Sadly, my old college roommate and I would joke that LIEberals would always pull this BS on ANYTHING.  Temperature is hot… Blame Bush, Packers lose the Super Bowl… Blame Bush, a TV ad that’s longer than 3 minutes… Blame Bush.  But yeah, now they’re openly saying it.  It’s seriously gotten to the point of being so sad and stupid that you can’t write about it with a straight face.  They’re totally 8 year old kids trying to bully people.  I’m speechless, not because of how unfounded this might be, but because they are so fucking dumb and people believe this.  I’m not saying that there are stupid repus… because Akin proved that, but wow, it’s so ridiculous I’m going to go and crawl into bed and laugh… ok, maybe not because it’s so sad and I have to cry for all the NCPs out there.


The Obama administration must be wondering if it’s safe to let VP Biden out on his own.

Speaking to a black audience, Biden once again showed his ignorance.  His comment: “they’ll put you in chains”  can only be understood as a reference to when blacks were chained and sold into slavery. Forget that this is class warfare and lies coming directly from the Obama campaign.  Worse, Biden’s comments are also absolutely, completely, undeniably racist.

Will the media expose the Vice President for the racist that he is?  Probably not.

Will ANY of the black groups chide the VP for this insulting remark?  Probably not

Why?  Because, in this upside down world,  a gaffe by a liberal is always  forgiven.

So, although any self-respecting person would resent this insulting and patronizing comment by Biden, the media will pretend that it never happened because, in the media’s eyes, liberals never make mistakes.

The media keep repeating that this is the nastiest campaign in years.  It certainly is on the Democrat’s side.

If the media want a clean campaign, maybe they  should muzzle the VP .  Otherwise, Biden should be chained ………to his desk!

What Privacy?

Isn’t it interesting that President Obama’s college records, his birth certificate, and even his applications to colleges, are SEALED and the public cannot access them?

And, yet, college grades for Mr. Zimmerman and the horrific pictures of the deceased Travon Martin are “mistakenly” sent to media outlets.

Privacy?  Only if you’re the President of the United States!


Senator Reid …mud slinger extraordinaire

Harry Reid has never concerned himself with the Truth…but, now, he has outdone even his abysmal record by claiming that Governor Romney doesn’t pay his taxes!

Citing unnamed sources, Reid even repeated the accusation on the Senate floor…again!

Of course, Harry Reid himself has not released his own tax returns. Maybe he’s afraid that someone might notice that he used undue influence to find employment for his son in Nevada.

Of course, Harry failed to mention that Romney HAS released his 2010 tax returns.

Of course, Harry failed to mention that Governor Romney has extensive business dealings and that Romney’s tax filings are complicated and take considerable time to determine.

Of course, Harry omitted the fact that Romney has donated his time as Governor, as head of the Olympics in Salt Lake City, and that Romney tithes to his church every year. That tithing amounts to 10% of his income.

Does Harry tithe? Has Harry released his tax returns? What about Harry’s use of his position in the Senate to politicize a National campaign?

Harry certainly doesn’t appreciate the truth, as his past actions and speeches demonstrate.

The only “true” title Harry should claim is mud slinger extraordinaire!

My Dad and Mom — NOT the government — succeeded!

My father was born into a very poor family. They were so poor that they could not afford to send him to high school, so my Dad only went to 8th grade. And, at 15, he left home and began to provide for himself.

However, that did not deter my Dad. He learned carpentry by finishing correspondence courses in architecture and simply through hard work.. He was such a good worker that he became a foreman for many homes by the time he was 19. By his early 20s, he worked for EF Hauserman as a foreman and traveled throughout the country to support his wife and 3 children.

My Mom was a hard worker, too.  So, when my parents bought a store in northern Wisconsin, they used their own money to finance it. They worked 16 hour days and did everything to keep themselves solvent, including building additions to the store, learning how to stock and order, and how to keep their financial house in order.

No government subsidies helped them nor did they expect anyone to give them a leg up.

Throughout their entire married life, over 60 years, they scrimped and saved and invested in the stock market. There were no fancy cars nor fancy houses for them. They neither asked for, nor received, help from any government agencies.

My Mom passed away 9 years ago and my Dad died last November.

Their estate is significant in size, not because of any government help; but, because they were willing to learn new skills, to work themselves to the bone, and to take chances in the stock market.

So, President Obama, don’t tell me that the government built their estate. In fact, the government is going to take a significant portion of the estate my parents left us. This is money that has been taxed over and over again. However, for some strange reason, people like you, Mr. President, feel that you have the right to take even more and call it an estate tax when everyone knows it is a death tax.

No, Mr. President, you did NOT help my Mom and Dad. You and your minions have done everything in your power to tax my parents into oblivion. The fact that there are some monies left in their estate is NO THANKS TO THE GOVERNMENT; BUT, because my DAD — AND MOM –worked harder, learned more, and, yes, took  chances when others did not.    My Dad and Mom, not the government, were the ones who succeeded.

Obama — the Chicago Holligan………

Chicago politics is almost universally considered to be the nastiest, roughest arena for any politician. President Obama is showing his Chicago roots in this campaign season.

Obama’s lies: Witness Obama’s continual accusations against Governor Romney and Romney’s time at Bain.

The fact is that the SEC, the Washington Post, and Fortune magazine have all said the charges are false. Romney actually was working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, on the Olympics, and, through hard work, saved the Olympics.

Obama’s lie: Romney outsourced jobs while at Bain Capital.

Fact: Romney attempted to save businesses that were in dire straits.  These jobs would have been lost entirely if not for the intervention of venture capitalists, such as Governor Romney.  While Obama used OUR tax dollars to bail out Solyndra, and other companies, which failed,  Romney used private money, much of it his own, to save American businesses and jobs.   Obama used OUR tax dollars  AND, several of the environmental companies which received our tax dollars were run by Obama’s donors and friends.  To date, Obama has outsourced many, many jobs with stimulus dollars which just happen to be OUR tax dollars!

Obama’s lie: Romney is unqualified to be President.
Fact: Romney is far more experienced than Obama was when Obama ran for his first term. Romney has been a hugely successful businessman. Obama has not. Romney was a governor. Obama was not. Romney saved the Olympics from financial ruin. Obama….well, he ran some community organizations.

Obama’s lie: I will be the most transparent president ever and my administration will be the most honest.
Fact: Ha ha.
Has he forgotten his imposition of executive privilege for Fast and Furious?
Has he forgotten his promise that the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%?
Has he forgotten that his Justice department has challenged numerous states on voter documentation in order to provide more votes for Obama?

Lie:  Romney is not a good person, and maybe is even a felon.

Fact:  Governor Romney donated his inheritance  to private charities and then went on to earn his own fortune.  Governor Romney donated his time to save the Olympics.  Governor Romney has tithed to his church throughout his life.

Obama?  Well, he says he is FOR the people.  Ummm hmmmmm.   His “love” of us surely explains his lavish vacations, his frequent golf outings, his wife and children’s trips to exotic places, his expensive “date” night in New York.  Our tax dollars have kept Obama and his family, and many of his friends/donors, living the good life while Americans struggle to find jobs and make ends meet.

Many have attempted to deny these charges and claim that Obama’s opposition are being racist.  However, the lies told by Obama are not based on his skin color.  The lies are part of his character and, as such, should be a warning to anyone who will listen.

The truth is that President Obama is the epitome of everything that is wrong with Chicago politics.  He might not be a Capone, but he IS a Blagoavich….and, maybe worse. No matter how the Democrats try to deflect the horrible job done by Obama, they are just spinning and lying about the facts.  And, President Obama is leading the pack……..he is definitely a Chicago Holligan.

This ain’t baseball…….

Which makes President Obama lucky he plays golf not baseball.  Because, in baseball, it’s three strikes and you’re out.  Obama has swung at a lot of political balls…and, missed.

Take, for instance, Obama thinking that if he bowed to other world leaders, that submissive move would somehow make China or Russia, or anyone, like him more.  Currently, Putin is snubbing Obama’s every international plan.  Strike 1.

Take, for instance, Obama thinking that he understood economics enough to promise that the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8% and our economy humming.  Currently, unemployment is well over 8% and has been for much too long.  The latest GDP prediction is below 2%.  Strike 2.

Take, for instance, Obama thinking he could buffalo the American voter and hide his own ignorance.  Remember the election of 2010 or Governor Scott Walker’s win in Wisconsin?  Strike 3.

Well, actually, these are only some of the strikes against President Obama or his strategies….all of which have failed.  If you considered the fiasco with the executive privilege declaration for Eric Holder,  the foolish attempt to try terrorists in civil court or the debunked idea of closing Guantanamo, and other foolish ideas “pitched” by Obama, you would have to say his presidency is a complete failure.

So, Obama is definitely lucky this ain’t baseball.  Maybe he should stick with golf… least that is something he has played often enough in the last 3 years to have some experience with!

Russia… the smarter USSR?

So I heard Russia, Iran, Syria, and China try their own hand at making an 80’s movies… erm.. wait, that’s not quite right :

What they’re trying to do is a real war-games, with their militaries being involed in joint manuvers.  This to me is Russia trying to put its hand in the world powers ‘cookie jar’ once again (I mean, c’mon, USSR and Russia is basically interchangable).  After the USSR crumbled and those posers were shown the business end of America’s foot up their ass, Russia has always been at least second fiddle to the US.  Well, they were when they were the USSR too, but now with China taking over the #2 position in the world, Russia is trying to go along for the ride.  Why do I say that Russia is the smarter USSR?  Because this right here is Russia knowing that if they’d go one-on-one with us they’d be crushed, but a joint union with China, and to a lesser extent Iran and Syria, they’re now in a better position to show their hand and have some say in the world affairs.  Do I really think much will come out of this… no, not really, but it still is a cause of conecrn.  We’ve mobilized some forces to The Gulf, so I’m hoping that’s just a show of strength rather than something to come.

Maybe something good will come out of this… Sly Stallone can make another movie and beat the shit out of some guy from Russia (Putin?) who’s using steroids while he trains in the snow carrying wood and running up mountains.

Mr. Knowledge


After Walker’s victory in the Wisconsin recall, I’m confused about a few things.

1) First and foremost, the lieberals are trying to poo-poo it as a non-victory for the Republicans, going as far as saying that the cheering and gloating that Republicans are doing is stupid. Now wait, if they had won the recall would they not have done the same? When they proved they had enough signatures for a recall, they celebrated like the Packers had won the Super Bowl. It’s a classic two face that I find funny on one sense, and left shaking my head on another.

2) There’s a video of a Barrett supporter saying that, “This Is the End of Democracy”. Actually the exact opposite is true. This was is PROOF of Democracy in action. Whether or not you agree with Walker, he won fair and square by an election. This tells me that yes, there are people who disagree with Walker, but there’s also a greater majority of people who support his decisions and policies.

3) Finally, the one thing that I haven’t been able to grasp yet is the issues unions have with Walker. Yes, I can completely see that a union would be opposed because they want to be free and clear of some of the policies he’s pushing. I think they’re wrong, but I’m not arguing against that point. The one part I want to argue is the notion that teachers and public employees have to pay a minuscule amount towards their own pensions and insurance. I can’t help but draw parallels with Obama-care and how the lieberals would make me believe that I should pay more out of my paycheck for something that I do not believe in. They give me the typical bull-shit that it’s better for the populace and I should do it to help those in need. Great, then the teachers should put their tails between their legs and pay a little into their own pensions.

I’ve finally realized what this all means. Give me YOUR (private sectory) money, but I keep MINE (unions / public sector). I did a quick search of Wisconsin salaries for teachers. Yes, there are some low salaries on the list, but guess what, it’s not like I made 50k coming out of College either. The average sallary for an elementary school teacher is ~$51k. Now, that includes weekends off, Christmas break, Easter break, spring break and wait for it… 3 months off in the summer. Not to mention the awesome benefits, mega amount of vacation and sick time. I’d be a little incensed if they didn’t pay a little towards their pensions. I mean, I do… and I don’t rake in that much money… oh and I’m stuck in a suit during the summer… working 8-5.

But, enough griping about teachers… the moral of this rant is that yes…


-Mr. Knowledge

Governor Walker, Wisconsin, and 23,608 MORE NEW Jobs

Governor Walker promised to increase jobs in Wisconsin.  And, he did!

Although the increase in jobs number is buried on page A-6 of Thursday’s Green Bay Press Gazette, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics agrees that 23,608 NEW jobs were created for 2011.  And, this final number is 287 more than even Governor Walker previously mentioned.

So, hoorah for Governor Walker who is improving the economy of Wisconsin.  Hooray for those who are now finding work.  And, hoorah for all of us who benefit from Governor Walker, and the Wisconsin legislators, working FOR us!