Libs and Obama

Why are the Lieberal media and President so much in love with each other?

Well, the Lieberal media love an easy story and Obama makes everything easy for the media.  There is no need to research anything because Obama TELLS the media — repeatedly — how awful Republicans are.  He TELLS them his perception of everything, and they write it down.  He TELLS them what to think, how to think, when to think it, and even WHY they think it!  In short, they are the Golden Retrievers of the news.  If Obama smiles, the Golden Retriever wags his tail.  If Obama frowns, the dog sits down and hangs his head.  If Obama cites “facts”, these lap dogs enthusiastically bark out his message.   And, then, they report the storyline HE created!

Why, why, why would a so-called professional journalist let his medium be usurped by anyone?  Why would they lower their standards to the point where they are merely taking dictation, not delving into and reporting the true situation?  Because, it is easier!  It is easier for the lib media, and it is easier for Obama.

Rather than confront ISSUES, President Obama, and the Democrats, continuously insult, demonize, and create false labels for anyone or anything that opposes them and their ideas.

If the mainstream media were doing their job, Obama would be answering real time questions on real issues, and he would have to present FACTS, not insults and innuendoes about these issues.

Of course Obama wants to prevent the opposition from presenting facts or ideas that counter his demands.  It’s so much simpler to just demonize the opposition!  Hence, we have him blaming Republicans for not passing a budget when the House, controlled by Republicans, has passed many budgets and other bills which die in the Democrat-controlled Senate.  Harry Reid doesn’t even bother to bring the bills up for a vote.  And, yet, the media allows Obama and Democrats to continue their mantra of  “blame the Republicans and all Conservatives.”

Obama is to blame for trying to do end-runs around the Constitution.  But, I also blame the mainstream media for not criticizing Obama when he’s wrong .  I blame them for using their own political philosophy — mostly Lieberal — to color their reports and what they do NOT report.  I blame the media for their arrogance in assuming that only THEIR opinions matter.  Even when interviewing experts (by their own definition, these are experts), the Lib media rails against any Conservative comments, refuses to let Conservatives present their thoughts and ideas, and, after the interview, the Lib media derisively  states their objection to the experts’ viewpoint.

None of these free passes for Obama will stop until the voters begin to study issues and ignore the liberal media.  None of these aberrations in Separation of Powers, instituted in the Constitution, will stop until voters understand that a free pass for the President, or any political entity, is actually a free pass to corruption.   In the real world, there are NO free passes for anyone.  Someone ALWAYS PAYS THE BILL.

Tell THAT to the Libs and President Obama….and, do it soon.


Obama and his “band” of fakers!

Obama is the greatest faker in the history of the United States.   Despite claims in his own book that he was born in Kenya, and without a credible birth certificate, he now  claims to be a naturally born American.    Without any  work or administrative experience, he maneuvered himself into the Presidency not once, but twice!  Without any achievements, he is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Without any evidence of experience, intelligence, or credentials, he convinced the media to cavil at his feet and to continually frame his administration in the kindest words possible.

Using the most criminally oriented advisers in the history of the United States, he has set the country on the course to an Entitlement Society.

He portrays himself as a a President who unites, yet, by his every word and deed, he is a divider.

He fakes emotion.  He fakes intelligence.  He fakes concern.  In short, he is the ultimate faker.

Is it any surprise that Beyonce,  the singer  at Obama’s inauguration,  would also fake singing the National Anthem?



Obama — NO respecter of Life

Today, President Obama claimed that he wanted to protect children.

“This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe,” Obama said.

Someone should ask him why he would protect THESE children;  YET, he has instituted mass murder of unborn babies through his Obamascare and mandated that OUR tax dollars be spent to scrape these poor innocents out of the womb.  For these poor souls, there is no escape from a violent death!

Obama has always given a good speech.  It is a crying shame that he has no morals and that he is oblivious to  the moral standard, recognized by every civilized society,  that murder is a crime.  And, despite what those who claim otherwise keep saying, abortion is a crime because someone, the unprotected baby,  dies through the use of violent measures.

How can he claim to want to protect these children and yet forget that unborn babies are children, too, and are even more in need of protection?

Don’t let fancy words nor  a carefully designed setting with beautiful children fool you.  Obama is NO RESPECTER OF LIFE!


Colin Powell…Secretary of Whining!

Colin Powell claims that the Republican party is racist:

Unfortunately, his public statements don’t match with what really happened for and to him.  It was a Republican president, George Bush # 43, who gave Powell the glory and power of being Secretary of Defense.  It was the Republican party that gave Powell the opportunity to run for President.   It was the Republican party which was responsible for much of Powell’s success and prominence.

Of course, when Colin Powel reveled in the Republican party,  the political winds favored Republicans.  THEN, he was a fervent Republican!

NOW, the media has commandeered all things political, and constantly rail against Republicans.  Surprisingly, Colin Powell has decided to be anti Republican.  This reversal  sounds as though it is more influenced by self-serving interests than true political philosophy.  He seems to be  willing to switch political affiliations when it suits him personally.

Although no one can absolutely know why people act the way they do, we do  judge people by their actions — which we can see  — and not on what we think about them.

Colin Powell’s latest accusations against Republicans seems to be very self-serving.  His accusations seem to be a flimsy excuse to “fit into”  the stereotype that other blacks prefer.  If he had always stated that he believed Republicans were racist, his comments might have more significance.  But, he rode the Republican wave to victory and now, he wants to jump to the Democrats’ popularity wave.

Unfortunately, this latest grand-standing by Powell is just another instance of how some blacks manipulate the story to their own purposes.  The Republican party actually boasts more minorities in positions of authority than the Democrats.  Isn’t that the true mark of a party that includes ALL Americans?

Powell has become a self-serving bigot who rails against the very people who were his biggest fans.  He complains, insults, and whines because that type of political statement will serve him better now.  He might have been Secretary of Defense once…………NOW, he’s the Secretary of Whining!

“Gimme” Something, Anything, and make it NOW!

The deal that purports to solve the Fiscal Cliff….at least for a few months… really no more than yet another “gimme”  package.

Spending cuts?  Ho hum.  What are those?   Real tax reform?  Ho hum.  Who needs it?  A bill actually read, in its entirety, BEFORE signing?  Ho hum.  Who reads those things anyway?

We have become so accustomed to handouts from the Government that no one questions where the money truly comes from…or bothers to read legislation before passing it.   And, certainly, no politician trusts the American people to read what is being proposed.  Oh, no.  We are supposed to trust them to do the right thing!  Unfortunately, neither  Obama nor the Congress are prepared to do the difficult job of creating a fair economic environment for everyone.  A fair economic environment would create more equal opportunities than this mumbo jumbo mix of ridiculous programs funded by our tax dollars.  Let individuals make decisions on where to spend their own money, not politicians in Washington.

Let’s admit it.  I, and my fellow taxpayers, and our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, have become little more than a handy source of money for Obama’s arcane projects and public giveaways.  Remember Solyndra and GM?  It’s sad that few people who are on the take care about where the welfare money comes from.    Surprised?  No matter how Obama talks grandly about “doing” for others (as if his trip to and from Haiwaii helped the economy), the hard fact is that ALL Government  largesse is from OUR tax dollars!  Oh, yes, Virginia, those dollars did NOT come from President Obama nor his cronies in Washington.  And, whether admitted or not, those tax dollars taken from taxpayers will actually result in LESS jobs and a HIGHER DEFICIT.  Extending unemployment benefits means that people become ever more dependent on Government and less likely to accept that they might have to make adjustments in order to survive.  This welfare mentality is pervasive throughout America now.

And, it’s not just individuals begging in Washington.  EVERYONE expects the U.S. Government to bail them out of emergencies.   Even Governor Christie is begging for money to solve his state’s economic problems.  (

He is irate, as usual, that Congress didn’t just wave the bill through and begin paying through the nose.  As Bill Crystal mentioned last night, on FOX News, the total amount demanded far exceeds the New Jersey state budget.  And, the Congress was in the midst of dealing with a highly contentious, and unfortunately misguided, bill to avoid the Fiscal Cliff.  But, Christie doesn’t care about that either!  He sees a chance to use public guilt as a source of funding to make HIS budgets balance.

It’s pathetic that Christie and other welfare addicts don’t stop to think of the resulting chaos that their selfishness has caused for our economy.  Welfare benefits and entitlements are destroying us financially, with little possibility of cutting those welfare addicts off.  And, for those of us who have religiously paid into Social Security and Medicare, our benefits are being indexed, based on our current income.  Social security and Medicare were state-mandated pension funds for us and yet, due to the welfare society syndrome, they are now considered entitlements…………if you are too “rich”.

The sad fact is that “takers” seldom care where the money comes from.  They are all too ready to follow anyone who promises them more free money and, that is what Obama does best.  He continuously harps that everyone should pay their fair share.  Well, those of us in upper income brackets have ALWAYS PAID OUR FAIR SHARE.  In fact, we pay the majority of the taxes.  Not only are our tax rates higher, but there are very few deductions allowed to us.  Our Social Security and Medicare premiums are raised and the payouts reduced.  We cannot deduct insurance premiums, and on and on.  AND, if we happen to have a deduction that would help lower our tax rate, why then, the Alternative Minimum Tax cuts it down to size.

The “gimme” society is determined to make everyone the same, even if everyone is NOT the same.  Remember, America’s promise was the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, NOT the guarantee of Happiness.  That means that everyone should have equal opportunity, not equal pay, equal living standards,  and, definitely not “equality” based on taxing the stuffing out of others.

It’s definitely time for individuals in the  “gimme” society to start earning their own way.  And, it’s past time for Congress and Obama to stop politicizing issues and begin acting like responsible statesmen!

The “gimme” society is failing us, themselves, and our heirs.


Michigan Hooligans…America’s new Terrorists

There is a new form of terrorism sweeping America and it is not only home-grown, but it is fed by President Obama, his sycophants, and the Liberal media who refuse to report the truth.  That terrorism is the “Union virus”, which began in Wisconsin, and has now spread to Michigan.

That terrorism turns normal human beings into violent and vicious thugs.  Let’s be honest.  There is nothing normal about having a neighbor screaming obscenities at you nor in mobs of people hauled into the state to thwart the elected representatives of a state or country.  And, yet,  our President has commended the mobs who have threatened these elected representatives and, indeed, have even assaulted several people…..all because these people disagree with the unions!

No, it’s not surprising that Obama has supported such riots.  After all, he is a President whose Justice Department head, Eric Holder, dismisses Black Panther voter intimidation because the intimidated voters are white.  He is a President who refuses to acknowledge our Constitution by himself intimidating the Supreme Court.  He is a President whose business advisor, Jeff Immelt, claims that communism is the right business path.

What is surprising is that the mainstream media sees nothing wrong with gangsters assaulting other Americans.  I see trouble on the streets today and more violence in the years to come if this criminal behaviour is not stopped.

As a Mother, I worry about my children being afraid to voice an honest opinion.  As a Grandmother, I fear my grandchildren will be ruled, not by the Constitution, but by mob rule.  As an American, I see my country smothered with government regulations that are rammed down our throats by ruthless politicians.

I see my America being defaced by a President who repeatedly apologizes for us and then, refuses to defend our institutions and liberties.

Michigan is just the latest in a series of cut-throat retaliations by Union thugs against those of us who would return our country to a land where people are EQUAL and have an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to succeed……not a country where the politicians choose the winners and losers, based on their own desire for votes.

Michigan hooligans………….Look it up in the dictionary.  The next word in that dictionary will be President Obama and, the following word will be:   America Lost.


When do politicians stop campaigning?

Well, for Obama, it is one continuous circuit.  First, he campaigns — and wins — then he plays some buckets — then he might catch a round of golf — then he or his family take an expensive vacation–then he campaigns — then he plays more basketball — then he golfs — then he takes a vacation…………….

The concern is NOT that he is overextending himself in terms of work.

The concern is WHEN does he actually work?  WHEN does he stop to think about what is good for America, and NOT just what HE wants?

Based on his first 4 years, the answers are all in the negative.

He NEVER stops campaigning.  He NEVER actually works.  And, he SELDOM puts what is right for America at the top of his list.

Obamaesque…………..a study in self-aggrandizement.



Obamaesque… word in the dictionary…..but, what does it mean?

Well, if the previous 4 years are any indication,Obamaesque means:

1-More dissension between Americans and much more wealth redistribution.

2-More economic chaos as the Federal deficit rises and the GDP crashes.

3-More taxes on the wealthy, i.e., the job producers.

4-More “free” stuff for Obama’s supporters/lobbyists/donors.

5-More world problems as Obama’s inexperience gives our foes confidence to ignore American values.

6-More scandals as Obama’s appointees’ criminal use of official positions  surfaces.

7-And, maybe a world war as American influence recedes and foreign dictators vie to fill the void created  by that failing policy.

Obamaesque……means a world in chaos!

Vote for YOUR future

We “older” voters are ready to vote for Governor Romney, an acknowledged business genius, to steer our economy in the right direction so that our children and grandchildren will have economic opportunities, just like we did…..WITHOUT government’s interference.

Governor Romney understands that the promise of America CANNOT  GIVE people equality nor economic security.   What he will promote is the OPPORTUNITY for EVERYONE to pursue their own dream.

We older voters understand that voting is the only way to secure the rights that the Constitution details.  And, though we will suffer if the current administration wins,  we only have to worry about the next 20 years or so.  Young people, in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s, would suffer under increased governmental regulations and demands for the rest of their lives — which could add up to 50-60 years worth of manipulation by unscrupulous politicians.

Can you bear a future where over 50% of your earnings will be lost to taxes?  Can you bear to have non-medical governmental employees telling you which medical services you can receive?  Can you bear that the government will use your tax dollars to pay for increasing numbers of welfare recipients?  Can you bear that your tax dollars will pay for thousands of helpless babies to be murdered because they are an “inconvenience”?

If so, you can either vote for the current administration….or, just stay home.  But, if you don’t vote, you forfeit your Constitutional right to pursue your own dreams.  Rather, whatever administration is in power will be your boss….forever!

So, in a Presidential campaign which is essentially tied, the question is whether the younger voters, whose future is under attack, will make the effort to go to the polls.   Will they understand that THEIR vote could be the deciding factor on whether the Government dictates their future or whether they themselves will be able to choose their path?

What’s your future going to look like?  Vote on November 6, 2012, for YOUR future!


Andrea Mitchell

Why is it that MSNBC will allow Andrea Mitchell,  one of their “journalists”,   to continuously accost Governor Romney while she lauds everything Obama does?

Andrea Mitchell is a shill for Obama and the Democrats, cloaked in the mantle of a tv network.

Shame on Andrea Mitchel.  Shame on MSNBC!  Shame on anyone who believes the garbage that MSNBC broadcasts!