Tag Archives: Biden

Remember Obama’s famous 2008 quote?

If you don’t have any big issues, you attack your opponent!


And, that is exactly what the Libs are doing.  After all, they can’t praise any of Obama’s record.  Everything to do with Obama’s term of President is dismal:  the economy, the high unemployment, the mess in Benghazi, the Senate who can’t pass a budget, failing green companies that he supported, and on and on, ad nauseum.  So, the media is trying to deal with small issues and unwarranted attacks against Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan.   And, in the process, the liberal media is exposing their aversion to the truth:


Even among true “blue” Libs, it would be difficult to find a majority to agree with this zany Zak character’s opinion of the VP debate and of Ryan, specifically.

And, to credit VP Biden as any sort of elder statesman is just plain crazy.  Biden was a plagarist.  He lied about his Law School career.  He lied about when Obama knew about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.  He doesn’t understand the U.S. economy.  He is just a grin with a body behind it.  (Thank you, Clint).

Remember Obama’s famous 2008 quote?

Then, remember why Obama’s ads are always criticizing Romney and NEVER proposing anything of his own.

Martha Raddatz — the Liberal media’s “hit” man

ABC is struggling to find a moderator for the VP debate because ALL their staffers are Obama supporters.

Their final choice is  Martha Raddatz,  a fervant Obama supporter, who has infinite connections to Obama and a vested interest in his re-election.  Here are a few of Martha’s links to Obama:

1- President Obama attended Martha Raddatz’ wedding.

2-Obama appointed her husband, Julius Genachowski, to head the  Federal Trade Commission.

3- Martha’s husband was a classmate of Obama’s at Harvard.

4- Obama and Genachowski were members of the Harvard Law Review.

These are only a few of the connections between the media and the Democrats’ party network.  This is why the media slants their coverage of the Presidential election consistently to enhance the Democrats’ reputation.  This is why the media’s approval rating is lower than a snake’s belly.

It’s sad that Martha is the “best” that the media can offer to moderate the VP debate.  But, based on the coverage of this election, it is no surprise that none of the networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, could find an impartial person to moderate the debate.  And, scary that Martha’s connections to Obama were hidden!

Oh, yes.  Martha Raddatz was NOT chosen for her integrity.  She was chosen to be the Liberal media’s “hit” man.



Senator Obama has had a wide variety of past associations that he now renounces.  He has had no foreign policy experience, except the adulation of Europeans and the fawning subservience of some foreign leaders who see him as an easy mark for foreign aid.  He doesn’t answer questions from off the script well.  He has changed his own self-proclaimed philosophical theories such as the value of public financing when it suited him.  He pretends to be “one of us”, and yet is willing to discuss “us” with others as though we are second class citizens because we “cling to our guns”. 

Obama’s willingness to gossip about one group of Americans to the other is not a good quality.  Okay.  We “not-so-smart”  Midwesterners can handle the name calling.  But, today, we learn that Obama talked with foreign leaders, while abroad, and attempted to convince them to NOT work constructively with the United States on our troop levels!

This is the real Obama, steeped in the tradition of the Democratic party which will espouse one ideal and secretly work for their own benefit.  The Democrats are like a squeaky gate in the wind.  When the wind blows, they careen wildly about.  After the wind dies down, they choose the winning side and support it.  This is vintage Obama or Obamagate — don’t question your own party, vote with the herd, pretend to be an independent thinker, and throw mud at the opposition.  All this while proclaiming yourself “above” the political fray.

Senator McCain, however, is as steady as the gate post.  He has worked in many sessions of Congress with a single-minded purpose that often set him at odds with his fellow Republicans.  He has stood firm against his own party in many issues and has always stood shoulder to shoulder with our American military.

The question for voters is whether to vote for someone like McCain who has always been on the side of America, including the American soldiers, or whether to vote for someone who has no experience in much of anything. 

Who best serves America — the steady McCain whom we know from years in the Senate and for his war time heroism — or the Democrat who has yet to show us his credentials?

Same old, same old

Senator Obama promised change from the “old” politics, then he chose Senator Biden for VP!  

Senator Biden is an established Washington veteran. His character is questionable, too, because he has had problems with his comments about Native Americans and even Obama himself.  And, remember, Biden is the guy who plagarized the good parts of speeches by others without giving them credit.

So, where is the new image that Obama promised?  Hmmm.  Sounds to me like Senator Obama is more Washington, D.C., than like us.  Same old, same old.