute because he sure is trying to suck Americans into a lie.  Let’s be done with this shilly-shally routine of euphemisms where we call Obama’s lies other names to make them more palatable.  Obama did NOT misspeak.  Obama was NOT misunderstood.  Obama was NOT fed misinformation by subordinates.

Obama lied.  He lied every time he opened his mouth to speak about health care with his claim that FEW Americans would lose their health insurance.  He lied about the cost of the “new and improved governmental” health insurance   He lied about Americans being able to keep insurance, doctors, and even hospitals that they had chosen.  Obama lied…..lied….lied.

So, here’s a little song — this one by John Anderson, I believe — to immortalize President Obama’s lies.  Sing along, if you like because, if you are an American whose health insurance is being cancelled or one of those suckers who will be on the “guv’nmint’s” string, this will be the last time you sing your own song.  From now on, you will dance to Obama’s tune!

Your lying.....eyes used to charm me, hypnotize me through and through             
like a fool.... I''ve been dreamin, Your lying....eyes just told on you.

All those stories I've been hearin, I wouldn't believe that they were true
But just this morning over coffee your lying ...eyes just told on you.
like a fool....I've been dreamin your lying....eyes just told on you

(Verse 2)

For a long time I have loved you 
And I thought that you loved me too 
Now all my questions have been answered 
Your lying ....eyes just told on you

Sticks and stones…..and name calling

The debacle in Washington, D.C., which resulted in a “closing”  of our government was perhaps not the biggest deception pulled on the American public, but it certainly ranked up there.

President Obama obviously needed something to obscure the scandals that were in the daily news.  Benghazi?  Not his fault.  IRS illegally punishing Conservative groups by intrusive investigation?  Not his fault.  Obama-scare becoming an albatross around the necks of the American public?  Not his fault.  Our faltering economy?  Not his fault.  Unending unemployment at record numbers?  Not his fault.  CIA spying on ALL Americans?  Not his fault. The sky high National Debt?  Not his fault.  The worsening prospects for Americans, especially Blacks, and children?  Not his fault.

Nothing is ever Obama’s fault, but with the almost daily revelations of new scandals, Obama needed a scapegoat to obscure the need for  investigation into these scandals.  So, he created a scandal and blamed the Republicans.  The government was NOT closed.  Only parts of it were and those parts, like the open air memorials or the roads near Mt. Rushmore did not have to be closed.  In fact, closing these cost more than allowing our war veterans and heroes to visit the sites.

But,  the Republicans foolishly feel into his web and, once again, took the blame for a government “shut down”.  It was all too easy for Obama, thanks to a media that always provides a curtain behind which Obama can hide.  So, just like during his all his campaigns, Obama, and his Democrats, fell back on mud-slinging and name-calling in order to tar and feather Republicans!  It worked for Democrats many times before, and it worked again!

It’s humiliating to have a President who can’t control his own Administration and uses any method to get his way.  He claims he is a great uniter.  Unfortunately, his vitriolic name-calling has divided our nation as nothing and no one ever has before.  I hope future generations will blame him, as he should be blamed, for all the problems that come out of his time as our President.

He seems to be a childish man, full of accusatory gestures and refusing to accept that anyone else might have worthy ideas or ideals.  He is a first rate bully, though.  He thrives on controversy and name calling, branding the opposition as evil.

Children are taught to sing  ” Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”.

But, in today’s world, we know that words DO HURT.  Bullying is a child’s nightmare, but it occurs every day and everywhere.  We try to teach our children NOT to bully or call names.    But, how do you explain a President and the Democrats who bully those who disagree with them with nasty names, by pouting, and by throwing  a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way?

Unfortunately,  our President betrays himself, our country, and his own party, by bullying  Republicans, Tea Party groups, and anything remotely Conservative, with disparaging names.  He uses  governmental agencies to break opposition to his personal ideology.  In short, he lies, cheats, and steals.  He lies about the motives of the opposition.  He lies about legislation he wants.  He cheats by not admitting errors to the American people.  And, he steals from our children and grandchildren by spending money we don’t have.

It’s a sad day for America.  We expect sticks and stones from our enemies……..and, maybe even names.  But, from our own President?  We expect better of him.

So, President Obama seems to have gotten his way yet again by resorting  to name-calling instead of leadership.  Inevitably, though, Obama-scare will become a millstone on the backs of our children.  Will they begin to throw sticks and stones then?  Maybe not.   But, I bet they WILL START CALLING NAMES.  And, the first “dirty” name on their list will be President Obama!



Prohibition and Obama-scare

Pundits are predicting that Obama-scare can never be repealed.  They compare it to Medicare and Social Security because they are all programs that supposedly help Americans make good, healthy decisions.   The government is, in effect, telling all of us that we are NOT capable of making good decisions on our own.  The politicians believe that they  know more and can craft a better health system.

Unfortunately, just like the War on Poverty, most social engineering agendas do NOT work.  If they did, Germany would rule the world with Europe, Russia and China  as the supporting cast.

No, people who compare Obama-scare to Medicare or Social Security are wrong!  Obama-scare is the country cousin to Prohibition because prohibition was another social experiment meant to make all of us “better”  and “healthier” citizens.   And, the result of Prohibition was the growth in menacing bootleggers which created the mobs which frightened even the police of that era.   Violent crime flourished as the mobs gained control of the illegal booze industry.

Obama-scare will result in many of the same problems as Prohibition.    Anytime people want something, especially if it is free, there will be people who find ways to cheat in order to get that item. Crime will increase as people realize they can scam the system.  There will be illegal claims.  Illegal aliens will pretend to be Americans to gain free medical care.  There will be underworld mobs who help people cheat on the system.  We can expect a new criminal class to quickly establish itself, along with the violence needed to protect these illegal activities.

That’s what Prohibition should have taught us.

Regrettably, politicians are always eager to establish new taxing systems to give themselves more control over the voting public.  Their mantra is to take from everyone and give back to those who are most likely to vote them back into office.  Until people learn that nothing is ever free, even if someone else pays for it, politicians will keep stealing from the general public and “giving back” to their own gang.

But, maybe, after this behemoth Obama-scare program begins to cave from its own weight,  the American public will realize that we MUST get rid of it.

And, the lesson from Prohibition is that we CAN repeal any law we want.  So, let’s repeal Obama-scare before we lose any more trillions to another useless government bureaucracy!

I’ll drink to that!  Will you?