School Daze

Education is essential to society’s welfare and is the basis for much of America’s success in the world.    Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance of an educated citizenry and encouraged public literacy by forming public schools and public libraries.  They feared that, without literacy for every citizen, unscrupulous politicians would be able to manipulate people’s opinions.

Education then, and now, is what will secure America’s future success.

However, the idea of an education for everyone has been corrupted.   My Father only went through eighth grade, but he studied a variety of subjects throughout his long life.  He took correspondence courses in architecture and became a successful master carpenter….all on his own.  My Mother graduated high school and became a successful businesswoman….all on her own.

Somewhere, somehow, though, my parents’ generation came to worship higher education and insisted that all their children attend college.  College became the end of the rainbow for them because college was believed to be the only route to success.  My brothers and I went to college as a matter of course.  The thought that we might just begin working after high school was considered to be under-achieving .  Vocational education, too, had the stigma of  a sub-standard career choice.

As a result of that philosophy,  we now have a dearth of talent in the trades.  And, we have an excess of college-educated people who have no real world experience and consider themselves to be somehow too “educated” to work in many jobs, especially manual labor jobs.

And, we have an excess of jobs that require experienced workers who know a trade and a dearth of people who have the skills to work those jobs.  We have an excess of college-educated graduates who cannot find a job because so many of the college degrees have no real world relationship.  Too many of the college degrees earned do NOT lead to a meaningful job.  That is sad, but it is also reality.

This manic obsession with going to college stems from the belief that college is the ONLY worthwhile path after high school.  That is not only untrue, but has led to countless young people graduating without a practical degree and…………….with a huge debt from their four years –or more — of college.  That, too, is sad, but also reality.

But, far worse is the Lieberal belief that these college students should be reimbursed for their college debt!  The Libs claim that these “poor” college graduates have been unduly burdened by the high cost of college and that we, the American taxpayer, MUST pull them out of their financial disaster.

But, why?  Why should anyone, except the students themselves, bear the cost of their education?

More importantly, if we pay off the debt for these college graduates, WHAT DO WE PAY FOR THOSE KIDS WHO DECIDED TO WORK RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?

Why should we reward one group for making a decision that they thought would benefit themselves…and not reward another career path?  In America, self reliance is considered the honorable way to success.  So, let’s get over the idea that just because someone has college debt that somehow, that person deserves to have those debts paid by taxpayers!

If someone chooses to go to college……great.  But, they should weigh the benefits of a college degree against the costs of that education.  And, everyone should accept that personal debts, whether they are for college or a car or a house, belong to the person who incurs that debt.

And, if high school graduates choose to begin work immediately, also great.  After all, most of the Greatest Generation did NOT go to college.  Most of them, like my parents, worked  to be successful and continued their education on their own.

Let school days be weighed against the costs and benefits.  Do not let school days daze us.



Low brow Elites

Elites, i.e., Lieberals, believe that they are high-minded geniuses who, being brilliant in their own mind,  should be running the world.  The rest of us are just morons to them.

Still, pretty is as pretty does,  and some of us wonder what kind of person relies on low-brow insults to demean their political opponents?  Where are the discussions about political policies or how to fix this or that?  Where are the offers to discuss problems or honestly work towards making America Great again?  No, Lieberals soil their arguments — and us — with dirty words forgetting that profane language is the lowest common denominator and NOT the sign of a high IQ.  Profanity is the last ditch of the feeble minded.

So, when Hollywood repeats the “f” bomb over and over, or Pelosi repeatedly resorts to calling the Republican Tax Reform the Apocalypse, what does that say about them?  It says they are intellectually challenged, especially in the vocabulary department.

Are they interested in promoting America’s welfare?  No.  They prefer to march in protest or shout insults.  They threaten.  They scream bloody murder.  They agitate.  They act like belligerent and mean bullies.  They threaten  to shut down the government. And, then, they pretend to have our best interests in mind.  Ha ha!

So, let a Flyover Country Grandmother give them some advice.

Until you can speak like an adult and treat everyone else, even those with differing views, with respect, please sit down.  If you don’t open your mouth, no one will know that you are less than you pretend to be.

And,if your noise level goes down,maybe we all will be able to hear one another and truly work together to make life better for everyone in America.





The Hypocrites live in Congress!

They are “outraged” and “demanding” that Moore resign, based on allegations he sexually abused teenagers.

And, yet, no one really knows whether the accusations are true.  What happened to “innocent until PROVEN guilty” ?

They pandered and equivocated when a Democrat was guilty of sexually abusing a subordinate.  Remember former President Clinton?  How many of these holier-than-thou legislators refused to convict former President Clinton and even  supported him being head of the Democrat’s party?

But, now, with the public outcry against Moore, these same lap dogs are racing to line up against Moore.  Why?  It is politically expedient.

Where were they when Weiner was caught sending perverse emails?  Where were they when Clinton was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office?

Oh, they were there all right.  However, then, it wasn’t quite as lucrative politically to denounce those Democrats.  Now, all of a sudden, everyone is in an uproar about sexual harassment and abuse.  And, for the Democrats, it is politically expedient, and they are reveling in any opportunity to steal a Senate seat, whether the candidate is guilty of a crime or not.

Even Clinton is now fair game for some Dems.  Although it was always obvious that Bill Clinton should be convicted, it is ludicrous that they are now finally willing to even consider his guilt.

Of course, it is also advantageous for them.  Being on the “high ground” is lucrative, so, punishing sexual offenders becomes a cause celeb.  And, those “morally superior” LEGISLATORS are first in line to throw stones.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.  Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!

“Ambushed” by Bush 41

Another tell-all book coming out.  Ho hum.

Book is “written” by H.W. Bush, our 41st President.  Hmmmmmmmmm…………….

In that book, H.W. insults President Trump.    Wow………………..

Oh, wait!   Jeb,  H.W’s son, lost to President Trump in the last election, didn’t he?

So, was President Trump ambushed by another Bush?  Yes.

Does it matter that H.W. Bush dislikes and resents President Trump?  No.

This is nothing more than sour grapes.  And, what a disgrace that former President H.W. Bush can not remember how important diplomacy is.  Or, that ad hominem attacks against a sitting President, especially one overseas, are detrimental to our country.  Our enemies do not need any help in their efforts to attack America nor to thwart President Trump who is working to make America great again!

Oh, well. To be kind to an old “has been”, the book  is  more of a “senior moment” than anything else.

Then again………………on the bright side, there is no need to buy that book because there is more than enough vitriol already in politics.  Save your money and just turn your tv onto CBS, MSNBC or CNN if you want to hear President Trump maligned.  They insult, demean, and grope for aspersions non stop. But, do NOT believe what you hear on those networks, nor what you read in that upcoming book.

I mean.  We were great supporters of H.W. Bush AND of his son, even donating a LOT of money to their campaigns.  But, recent comments not only make us sad,those dangerous comments make  us lose all our respect for both of them.  So, let’s not “beat around the Bush”.   Let’s come right out and say that H.W. lost his cool and ambushed President Trump.

What a sad ending for a man who held the highest and most powerful office in the world.  Our advice?  Go home and try to learn some manners, H.W.


Or, are you a “squatter”?

According to the Lieberals, the football players who are kneeling during the National Anthem, and thus, insulting America, are only showing their “Freedom of Speech”.  For some quirky reason, their disdain for all that our Country has given them is considered “noble”.

But, President Trump, who voiced his own opinion of those football players and who reflects the opinion of most Americans, is not?

Either everyone has Freedom of Speech, including the President, or no one has.  Freedom of anything has to apply to everyone or it means nothing.

The confusion arises because football players are NOT individuals on the field.  In fact, their reasoning for locking arms together this week was to show that “THEY ARE A TEAM”.  Okay.  If you are a team, then you represent your owners, city, state, AND COUNTRY.  As a team, you do NOT have the right to express individual opinions.

If you, as an individual, wish to speak to groups, or publicly profess an opinion, go ahead.  However, as a Packer, Steeler, Viking, etc., follow the rules and get on that field and STAND TALL.

I think one of our sons said it best:

         On Sunday, some football players and even teams refused to enter the stadium during the National Anthem……….despite league rules requiring the team to be on the sidelines  during the playing of the national anthem.
So,  is there any punishment for NOT being out there when the “rules….IE:  your boss……require it”?????? 
On your OWN free time do what you want, but, when you are WORKING you are representing your employer…IE:  the man who signs your paycheck!
And, I would add, you are representing the Country that allows you to receive these exorbitant pay checks.  So, SHOW SOME RESPECT AND STAND TALL FOR OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM!



Dreamers.  Aren’t we all dreamers?

Little boys dream of being firemen  Little girls dream of being Wonder Woman.  Bigger boys dream of being professional football players, or the next great golfer.  Teenage girls dream of being President of the United States.

But, as we mature, we realize that most of those dreams are pipe dreams.  After all, the NFL can only use so many great quarterbacks and our country only has one President at a time.  So, most of us rearrange those dream to face reality and we become great parents and great bankers, lawyers, dancers, or any of a variety of wonderful career paths.

And, we live happily ever after.

But, some dreamers, those called DACA,  are in indeterminate positions.  They claim that they are victims.  Victims who were brought to this country by their parents and who deserve to be compensated for their parents’ illegal actions.

Well, the rule of law is pretty clear that they are NOT victims,, but, in fact, illegal aliens who are taking advantage of their plight to gain welfare, benefits in college tuition, and all kinds of “freebies”…..all from the generous pockets of tax-paying Americans.

So, what to do?

Well, politically speaking, let’s agree that these people will NEVER be returned to their native countries.  That is just a fact.  So, let’s get on with what to do with these people.  I suggest that, because no one will actually send them home, we use a little common sense and figure out how to deal with them.

1…..These DACA are NOT given citizenship unless they go to the back of the immigration line AND, follow the law in applying for citizenship.

2…If they have any criminal background, they are extradicted back to their native country immediately with no recourse to any court reprieves.

3…While these DACA people are working to become Amercan citizens, they will receive NOT ONE PENNEY OF PUBLICASSISTANCE NOR ANY SPECIAL AID FOR COLLEGE EXPENSES.

4…THERE WILL BE NO ACCOMMODATION FOR THEIR VARIOUS LANGUAGES:  no special interpreters, no signs in foreign languages, no school aides.

5…Before becoming a citizen, they will speak fluent English.

6…NO relatives nor associates shall be allowed to come to the United States just because they are related to current DACA people.  Rather, everyone from this day forward MUST comply with ALL immigration laws.

7…Whether U.S. citizens or not, they will pay all income taxes and NOT be issued any “earned income” benefits.

While this will not entirely solve the situation, it will be a moral, ethical and common-sense solution to the DACA.    And, these ideas are so simple that every DACA person should be able to accomplish them. Ultimately, it will save the American taxpayer countless billions in the aid that DACA people have come to expect.

And, most importantly, it will reassure Americans that the laws apply to everyone.  And, the DACA people will learn that, to be an American, means that EVERYONE follow the law.  And, EVERYONE means even them!

Let’s keep the American dream safe.  Keep the American dream available for all, including the DACA.  But, as any other American, DACA people should earn their own way and not expect that they are entitled to not only public welfare, but automatic American citizenship.

So, dream on, America.


Republicans who should shut up and sit down

Some Republicans are more interested in furthering their careers than in helping Americans. Included in that self-serving group would be McCain, Graham, Rubio and that flaky Flake.  They have become the “face” of the anti-Trump group and will always find something that appeals to the Lieberal press.  These wannabee-famous politicians  don’t care that their insane comments and opinions are hurting the country by encouraging rampant disregard for our President.  Along with that slightly demented Bill Crystal, they present their perverted opinions as if those were the agenda that America voted for!  After all, there is a reason that President Trump won and that reason is that the vast majority of America agreed with HIS philosophy, NOT theirs.

Unfortunately, theirs is not a Country first mantra.  It is not even a Republican Party first.  It is a “me, me, me FIRST” attitude.

I understand that there are those who refuse to accept that President Trump was the choice of the American voters.  I understand that their noses are out of joint with jealousy that a non-politician succeeded where they did not.  I also understand that their tirades against everything Trumps says, or does, is allowing the Lieberals to foment dissension, disruption, and violence in our cities, states and countries.

As adults, even if they disagree with Mr. Trump, it is time to realize that their constant opposition to his agenda is hurting all of us.  As Republicans, they must understand that their posturing  gives comfort and aid to Democrats, like Schumer and Pelosi,  who build a false diatribe against Mr. Trump based on the complaints of the President’s own party.  Worse,  they further the Lieberal media’s agenda which is to destroy Trump and all things  Conservative.

So, knowing their actions are harmful, what happened to working together?  What happened to putting the Country’s welfare ahead of personal ambitions?  What happened to supporting President Trump’s restoring the rule of law in this country?

But, these arrogant politicians always side on whatever side is opposite Trump no matter what that other side foments.  They crave the media’s attention.  They love the sound of their own voice, especially if that voice can be on the evening news. Their narcissistic needs override all else.

How sad that voters believed these men were statesment, NOT politicians.

Pundits used to exclaim that the more Obama vacationed, the better it was for the country because he couldn’t harm the country if he were gone.  The same holds true for McCain, Rubio, Graham, and Flake.  If they just sit down and shut up, they will do less harm to America. What a lovely day that would be!

Fixing Obama-Scare…..


1…Obama-scare is weighing down the entire economy..

2…Obama-scare is little more than a wealth redistribution scheme.

3…Obama-scare is NOT improving health care in America.


1…Repeal the entire fiasco.

2…Allow Insurance Companies to sell ANYWHERE, including ACROSS STATE LINES!

3…Allow Americans to decide for themselves what to buy, from whom to buy, and when to buy.


1…Obama-Scare is NOT health care.  It is mandated, governmental control of our health INSURANCE.

2…Health insurance, like any other form of insurance, is meant to cover CATASTROPHIC EMERGENCIES.  It is NOT meant to cover every hang nail, immunization, or cough that occurs.

3…If Americans are responsible for their own health care, they will find the insurance that covers their OWN needs, not what some bureaucrat believes is needed by them.




Sticks and stones, Second Verse, same as the first………………..

Sticks and stone may break my bones………..but, words will never hurt me!

That’s probably the line that Lieberals will trot out after the horrific attack on Republicans yesterday.  Fortunately, we know that is NOT true.  Verbal abuse is still abuse.  And, vicious words have consequences even if Democrats try to escape the awful aftermath of their own vicious words.

Hatred starts out small sometimes.  There are Democrats and Lieberals who are too quick to blame Conservatives and, especially President Trump, for following the Conservative agenda.  Dems don’t like that philosophy, so they obstruct and attack with the worst vocabulary in their arsenal.  It’s sad that, besides Democrats funding “activists” to disrupt, the Democrats  have thrown vicious words around like candy.  Hatred can start out “small”, but the constant recriminations spewed forth by discontented “leaders” , especially in the public forums, continue the trend toward warlike attitudes.

It is almost a daily maxim to hear Maxine Waters’ continuous call for impeachment.  This does NOT help unify our country. There are a multitude of Democrats who don’t understand the result of their constant accusations and lies that the media perpetuate.  For example,  Gildebrand uttering the F word over and over is a “call” to violence for those who don’t understand the difference between a vulgar representative’s epithets  and polite discourse.  Perez’ coarse language is also a clarion call to destroy Democracy.  And, not to be forgotten, the professor from some obscure college instructing his students and social media followers to “string them up”, meaning Republicans and Mr. Trump, is publicly fomenting violence and hatred.  And, now, the Dems pretend to be appalled by the shooting that happened yesterday.  Unfortunately, Dems  won’t accept that their acrimonious words and actions WILL have an effect.

Rather than attempting to work with Republicans, elected by the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, these Democrats have decided that even chaos is preferable to accepting the results of our last election. And, we all suffer for the Dems’ abhorrent behaviour.   The vicious mobs created by the Democrats WILL create the havoc that Democrats desire.  The worst of humanity WILL latch onto the Democrats’ repetition of lies and innuendoes as a platform for their own evil actions.  They are wrong.

And, yes, the Democrats ARE responsible.  The Dems’ despicable public pronouncements prove that WORDS CAN HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS STICKS AND STONES!