Indian Giver

Monday, May 21, 2012, page A-3:  Tribes give more than $1M to Obama campaign:


Reparations are the ultimate guilt trip for our generation.  We are expected to pay for bad things that happened to the Blacks.  We are expected to reimburse Japanese Americans for being detained during a World War that, unfortunately for them, was started by their previous homeland, Japan.  We are expected to pay for Native Americans whose ancestors ceded land the Federal Government.

We have been paying for these “sins of our Fathers”  for as long as Lieberals  have been buying votes by  stirring up past grievances.  The minorities have routinely voted for these Lieberal ideas because, after all, someone, somewhere, OWES them for the indignities suffered by past generations.

Unfortunately, supporting this type of largesses which is thinly veiled welfare, our country has created more problems, not less.  Ask Thomas Sowell or Charles Payne about whether welfare is the path to economic security?

However, now we are approaching the point of absurdity in this gravy train where the powers-that-be determine who receives Federal money — aka OUR TAXES !

Native American tribes have been receiving Federal monies for years and years.  Schools have been built for them.  Health Clinics have been built for them.  Roads, police, emergency services, care for the elderly, ad infinitum have been paid for from our taxes.  And, what do we get for these taxes?

Well, first, the Menominees of Wisconsin have proclaimed themselves a sovereign nation!  Yes, they no longer are part of the United States, by their definition.  However,  they still receive Federal grants.   They still are under the umbrella of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

And, NOW, to add insult to injury, the Green Bay Press Gazette reports that  Indian tribes are donating huge sums of money to Democrat campaigns and have donated more than $1,000,000.00 to the Obama campaign!  This is truly our tax dollars at work………….ALL IN THE HOPES OF GAINING YET MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS.

It is unAmerican that anyone should benefit from our taxes and then turn around and buy more of those same benefits.  If we truly want to be the United States of America, we need to all be equal.  The sins of the past should stay in the past.  And, the Federal Government should be working for the benefit of ALL of us, not just a select group of voters who will support the Lieberal cause.

There is no more noble savage in America.  Instead, we have people willing to become beggars just to receive more hand outs.  And, then, these handouts are returned to the giver, i.e., Obama and his horde of thieves.

Kinda’ gives the phrase “Indian Giver” new meaning, doesn’t it?

Working Women — Keeping their figures?

Women earn LESS than men……or so it was reported today, based on a new study just out.    Feminists and liberals were  excited — this study “proved” they were right that those damned men earn more than women simply because they are men — and disappointed — those damned men are still earning more than women!

However, the study is actually a study in how NOT to present an accurate study.  So what?  Well,  because it is so misleading, it might lead voters to support unnecessary legislation.  It might cause resentment when the truth is obscured by nefarious numbers.  So, let’s see why this study is so bad.

The failure of the study is that it is NOT a comparison of how much men or women earn in a particular job.  Rather, it adds up ALL of women’s earnings and ALL of men’s earnings and “discovers” that men are earning more.  Unfortunately, it does NOT take into account many mitigating factors, such as that men work more dangerous jobs, like mining and deep water drilling, which pay more.  It does NOT account for the women who decide to be home makers, rather than career women, which skews the total salaries for women down.  It also does NOT prorate the incredible salaries received by male athletes which are lumped into the “men’s earnings” column,   but, which certainly do not represent an average man’s salary!

A more accurate and honest study would have compared salaries for men and women in specific jobs.  What do men and women secretaries earn?  What do men and women earn in certain financial industries?  What is the average salary for men and women in specific governmental jobs?

Of course, for some, this study supports their mantra that society is unfair to someone…..this time, women.  And, by using figures that, on the surface, appear disturbing, but ultimately are actually irrelevant, an erroneous picture of the job market is presented.  This study attempted to prove that women are discriminated against in the market place.  Unfortunately, even a superficial glance at the figures in this study cannot prove such a theory.

All too often, studies present data and figures in an effort to advance some cause, rather than to accurately represent the facts.  If we are to be informed citizens and be able to vote, based on issues and not misrepresentations, we should be very sure of the reliability of any numbers presented.  It’s too easy to take a number and make it add up to someone’s idea of reality.  Beware of believing any theory when the facts and figures don’t compute.

Remember:  Figures lie and liars figure.


Dog eat Dog World……..

President Obama thinks he is funny when he claims that pit bull dogs are tastier than hockey moms!  To me, there is nothing funny about eating dogs;  but, obviously, he is desperate to defuse his book’s admission that he ate dogs as a child in Africa. I don’t blame him for eating even dogs as a child because he was not responsible for his meals his family served him.

I DO blame him for thinking eating dogs  is a humorous topic in today’s world, though.   I DO blame him for his poor judgment. And, I DO blame him for what he said.

After all,  the Bible says that what defiles a person is not what goes INTO your mouth, but what comes out!

So, President Obama is not defiled by eating dogs while young.  However, he defiles himself, and the Presidency,  with his inappropriate, repugnant joke about eating dogs.

Politicians are known to use every tactic to be re-elected and Obama is a lifelong politician.  However, while politics might be a dog eat dog world, we expect a higher code of conduct from our President.

The reputation of our country is being ruined by Obama’s immature actions and comments.  He should be too busy trying to alleviate unemployment to have time for such foolish behaviour.  He should at least give the pretense of being a world leader and not just another schmuck on a talk show. So, I hope that the joke is on him in November.

We need to elect a President who actually cares about the country and not just having a good time at the taxpayers’ expense.  It’s time to get rid of this “joker” because all of us DO have a dog in this fight!

Who is this guy, Obama?

President Obama is supposedly a wildly intelligent man, well versed in the Constitution of the United States.  After all, he was a Professor of Constitutional Law.

However, in his latest attempt to be Ruler of the Universe,  he states that the Supreme Court has NO RIGHT to overturn Obamacare because they are unelected!

Not only is he obviously wrong, it shows he is willing to say anything or do anything, even if it divides our country, in order to stay in office.  When he was sworn into office, he promised to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  But, has he?  If actions speak louder than words, President Obama has done everything in his power to thwart the legitimate actions of the separate, but co-equal branches of Government.

He has forgotten the very framework of our country is founded on the concept that the Supreme Court is an equal, but independent body from the Presidency and the Congress.

He has forgotten that the Supreme Court justices are appointed by the President, confirmed by Congress, and stay in office for life.

He has forgotten that the sole purpose of the Supreme Court is to study the constitutionality of any and all laws.

His charge that the Supreme Court has no right to overturn ANY law is such a bare faced lie that you wonder how he can say it with a straight face.  Of course they can overturn anything Congress passes!  After all, that’s THEIR JOB!

My gosh, where has this guy been?  It’s almost as if he’s spent his entire Presidential term out on the golf course!

Wisconsin’s Recall Elections

Children learn very early in their lives that the majority rules.  If you’re in the minority, you probably don’t like doing what the majority says, but, hey, that’s the way it goes.

Only, in politics is it different.  Only in politics is it okay for the minority to object so strenuously to what the majority already decided.

Because the unions, especially the teachers’ union, resent any attempts to make THEM pay their FAIR SHARE of health care costs, etc., they have forced recall elections for Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Kleefisch, and several legislators.  There was NO malfeasance in office.  There was NO criminal behaviour by these representatives.  In fact, all of these elected officials governed just as they had promised they would during the campaign.  The exceptions were the Democrats who left the state to prevent our Legislature from working!  Of course, these Democrats still were paid!

Democrats like to pretend they walk the high road.  They like to label the opposition with particularly noxious and obnoxious names.  They like to justify their own unjustifiable positions by re-framing arguments into class warfare or racially biased formats.  Democrats are in the minority in Wisconsin, but they are the loudest complainers and the ones most likely to keep protesting until they get their way.  I say, get THEM out of our way.

We all will be best served by keeping our elected officials on course and not distracting them with having to campaign a second time for the same “term” they already won. Wisconsin’s motto is “Forward”, NOT “let’s try again until we get our way!”

Stand for Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Kleefisch!  It’s good for Wisconsin.



Obama-scare — Who lives and Who Dies?

Okay.  Everyone knows that President Obama wants complete control of all aspects of Americans and his Healthscare is just one of those methods for control.

That’s bad enough.

Worse,  a committee, not you nor your doctor, will be choosing which health care you receive, if Obama’s and the Democrats’ health care plan is allowed to be implemented.  Obamascare will be deciding who lives or dies!  Do you want a committee making that choice or do YOU want to choose?

Life or Death — do Liberals care what happens to a conservative?  Apparently,  the Liberal commentators at NBC don’t.  They , just like a health care committee, are too far removed from the individual to make a humane decision.  Witness this pathetic commentary at NBC!

Obama’s Dream

Panetta: ‘International Permission’ Trumps Congressional Permission For Military Actions

When we were kids and someone made a foolish remark, we would often claim that they “were dreaming.”  Today, unfortunately, we have a President who makes crazy remarks and HAS to be dreaming;  however, no one ever seems to call him on his idiotic remarks and actions that threaten the very existence of America as a Sovereign nation.  We applaud Netanyahu for enunciating Israel’s right to make its own decisions, but far too many on the Left also applaud our President while he destroys America’s right to make OUR own decisions.

Is there anyone, with a brain and even limited knowledge of history, who would  agree with Panetta’s  ridiculous announcement that America’s decisions are subject  to “International” regulation?

It’s getting downright scary to listen to Obama, and his minions, expound on their view of how to limit American influence and authority.  In an inexplicable diatribe the other day, I heard an “Obama expert” state that the United States is a Superpower and the World can, and should, expect us to keep bailing everyone else out.  And, in the same breath, he also said that we must consult with everyone else before acting!

Did Greece consult with us before their limited work week created the fiscal crisis threatening their country from which they expect Europe, and the U.S. through the World Bank, to bail them out?  Wasn’t Europe pretty smug when they  created a “super” economy and the Euro?  Who rescued Europe and countless other countries from war, pestilence, and natural disasters?

Yes, it was America.

And still, President Obama maintains that America is, and was,  “the” problem in a multitude of areas and he has vigorously worked to demote the reputation of the United States of America.  This attitude strikes most Americans as anti-American.  Nevertheless, Obama and his administration continue to bow to foreign leaders, to insult the generosity of America while abroad, and to insist  that he and the Democrats, not the American public, know what was best for US in all areas, including the health care field.

All these insults were painful to watch, but most of us hoped that Obama would learn from experience that America needs to be strong, not weak.  That America must be ever vigilant against tyrants, like Iran, not trying to appease terrorists.  But, that has NOT happened.

And, now, we come to the crux of Obama’s political aspirations with his very own Secretary of Defense publicly stating that America’s decisions, even military choices,  must be subject to  International authority!

It’s not only ironic, but unfair, that Obama expects Americans to keep paying for the World’s mistakes even while he blames America for the World’s mistakes.  He admits that America is a Superpower, but he doesn’t want us to be able to act like a Superpower.   He wants to control every aspect of Americans’ life, and yet, he is ceding America’s right to act as it sees fit to other nations.  This is absolutely frightening.

Americans have to reject Obama’s challenges to American authority because Obama’s Dream is fast becoming America’s nightmare.

Catholics, fighting the new Goliath of Politics?


Catholics, most religions, and those with a conscience,  have always supported the Right to Life for EVERYONE !  Babies, the most helpless of all human Life, are especially vulnerable and, yet, are considered disposable by far too many people who themselves have already managed to escape abortion.

Now, President Obama and his Death Squad have determined that Catholic institutions must not only allow, but pay for, abortions.  It’s immaterial whether the Catholic institution or the company that insures the institution pays the bill.  Obama and his devilish minions would have us believe that the cost will NOT come back to the Catholic institution or any group that is granted the infamous “waiver”.  Well, that is the same mob who claim that abortion is not murder, but  the RIGHT to choose.

Of course, nobody has yet asked the baby whether it wants to live or not.  What about the baby’s rights?

I am so glad that the Catholic church has finally realized what Obama is up to.  Obama wants to be the Commander-in-Chief of us all!  He wants to decide who lives or dies.

Everyone, not only the Catholic church, must demand the Right to Life for everyone, especially our tiny, helpless babies.  And, even if President Obama appears like  Goliath with all his media  and self-serving buddies,  God is surely on our side.

Regretfully, Obama

Obama expresses ‘deep regret’ over Koran burning


Well, it’s the beginning of another day, and another chance for President Obama to insult America!

By sending “his” regrets, President Obama has once again bought into Muslim anger over the Koran burning even while he is actively pressuring Pro-Life groups to pay for medical procedures they vehemently oppose.  So, Obama sends his “regrets” to Karzai and yet he gives his finger to Catholics.  Sounds about right for our PC President!

Can’t any of our public figures, especially our President, stand up for American and Christian values?

Why are Muslims allowed to censor anybody, anywhere, and for anything they find “offensive” ?  Personally, I find it offensive when Muslims try to thwart American laws and yet, they still want all the rights of American citizenship.  I find it offensive when our President bows to foreign rulers, as if America must be subject to their values and culture systems.  I find it offensive that every word I say, and every thing I write, and everything in the public arena, must conform to Muslim values.

It’s time for President Obama to stand up for America and Americans. Rather than send regrets,  Obama HAS to demand reparations for the two American soldiers killed in reprisal for the burning of the Korans.  It’s time for Obama to praise America and her universal generosity with our soldiers’ lives and with our donations.  Obama HAS to celebrate America for its immediate concern for others in times of war and in times of natural disasters than America.

Regretfully, Obama will not do this.  Regretfully, Obama wants to blame America for all the ills of the world.  Regretfully, Obama wants to destroy American values and superimpose the failed policies of other countries.  Regretfully, Obama has one more year to extend high unemployment, a recession from his uninformed economic policies, and his tax and spend policies.

Regretfully………………..our country needs help and, regretfully, we only have Obama!


Samuel Jackson — Racist!

Racism, as Samuel Jackson proves, is alive and well in America:

Isn’t it ironic that those of us who preferred McCain, with his extensive background in a multitude of areas, to President Obama, who had no executive experience….well, no experience in anything except rabble rousing….are called “racist” while those who openly admit their vote for Obama was based on Obama’s skin color alone are not called racist?  Isn’t it ironic that I will be criticized as being racist for calling Samuel Jackson to account for HIS professed racism?  When will we begin to stop using skin color as a reason for personal aggrandizement or personal advancement?

Racism is NOT just white against black.  Racism is ANY judgment of another person based solely on the skin color or ethnicity.  And, Jackson’s admission is not surprising considering that almost 90% of our Americans, who happen to be “black”, voted for Obama.  BUT, it is still a sad commentary on how some Americans pledge their allegiance.

For years, we’ve heard stories of racism directed against blacks, Japanese, Hmong, etc.  And, some of those stories are undoubtedly true.  But, racism is color blind.  A black man, such as Samuel Jackson, who claims he voted for Obama, based on skin color alone, is just as racist as anyone who voted for McCain because McCain is white!

So, when Samuel Jackson claims he voted based only on a candidate’s skin color, that is RACISM.  When 90% of blacks voted for Obama, that is RACISM.  When Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton constantly criticize any issue that involves black and white with the duo always agreeing with the blacks involved, THAT IS RACISM.

If America is truly the land of opportunity, then we should be trying to STOP such racism, not just redirect it against another group.  Everybody deserves an equal opportunity.  But, that opportunity cannot come at the expense of another because government should not be picking winners and losers.  Yet, continuing to create divides between Americans is what Obama has thrived on.  He NEEDS those blacks to support him, regardless of his policies.

However, such blind adoration is not only risky, it is racist.  Oh, yes.  Racism is definitely thriving in America.  And, yes, Samuel Jackson is marching at the head of the parade.  Samuel Jackson is a Racist!