Fixing Obama-Scare…..


1…Obama-scare is weighing down the entire economy..

2…Obama-scare is little more than a wealth redistribution scheme.

3…Obama-scare is NOT improving health care in America.


1…Repeal the entire fiasco.

2…Allow Insurance Companies to sell ANYWHERE, including ACROSS STATE LINES!

3…Allow Americans to decide for themselves what to buy, from whom to buy, and when to buy.


1…Obama-Scare is NOT health care.  It is mandated, governmental control of our health INSURANCE.

2…Health insurance, like any other form of insurance, is meant to cover CATASTROPHIC EMERGENCIES.  It is NOT meant to cover every hang nail, immunization, or cough that occurs.

3…If Americans are responsible for their own health care, they will find the insurance that covers their OWN needs, not what some bureaucrat believes is needed by them.




Sticks and stones, Second Verse, same as the first………………..

Sticks and stone may break my bones………..but, words will never hurt me!

That’s probably the line that Lieberals will trot out after the horrific attack on Republicans yesterday.  Fortunately, we know that is NOT true.  Verbal abuse is still abuse.  And, vicious words have consequences even if Democrats try to escape the awful aftermath of their own vicious words.

Hatred starts out small sometimes.  There are Democrats and Lieberals who are too quick to blame Conservatives and, especially President Trump, for following the Conservative agenda.  Dems don’t like that philosophy, so they obstruct and attack with the worst vocabulary in their arsenal.  It’s sad that, besides Democrats funding “activists” to disrupt, the Democrats  have thrown vicious words around like candy.  Hatred can start out “small”, but the constant recriminations spewed forth by discontented “leaders” , especially in the public forums, continue the trend toward warlike attitudes.

It is almost a daily maxim to hear Maxine Waters’ continuous call for impeachment.  This does NOT help unify our country. There are a multitude of Democrats who don’t understand the result of their constant accusations and lies that the media perpetuate.  For example,  Gildebrand uttering the F word over and over is a “call” to violence for those who don’t understand the difference between a vulgar representative’s epithets  and polite discourse.  Perez’ coarse language is also a clarion call to destroy Democracy.  And, not to be forgotten, the professor from some obscure college instructing his students and social media followers to “string them up”, meaning Republicans and Mr. Trump, is publicly fomenting violence and hatred.  And, now, the Dems pretend to be appalled by the shooting that happened yesterday.  Unfortunately, Dems  won’t accept that their acrimonious words and actions WILL have an effect.

Rather than attempting to work with Republicans, elected by the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, these Democrats have decided that even chaos is preferable to accepting the results of our last election. And, we all suffer for the Dems’ abhorrent behaviour.   The vicious mobs created by the Democrats WILL create the havoc that Democrats desire.  The worst of humanity WILL latch onto the Democrats’ repetition of lies and innuendoes as a platform for their own evil actions.  They are wrong.

And, yes, the Democrats ARE responsible.  The Dems’ despicable public pronouncements prove that WORDS CAN HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS STICKS AND STONES!

President Trump

President Trump was enthusiastically welcomed by the King of Saudi Arabia.

President Trump erased the misconception that he is anti-Muslim by visiting Saudi Arabia FIRST on his own FIRST trip overseas.

President Trump, and our envoys, gained the respect and admiration of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with numerous trade deals, and a better understanding of each other……thanks to Mr. Trump’s  presence.

It appears that the beginning of President Trump’s trip has been a wonderful success for America, America’s business community, AND the Arabic countries.   Meeting face to face and being ready to understand each other is the first step towards not only more business equity, but also toward a unified approach in our fight against terrorism.    A good politician knows that “pressing the flesh” is the best means to creating a warm and convivial friendship.  This is why Mr. Trump began his trip in Saudi Arabia.

Again, Mr. Trump took the initiative and chose the right moment for his trip.  For, if you watched the greeting by the King when President Trump landed in Saudi Arabia, there was no doubt about the satisfaction the Saudis felt in welcoming our President.  The coveted kaffee klatsch, the “parade” of Saudi dignitaries, the degree to which the Saudis all confirmed their joy in Trump’s visit were matched only by the red carpet on which the King greeted our President.

And, for all those media and Lieberals who claim that our President is anti-Muslim, you only had to listen to his speech which was an affirmation of what we Americans believe and espouse while giving dignity to other religions and cultures.

I can only say that I am proud to have voted for President Trump.  He is fulfilling his first election promise of making America Great Again.





100 days……..but, who’s counting?

Well, apparently, Democrats are!  The Democrats, in their efforts to stop any and all accomplishments by President Trump,  pretend that only the first 100 days of President Trump’s administration count.  Forget that there are actually three years, 265 days left yet for Trump to work his magic.

Their goofy plan won’t work because, unlike the Democrats who expect to be given everything immediately, the rest of American, who work for a living,  understand that it takes time to accomplish something.  We are used to working day after day,  year after year, to finally achieve our goals.

In a country as large and diverse as America, it takes time to achieve results, especially when the Democrats refuse to cooperate in any arena.  They are are obstructing everything the Republicans propose, and are now trotting out the idea that President Trump has not, so far, been able to complete his agenda.

So, their complaints are just misdirection.  In reality, Trump is moving our wonderful country in the right direction and in good time.

Give him another 3 years and 265 days and then, we’ll  see America looking Great again.


Resigned to calls for resignations

Today, it seems as though almost everybody is offended by  something………whether that something is said, done, or even just implied.  Today, no one tries to see the other person’s viewpoint or even if the deed or comment might have been misconstrued or misunderstood.  NO ONE IS GIVEN THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. Today, the first reaction to even the suggestion that someone was offended is to demand that the “offender” resign, apologize effusively, and, essentially, lose any semblance of dignity that they might have had.

Unfortunately, much of the over-zealous monitoring is being directed by Democrats against Conservatives and, against everything “Trumpian” in nature.

So, Sean Spicer makes an unfortunate reference to Hitler.  Oh, my.  Pelosi immediately called for Spicer’s resignation.  She seems to forget or ignore that many Democrats compared the infamous dictator to many in the Republican party, including President Trump.  Then, she was silent.

The problem with this knee jerk reaction in the political arena is that politicians, like Pelosi and Schumer, grab every opportunity to destroy Republicans and Conservatives.  They do not admit that anyone could possibly have just made a misstatement.  No, Democrats believe that everything Conservative has to be fought tooth and nail, by any means available.  However, when Democrats and their supporters make heinous allegations and unsubstantiated comments, these politicians are silent.  Why”  Because, Democrats have long followed party lines, and allowed felonious acts by their fellow Democrats……………no matter what their fellow Democrat did.  So……………………  Lois Lerner essentially admitted to using her position at the IRS to target Conservatives’ tax status and thus, limiting any political actions by those groups.    Susan Rice essentially admitted to using her status in the Obama Administration to facilitate the leaking of private American citizens’ status with the investigative arms of the U.S. government!  Madonna stated publicly that she wanted to bomb the White House.  Perez, the new DNC chairman, swore publicly , as did Killebrand, to describe what they want to do to anyone who disagrees with their policies!  The worst case of a Democrat not being censored was, of course, former President Clinton.  Bill demeaned the Oval Office more than any past President.  Bill lied to us to save himself.  Hillary lied to protect Bill and thus, her own future political aspirations.

And, yet, no Democrat called for their resignation!

If this destructive behaviour of the Democrats continues, our country will suffer.  Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the Democrats will change their nefarious methods.  After all, they are now in the minority of almost every legislative body, State and Federal,  including the Presidency.  Democrats’  goal is to so completely besmirch the reputation of the “opposition”  that American voters return to the dependency and grip of the Democrats’ control.  And if they have to, they will sling mud, emphasize faux pas by Republicans, lie, cheat, and “steal” in order to bring down anyone who disagrees with them.  Publicly and constantly calling for resignations has become a routine, and political, gesture by the Democrats.

It isn’t fair.  It isn’t right.  But, as my Father-in-law used to say,  “Never get into a pi**ng match with a skunk.”  It was good advice.  The Democrats are stinking up the airways with their constant calls for this or that Republican to resign while ignoring the stench in their own party-mates.  So, I guess I’ll have to resign myself to this new reality of constant calls for Republican resignations.

Sticks and Stones

Or, maybe it should be:  picks and stones because, when the Democrats aren’t throwing stones at President Trump, they are picking away at anything he says or does.

It doesn’t matter if the world agrees with President Trump, the media-ites at CNN, MSNBC, etc., will find fault with Trump’s activities.  The bombing of a chemical depot in Syria is just the latest bone to stick in their craw.  Never mind that Germany, France, Israel, and other countries are relieved that America is once again beating back the bullies of the world………….and, said so.  Forget that Assad just committed another atrocity, this time with chemicals against his own men, women and children.  Ignore the facts, say the mainstream media so they can  concoct some outlandish story that better fits the narrative they prefer.  So……………..President Trump approving the bombs against Syrian chemical depots morphs into a storyline that Trump “only” bombed so that he could counter the media’s false belief that Trump is a pawn of Putin!

It’s crazy.  It’s ridiculous.  And, it’s an insult to the profession of Journalism.  But, in an Alice in Wonderland fashion, Chris Matthews, et al, have competed to see who could find the worst insult to lodge against Trump.  Whether the insults are warranted or not, they are screamed out every hour, on the hour.  And, even if there is no story, they will inveigle and connive among themselves to find some rumor or purported fault to inflate into scandalous stories.

The media has become so biased that we no longer even watch or listen to them.  Now, rather than wait for the media who want to tell us what something means, we listen to Sean Spicer’s press conferences and, when available, we listen to President Trump.  If you want the truth, that is the only way to hear it.

Learn to filter out the lies that the media spews day after day.  Words do hurt.  Words do create false narratives.  And, if we don’t separate the media’s lies from the Truth, those words can do immeasurable harm to us and our beloved America.

Some words, like lies,  can be as hurtful as sticks and stones.  No matter what the media says, it’s up to u to follow the facts and find the Truth.

Trump and the media beast

No honeymoon.  No first 100 days. No good will.  No nuthin’.

That’s what the media beast has given us all in the name of  “journalism”.

Journalism in the good old days used to mean researching a subject, finding reliable sources, checking the facts, rechecking the facts…………..and, yes, rechecking the checking of those facts.  Then, and only then, was that journalist expected to reveal the results of their research to the public.

In the good old days, the public respected what they read in the newspapers.  In the good old days,  we trusted the professionalism of journalists and believed their stories.

But, thanks to the media’s constant attack on Conservative thoughts, Conservatives and, now, President Trump and anyone remotely related to him and his administration,  most of us no longer believe much of anything that the media reports.   Thanks to their relentless misreporting, midirection, and LIES,  it is obvious that their only goal in life is to destroy President Trump and those of us who support him.

Why else would the media go along with the Lieberals who support and promote the violence at so many Trump events?  Why does the media allow Democrats to continually inflate and conflate miniscule events into impending disasters of major proportions?

It’s easy  because you hate the victor.  The media saves face, but the country loses.  It’s diabolical, but the media rationalizes their actions because, after all, the end justifies the means..

So, the media is united.  United against Trump and us.  They lost the  election, but so what?  They now have a mission……………….to destroy the victor in the public opinion.   They lose the public trust, but create chaos in America.  They destroy the lives of anyone who supported President Trump because…………………..they believe it’s only the Deplorables who voted for President Trump.  So what?

So what?  Well, we have to defend ourselves against this media beast.  We take control of what we believe. How?

First, we no longer feed the beast.  We ignore the lies, obfuscations, and scandalous reporting of the biased media.

Secondly, we make sure that we only believe something if we have actually heard it from President Trump, or one of his advisors.  Listen to Trump’s speeches.  Listen to Sean Spicer’s press conferences.  Only believe what your own ears tell you!

This is the only way to  cage the media beast and regain the euphoria that  President Trump’s  victory brought.

Let’s Make America Great again.


The Democrats — Escape Artists

The Great Houdini, the best known escape artist ever,  had nothing on Democrats who disappear whenever an issue they don’t like appears!

In Wisconsin, the Dems scurried away to hide in Illinois.  Why?  To prevent the Wisconsin Legislature from presenting bills which were guaranteed to pass because, the Republicans held the majority.

In Washington, D.C., the Dems hid away in Capitol bolt holes.  Why?  To prevent President Trump from having his nominees for the Cabinet confirmed because, Republicans held the Senate majority and could easily confirm every nominee.

The Democrats are acting as if our duly elected President Trump is the enemy.  They forget that there are REAL enemies biding their time who want to destroy America.  They forget that we are fighting for our country’s life against an enemy that is unpredictable and who has no scruples about viciously killing men, women and children.  They forget that they were elected to serve America, NOT their own personal agenda.

So,stop  acting like cry babies and sore losers.  At least  pretend that you want what is good for the country.

So, if you Dems want to be escape artists, okay.  But, don’t make us suffer for your personal enmity of President Trump and the Conservatives and Independents and yes, Democrats, who elected Mr. Trump.  If you can’t play nice, go home and  leave  the field to those who want to make America Great Again.



Democrats are spoiled brats…….

NOT serious adults!

Some Democrats don’t like the results of the 2016 Presidential election.

Some Democrats don’t like President elect, Donald Trump.

Some Democrats don’t understand how a Democracy and the Electoral process work.


Some Democrats are shunning the Inauguration this Friday……………… Representative Lewis talks of “illegitimacy” and the oooooohhhhhh “RUSSIANS” and he will not attend the inauguration.

Some Democrats are shaming themselves with vitriol more suited to despots…………………  There are mutterings about  Trump being a pawn of the Russians!

Some Democrats are suggesting the big “I” word, impeachment…………………… Maxine Waters is threatening impeachment.

And, yet………..President elect Trump is just that — President elect, still a private citizen.

What is going on?

What is going on is the same, childish behaviour that Democrats in Wisconsin exhibited when Wisconsinites ushered in a new era of personal responsibility and financial integrity.  What did “our” Wisconsin Democrat representatives do when they didn’t like Governor Walker’s and the Legislatures’ reforms?  They hid somewhere in Illinois and wouldn’t come “home” because they hoped their absence would prevent the legislation from passing.

Eventually, they got tired of their hotel accommodations and did come home.  The legislation passed and Wisconsin is better off for it having passed.

Maybe the Democrats should take this lesson to heart.  Stop behaving like spoiled brats!  Stop  the childish name-calling and get over your failure to put a criminal into the White House!  At least pretend to be adult enough to serve in Congress.

If you don’t like legislation that President Trump forwards, don’t vote for it.  If you don’t like something a Conservative does, figure out a “better” plan.  And, for goodness sake, if you are opposed to an idea or person, DO NOT immediately claim that person or idea is racist.

Yes, your gravy train of people blindly following you for the handouts you “give”, thanks to someone ELSE paying the bills, might be over.

Yes, your influence will be much less, thanks to American voters finally seeing that your promises are not only empty, but impossibly costly.

Yes, America will be great again, thanks to Donald J. Trump!

So, if you truly love America and ALL Americans, start trying to behave constructively and STOP BEING SPOILED BRATS!

Another football day.

I wanted to start this with “Another Sunday, another football game”.  But……..that would be  a misrepresentation, or “fake news”,  which the mainstream media would surely catch.  haha.   The media only concerns itself with tid bits that might hurt conservatives.

Anyway, the reason the proposed title would be fake news is that Sundays no longer have the monopoly on football.  Oh, no.  The NFL has usurped more and more days and nights for this sport.  Football used to be relegated to Sundays.  Then, Monday night was included.  Then, Thursday and, horror of horrors, even Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Why is there so much interest in a sport that only a privileged few can play?  Machismo?  The worship of athleticism?  Or, is it Mitteyesque?

Why do people self-identify with a player or team?  Is a man who plays football professionally really more macho than the guy who slogs through his job everyday, hoping to support his family?  Or, is it the “manly” physique the athletes exhibit which TV ads glamorize?  So sad. The unending barrage of ads and even social media pressure us to conform to some hyped image of the “perfect” man, or “perfect” woman when, by God’s definition, we are ALL perfect as we are.  So, maybe football’s allure is that the “everyday” man  dreams of the fame, glory and MONEY that these athletes have?  Unfortunately, like Walter Mitty, attaining perfection is an unrealistic dream.

The worship of football has invaded every aspect of our lives to the detriment, I think, of healthy relationships and even encouraged neurotic behaviour.  After all, jumping up and down half naked in a freezing stadium can only be regarded as abnormal.  That obsessive fascination with sports encourages us to act as if that sport is a reason for living.  But, it isn’t. For most of us, sports should be an entertainment.  Sports should mean a round of golf or maybe that sand volleyball game at your local pub.  But, never let professional sports, grown men and women playing a sport for MONEY, become  your obsession! Please remember, if they played it for “sport”, they would play it for nothing.  But, they don’t.

Maybe it would be better if NFL (National Football League) meant  “Not For Long” to you.  You, your family, your family dog, and maybe even your neighbor will appreciate your company.

So, even though it’s another football day, don’t let it make, or break, your day.  Watch the game, if you must.  Or…………….turn the tv off………go outside………….bike……………walk…………run……… to the neighbors………watch the sun set.  Do something….anything except letting professional sports rule your life.

Whatever you do, don’t rely upon some high paid player to be your raison-d’etre.  Life is too short.  YOU are too important to be relegated to a high-priced seat at the stadium or to be glued to the tv set on Sunday, Monday,Thursday….or, any day of the week.