Lying around by the Media

Why does the media continue to allow President Obama to continuously lie about what Republicans have done?  Why does the media allow him to continue lying about what he previously said and what he says now.  Why does the media allow him to flip flop on issues and to avoid contentious issues by blaming someone else?

How many times can Obama blame “rich” Americans for not paying their share and the media fails to point out the obvious:  what Obama calls a millionaire is, for the most part, a small business person earning about $250,000? And, the spending programs Obama promotes are putting America into the poor house.

How many times is Obama allowed to blame Republicans for the unemployment problem when, in fact, the Republican House has sent over 18 bills to the Senate and Harry Reid is the one who refuses to allow them to come up for a vote?

How many times will the media not take Obama to task for yet another vacation, another golf game, or another game of hoops or traveling under the guise of “business” when, in fact, he is not doing his job as President and, so very obviously vacationing and campaigning on the taxpayer’s dollar?

The media accepts Obama’s lack of dedication to the Presidency because they themselves don’t want to do their job which is to check out what anyone in public office says or does or spends.  Oh, yes, the media is the perfect sidekick to Obama.

The media is a bunch of lazy, opinionated, susceptible, and often belligerant, bunch of ne’er-do-wells that do way too much “lying around”, in every sense of the words.  No wonder they get along so well with President Obama!


Republicans? What’s not to like?

While the run-of-the-mill media continues to insult, denigrate, mock, and, generally, act like Lieberal fools when discussing the Republican candidates for President, voters should be asking themselves, “What’s not to like about the Republican candidates for President?”

The Democrats have no choice of candidate because only President Obama is running for the Democrat’s nomination.  He has, unfortunately, proven to be as inexperienced, contrary, aloof, and incompetent as many of us feared he would be.  It would be difficult, if not impossible, to name one program that he has initiated or backed that has helped our fellow Americans find a job or that decreased the National Debt.  The Stimulus was such a failure that few Democrats will even let the word pass their lips.  And, then, there is Solyndra….not only expected to fail, but it did;  and, now, there are charges of insider bias AND those employees are going to receive compensation for the failure of their company.  And, guess who is paying for their tab?

Compared to Obama, almost anyone would be better as President.  Fortunately, the Republicans have chosen a few good men, and one good woman.  Let’s consider the wide range of choices that voters have on this side of the ticket.

Romney — a proven businessman;  a very good, former Governor;  a very moral guy;  a true family man;  and, while he has changed his mind on some issues, isn’t that all part of maturing and understand new and different circumstances?  So, a plus in terms of voters’ choice.

Cain — a proven businessman;  a very decent man;  a man with a sense of humor who isn’t afraid to laugh at his own mistakes;  a family man;  another very good choice.

Gingrich — former Speaker of the House;  very informed on a variety of issues;  and one with the ability to understand historical precedents…good choice.

Bachman — Representative from Minnesota;  extremely focused on conservative issues;  well-spoken;  a woman whose time should come soon, if not now…good choice.

Paul — Representative for ever; conservative in his soul;  true to the conservative viewpoint…good choice.

Perry — Governor of a very successful state in economic terms;  principled;  extremely focused on returning America to the people, not the politicians;  his mistakes…who doesn’t make some mistakes?  All in all…..another very good choice.

There are other candidates running, but you get the idea. Critics see the variety of candidates as proof that the electorate doesn’t back one or the other.  Those critics are wrong.  Actually, the Republicans are presenting a wealth of riches for the voter in terms of choices with  the wide number of candidates.

So, I repeat.  What’s not to like about the Republican slate of candidates?

Racism, an easy insult

From the Green Bay Press Gazette, Friday, November 4, 2011, page A-5:

“Madison — Democrats read from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a Dream” speech, accused Republicans of racism, and held the state Assembly at bay for a night this week in an effort to block a proposal that would remove race as a qualifying factor in the awarding of higher education grans.

As it turns out, a letter circulated Thursday showed race hasn’t been used as a factor for receiving the grants for more than a year, and the switch was made by Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle’s administration.”



Racism, by anyone, is ugly.

So, first, Lieberals claimed that Republicans were racist because they didn’t help elect President Obama, a liberal who happens to be a black man.

Now, Lieberals claim that Republicans will vote FOR Herman Cain, a conservative who happens to be a black man, in order to prove that we are  NOT racist!

It seems that Lieberals think conservatives are racist no matter how we vote.  The unfortunate truth is that the lieberals are the true racists in this goofy situation because they can’t see beyond the color of a candidate’s skin to understand the man’s philosophy.

I’m a fan of Herman Cain because he is a well-educated, intelligent, and conservative candidate. The color of his skin is immaterial to me.  But, that’s just me….a conservative.

Ask the lieberals and they see a man’s skin color, NOT his policies nor his personal talents.  Now, THAT’S RACISM.

And, racism, by anyone, is ugly.


Why does History repeat itself?

Because some people never learn the first time around!  Witness Obama trying to prop up the housing market — again — even knowing that HIS policies the last time actually hurt the housing market!  Mr. Obama has to learn that no one, even America, can BUY its way out of recession by using taxpayer dollars.

Unbelievably, in a desperate search for votes, President Obama is promising home owners in certain circumstances that the American taxpayer will again subsidize their mortgage.  AND, HE IS WILLING TO ELIMINATE CONGRESS IN THIS DECISION.  Why?  Because he knows it is fiscally irresponsible to interfere in the housing market.  And, so does Congress which is why they don’t support him on this issue.

Mr. Obama had no experience in finances, world affairs, domestic affairs, business, or anything else when he came into office.  Apparently, he hasn’t learned from his mistakes either.  So, be prepared for another million speeches in a self-serving attempt to make us believe what he WANTS to believe, NOT the reality of our economic plight.


President Golf Nut…or, just a nut case?

Obama Offers Saudis Condolences From the Golf Course

President Obama is  out golfing…yet again!

President Obama gets Saudi’s bad news.

President Obama keeps golf date……….but, sends our nation’s condolences in between golf shots.

Wow.  From bowing to everyone he met on his world tour  to a flippant fare-thee-well from the golf course on the passing of an important VIP in the Saudi world.

That’s large of you, Obama.  Wonder how the Saudis feel about your cavalier comments?

My vote goes towardObama being a nut case……….and, a self-serving one at that.



As you probably have heard, Qaddafi has been captured and killed :

I’ve noticed numerous responses to this news from idiots, that killing him will just allow the next dictator to step up and rule, so it’s pointless in killing him.  The fact of the matter is he needs to be punnished for his actions.  Killing a scumbag like him may not be an end-all, but does that mean we let him go unpunnished?  He should be punnished for what he did, not what might happen when the next leader steps in.  The only thing we can count on, is what HAS happened, not what MIGHT happen.

-Mr. Knowledge

Senator Reid and Obam: Clueless in Washington, D.C.


Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs

By Pete Kasperowicz – 10/19/11 10:16 AM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday indicated Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders.

“It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about,” Reid said on the Senate floor.

Reid was responding to recent comments from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who accused Democrats of purposefully pursuing higher taxes as part of the teacher/first-responder bill, S. 1723, so that Republicans would oppose it. McConnell said the bill was meant to fail in order to give Democrats an issue to run on in the 2012 election…

Does Senator Reid understand that the country has over 9% unemployment?  Does Senator Reid realize that his own state of Nevada is currently above 14% unemployment?

It’s difficult to feel sorry for government workers who rake in, on average, $126,000 a year, and yet our friends and family are out every day desperately looking for a job…..any job!   And, now, good old Harry says that the private sector is doing okay.

Yup.  Tell that to the 2,000 applicants for 2 jobs in Wisconsin last month.  Tell that to my friend who has been looking for a job for over 2 years.  Tell that to the man I overheard telling someone else that he didn’t even have $3.00 in his pocket! 

I don’t know exactly where Harry lives, when he’s not spending our money in Washington, but it sounds like he lies in Clueless… know, that’s right inside Washington, D.C. and President Obama is just down the street!


Elizabeth Warren….doesn’t understand personal responsibility

Elizabeth Warren: “There Is Nobody In This Country Who Got Rich On His Own”

As Johnny Carson used to say,  “Wrong , Elizabeth Warren!”

And, it only takes one example to prove an assertion like Ms. Warren’s false.  Well, I have two perfect examples of people who pulled themselves up by their boot straps…a good old-fashioned, and American,  idea.

My mother and father both started out dirt poor and lived through the Great Depression.  Through countless hours of work, through scrimping, and through judicious investments, they are very secure.

My mother-in-law and father-in-law both began life with absolutely nothing.  They lived through the Great Depression, too.  Through countless hours of work, through scrimping, and through judicious investments, they are secure.

To say that their success is the result of living in America would imply  that EVERYONE living here will succeed.  If only the environment was the key to good fortune, there would be classrooms of geniuses.  Towns with one successful business would be filled with other successful businesses because the environment would be the same for all.  But, obviously,  many people did not succeed like my parents and my in-laws.  No. Considering that my parents and in-laws started out in the Depression and managed to change nothing into something is due solely to  their own hard work and nobody else!

Elizabeth Warren wants to reward society’s sloths with the earnings of hard-working Americans and that is just about as wrong as wrong can be!

Well, that is the Democrat’s usual priority because it buys votes.  But, it is untrue to give credit to society for the efforts of individuals.  It’s obvious that Elizabeth Warren just doesn’t understand personal responsibility in fostering America’s economic recovery!