C’mon, man!

Those famous words are Biden’s go-to phrase when he loses his train of thought. It was pretty obvious last night when he was at a loss for words, because, “c’mon” was repeated over and over.

The former VP also had trouble getting his facts straight and the moderator never challenged him on his lies. For example, saying that he had never called President Trump xenophobic.He did. Nor did she question Biden when he said he never took money from a foreign government. Saying he had never accepted money from a foreign country when a former associate of Hunter Biden’s who heard Joe doing so was sitting in the audience would have been laughable, if the stakes weren’t so high.

Most of what the former VP said was recycled campaign phrases or insults against our President…insults without foundation. It is clear, too, that the Biden has no concrete proposals on much of anything. His “plan” for the virus mimics exactly what President Trump has already done. Biden’s “plan” to improve the world is to revert to the Paris accord which would make America give even more money to foreign countries when many, like China and Russia, are more than able to pay for their own climate change improvements……..if they actually wanted to.. And, saying that he would make foreign countries pay if they were aggressive toward us is ridiculous. What is he going to do…..bow twice to them, like Obama did…..and that will convince them to behave? No, we need a strong man like President Trump who will follow demand countries do the right thing. The proof of that is the Mideast peace accord recently signed.

And, though the media want to pretend that Joe never took money from foreign governments, the laptop, tapes, and the witness all corroborate a different image of good old Joe. He already admitted to plagiarism years ago and he he now stands accused of selling out America through his leverage of the office of the Vice President. Is this truly the man we want in the Oval office?

Besides, Biden has no plans for much of anything. He will do and say anything, though, to win politically, including denying he is against fracking when there is a video of him saying he will. He keeps saying that he will do this or that, but, really, Biden never has done anything — except advocating for the notorious crime bill which disproportionately hurt Blacks .He has nothing new to propose. It’s ironic that, after 47 years of doing nothing (except plagiarism and speeches), NOW he thinks he can run the country!

Biden’s “plans” are just so much thin air. Remember: when he coulda’, woulda’, shoulda’, he DIDN’T.

Now, that’s a fact!

Supreme Court vacancy

The Democrats and Lie-berals are in high dungeon that President Trump might actually fulfill his role as President and nominate a new Supreme Court Justice!

The battle cries from them are ridiculous, completely contrived and easily proven false. In answer to their lies and attempts to frighten and sway American voters, here are some clarifications of the Democrats’ lies and some justifications for President Trump to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, a new Supreme Court Justice:

1…Senator McConnell said that a Supreme Court Justice should not be confirmed IF the Senate majority and the President were of different political parties. Both President Trump and the Senate are Republican or Republican controlled.

2…Historically, vacancies on the Supreme Court HAVE been filled when the President and Senate are of the same party.

3..The President’s term is 4 YEARS, and does NOT end at the election which occurs this November. So, he has the right, and duty, to nominate a new Justice until January, 2021, when his current term ends..

4…Lie-berals threaten to impeach, to end the Senate filibuster, to riot, to pack the Supreme Court, and to create mayhem if Mr. Trump even so much as nominates someone for the Supreme Court. The Constitution gives the majority the right to conduct America’s business and Republicans are the majority.

5…Best of all is Ruth Bader Ginsberg herself who said, “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says a President stops being a President in his last year.”

Liar, liar….pants on fire………..

For centuries, children have been taught that lying is unacceptable.  Yesteryear’s parents washed out “dirty” mouths with soap and the seat of many kids’ pants felt the wooden spoon or Dad’s belt if we kids lied.

That was then.  This is now.

I’m not sure when it became acceptable to lie.  Even if you use euphemisms  — like “misdirected”,  or “skewed the truth” — to pretend that lies are not lies, you are not only accepting someone else’s lies, but you are actually lying yourself.  Like “a rose is a rose is a rose”, a lie is a lie is a lie, by ALL names.

Unfortunately, the Lie-beral media have no problem repeating former VP Biden’s lies and there are seldom any fact checks on what he says.  If they do any checking to determine his veracity, those corrections appear too late to do any good.  Once you throw the mud on the wall, it is almost impossible to get it off.  And, that is what the Democrats are relying on.

Their candidate, Mr. Biden, has no agenda of his own.  “His” agenda is that of the far, far Left.  He doesn’t care that socialism has never worked for a country.  His goal is to win the Presidency.  Once in, he will sit back and let someone else do the dirty work of destroying America and its traditional foundation of individualism and small government under GOD letting everyone have a chance to pursue their own dream.

And, despite knowing that the end game is NOT to advance America and Americans, the Democrats continue to spread vicious rumors about President Trump. Every day, another liar puts forth a new lie and the media runs with it causing Mr. Trump and his supporters to denounce the lie and try to make American voters understand that it IS a lie.

There is no justification for the way the media and Democrats are constantly using ad hominem attacks against President Trump AND his supporters. 

We are strong supporters of President Trump and yet, if you believed the Hollywood “experts” and Democrats, we are almost all morons without the intellectual ability to understand that Democrats and all Lie-berals know what is best for us.

Instead, unlike the Left which demands lockstep adherence to whatever the Left and Woke crowd want, we Trump supporters insist that we hear the facts and then, we make up our minds.  Trump supporters believe that everyone can, and should, look at how America is becoming great again, thanks to President Trump.  Though Democrats try to repress and negate the rising tide of optimism in America, no one can honestly deny that President Trump has been good for America.  The truth of American greatness can be seen in the economic vitality of America, the American spirit which prompted a rapid response to Covid by Trump, the Mid-east peace agreements, and the rise in financial viability of minorities in America.

President Trump has made America great again.  Our allies trust us to support them (witness Mr. Trump sending ventilators all over the world once America had what it needed).  Our enemies fear us (witness China’s false bravado).  And, almost all Americans feel a sense of optimism…..a sense that tomorrow will be better than today. 

Ignore the lies of the media which are in cahoots with the Democrats.  Truth be told, as it should be, President Trump was, and IS, the best leader for America.

Time to force the media to cover this election cycle fairly and not to get away with half-truths and outright lies!

If only our parents’  demand for the Truth were part of the media and Democrats’ philosophy, everyone in America and the world would be better off.

But, until they understand, the old childhood chant applies to them…:  Liar, liar.  Pants on fire……..  

Sad news

No matter how you feel about President Trump, the loss of his brother is a sad event.

The Left and the Lie-berals should stop acting like spoiled brats and extend the President and his family the common courtesy just as you would to anyone else when they lose a loved one.

The sad news is not only that Mr. Trump’s brother died, it is also that supposedly mature adults can’t even pretend to have normal emotions. Instead, they taunt, insult, and do whatever they can to increase the Trump family’s grief.

Now, THAT is really sad news!

Re-elect President Trump

No matter how desperately the media try to distort or lie about President Trump’s record, he has:

1…Before anyone believed the pandemic was coming, Trump created a task force to help mitigate the virus’ effect on Americans and allow hospitals, etc., to gear up for the coming medical crisis as well as encouraged drug companies to work on therapeutics and a vaccine.

2….Created a growing economic recovery, DESPITE the Coronavirus.

3….Significantly improved the pursuit of freedom for minorities by creating the “second chance” program

4…Stood fast against Chinese and Russian aggression and attempts to gain footing in the Mid East and SE Asia.

5…Nominated judges who will follow the Constitution

6…Withstood an impeachment that can now be seen as a completely false, fabricated process enhanced by Democrats and Lie-berals who used it as a political tool to attempt to control our country by threatening to remove our President.

7..And, in the face of violence in our major cities, he has refused to back down from threats of Antifa. He has maintained the philosophy that EVERY American deserves an equal opportunity to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. He accepts no color barrier to that idea.

The Democrats’ candidate hides in his “man” cave and spouts cliches and other nonsense, often repeating President Trump’s actions as the Dems’ plan ! The media, as usual, fails to call the Dems’ candidate out for his multiple gaffes, lies, and sly innuendos.

So, please, ignore the vicious Left wing media. Re-elect President Trump!

The new “doctors”

Neil Cavuto seems to fancy himself a medical guru. Maybe he even believes he knows as much as doctors. Ha ha! His ego was certainly on display last night when he heatedly disagreed with President Trump’s opinion that hydroxychloriquin might help corona virus patients. Why did he think we cared what his opinion was? He is, at best, a reporter and we really do not need him pontificating about medical matters.

After all, there are as many doctors who believe hydroxychloriquin might be helpful as those who disagree with the efficacy of that drug. And, if Neil wants to be fair and balanced, why did he not bring back the doctor from Monday’s show who argued that hydroxychloriquin DOES HELP some patients? Despite her maintaining that it was proper to let the doctor and the patient decide, Neil continued to argue with her, too. And, he did NOT bring her back. Hmmmmmmmmmm

Other problems with Mr. Cavuto’s diatribe is that he isn’t considering all the other experts. Why is Mr Cavuto dismissing the White House doctor who prescribed it? Why is Cavuto ignoring what the head of the VA said about the critical problems with the “VA study”. Why is he ignoring that the study he references had 40% of patients who took hydroxychloriquin improving. He only says that 60% were not helped. Well, if you would be in the 40% group and someone offered you a potential remedy, I bet you would take the chance.

He also ignores the fact that those who gave the “results” of the VA study did not actually do the study nor did they bother to have it peer reviewed. Nor did they actually interview the patients to know what other problems they had. In fact, all of the patients of that VA study were already seriously ill. When Cavuto says that “some died!”, he might be correct. But, seriously ill patients dying is not a news flash. And, though it is tragic to hear of someone dying, they were a distinct minority of those studied.

Lastly, if the media’s golden boy, former President Obama, had mentioned taking hydroxychloriquin, the media would have thrown a ticker tape parade to honor him for his “courage” and his “willingness ” to take a drug that might harm him. They would have crowned him a hero for exposing himself to that danger!

But, Neil Cavuto has joined the media who are determined to destroy President Trump. They don’t care that President Trumphas created a historically good economy nor that his actions have improved almost everyone’s economic welfare. They don’t care that President Trump’s legacy will be one of health and wealth for America. They prefer to dwell on trivia.

Enough! Try to read your script and don’t ad lib. You’re just not good enough. You certainly don’t know enough to opine on medical matters1

If Neil wants to play doctor, let him go home and do it in the privacy of his own home. Quit pretending you know what is best for us because, most of us prefer to let our own doctor — a real doctor –advise US! And, maybe Mr. Cavuto should consider letting the White House doctor advice our President.

The doctor is in…..

But, America is still sick. But, I am not talking about the virus itself.

No. What is making me, and almost everyone else, sick is the stay-at-home order. I’m sick…..sick of not seeing our kids and grandkids…..sick of worrying about whether anyone we know will get sick, and, horror of horrors, die!  Sick of hearing about people out of work, out of money, and out of the great economic times we were living in before the corona virus hit. It is horrible to endure, but it was the right reaction to the world pandemic.

But, the way the media is acting, makes me even sicker! It, too, is horrible; however, it is NOT the right thing for them to do!

Here we are in the middle of what is probably the first pandemic that most of us have ever been through, and the “reporters” at the daily Press Briefings want to ask got’cha questions.  How awful that, rather than faithfully reporting the news to the American public, they seem to believe that their function is to make President Trump look as if he failed to protect America.

The truth is that President Trump acted before the world even acknowledged there might be a viral threat.  He assembled a corona virus task force with medical experts who have spent their life studying disease.  He signed a bill that would financially support those who were out of work when the virus threatened to explode all over America.  He hosts the corona virus task force every day in the briefing room and answers countless questions. 

And, yet, that is not enough for the “experts” who purport to give us the daily news.  My husband and I have watched all the task force briefings and, it always surprises us when we hear them detail what they heard at the briefing.  Seldom does their “reporting” match what we heard.  The subjects might be the same, but there is always a liberal slant to the story.  And, always, the slant insults the good work that President Trump, VP Mike Pence, and the task force, have done.

While there might not yet be a cure for the virus, there is a cure for the media’s obsession to destroy President Trump even when it harms our country and all Americans. That cure is to start listening to the task force’s informational meetings so we hear the real story and NOT the fictional accounts provided by CNN and MSNBC or PBS!

So, listen to the doctors on the task force who will give you the actual facts and not the gibberish those fake reporters will spew out. Listen to President Trump and Vice President Trump detail the progress of all the people working to stop the virus in its tracks.

Doctors adhere to the motto of “First, do no harm”. Maybe it’s time for reporters to try to do the same for our country.

Happy Easter

Easter represents new life. It represents a new beginning. It is a time to begin seeing the world in a new light and for us to begin acting more like we should.

Let’s hope that everyone will try to work together, even while this virus takes its toll on our friends, neighbors, and loved ones.

Politicians should stop bickering and work together for the common good.

Politicians should recognize that their job is to help unite us, not divide us nor to continually do harm to our country with unending assaults against President Trump.

Let this Easter be the beginning of a new era where we all join together and understand that Americans have dreams and aspirations that can only happen in America. And, America can only “happen” if we work together for a greater good.

Remember, united we stand and divided we fall.

E pluribus unum.


It’s interesting to hear the Democrats try to spin their impeachment of President Trump into a conviction. “He’ll always be impeached!”, they vigorously shout.

Yes, that’s true.

And, of course, he’ll always be acquitted…..that is, innocent!

Impeachment is NOT a conviction. It is an accusation brought by the House; and, unfortunately, in this instance, by a completely partisan vote in the House. It is not a conviction. That is why an impeachment does NOT make a person guilty.

In America, a prosecutor can bring charges against someone, anyone. BUT, that person is still presumed innocent until a court convicts that person.

The impeachment process begins with the House bringing charges against the President. And, just like every other American, the President starts out with the presumption of INNOCENCE.

The U.S. Senate adjudicates the charges and, in this matter, voted to ACQUIT, thus proving the President was NOT GUILTY.

So, President Trump was innocent when impeachment began. He was innocent throughout the Senate trial. And, after the Senate voted to acquit him, President Trump remained INNOCENT.

If the House Managers, lawyers themselves, truly accept how our legal system works and how the process of impeachment is carried out, they know that President Trump was, and is, innocent. They can spin it any way they want. They can mutter in their sleep and on tv — as Nancy Pelosi did — but, the fact remains that the President is innocent of any wrong doing. And, the millions of dollars and hundreds of hours wasted in concocting meaningless charges simply to bring an impeachment do not change the end result ……………….PRESIDENT TRUMP IS INNOCENT.

Just like you or me………….innocent, innocent, innocent.

Silence is Golden…..

A contract is a binding agreement between two, or more, parties which binds all the parties to the agreement with following certain terms or conditions. An NDA is a contract that, usually, restricts what one of the parties can say or do after the contract is signed. An NDA almost always concludes with one party receiving a payment for which they agree to never reveal what the issue in the contract actually says. Many term such contracts to be “pay offs” for someone’s silence.

But, an NDA is a binding agreement for which one party probably received a lot of money. And, because it is a valid contract, it is supposed to be enforced for the duration of the terms of the contract which frequently means “forever”.

Colin Kapernick reportedly received a huge sum because it was cheaper to pay him off than go through the court process. I disagreed with any payoff to him because it certainly seemed as if he didn’t honor the terms of his NFL contract. But, Kapernick got the PC crowd behind him, and was paid to end any further litigation.

Now, Gretchen Carlson believes that she should be free to speak about her allegations of sexual harassment and that ALL who accused their boss of such harassment should be free to speak publicly about the alleged harassment. Wouldn’t Monica Lewinsky have loved to receive something monetary for her proven allegations against then President Clinton? How the times change!

The problem is that Gretchen, and the others, agreed to be NOT sue for harassment in return for a sum of money. There was a valid contract. She received an agreed upon amount of money. That was the contract which she signed.

Now, Gretchen is not offering to return the money she was paid, nor to pay the interest that money would have accrued to whoever paid it. No. She wants her cake (the money) and she wants to eat that cake, too. The question is why should she be able to negate the terms of her contract and also keep the money she was paid?

If she didn’t like the contract, she was free at that time to reject it and speak her mind. But, no. She waited until now to publicly criticize the very contract that she agreed to.

Boy. Silence was Golden for her back then. Now, she wants to keep the “gold” and speak out.

Whether her allegations were honest or not is a moot point. The fact is that she willingly signed a contract and took money for signing that contract. No one should be allowed to back out of a contract just because they want to.

Silence is Golden because…..well…..silence is part of the deal. So, Gretchen, my dear. Time for you to act like a mature adult and realize that your deal — you know, the one you signed and took money for — is binding. And just because you don’t like it now does not give you the right to challenge its authority.

Unless……………….you repay the money, with interest………..AND, have the agreement of the other parties to the contract sign off on your new “deal”.

Otherwise, be quiet. A deal is a deal. Silence is Golden for a reason.