Welcome, Justice Kavanaugh


The Republicans stood against a raging, deceitful, Democrat onslaught.

Though assaulted from all side by vicious, unproven lies, Justice Kavanaugh maintained his innocence.

And, the Innocent until Proven Guilty, Constitutional right for ALL Americans, including men, was upheld.

Congratulation to President Trump,  Justice Kavanaugh, Senator Grassley, Senator McConnell,  Senator Collins, Senator Graham………….and all the Judiciary Committee who refused to cave when a devious hit team, supported by the Democrats,  took advantage of a troubled and confused woman, Dr. Ford……..all with the express purpose of destroying an honest and good man.  And, their attacks were fomented only because that man had a different view of the Constitution, and the role of the Judiciary, than they did.

So, welcome Justice Kavanaugh.  You, and your approach to the Constitution and the role of the Judiciary will be a welcome addition to our world.




FORD — Fix or Repair Daily

That used to be the derogatory acronym for Ford trucks!  Whether it is true or not, it stuck.

Listening to Dr. Ford’s interview before the Senate Judiciary committe, I am reminded of this acronym because it seems to me that Dr. Ford and the Democrats are using the technique of Fix or Repair Daily to massage her story because they have NO facts.

No one argues that any kind of abuse, whether sexual, verbal, or physical, is traumatic.

However, using the horrific experiences of a group — ie., ALL SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIMS — as PROOF that Dr. Ford is telling the truth is a specious argument.  Just because others have suffered does not corroborate ALL stories of abuse.

Therefore, though the Democrats are doing their level best to make Dr. Ford’s story believable, they have offered NO FACT.

And, the facts that do exist — others named as being there have denied her  version of events — her lack of knowing  any details, like the date, the time — do NOT corroborate her story.

So, in a he said/she said story, there is a presumption of innocence for the accused.  The Democrats have already decided that the accuser is telling the truth and the accused is lying.

This is not how it works.  At this point, Democrats need to work on their own stories……that is,  Fix or Repair Daily.

John Kerry and his histrionics……


So, John Kerry claims that President Trump has the maturity of an 8 year old…………………..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……….does anyone else remember when Kerry thought he had won the Presidency………………and, it is claimed that he “squealed like a little girl”?

So, John Kerry claims he is NOT fomenting trouble when he meets with Iran’s Ayatollah?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Why is he even meeting with any other country’s leadership?  John Kerry is NOT a diplomat.  He is NOT part of Mr. Trump’s administration.  In fact, John Kerry IS an egotistical fraud.

He, and other anti-Trump egotistical Lie-berals believe that they have the right to obstruct President Trump’s policies, to create antagonism toward Trump and his policies, and to subvert the Constitutionally elected leadership of America.

Oh, yes, Kerry should be closely questioned about his dealings over seas.  The media howled about a 5 second meeting that Donald Trump, Jr.,  might have had with a Russian.  Why is there no indication that anyone in the media worries that John Kerry has gone off the rails and, somehow, believes he has the right to affect United States’ policies?

From his days in Viet Nam, as a reporter,  which Kerry exagerated into a heroic tale, to his illogical deals with Iran, Kerry is a loose cannon, firing off tirades with no facts.  If it weren’t outright seditious behaviour by him in meeting with Iranian leaders, it is so close as to make no difference.

Time to tell John Kerry, and Obama, and all those who can’t get over that President Trump IS the President and they are not, to sit down and be quiet.  Let the Man in the White House — President Trump — handle foreign policy and everything else.    If the the booming economy, the countries that are now ready to deal with Trump, and the low unemployment rate are any indication, President Trump knows what he is doing.

Let Kerry and his histrionic antics and comments which he hopes will bolster sales of his book, fall by the wayside, just like his political ambitions.

Secrets of the Secret Service?

Lie-berals have stirred up so much anger and dissension that even Sarah Huckabee Sanders needs Secret Service protection, paid for by the government.    Her protection is paid for by us taxpayers  because she works for the President of the United States.

April Ryan, a news reporter, has demanded that the government cover a security guard that she hired for herself.  What?  Ms Ryan is NOT a governmental employee.  She believes, though,  that because the government pays for Ms Sanders’ protection, the government should pay for hers, too!


The idea that, because Ms Ryan covers the White House, she is entitled to having a personal bill paid for by us taxpayers is so absurd that you would think she would be laughed out of the newsroom.  But, no.  I’m sure there is serious discussion by other Lie-berals as to the “discrimination” because Ms Ryan must pay for her own protection.

Maybe Ms Ryan needs protection.  And, if she does, she is wise to hire someone.  But, to imagine for even one moment that you are entitled to it for free is idiocy.

But, Ms. Ryan’s notion does not surprise me because so many reporters have a wildly optimistic estimation of themselves and their importance.  She, obviously, feels she is as important as Ms. Sanders.  That, too, is no surprise as we watch MSNBC, CBS, CNN, and other media outlets act as if they are experts when they are really supposed to be just reporting the news, and not trying to influence us by twisting stories!

Well, let me tell Ms Ryan a SECRET about the SECRET SERVICE.  The Secret Service provides protection for governmental employees, NOT news reporters.    If you want something, maybe you’ll have to pay for it like the rest of us Americans do.  While I’m sure your family loves you, by any other standard, you are just a reporter

And, as such, maybe you should start understanding that, as a private citizen, the government (the rest of us taxpayers) owe you NOTHING!

Speaking out

The Lieberals are screaming and hollering about the removal of Brennan’s security clearance.

But, really, did Mr. Brennan have a right to a security clearance?  Why would anyone who is leaving government service expect to retain such a clearance?

Let’s compare his “retirement” from governmental service to what happens when an employee either resigns or is fired from a private company.

First, if you resign, your employer will ask for any keys or other company items that you have been using while EMPLOYED BY THAT COMPANY.

If you are fired, your employer will have you “frog-marched” out the front door without so much as a by-your-leave.  Often, you are not even allowed to gather up your personal belongings!

So, why would Mr. Brennan, who no longer works for the United States’ government,  have any right to maintain a security clearance?  The opportunity to serve our country is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT!  And, it is obvious that Brennan has parlayed his former governmental job into a new “job” of harassing President Trump and there is little to no chance that Mr. Brennan will ever serve Trump or our countryagain  in any capacity.  If Brennan is not serving the country, why does he need a security clearance?

How arrogant of Brennan to assume that he is indispensable and thus, has a right to a security clearance!

Because no logical American would agree that Mr. Brennan has a RIGHT to the clearance, Mr. Brennan has tried to claim that his first amendment right — freedom of speech — is being attacked by removing his security clearance.  Really?  The Lieberal Media has jumped on his petulant response and he is on every network, again lambasting President Trump and claiming he, Brennan, is the victim.  If he is freely speaking publicly,  doesn’t that counter the very basis for Brennan’s complaint?

All Americans value their Freedom of Speech.  Even Mr. Brennan, who has used his freedom of speech in a rabid attack against President Trump, and which speech has caused pain and division in America, has the right to speak.

But, I believe that I also have the right to speak out.  And, in speaking out, I say that our country is well rid of the partisan and uncontrolled rhetoric of Mr. Brennan.  I hope that others, who believe as I do, will also speak out.

Racism….a useful, political construct

Recently, I read an article about Chris Carter, a former NFL player, whom I, and my husband, have always enjoyed listening to on a tv sports program.  He always seemed so pleasant and to appreciate other’s individuality.  I never had the impression he bore any deep-seated grudges or life-long complaints.

Boy, was I wrong!

The other day, he was quoted as saying that he had been “disrespected” his whole life.  “Disrespected” is the new buzz word for blacks who feel they have been insulted or humiliated.  And, the humiliation is always assumed to be based upon their blackness.

But, is it?  I am not questioning whether racism exists.  My question is whether every insult or “disrespecting” that happens to a black person is directly related to their ethnicity.  Is it fair to assume that every interaction between a white person and a black person that ends badly for the black person is always BECAUSE they are black?

After all, though the recent incident in Starbucks was offered as proof of racism because two black men were arrested, the fact is that the store had a policy that you could not use the bathroom if you weren’t a customer.  The men did NOT buy anything nor would they leave, so by the restaurant’s own policy, Starbucks would have been justified in insisting they leave.  When the men refused to leave, the restaurant took the only action left to them by calling the police.

On the face of it, no racism was involved.

But……………because the men were black, the assumption was that racism was the ONLY reason  that the police were called.  Was it racism? Was it really a racist reaction to a tense situation?

Years ago, our family was subjected to extreme shunning for a personal choice we made.  People would cross the street rather than walk past us.  We received death threats.  Our children were abused in the schools.  Was that racism?  Since we are white, few would have labeled it as such.

But, what is the difference between what we lived through and what blacks claim they live through?  What makes abhorrent behaviour against one person be called racism and yet, against another person….well, there was no label.

Having lived through some horrible times myself, I would never minimize what blacks, and other minorities have experienced.  But, I also believe that racism is too often used for pragmatic reasons.  There are those who benefit from racism!  As awful as that sounds, it is true.

After all, racism is a divisive idea.  In today’s America, it usually posits blacks against whites.  It creates intense anger in those who feel abused and it also prevents the commity and unity of thought that a society or country requires to succeed.  Racism is a social construct that gives power to one person by subjugating someone else.  Racism is a powerful weapon because, once you divide people, you can manipulate them.  This is why Democrats always label black and white controversies as racism.  Once a victim is established, the Dems can leap to their “defense”.  And in return for the Dems supposedly standing with the victims, the victims are expected to vote Democrats in.  And, once in office, the Dems will funnel money to minority causes.  It is a vicious cycle that, in the long run, helps very few, except the politicians because, history teaches us that this dependency has not helped the black community, as witnessed by the demise of their family units in so many sad cases.

Besides, singling out one group of Americans and giving them more, based solely on their ethnicity, is, by definition racism.  And, giving money to blacks, just because they are black, creates hostility and tension from those who do NOT receive that aid.

Nothing good can come from racism. Whites are always blamed for racism, but, it is a two-edged sword because blacks often discriminate against white.  What else can explain the existence of the Black Caucus in Congress and the NAACP?

Racism also divides even blacks from other blacks because  blacks who do not follow the black “agenda” are routinely vilified by other blacks and many Dems.  How can it not be racist to demand that all blacks follow an agenda set up by someone else?  Why do famous blacks who have accomplished so much have to continue to push back against those who call them “Uncle Toms”?  Aren’t those blacks who insult other blacks “disrespecting” their fellow Americans, who happen to be black and who also happen to be Conservative?

Lastly, consider slavery which is always used as an example of racism at its worst.  According to Thomas Sowell, racism has existed in every society for all of history.  In some cultures, it still exists.  And slavery was not always whites over blacks.  In Africa, conquering black tribes made slaves of other tribes that they defeated. Egyptians enslaved many different cultures, not because of the ethnicity of those people, but just because Egyptians had defeated them!

So, how long can the past injustices associated with slavery be used as a pretext for favoring blacks?   It would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a single slave alive today.  Isn’t it time for the descendants of slaves to “move on”?  Isn’t it time for all of us to stop being “African American” rather than just “American”?  Why are there Hispanic Americans?  Aren’t they just Americans?  Why are there Chinese Americans?  And, if you are going to divide Americans into ethnic groups, why are there no “Swedish Americans”, “German Americans”,or any other ethnically identified American groups?

It’s because there is no monetary advantages in grouping those other ethnic groups.

If there were no pecuniary benefit in maintaining racism, it would end.  Perhaps if the blacks who feel “disrespected” would try to understand that not every insult is a result of racism.  Sometimes, people just don’t like your ideas ………………or, maybe they don’t like you! That is NOT racism.  It is just human interactions.

So, while racism is a useful construct for politicians, we should all strive to be more understanding of our fellow Americans.  And, while we shouldn’t “disrespect” anyone, please understand that contentious situations have a wide variety of causes and almost all of them have nothing to do with racism!





Walk like a man…..

The other night, my husband and I enjoyed The Jersey Boys broadway show.  We’ve seen it before and we’ve enjoyed it before.  My favorite song from the show is “Walk like a Man”.

And, I was not the only one singing along with the group.  Since many of the crowd were my age, and Fanki Valli was very popular with my generation, that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

But, as my husband and I were reminiscing about the show, it occurred to me that the song represents more than just a song from days gone by.  Walk like a Man is what every man should be free to do and every boy should aspire to be.  To walk like a man is to be strong, upright, protective of the weak, and willing to stand up for certain principles.

Unfortunately, the Lie-berals have decided that those qualities of Manhood are a hostile concept.  According to them, being strong, like a man, is no longer what little boys should strive for.   In Lie-berals’ world, war, pestilence, and every bad thing in the world today can be attributed to “Man”.  Their claim is that women should rule the world because they are “better” and would create a kinder, gentler world.

But, is that true?  Is there no redeeming value in Manhood? I think there is.

Strong men have protected the world throughout history.  In a hostile world, sheer physical strength was the only protection for the weak.  And, whether the Feminists accept the idea or not, generally speaking, an average man is stronger than an average woman.  Whether every man is a good and true person is not the point.  What is significant is that men have ruled the world because strength was the only way to survive.

So, men have been, and always will be essential to a strong society.  And, their strength is not their only good quality.

Of course, I might be biased because the men I have known are good people, just like many of the women I have known.  Our daughter and sons are all vital to our family’s well-being and assets to society in many ways.  It would be wrong to decide that our sons are of less value than our daughter simply because they are men.  They, like my husband, are good, strong, thoughtful men who stand up for their convictions.

I think that is why I like President Trump.  He is not some mealy-mouthed politician who talks out of both sides of his mouth.   He says what he thinks…clearly, and without ambiguity. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.  In effect, he “Walks like a Man”.

And,that is what will make America great again.


Genetic diversity and Intelligence

Ever since Jimmy the Greek lost his popularity because he claimed that Blacks had a physical advantage due to a quirk in their genetic makeup, it has been difficult to talk about genetic diversity among the races. The subject has always been rejected as “racism” even when some facts, like sickle cell anemia, being a “black” problem, are indisputably related to race.

However, Michael Barone  writes about a genetic study that “proves” there IS a difference in intelligence between the races.  But, as if to excuse the temerity in agreeing with the gist of the study, Mr. Barone offsets the idea that Asians, as a group, might be more intelligent than Caucasians and whites more intelligent than Blacks with the fact that an individual of any race could be smarter than an individual of another race. Of course, that is true. However, as proof of that, he offers how smart former President Obama is. The correlation is that a black man, Obama, is very smart so the genetic study is NOT trying to condemn all blacks as less intelligent. But, why use Obama as an example of a smart black man? Where is the proof of that?

It is obvious why the media and Libs would promote that theory as one of the “many” reasons Obama was elected. However, according to Obama himself, he was a mediocre student. I’ve read several articles that claim he was not only a mediocre student, but a lackluster assistant professor and then, an even more ordinary Senator. Despite this, we are told that Obama was “smart”. Where is the proof that he was/is smart? He, and his university, refuse to release his grades which might prove how intelligent he was.

So, maybe Obama is super smart. Maybe he is not. My complaint is that the media continue to promote him as a very smart guy when there is little factual basis for that claim.

There are any number of black people who better deserve the accolade of being very smart. Better examples of blacks who are smart might have included Justice Clarence Thomas or Condaleeza Rice or Charles Payne or Dr. Carson. But, other than having had the luck to be the right black man at a given time in history does NOT make Obama a smart man. It makes him lucky, but not smart. And, by using him as an example, it seems to do an injustice to those blacks who are, indeed, very smart. And, who by the way, earned their titles through their own effort and brain power….and did not rely upon the luck of their draw.

Russia’s interference

For months now, the Democrats have been pushing the theory that the Russians colluded with Trump’s campaign to influence the 2016 election.  For months now, there has been no evidence of any collusion.  But, of course, that hasn’t stopped the Dems from desperately looking for Russian bogeymen everywhere.  And, unsurprisingly, when they can’t find bogeymen, they try to manufacture rumors to attack  President Trump with planned leaks and obnoxious innuendo.

In this case, the old “be careful what you ask for”  applies to the Democrats.  Why?  Their hysterical efforts to undermine President Trump’s agenda might have slowed its progress;  but, Trump is still moving it along through sheer grit and determination.

And, the Democrats, through their own actions, have given the Russians what the Russians wanted — dissension in America.

Because, by continuously slandering our President, the Dems undercut the Spirit of America.  And, when the Democrats divide us,  the Russians conquer us.  Remember “United we stand.  Divided we fall.”

It is beyond sad that the Democrats, by pursuing their own, self-serving agenda are actually destroying the very country, and people, they pretend to care about.  Ironically, their their determination to rule over America, through any means, is not much different than the Russians, is it?   Reagan warned us of the “Bear in the Forest”.  And, most Americans are equally suspicious of that “Bear”.

But maybe, just maybe,  we are worried about the wrong bear in the forest.  Because, Democrats are lurking everywhere…spewing hateful rhetoric………..hoping to divide our citizenry so they can win elections.  It’s sad and dangerous for them…….and all of us.

So, Russian interference? Why should they  bother to interfere when the Democrats will do the dirty work for them?