Why is Obama smiling?


Why is Obama smiling?

When droves of Americans no longer even hope to secure employment and drop out of those seeking employment….

When scandals abound — Benghazi; the Administration refusing to give information to Congressional committees;  Obamascare and the inability to impose any kind of intelligent organization to this catastrophic health scare plan;   the IRS spying on Americans;  the coordination of the CIA and FBI, and other governmental “initials”…..all to spy on AMERICANS;   the IRS prohibiting Conservative groups from their right to be non-profits;     countless political appointees who didn’t follow American laws, and yet, are installed in positions of power and influence;        lavish vacations for the big O and his family……..and friends…….AND,  reporters who cover the White House;      waivers for Unions, big political contributors (to Democrats, of course, especially Obama) ;     and anyone who can spell “Democrat”………………………..

Shouldn’t President Obama, and all of his administration, be FROWNING .………and working late at night to correct these scandals?

That’s what you would expect from an honest Administration or Congress.  In actuality, there is no need to concentrate on these scandals when  the NBC, ABC< MSNBC, ABC, and Obama’s other minions all  pretend that everything is hunky-dorey in America, and around the world.  No one contests Obama’s repeated lies, repeated omissions of facts, nor his repeated rewriting of his own History!


So, given that Obama has a license to say, do, spend, “go around Congress”, wouldn’t YOU be smiling, too?

News flash: CNN, NBC, an unpaid political advertisement, coming soon!

Well, not actually a news flash….in fact, it’s more of the same-old, same-old garbage that Lieberal media export all the time!

Except for a few, notable exceptions like FOX news, most of the  major networks are in bed with the Democrat party.   Scandals, if they might actually reflect the horrendous decisions by President Obama,  are routinely ignored or dismissed.  Did CNN cover the scandalous murder of Americans in Benghaz?  Not much.  What about other scandals, like the spying by the CIA and every other government agency on American citizens, political cronies nominated to positions of influence, the IRS crushing Conservative groups, the President’s expensive and constant vacations, voter intimidation by the Black Panthers, the DOJ’s constant scrutiny of Conservative states like Texas……..these scandals  are never front page news to these networks.  No, these networks push the Lieberal agenda….and, they push it hard!

That is why the head of AP news syndicate almost swooned when he introduced Obama several years ago.   It is why Amazon owner, Bezos, a fervant Obama supporter, can buy a newspaper and the DOJ does not even investigate whether this will produce a monopoly in the news media.  This bias is why Candy Crowley was the third “man” supporting the Democrat agenda in the Presidential debates of 2008………..and her network never reprimanded her.  Nor did any other lieberal media outlet even notice Crowley’s defense of an Obama lie BECAUSE SHE SUPPORTED THE PARTY LINE!  Media bias is so common that no one seems to notice it any more.

So, it is no surprise that these same, Lieberal networks will be showing the “Hillary Chronicles” .  Wow.  Free advertising to push yet another Democrat.

What is surprising is that Republicans have finally had enough of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and NBC “news” outlets fawning over Democrats.


In a letter to both NBC and CNN, RNC Chair Reince Priebus said that the Party will not allow either network to host primary debates if they go ahead with planned projects surrounding Hillary Clinton.

Congratulations to the Republican Party for standing up to the Lieberal  thugs at these networks. 


Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine and its Sick Decision…..


Undocumented immigrants may apply to Loyola med school



Updated: June 14, 2013 2:22AM

Undocumented immigrants are now welcome to apply at Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in an unprecedented move school officials hope might spread to the rest of the medical community.

So, what’s wrong with ILLEGAL ALIENS, euphemistically referred to as “undocumented immigrants”, applying to our medical schools?

First, when you apply to any school or job, you MUST provide a Social Security number.  Because they are here illegally, illegal aliens do not have Social Security numbers….so, how can they ever meet any school’s entrance requirements?

Secondly, undocumented means that you have NOT followed United States Laws when entering the U.S.  That means you are definitely ILLEGALLY here which is a criminal offense.  Is Loyola now allowing criminals to attend their school?

Thirdly, Loyola is confused about the meaning of charity. While being charitable is usually considered a good quality, charity does NOT give any person or institution the right to defy U.S. law.   It baffles me that a Catholic university is encouraging defiance  to American immigration laws ….especially since such defiance is a criminal activity.  While the goal might be worthy, allowing and encouraging illegal aliens to apply to Loyala contradicts common sense. And, there is no need to promote such  unlawful and unsanctioned activities because, if Loyola wants to graduate more medical doctors LEGALLY, then it would be easy to set up medical schools in the native countries of these undocumented people, rather than defy  U.S. law!

This plan is offensive not just to American citizens, but those who are following the legal path to citizenship.  Ask those standing in the immigration line if allowing illegal aliens to apply to Loyola is tantamount to condoning criminal activity.  The answer would be a unanimous “yes”!

Allowing illegal aliens to apply and attend  is definitely insulting to the valuable reputation that Loyola has earned through the years by turning out highly-qualified doctors.  Those doctors  went through a rigorous interview process and an even more rigorous and lengthy training process.  Accepting applicants who do not meet every standard will demean the reputation of Loyola and forever stain the reputation of these graduates!

As the parents  of one of those graduates, and Catholics, we find Loyola’s plan frustrating and insulting.  Along with all the other medical school graduates, my son, who followed all the rules to become a doctor, deserves better from his alma mater.  As his parents,  we do, too!  In fact, so do the patients who will be treated by Loyola’s future doctors.

It is difficult to understand Loyola.  And, we  adamantly oppose Loyola’s perverse and illegitimate decision.

Is Obamascare the law?

Is Obamascare the law or not?

Today, President Obama’s minions decided to delay the employer mandate portion of the law.


                                                  The Obama administration announced Wednesday that it is delaying a central part of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare: the requirement that medium and large companies offer their employees health insurance or face fines.

If it is the law, then, how can Obama just willy-nilly  delay a part of it?  Obama and the Democrats forced this healthcare attrocity down our throats and now, because the law is so distasteful that even Democrats don’t want to campaign with it over their heads, it is more convenient to “delay” one  unpalatable portion of the law.

I guess it’s unsurprising that a President who “goes around Congress” to move his personal agenda forward is willing to NOT ENFORCE a law for political purposes.  I guess it’s unsurprising that a  President who appoints countless unqualified, and even criminally negligent,  people to high administrative posts  is willing to defy any law.   I guess it’s unsurprising that  President who crows when an American enemy is killed is himself a craven coward who won’t own up to any of the horrific consequences of his own inexperience and yes, criminally negligent, behaviour.

What is surprising is that few in the media are willing to call President Obama out on his failures.  What is surprising is that there are still people who support this failed President and his failed presidency.   What is surprising that the American people still tolerate Obama’s deliberate machinations to further his political agenda even if it goes contrary to the law!

By delaying any portion of Obamacare, President Obama is announcing that he does not believe Obamacare is actually a law of the land because, if it were, he has sworn an oath to support and enact it.  So,Obama’s own actions are proof that Obamascare is NOT the law of the land!

Today’s Politically Correct Racism


Here’s a simple test on Affirmative Action.

1) You cannot drink water out of my water fountain due to your RACE. <– Racism
2) You are accepted into the University, due to your RACE.  <- Perfectly fine for the PC crowd.

Look, they’re both utter bullshit.  It’s not like these bozos are accepting equally academic strong individuals, they blatantly say that the students are accepted PURELY on race.  It’s actually kind of appalling that the irony is missed by so many.  Ok, if you want to have outreach programs and such to try and attract minority candidates, then I guess I’m ok to a point with that.  But to actually say with a straight face that I’m accepting this student due solely to his or her race, and not see anything wrong with that… then I guess I just can’t comprehend the PC culture.

– Mr. Knowledge

You talk too much……

When we were in our teens, there was a song titled:    “You talk too much.”

It could have been written with President Obama in mind because, the one thing that Obama does well is TALK!

Of course, he  also plays basketball, golfs, travels, and wines and dines the famous…..all at great expense on the taxpayers’ dime.  BUT, he does do one thing that costs nothing………and, that is…….he TALKS!  Despite having NO executive experience, he talked his way into the Oval Office.  He talked himself past the problems that plague our country, like High Unemployment,  a stock market run amuck,  a stimulus bill that never delivered, and, innumerable scandals concerning his staff and chosen aides. His attorney general, Holder, has a contempt of Congress charge against him and, Obama refuses to fire him.

Now, he is attempting to talk himself past even more scandals, like the IRS targeting American conservatives and using the power of the IRS to help re-elect Obama and Democrats.  He presides over the scandalous invasion of our privacy by monitoring our phones, internet and even, we hear, opening some of our mail.  He has nominated friends who, if they were ordinary people like us, would be in court desperately trying to stay out of jail.

And, always, our President talks and talks.  I am sick of his talk.  The promises of unifying our country, the vow to promote jobs for our friends and family,  his arrogant talk of how righteous he and his minions are.

The problem is that, while talk is usually cheap, the result of Obama’s loose lips has been to cheapen America’s worth…..  in economic events, moral authority, and even in securing our country against terrorism and foreign powers.

So, please, President Obama.  Just stop talking and start working.  Until then, this song was written for you, President Obama.

“You Talk Too Much”



(Joe Jones and Reginald Hall)



You talk too much
You worry me to death
You talk too much
You even worry my pet

You just talk
Talk too much

You talk about people
That you don’t know
You talk about people
Wherever you go

You just talk
Talk too much

You talk about people
That you’ve never seen
You talk about people
You can make me scream

You just talk
you talk too much



The Face of America

President Obama has lived a charmed life  without repercussions from his college days of smoking pot to being a  community organizer to being elected an Illinois senator and finally, to the White House.  And, then, within minutes of being inaugurated, he wins the Nobel Peace Prize!  All this despite his own admitted lackluster college career, and his short and unimportant stint as a Senator.

In fact, what has he accomplished, besides being the face of Black America?

Let’s be honest.  His main “accomplishment” has been to divide America into warring factions……fomenting hostility all in the name of political advantage.  Blacks are encouraged to hate Whites.  “Middle America” is taught to hate the  “rich” .  Foreign leaders see an obsequious American President who kowtows to anyone NOT American!   To Obama, our Constitution is NOT his moral compass because he  “goes around Congress” whenever they don’t do his bidding.  Our precious, fallen soldiers are political fodder for him, NOT the heroes to be praised and thanked…….UNLESS there is a political gain for him.   A murdered Ambassador, the murdered Americans in Benghazi are a casualty of his unending politicization of every event and issue.

So, now, Lieberals are suggesting that Obama’s face be engraved beside our truly spectacular Presidents on Mount Rushmore!


My answer is not only “no”, it is “HELL, NO!”

First,  the Presidents on Mount Rushmore have impressive accomplishments.  George Washington was our first President who helped form our country into a cohesive union against a stronger England.  Thomas Jefferson was our third President, of superior intellect, the author of our Declaration of Independence, and instrumental in the purchase of the Louisiana Territory.  Abraham Lincoln, 16th President, secured the union and not only recognized that Blacks were equal to everyone else, but he forced everyone to agree.   Teddy Roosevelt, our 26th President, had a photographic memory,  promoted the natural resources of America as well as being the Governor of New York,  and was the author of the Monroe Doctrine.

Compare that to Obama’s community fundraiser resume.  There is NO comparison.

President Obama is NOT the face of America….or, at least, he shouldn’t be.  The face of America is our Ambassador Stevens who was murdered serving in Benghazi and those heroic men who died fighting off a terrorist attack on our embassy.  The face of America is exemplified by the rows of white crosses at Arlington National Park and throughout the world in unmarked graves where American soldiers died protecting our great country.  The face of America is anyone who succeeds  because he or she has worked hard to improve himself and support his family.

Americans want the Face of America to represent the BEST of our country, NOT to be a political award, handed out to a guy whose claim to fame is pretty much  limited to his being half Black.  America rewards our great heroes so we remember our fallen warriors on Memorial Day.  We celebrate our country and its unique place in history on the Fourth of July while Mount Rushmore honors four of our greatest Presidents.  Let us not diminish the gift of Freedom these brave souls struggled to gain for us by trivializing Mount Rushmore just because it might be politically advantageous for a few moments.

If President Obama is truly a great President, then history will reward him with the laurels he so obviously wants.  If Obama is truly a great President, future generations will demand another memorial to him.

But, PLEASE, for once, let’s be cautious.  Let’s NOT give him another undeserved position, title, or prize.  Let us NOT carve any memorials to him unless the future shows he deserves the accolades.

Make Mount Rushmore reflect the true face of America…..brave, accomplished, and truly worthy of praise.



Junkyard is no longer just about trash!

So, wha’ cha’ doin’?  “Hey, mon.”  “You go, girl.”  For some, these phrases might be trashy language, if not unintelligible.  These, along with    “gay, me, myself and I ,who, whose, who’s,  its, it’s, they’re, their, there”, with their ungrammatically correct usage  —   are part and parcel  of the constantly changing English language.  For some of us, it is difficult to accept when many of our most beautiful words, such as “gay”, are now a less than salutary adjective.  Gay used to describe an unusually happy, exciting time, and was a useful word to have available.  Now,  “gay”  is considered derogatory, especially if used with a certain inflection.  What a shame to lose our gaiety to a coarser definition.

Why does our English change?  Some changes are caused by uneducated people.  Yup.  It might not be PC to say, but, saying “myself” instead of  “I”  when a subject pronoun is needed is just poor English.  Unfortunately, many professional athletes use “myself”  as a substitute for “I”  and that error has become so common that I notice even professionals who should know better now speak grammatically sinful sentences such as “Six priests and myself…..”  .  Another problematic use of “myself” is in place of “me”.  “He gave the football to ‘myself'”.  In this instance, “me” is the correct pronoun to use because “me” is the form of “I” to use when you need  an object of a preposition!  So, while “myself” is a great word in apposition, such as “I, myself, speak good English”,  when you want to emphasize “I”, it is NOT a subject pronoun nor a direct object.

Similarly, “its” is the possessive form of “it”, NOT “it’s”!   You must not add an apostrophe to “it” and expect it to become possessive.  It simply is wrong.  The same with “who”.   “Whose” is the possessive form of “who” and “who’s”, with the apostrophe, means “who is”.    When a language does not follow a rule, you have to memorize the correct form.

However,  one of the beauties of the English language, especially in America, is that our language flourishes every day when new, self-defining words, such as  “internet, blogging, dissing” and even foreign words — deja vu, amigo, macho — are added.  These additions make English so much more efficient for all of us.  After all, it is easy to say “internet”  when everyone understands exactly what you are talking about.  Some languages do not accept new words and they end up having to use multiple words to “explain” the object when English just goes merrily along with a brand, new word.   English has become one of the most beautiful and universal of all languages because it graciously accepts words from every nationality, ethnicity and even words that the “elite” prefer not to consider.

That is why, today, I am proud to announce yet another new word, coined by my husband.  That  word is “junkyard” and, it means the equivalent of locker room. 

“What?”, you say.

While the subject is a little risque, still it now acceptable to talk about the more personal parts of a person’s anatomy….even on tv.  Last night, my husband heard a tv show character referring to his private parts as “junk”.  “Junk” is not a new word, but it is new when it refers to the specific anatomical parts of a man.   Keeping that in mind, my husband cleverly figured out that, if junk can refer to a man’s most intimate details, then, a locker room filled with men would be a “junkyard”.

So, now we have JUNKYARD……..another new addition to the wonderful English language, thanks to my creative husband!




Al Gore, the Internet, Climate Warning, and Revolution

What do these all have in common?

According to an interview with Al Gore , all of those subjects bring credit and glory to his name.

Yup.  Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet, the Prophet warning the World about impending doom with Climate Warming and now……we give you Al Gore, the man who prevented a revolution!


Why is it Lieberals claim credit for things they never did, or even thought of, like President Obama accepting the Nobel Peace Prize about two seconds after his inauguration?

Why is that the Media doesn’t call people like Al Gore and President Obama out for their grand-standing?

Why does it NOT surprise me that neither of these two, wannabe-great men are willing to profit both personally and financially from lies, cheating and stealing?

Guess I expected better of our leaders.  More fool me!

What’s in YOUR wallet?

That’s what one ad asked long ago.

Nowadays, with President Obama and the Democrats demanding more and more of everyone’s income, the answer is:  “NOT MUCH!”

Unfortunately, that “NOT MUCH” extends beyond your wallet.

That “NOT MUCH” is an extension of Obama’s belief that, if you are successful in your business, you didn’t do that yourself.  Nope.  Society did that for you.

“NOT MUCH” even covers your own children.  Remember when Hilary Clinton infamously proclaimed years ago that “It takes a Village to raise a child?.  And, now, we have a tv anchor proclaiming that our children do not belong to us.  So, your children don’t belong to you either.

What do you own?

What about your pension?  Nope.  Not if Obama gets his way.  He says that no one needs more than $2,000,000 in their pension fund.  The question is, how does Obama know how long you will live and how much you will need to support yourself until you die?  But, never fear,  if Obama keeps raising taxes in order to create a larger welfare state, you won’t have to worry about how large your pension is.  You won’t even have one.

And, if you dare to complain about the billowing tax bills, like Phil Michelson, you are forced to apologize for being honest about the unfair taxation rates for successful people!

What about your gun?  Well, only if the government determines that the gun is a certain size, that the ammunition is small in quantity, and that you are mentally healthy.  In New York, police are confiscating guns from people who take anti-depressants.  We all want to know how the police found out who is taking what because the Hippa laws prohibit any doctor or health professional from revealing your personal health status.

Nor does the restriction on legally owning a gun prevent your health suffering from violence.  If someone wants to kill you and has no gun, well, then, maybe a knife will do.  If there is no knife, a rope or nearby pond will do.  And, if all else fails, there is always a rock, heavy vase, fireplace andiron, or tree branch that can do you in.  Guns are not the only violent method around and their demise will not keep us all safe.

But, suppose you’re lucky enough to be “approved” to have a gun.  Then, the powers-that-be might demand to know what  kind of toilet do you have?  It better not use more than 1.6 gallons because some “genius” decided that the environment would be damaged if toilets used more water!

It’s frightening to realize how many of our liberties, guaranteed by the Constitution, are going right down the toilet.  You want an incandescent light bulb?  Shame on you!  Only fluorescents are acceptable in this world.  You want to have a conservative guest speaker for graduation?  Forget it.  Lieberals will protest until you give up that politically incorrect idea.  And, if you actually convince a conservative, like Karl Rove, to speak to your organization, the Lieberals will try to outshout your guest.

Those Lieberals don’t care about YOUR freedom of speech.  They only want to drown out anyone who argues with their leftist agenda.  And, if you protest about your loss of civil rights, you are called a racist, a “far right”, and other unmentionable names that only the Lieberals are comfortable using in public.

Maybe asking “What’s in your wallet?” is a good question to ask so long as you could say  “MY MONEY!”   When asked “Whose children are these?”  The answer is “MINE!”.   When asked “Whose Gun is this?”, the answer should be “Mine”.

And, when Obama and his self-serving minions try to put their hand in YOUR WALLET, tell them to go get a real job and leave your wallet, home, gun, and country alone!