Tag Archives: blame game

Hurricanes, pestilence, boils, lesions…….

What do all these have in common? 

Well, if you agree with the Lieberal media, you believe that President Bush is to blame for all of them.    Yes, that is how ridiculous the media’s preoccupation with destroying President Bush has become.  Any disaster, no matter the genesis, automatically is laid at the current administration’s door.

Let’s just see how far this madness goes! 

The New Orleans hurricane and its subsequently poor  response were all attributed to Bush, despite his immediate eagerness to provide Federal help which the governor and mayor of those areas initially refused!!   The problems in Africa with genocide and AIDS still are blamed on Bush even though he has provided more American funds to fight AIDS than any of his predecessors.  This week, in an amazing leap of chutpah, the NYTimes reports that Bush’s policies were the genesis of the housing crisis despite Bush’s attempts to rein in the poorly regulated Fannie and Freddie.  

It is very human to want to find a scapegoat for problems rather than to lay the blame where it belongs.  What I find truly amazing, though, is the immediate and zealous condemnation by  almost all the media to blame President Bush.  It would be better if they looked to the Democrats whose governor and mayor refused Federal help when the hurricane struck.  Or, maybe blame the Democrats who ignore the AIDS crisis in Africa while demanding money for all kinds of pork barrel spending.  And, yes, it was Democrats like Dowd, and his ilk, who prevented any kind of increased scrutiny on Fannie and Freddie when it became obvious that these institutions were funding insupportable home loans.   

We will always have natural and man-made disasters…many man-made fiascos  if we continue to ignore the excesses of our legislators.  There will be a price to pay and I sincerely hope that those who truly created many of these problems will pay the price.  In fact, my holiday wish for those people who use their elected positions to further their own financial status is this:  a pox on your house.  And may your greed be rewarded with  hurricanes, pestilence, boils and lesions!