Obamaesque Speeches

Ho hum.  Another day.  Another speech by Obama.

For some reason that eludes me, President Obama believes that his calling as President is to give speeches.  So, we have speeches all over the country, before the Joint Congress…..and, now…..before the UN!

Doesn’t he know that actions speak louder than words?  Doesn’t he realize he is no longer a professor with a class fawning at his feet?  Doesn’t he understand that he has to DO something to help our economic crises?  For example, how about presenting  a real budget with real numbers and real proposals, not just bland, amorphous and grandiose ideas?

Oh, no.  Obama is a guy who loves to hear his own voice even while he drowns out the cries of unemployed Americans.

Time to turn his microphone off!


Libs “just don’t get it!”


The first line of this news “report”  (what an oxymoron, mostly moronic, term) is based upon a false assumption.


If you’re uninsured and on the brink of death, that’s apparently a laughing matter to some audience members at last night’s tea party Republican presidential debate.Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a doctor, was asked a hypothetical question by CNN host Wolf Blitzer about how society should respond if a healthy 30-year-old man who decided against buying health insurance suddenly goes into a coma and requires intensive care for six months. Paul–a fierce limited-government advocate– said it shouldn’t be the government’s responsibility. “That’s what freedom is all about, taking your own risks,” Paul said and was drowned out by audience applause as he added, “this whole idea that you have to prepare to take care of everybody …”

Did the audience laugh?  Well, that is open to interpretation.

Were they laughing about a young man dying because he couldn’t afford insurance?  Not really.  So, what was the response of some in the audience?

Well, as usual, the lib media wants to present conservatives, especially Tea Party members, as cruel, inhumane, and generally, sub-human when their fellow Americans are being considered.  However, also as usual, the lib media made a false assumption.  And, you know what assuming does, right?  It makes an ass of u and me!

This writer, Rachel, assumed that the audience was laughing at a hypothetical man (and libs love using hyp stuff…like hypothetical, hyperbolic, hype….).  My opinion is that the audience was cheering, not laughing, and that they were cheering on the concept that this hypothetical story represented.  In fact, they were cheering one of our country’s founding principles….that of self responsibility.  This example was not about a real person, but whether it is the responsibility of government to provide total care for an American citizen or whether Americans want the freedom to choose their own future.

Conservatives fervently believe that each of us should pull our own weight although we do make exceptions for certain groups, such as the elderly, children, and those who are disabled.   However, we do NOT believe that these people should be used as political talking points nor do we believe, as libs so often do, that it is the responsibility of ONLY the “wealthy” to pay for all the entitlements libs want….usually because those entitlements are used as voting blocks for libs.  The more the libs hand out of someone else’s money to certain groups, the more likely re-election is.

It is interesting that libs constantly deride conservatives for conservatives purportedly being greedy and for not helping others.  Unfortunately, for libs, the fact is that conservatives, as a group, donate far more to churches, charitable organizations, and other charities, than do liberals.  That seems to indicate that part of the conservative philosophy is love of neighbor. Many libs seem to love their neighbors only when the neighbors vote the way libs want them to!

So, the reaction of some in the crowd was in favor of less government and more personal responsibility, not the desire to crush someone who is struggling!  The difference between what conservatives believe and what libs attempt to SAY conservatives believe is even bigger than the Federal Deficit, and that is saying something!

This story is only one of hundreds of epistles that libs write in the hopes of tearing down anyone who opposes their viewpoint.  This is only one example of false reporting and false reporting done to sway voters into believing an untruth. This is just more class warfare presented in the hopes of tarring conservatives.  AND, IT IS NOT TRUE.  So, please don’t believe everything you read….especially if a lib is writing it…. because Libs “just don’t get it”.



PBS cheats for Obama


There is a reason that most Americans don’t trust PBS and are encouraging any taxpayer funding to be stopped.

There is a reason that President Obama wants to continue funding this liberal media.

That reason was obvious when Obama misrepresented Lincoln’s early party affiliation. Here is what the American Thinker wrote:

At one point Mr. Obama made a major gaffe; he identified Abraham Lincoln as the founder of the Republican Party.

Lincoln did not join the Republicans until 1856, over two years after the party was founded. The first Republican convention was held in Ripon, Wisconsin in 1854.

Such a gaffe would have brought huge amounts of ridicule and derision on George W. Bush, but in the case of Obama the media yawned.

Actually, they did more than yawn; government-funded PBS has altered the transcript of the President’s speech, removing the offending comment.

Injudicious Judiciary


State Supreme Court Justices are expected to be impartial adjudicators of difficult legal questions. However, they are also people with strong opinions and, sometimes, these divergent opinions cause problems.

Recently, Justice Prosser of Wisconsin was accused of attacking Justice Walsh Bradley , also of Wisconsin, when a case about a state law concerning union bargaining had to be decided.
All the accusations came from Ann Walsh Bradley and, unsurprisingly, the media was all over Prosser, claiming he had a hot temper and, therefore, had to be guilty! No media reported that Ann Walsh Bradley is also known to be hot tempered. Virtually no media source attempted to find out whether the facts in the case were true. Walsh Bradley’s view of the incident were front and center over and over in newspapers, tv, and even on the radio.
Prosser, on the other hand, maintained his stance of innocence and did not give any statements to the media.

Now, the special prosecutor has determined that there was no criminal action by Prosser which, in effect, is a confirmation of Prosser’s position.
So, did any of the media acknowledge Prosser’s vindication? Nope. They skewed every report to imply that Prosser “got away” with something when, in fact, he maintained the dignity of his postion by NOT running to the press and by waiting for the legal system to decide the matter impartially.
Much to the media’s surprise,witnesses supported Prosser’s version of the incident and his accuser’s version proved false.  Time to judge for yourself if a justice who tells false stories should still be on our Supreme Court.

How many is 9.1?


The unemployment rate “dropped”   to 9.1 from 9.2 for July and already, the Democrats are rejoicing!

What they ignore is that there are STILL ….after 2 years of unfulfilled promises…9.1 % unemployed Americans!

Don’t they understand that 9,1% is still a huge number of our fellow citizens who can’t find a job? And, this doesn’t count the underemployed and those who just quit looking.

Democrats will crow long and hard about the dropping of .1%. They will ignore the 9.1% unemployed. After all, it sounds better to say we had a drop in the unemployment rate, however miniscule, than to say we still have 9.1% Americans without a job.

Talk about tone deaf?!  It’s time to make them face the same music the unemployed are hearing.  Let’s make President Obama and his minions join the unemployment line!

Straight faced, but crooked characters!

Is it possible to stand in front of the American people and lie with a straight face?

Well, if you want to see the answer to that, just watch Senator Reid, Schurmer and Durbin trying to say that they didn’t cheat to close down the vote on the House’s resolution by saying only 59 votes were needed when it has always been 60.

Did they lie when they said that the Republicans haven’t presented any plans?

Of course they did. But, did the media question them on these lies? Oh, no. The media doesn’t want the truth to come out either, so many of them are willing to lie, too.

Why would the media lie to help the Democrats?  Well, the reason is illustrated in one of my favorite books, Don Quijote. It is the story of a blind man and his servant, a young boy, sharing a bowl of grapes. The blind man begins by taking only one grape, but soon, begins taking two or three. The boy, seeing the blind man cheat, begins taking more than his share, too.

Eventually, the blind man tells the boy to stop cheating. The boy is astonished that a blind man could “see” that he was cheating and asks his master how the master knew that the boy was taking more than his fair share.

The blind man’s answer was that, when he, the blind man, began cheating and the boy said nothing, it was certain that the boy, too, was cheating.

This is how politics and the journalists work in cahoots to cheat the American public. When a politician lies or cheats, or improves himself at the expense of the public, the journalist covers for the crooked politician.

The journalist hides the cheating because he hopes to get an inside track or advantage when news breaks.  It’s a shared set of lies and the lies are like a plague in Washington, D.C.

The fiasco in Washington, D.C. illustrates how many Democrats are trying to take more than their fair share of the grapes. No matter how many bills the House sends over, the Democrats are going to lie and say the bill isn’t “right”. And, the press will say nothing.

That’s the Democrats’ favorite method of legislating and it is crooked, even when they say it with a straight face. The truth is that it really doesn’t take a blind man to see the secret partnership of the Democrats and the media!

Media gone amuck


Why is it wrong that Democrats routinely demonize conservative thought and conservatives?  Why was it wrong for demonstrators to deface and occupy the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin?  Why is it wrong for networks to allow commentators like Olberman to call Bachman a pig?

All of these incidents are wrong because they are not promoting independent thought which is critical to our country continuing to be free and to maintain democracy.   While it is acceptable to discuss and even complain about ideologies, it is wrong that the networks continue to promote their own ideology through virulent insults.  Just listen to CNN or NBC or even CBS.  They have one thought for the entire group and, that thought is portrayed over and over.  They are convinced that they just have to tell you their ideas often enough and you will be or become a believer.

How different at the much maligned FOX network where even I, a conservative, find some of their articles to give too much credence to the lefties!  But, this is acceptable so long as both sides of an issue are portrayed.  On most programs, FOX will have a commentator from the left and one from the right.  You can almost always contrast the views of Juan Williams, a liberal, with those of Charles Krauthammer, a conservative.  And, the host does NOT slight or give sly innuendoes to undermine the guests’ viewpoints as happens all too often on NBC, CBS, and CNN.

However, as Mr. Sowell stresses, unless we, the American voter, begin to question the Media and do some serious study, the media runs amuck and that  will destroy Democracy.  We need to question the comments by liberals, just as we need to question those from conservatives.  We need to insist our Congress follow the moral high ground, not the politically advantageous, and easy, road.

It’s time to become adults and insist that our representatives act like adults, too.  Otherwise, the liberal media will continue to be in charge of our political process.  And, that would be the downfall of our country and freedoms.


The Meaning of “is”……….


Only in America, and only a Democrat, would  claim that paying more in taxes is NOT a tax hike! They preach that since they aren’t suggesting raising the RATES, only eliminating EXEMPTIONS, that this does not amount to a tax hike.  Ha ha.   Does it matter whether you are taxed at a higher rate or whether the Democrats take away exemptions?  No.

What counts is the NET amount! For example,  if you’re taxed 60% on an income of $250,000, that means you are paying $150,000 in taxes.  Democrats would scoff at that 60% rate;  however, if you add up all the sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, fees, etc., that is about the NET amount of taxes paid in today’s crazy taxation climate. But,  Democrats want to convince you that they aren’t raising taxes,  merely closing loopholes that the “wealthy”  are purportedly using to lower their tax rates.  But, no matter how the government takes your money, if the total amount paid in taxes is MORE than before, it is a TAX HIKE!

Democrats pretend that paying more taxes, due to fewer exemptions, is not a tax hike;  but, everyone knows that it’s NOT the titles that count, but the BOTTOM LINE.  But, what can you expect from a party that supported people like former President Clinton and Representative Weiner and even John Edwards until public indignation drove those Democrats to admit their immoral behaviour?  After all, Democrats defended Clinton even AFTER the facts came out.  And, he’s the guy who  gave us the new standard of morality when he defended himself by questioning the meaning of “is”!  After his performance in office, and we won’t discuss THAT, Democrats have been on a downward spiral in terms of their morals.

Regardless of the meaning of “is”, the meaning of  eliminating exemptions for anyone  IS a tax hike.


Bush is turning the sun off again…


To summerize that article -> The sun may cause a cooling of earth.

See, the problem I have with so called climate scientists is they are so hell bound on blaming humans that they are blind to other influences.  Has global warming happened?  Sure it has if you look at the temperatures over the past century.  Is it caused by humans?  The verdict is still out but I’m going to say that it’s not a direct relation.

The old adage says that you can manipulate any set of data to fit your conclusions.  These so called experts want so badly to blame the human race that they’ll conger up any set of statistics to prove it.  Correlation does not imply causality.  Has the temperature and CO2 particles in our atmosphere increased?  Yes.  However, an elevation in temperature allows our atmosphere to absorb more CO2, so what came first?  The temperature, or the CO2.

Now back to what the article says.  The sun may cause a cooling.  Well gee wiz Mr. Knowledge, are you telling me the sun may have a hand in all this and us puny humans can’t stop what the sun will do.

Bush and his weather machine can.  Or can that only bring about hurricanes?  I forget…

– Mr. Knowledge


Hot Dog!……I mean, Weiner…


You’ve heard of Top Dog?  Well, this is one Dog that was Top and now is a hot dog,  looking for a fire hydrant to express his frustration.

According to those in the know, it looks like Weiner DID send the infamous picture.  I mean, let’s face it.  What are the odds that a picture he will cannot bring himself to disown as his,  makes it to a pretty co-ed..and, by the way, the picture he won’t disown is  from HIS  personal internet connection?

The facts are fairly conclusive proving that Weiner is the guy in the raunchy photo.

So, what should happen to a Congressman who is caught, literally, with his pants down?  Well, if he were a Republican, he would  be forced out of office.  But, Democrats routinely commit havey cavey acts and no one blinks an eye.

However, this might be a different situation, even for a Democrat.  Weiner committed an unforgiveable sin by thinking he can blame a hacker to cover his dirty little secret. Coverups have been the downfall of many a politician and, thus, are seldom tolerated.  Anyway, it’s about time to stop the double standard which allows Democrats to do immoral acts, like former President Clinton, and expects Republicans to adhere to a higher moral standard.   For those of us who believe everyone should be equal, even when it comes to punishment, my “vote” goes to recalling Weiner if he doesn’t do the right thing and resign.

After all, even if  he can convince laypeople that the graphic photo did not come from him, let’s hope that the Internet jockeys   “ride this horse” until Weiner stops saying “Neigh”…or, “Nay”!

Let’s end this dog and pony show.  Weiner is neither a pony nor a Hot Dog.  He’s just another politician who got caught with his pants down.