Dishwashers do not use gas

Most of them don’t anyway.

Still, the “experts” in government have decided to regulate how much energy and water dishwashers use…..all to IMPROVE OUR LIVES! Forget that we might want to decide for ourselves what is best for us………and, our speech………..and, our country!

Climate Change is the foundation for elites’ demand to control everything. It’s their buzz word for “let’s take over everything in America”. They don’t understand that China, India and developing nations, account for most of the pollution. They also don’t understand that “climate” always changes. We’ve had multiple glaciations, melting periods, and more glaciations. And, certainly, man-made pollution had nothing to do with those glaciations, also know as climate changes!

Still, it’s enticing for them to gain power by controlling what Americans can say, do, or have because “they” are afraid of climate change.

I think this control, aka power of the elites, began when they regulated how much water a toilet can use. That success encouraged them to decide how much water a washing machine can use. Californians wanted to forbid Wisconsinites from driving SUVs and trucks even though these vehicles are needed to power through our Wisconsin winters. New York just went after gas utilities in new buildings through legislation. If you believe the media — and who does? — next up is our dishwashers!

What? A dishwasher is supposed to use less water and energy than hand washing dishes. So, why go after them?

Because they can! Who will stop them?

The elites are after control and domination because: “we know best what you can say, do, think, or have”. These are earmarks of this generation of Libs. They think they know it all. They forget that American greatness arose from Americans being free to try new adventures, from a market place that rewarded industriousness, and, a country where we ordinary Americans could decide for ourselves what was best for us and our families.

Unfortunately, with our elected politicians too willing to sway with the winds of the day, the meaning of Democracy has eroded to the point where a person has to monitor everything they say or do. Otherwise, face the brunt of the collective Word Police. And, so much of it is ridiculous. Hate Crime? Is there any other kind? Hate speech? Who gets to decide what is hate speech? The minority? Or, those “brilliant” college kids who are at the stage of Life where they believe they know everything and have the right to make US believe it, too. They believe that because their college professors and the media keep telling them that.

But, Life is the best teacher. And, they might find that society doesn’t always conform to their standards. At least, I hope so.

So, hands off my dishwasher. And, while you’re at it, don’t tell me what to think, do or say. Don’t think you have the right to regulate all aspects of my life. Don’t force me to adhere to your philosophies. After all, your ideas, comments, and demands offend me………..and, if we follow the Libs’ playbook, no one should be allowed to offend me!


I think I’ve coined a new word….wordaphobic. It means being afraid to use a word — any word — that might, somehow, maybe, perhaps, offend someone, somewhere, someplace!

This process began many years ago when a janitor became a custodian…..a garbage collector morphed into a maintenance worker. There was nothing wrong with either of the original job descriptions……but, in a move to equality, we HAD to relabel many jobs and things in our society so no one’s feelings were hurt.

I’m not saying there weren’t pejorative words that hurt. Many of my generation, including me, were bullied at some point in our lives. The difference is that we didn’t try to change the bully, we ignored them. We complained to our friends and parents….and, then, we realized the bully had the problem, not us…..and, we moved on.

The Woke Community of today, though, does not believe that adults are mature enough to weather derogatory talk….or, words. It would seem that their motivation is to protect society from words they deem to be hurtful. But, underlying their language control is a more sinister motivation. They want control.

If they can control conversations, they can control society in many more ways. Witness the lockdowns that destroyed businesses and children’s learning. The Woke culture is working for mind control and then, control of all phases of life.

It might seem a jump to go from word suppression to mind control and then complete control of society, but that is often how dictatorships gain dominance. First, they mandate only certain types of public speech are allowed. Then, they corral those who speak out anyway. Next is to divide society into “approved” groups and attach labels to unapproved groups. Then, an “expert”, or governmental bureaucrat, begins to order even personal lives and businesses. At this point, we have a dictatorship.

So, I was appalled today to find that the word “indian” was not accepted in a word game. It had all the right letters and length. But, obviously, it is an unaccepted word despite there being Indian tribes on reservations all over the United States. I have a distant Menominee Grandmother and it is likely that others here in Wisconsin do, too. We’re proud of that connection and see no harm in the word “indian”.

I shouldn’t have been surprised, though, because the Lie-berals have already condemned so many words and created terms to divide Americans into the Woke Society — those who know what is right for everyone — and the rest of us peons who simply need to be re-educated.

It’s time to give individuals back the right to speak freely without the media excoriating them for their “wrong” ideas. Stop calling all Caucasians “white supremacists”. Stop telling me I have to guard my words because someone else doesn’t like them. Tell the college kids that part of Life is being tolerant and they do not have the right to suppress free speech. Tell them to grow up and act like adults if they want to be treated like adults.

So, while I would never intentionally try to hurt someone with my words or actions, I fully intend to keep using words as I see fit! Yes, I am Caucasian and NOT a white supremacist. Yes, I have Indian blood in me and am proud of it. And, yes, I will defend my right to say or do these things from any Wordaphobic!

Democrats and the Sex “Trade”

Democrats would have us believe that the only group that has rights in America is the LGBT group. In the past, there were instances of prejudice against non-traditionally oriented people. And, although there were definitely people ostracized for their sexual orientation, generally, most of us did not feel the need to condemn nor justify these people. Live and let live was the norm.

However, today, the Lie-berals are demanding that everyone acknowledge gay rights and, further, that we promote and praise the concept. The NFL, MLB, and corporations are sponsoring Gay Pride events. Democrats bray about society’s “inability” to accept the “diversity” — by which they mean aberrant behaviour. And, somehow, the media has become the spokesman for them. You can no longer voice your opinion if it counters gay rights. You will be pilloried incessantly by the media… boards….and, maybe even your Lie-beral neighbors.

Almost worse, the incessant demands for “equal” rights (read MORE rights than the rest of us) have morphed into other traditional areas. Abortion used to be considered a last ditch effort. Now, it is considered a birth control method by Democrats. The proponents want us to forget that the baby is a living being that feels pain and NOT just a blob of tissue. And, if you’re opposed to abortion on religious grounds? Too bad.

Free speech used to be guaranteed by the Constitution. Now, some Democrats want to redo the Constitution in their own “likeness”. Democrats ignore that free speech is the basis of a vibrant country where every opinion and thought is valued and NOT a country where only their opinions matter. The Covid shutdown was the worst suppression of free speech our country has ever seen with scientists muzzled if they didn’t follow the “company” (Government/Fauci/Birx) line. Even yet, there are people trying to restrict our freedoms with masks and shut downs, despite there being incontrovertible evidence that the Covid virus is too small to be restrained by masks! The damage to our children is incalculable…slower reading skills….social skills lost…..math skills way behind.

The worst, though, is the movement by the Left to brainwash children into thinking they are not really born male or female. The Left would sacrifice our children to endless medical procedures, surgeries, and lifelong pain even though children are legally unable to make such decisions. They do NOT have the mental capacity to weigh such life altering procedures.

But, no matter. The Left continues to demand everyone adhere to their will. Children will be drugged and mutilated without parental consent. Parents are NOT allowed to even know what their children are being taught in schools nor if their children are being “transitioned” to another sex without parental knowledge or consent.

Once upon a time, most believed that the “sex trade” meant kidnapping people and selling them into sexual servitude. That remains ONE of the meanings.

Democrats, though, have given a new meaning to “sex trade”. They have demanded, protested, and lobbied in favor of every form of non-traditional activity. They profess to believe that a baby’s sex at birth is not a fact. They agree with treating children as guinea pigs for every new theory that the Lie-berals concoct, including sexual transitioning and brain washing. Drag shows in Kindergarten….drag queens in community parades….gay pride lights at the White House…what comes next? Will there be house to house searches to weed out those of us who oppose such inhumane procedures?

It’s scary to think that anyone would go along with this madness. But, the Democrats will do anything to win votes. They will sacrifice everything except their power thrones in our legislatures. Let’s not let them win this battle for the new “SEX TRADE” which is usurping our traditional values for aberrant behaviours that only the Lie-berals believe in.

The Democrat Party — the party of hate…..

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Democrats are masters at spewing hatred and divisive comments about Conservatives or people with Traditional values.

Even President Biden, who claimed he would unite Americans, still routinely lies and makes ridiculous charges against anyone who dares to disagree with him and his policies without any concern that it divides the country even more.  Winning is all that matters to him. 

Yes, Biden and his fellow Democrats are destroying our country with their ugly comments.  The latest instance of nasty rhetoric comes from that charmer, James Carville who said:

Carville: ‘Level of White Trashdom in the Republican Party Is Staggering

While James Carville is known for his over-the-top hate, this is evidence that Democrats feel free to say or do anything because there are no repercussions.  They know that the media will publish their vitriol no concern for its newsworthy value and, certainly without any opposing opinion. 

Carville, with his antagonistic attitude is truly part of the problem our society faces as we try to be the United States of America.  And, running right alongside him are the Democrats and the hate they project every day. It’s easy to see that the Democrat Party  is truly a party full of hate.

Bidengate…..and, classified information

Lots of interest in whether Biden or Trump did something illegal WHEN HANDLING CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS….and, which was worst.


A Vice President, like Biden was, does NOT.

Nor does a Senator, like Biden was.


A Vice President, like Biden was, can NOT remove classified documents from official storage.

A Senator, like Biden was, can NOT remove classified documents from official storage — i.e., the SCIF.



End of story.

United we stand………Divided we fall……

The Republicans in Congress never understood this. The Democrats do.

While the Republicans dither about who will be speaker, the Dems are laughing up their sleeves. How can the Republicans lead when they can’t even agree on a speaker?

Republicans haven’t been united since Ronnie with his famous “Speak no ill of other Republicans” united a tired America.

Democrats, on the other hand, meekly acquiesce to any atrocity that Pelosi or Schumer presented to them. More money for the IRS? Not a problem. Less support for the police and military? Not a problem. Crime on the rise? Not a problem. Entrust the nuclear button to a man who can’t remember what he said 5 minutes ago — a man who routinely lies about even his own personal history? Not a problem for Democrats.

This madness has to be stopped! Republicans must unite for a common purpose — that of protecting and defending the Constitution and the American people from the Democrats’ progressive agenda. Republicans must revitalize the economy….restore American’s borders…and, return to the Super Power that defends Democracy around the world.

United we stand. Divided we Fall. Let’s be united.

After all, we are the UNITED States of America.


OR, will it be?

All product prices are up. Rents are up. Inflation increases and the recession looms.

The housing boom is rapidly slowing.

Illegal aliens are still flooding our country meaning more welfare benefits for them and less for Americans……who, also, pay the bill for these illegal aliens.

Biden is vigorously implementing policies to:

Abort more babies….

Destroy our southern border.

Reduce support for the military, police, and emergency services.

Return to masking and governmental control of all businesses.

Increase the national debt by signing a monumental budget bill which has few benefits for Americans but does increase the burden on future generations.

Allow Russia to bombard Ukraine all while sending more money, more weapons AND, now, our military personnel.

Divide Americans by calling all who oppose his policies derogatory names

Issue Executive orders whenever he wants, including to thwart Supreme Court rulings.

Failing to protect Conservatives threatened by his, and other Democrats’, rhetoric, notably no protection for Supreme Court Justices

So, Happy New Year? I don’t think so. The prognosis is grim so long as Biden and the Democrats control the instruments of government and are willing to say anything, do anything, or try anything to foster Progressive policies and destroy the very basic components of America.

Good luck to us all.

The broken rule of law…

Americans, it is said, enjoy more freedom than anywhere else in the world because we are supposed to be a country of laws. Every man or woman is to be treated equally under our laws. However, that is no longer true. The proof lies in the last few years of absolute tyranny by Democrats who conspired with governmental agencies to abrogate laws to derail political opponents and to foster a Progressive agenda.

The FBI willingly consorted with a political party (the Dems) to defeat a Conservative President, Trump, because they hate the man. The CIA colluded with the FBI, Democrats, and especially the Biden family, in this crime. The media lied and obscured facts detrimental to the Democrats……..all to win an election and keep in power!

And, now, thanks to the IRS and the demented, partisan, Jan 6 committee, NONE of us can expect privacy for our tax returns which privacy is guaranteed BY LAW.

It is the most egregious crime by any political party or administration or governmental agency because:

BY LAW, tax records are sealed from all except auditors of the IRS, unless a Court determines those records are intrinsic to a case.

BY LAW, we must answer personal, financial questions or face severe penalties, even prison, if our most private, personal, financial information is not fully detailed on our tax returns.

BY LAW, these auditors are required to keep ALL records confidential.

So, how did the Jan 6 committee get the private tax returns for President Trump?

Unfortunately, an obsessed Congressional committee convinced an equally obsessed administration that a former President’s tax records should be given to them. That administration leaned on the IRS who caved and coughed the returns up. And, that same committee conspired to release those records to the public because……….well………because the records were Trump’s ……….and they despise him and desperately want to convict him of something…..anything…..

That committee disregarded the sanctity of tax returns thus breaking the law they are sworn to uphold.

Many will say “ho hum. It’s worth it “to ‘get’ Trump for something.” But, if a former President’s confidential tax filings are not sacrosanct, why imagine that ours are?

Plus, having been in business, I can confidently say that a business’ tax returns are so voluminous and complicated that most CEOs rely upon their tax advisers and preparers to make sure the tax returns are accurate. With the multitudinous business entities that fly under Trump’s name, it would have been almost impossible for him to scrutinize each and every return. No, I’m sure he trusted his lawyers and tax firms to do their job correctly and honestly.

Secondly, the tax code itself is a horrendously complicated business. Does anyone truly understand all the “if this, then that. If not that, then this” questions? If it weren’t such a complicated affair, we all would do our own returns and save money. But, because it is so complicated, we ask “experts” to do the job. And, if those experts fail to do something — maybe because even they did not understand — it does NOT make the person who signs the form guilty of anything.

It was bound to happen when a partisan administration took control of every facet of American life. But, now that it has happened, expect other Democrats and Lie-berals to continue demanding what should be private information because…………well……..because they and their interests are more important than our privacy and much more important than any old tax law.

It’s a new day in America all right. A new day where the FBI spies on Americans. Where the CIA gives credence to false documents to derail a political opponent’s candidacy. Where governmental agencies are willing to break laws, lie to Congress, and invade our private lives……all BECAUSE THEY CAN!

BEWARE. If they come for former Presidents, can any of us be far behind?

Bumbling Biden

Although everyone can see that President Biden is not quite “all there”, he is also “not here”. His failing, and failed, mental abilities are evident to anyone who sees him or hears him.

Making a statement like that demands proof. I offer the following to anyone who will listen with an open mind.

1…The Afghanistan withdrawal which gives Iran the upper hand in the region was roundly criticized by almost the entire world.

2..His failure to quell the rising, violent attacks on Conservatives — even the Supreme Court Justices — by his fellow Democrats has led to an increase in violence against Conservatives. His turning a blind eye to that violence, and other crimes against stores has increased the number of thefts. His passing on states releasing violent felons means that more Americans will suffer violence. Witness the man who attacked another man with a baseball bat and now is out on bail of a mere $7500!

3…By not controlling the border, he has allowed transporting Fentanyl, and other drugs, into our country and trafficking of men, women and children to rise at an alarming rate.

4…His inability to understand basic economics, like inflation’s cost to Americans, means that the supply chains have faltered and basic commodities are too expensive for many Americans. Families are going without food, clothing and other essentials simply due to rising costs of inflation.

5…His obvious disabilities have encouraged the Russians to war against Ukraine, much as Obama’s weakness allowed the Russians to seize Crimea without any reaction from the United States. You cannot allow tyrants to gain even an inch because they will take a mile……or, many miles……… the Russians proved.

6…He allowed Americans to be sequestered, masked, threatened, and their right to pursue happiness, be trampled and all because of a perceived pandemic. Flu comes to the world every yearand, according to statistics, the Chinese flu killed no more people than most flu seasons. He allowed the ransacking of our military because he demanded complete adherence to vaccination rules.

7…The controls he allowed over the American public and scientists meant that any dissenting voice about the flu was smothered. He allowed the media to run with lies and the social media to suppress any voices he disagreed with. Musk’s release of Twitter emails has proven that over and over.

8…To destroy political opponents, he lied, cheated and stole the right of every American to know the truth and vote based on that truth. Biden and his minions completely and covertly controlled the “news” to their own advantage. This exemplifies a level of malice unseen before in our political elections!

9…His weakness allowed the Chinese government to run rampant through our technology. We have always heard that the Chinese are, somehow, superior to us intellectually. For some Chinese compared to some Americans, that might be true., But, the Chinese government’s ambitious efforts to steal our technology really proves only that they are very good thieves.

10…Lastly, he has encouraged others to attack the legal system when he doesn’t like a court’s rulings. Supreme Court rulings have been disregarded. Indeed, some Democrats have openly stated that they will NOT abide by a Court’s decisions. This is NOT following the oath of office to “protect the Constitution”.

All of these actions are detrimental to every American, but because the media is almost completely Lie-beral, they are also ready to conspire to keep Democrats in power. Most media have not even covered Musk’s release of Twitter emails. They suppressed the Hunter Biden story to save President Biden and are still doing so. They continue to pretend that Biden is “all there” when anyone with eyes in their head and ears to hear knows that the President is in serious mental decline….and…..NEITHER HERE NOR THERE! It’s sad that Democrats and Biden’s family and Biden himself will do anything to stay in power..

In fact, their only objective is that Bumbling Biden stay in power because he is their gravy train to financial gain and political prestige.

President Reagan always felt optimism about America’s future. With Biden in the White House, I feel it is the opposite. Indeed, it’s a dark day in America when someone like Bumbling Biden has the keys to power and his finger on the nuclear button.

Sign of the Times

It’s a scary sign of the times that America is no longer the land of opportunity and individual freedom. If you support Conservative thought or candidates, you must not speak out. Because, if you do, the Leftists will attack you in every way — anything to quell your opposition to their coercive policies.

Examples of how Leftists have destroyed our freedoms are rampant. Health care clinics that promote Life are attacked and the media doesn’t cover the attacks. Conservative candidates are called horrific names, like Nazis, and their homes and families are doxed. Supreme Court Justices and their families are threatened and the media says “ho hum”.

Violence is on the rise everywhere because criminals are no longer held responsible for their crimes. Candidates, like Wisconsin’s Democrat for the Senate, openly advocate for letting criminals out of prison! Violence in the cities, especially in minority districts, is on the rise because Democrats fault the police, and NOT the criminals! How crazy is that?

Revisionist history has replaced historical facts. Statues of famous Americans are destroyed, replaced, or moved to an obscure location because they were people of their times, with the values of those times, and don’t fit today’s PC theories.

Oh, yes, the rights of the majority have succumbed to the ever-growing list of the rights of the minority. It’s pretty obvious that minorities determine public policy for the Democrats, and, if the Constitution gets “in the way”, they are ready to rewrite it.

In fact, if even one person feels offended , Americans are told they must conform to whatever makes that one person happy. That encourages other individuals to BE OFFENDED and further destroys the concept of a majority rule. By allowing a single person who feels offended to set our standards, we have thrown common sense out the window. That one person now can tell everyone else what they can say, do, promote…..or, even think!

It’s too bad that individuals might be offended. But, one person should not regulate an entire society’s standards. That is a dictatorship. The fact that what offends the majority is no longer important shows just how far our country has deteriorated, thanks to the Democrat politicians who would rather get a vote than follow the Constitution.

One simple example of how freedom of speech is suppressed in America is that we no longer put up signs for our preferred candidate. We used to do that in the town where we raised our family. But, we have moved to a city and we don’t put signs up any more for fear that our property would be vandalized. The simple act of putting up signs used to be an accepted form of free speech. Now, we not only don’t put up signs, we refrain from discussing politics with anyone, even friends and family, because the Left’s response is so aggressive and downright frightening.

Yes. It’s a sign of the times — a very bad sign –that Americans no longer are free to speak, act, or live their lives, as they see fit.