Tag Archives: clinton

Resigned to calls for resignations

Today, it seems as though almost everybody is offended by  something………whether that something is said, done, or even just implied.  Today, no one tries to see the other person’s viewpoint or even if the deed or comment might have been misconstrued or misunderstood.  NO ONE IS GIVEN THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. Today, the first reaction to even the suggestion that someone was offended is to demand that the “offender” resign, apologize effusively, and, essentially, lose any semblance of dignity that they might have had.

Unfortunately, much of the over-zealous monitoring is being directed by Democrats against Conservatives and, against everything “Trumpian” in nature.

So, Sean Spicer makes an unfortunate reference to Hitler.  Oh, my.  Pelosi immediately called for Spicer’s resignation.  She seems to forget or ignore that many Democrats compared the infamous dictator to many in the Republican party, including President Trump.  Then, she was silent.

The problem with this knee jerk reaction in the political arena is that politicians, like Pelosi and Schumer, grab every opportunity to destroy Republicans and Conservatives.  They do not admit that anyone could possibly have just made a misstatement.  No, Democrats believe that everything Conservative has to be fought tooth and nail, by any means available.  However, when Democrats and their supporters make heinous allegations and unsubstantiated comments, these politicians are silent.  Why”  Because, Democrats have long followed party lines, and allowed felonious acts by their fellow Democrats……………no matter what their fellow Democrat did.  So……………………  Lois Lerner essentially admitted to using her position at the IRS to target Conservatives’ tax status and thus, limiting any political actions by those groups.    Susan Rice essentially admitted to using her status in the Obama Administration to facilitate the leaking of private American citizens’ status with the investigative arms of the U.S. government!  Madonna stated publicly that she wanted to bomb the White House.  Perez, the new DNC chairman, swore publicly , as did Killebrand, to describe what they want to do to anyone who disagrees with their policies!  The worst case of a Democrat not being censored was, of course, former President Clinton.  Bill demeaned the Oval Office more than any past President.  Bill lied to us to save himself.  Hillary lied to protect Bill and thus, her own future political aspirations.

And, yet, no Democrat called for their resignation!

If this destructive behaviour of the Democrats continues, our country will suffer.  Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the Democrats will change their nefarious methods.  After all, they are now in the minority of almost every legislative body, State and Federal,  including the Presidency.  Democrats’  goal is to so completely besmirch the reputation of the “opposition”  that American voters return to the dependency and grip of the Democrats’ control.  And if they have to, they will sling mud, emphasize faux pas by Republicans, lie, cheat, and “steal” in order to bring down anyone who disagrees with them.  Publicly and constantly calling for resignations has become a routine, and political, gesture by the Democrats.

It isn’t fair.  It isn’t right.  But, as my Father-in-law used to say,  “Never get into a pi**ng match with a skunk.”  It was good advice.  The Democrats are stinking up the airways with their constant calls for this or that Republican to resign while ignoring the stench in their own party-mates.  So, I guess I’ll have to resign myself to this new reality of constant calls for Republican resignations.

How to break America’s laws….by the NY Times and the Clintons

The NY Times has consistently published only articles that support or help Hillary.  They have admitted they hate Trump and all the people who support Trump.  The Times has joined with the arrogant elites who believe they have the right to control the “deplorables” in America, i.e., us.  It is no surprise then that the NY Times has published what they claim to be some old tax records from Donald Trump.

HOWEVER, it is ILLEGAL to see, much less publish, someone’s taxes UNLESS that PERSON GIVES HIS OR HER PERMISSION!  And, you can bet that Mr. Trump has never consented to the Time’s misuse of his own personal information, if these even are Trump’s taxes.

By definition, the NY Times has committed a felonious act by publishing the alleged tax records.  By definition, whoever released Trump’s taxes is also breaking the law!  In fact, by definition, if these really are Trump’s tax records, the IRS should be rushing to discover who is the culprit who gave them to the NY Times!

The important factor in this story SHOULD be the criminality in releasing private records of an American citizen without his or her consent. 

But, guess what the biased media chooses to focus on?  Of course, they want the American voter to be upset with Trump.  So,  naturally, the NY Times overlooks their own criminal behaviour and actually brags about being willing to break the law.  The NY Times feels no shame for breaking the law;  but, what would you expect of a newspaper that supports Hillary, and her impeached husband, both of whom are  known for past criminal activity?

The printed media or the Fourth Estate, like the NY Times, used to take pride in being the watchdog which kept politicians in check.  The Fourth estate used to be composed of journalists who wanted to print the Truth, whether they agreed with it or not.  The Fourth Estate used to be comprised of professionals, unlike today’s political hacks who pretend to report the “news”, but really print anything, even lies, if it promotes their own personal political agenda.

Rather than taking the word of someone who breaks the law to further their political agenda, we should repudiate the NY Times and their criminal actions.  As my husband always says, “Consider the source”.

So, if you know the NY Times is breaking the laws by knowingly printing confidential records, AND THEY ARE, then they are already impeached by their own behaviour.   And, they should not be considered a reliable source of information.  Nor, even though Hillary seems to be escaping prosecution for her crimes against America, should the NY Times escape without punishment.

Only criminals break laws.  But, not all criminals are thugs lurking in dark alleys until an unsuspecting victim comes by.

No, today’s criminals can be the publishers of can well-known media outlets, like the NY Times.  Today’s criminals occupy our highest political offices, like Hillary did.  And, now, we know how these politicians stay in power.  They depend upon the collusion of media sources such as the NY Times.

It is a sad day in America when what used to be a premier newspaper is writing the book  on “How to break America’s laws” and publicly bragging about it.

How to break American law?  Just ask the NY Times or their best buddy, Hillary Clinton.

Democrats — the lowest, “common” denominator

Democrats brag that they accept anyone into their party.  And, it’s true.

For example, they accept liars.  Wasserman-Schultz is just the latest Democrat to say one thing, deny the comment, and then be proven a liar by a recorded conversation.  Harry Reid does it so often that no one even pays attention to his lies any more.  And, Biden?  It’s sad that, as Clint Eastwood said, Biden is the intellectual genius of the Democrat party.  And, yet, Biden is just a grin with a body behind it!  Still,  Democrats want Biden to be one step away from the Presidency.  Not only are liars acceptable, but so is idiocy, I guess.

They accept politicians who commit libel and then claim it was the “other” guy who did the dirty deed.  Witness the repeated hints that Republicans are Nazi-like and the S. Carolina Democrat party chairman who compared Nikki Haley to Eva Braun…..oh, yes, another Nazi!  And, then, they charge that Republicans who target high unemployment or the $16 million deficit are using underhanded tactics to win!

Democrats are NOT mainstream Americans!  They even tried to remove God from their platform.   Each year, they replace more and more language that refers to God.  This year, they replaced God, then screamed and hollered when He was put back into their platform.  President Obama acts surprised that God was no longer welcome at the DNC even when everyone knows that the platform is based on his own philosophy.   Does he really think we are so stupid as to believe that someone ELSE removed God from the platform?  Well, maybe after 4 years of blaming President Bush, the hurricanes, the European economic crisis, Katrina, yada yada, for all the problems of the United States and the world, Obama is still looking for a scapegoat for his own failures.

Democrats do NOT back Israel.  This year, they removed a reference to Jerusalem, the capitol of Israel, from their platform!  Well, they did until the public rebelled and then, President Obama — once again surprised — “insisted”  Jerusalem be reinstated in the platform.  Right.

Democrats revere the lowest form of behaviour.  Witness the former President Bill Clinton who, if the justice department had done its job, would have been imprisoned for sexual harassment of an employee.  But, no.  Apparently, dropping your drawers in the oval office is okay with Democrats…presumably if done by a Democrat!  Compare that to Presidents Bush, 41 and 43, who respected the office of the President so much that they would not even remove their suit coats in the Oval office!

Democrats pander to buy votes.  Witness the promise to college students that their loans will be subsidized.  Really?  Who took out those loans and whom do those loans benefit?  Witness the promise to illegal immigrants that their children can stay here, no matter how they arrived, and yet, the Justice Department challenges the state of Arizona in court for trying to enforce immigration laws. Witness all the big donors to the Democrats who have received millions of stimulus dollars for companies, even when the company was known to be failing.  Does Solyndra come to anyone’s mind?

Democrats are hypocrites.  They are  so used to obstructing and not enforcing U.S. laws that they miss the irony in the fact that a photo id is required to enter the DNC and yet, the Justice Department challenges voter id laws in many states!

So, while the DNC is patting itself on the back and making a big hoopla over their pride and joy, Clinton, who should really be their Scarlet Letter, they reveal how morally corrupt the Democrat party is as a whole.  There are good people within the party, but the guiding “lights” like Senator Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, and even President Obama and former President Clinton, blacken the reputation of the Democrats.  By allowing all manner of deviant behaviour and sidestepping our laws, the Democrats have become the lowest, “common” denominator in the United States today.

E-Web Webbing Again

So I got into this argument with this guy at work known as E-Web. Biggest lib I’ve known personally. The long of the short is he was trying to explain why Christians are in theory, not practicing what they preach. His idea was that if Jesus loved everyone, and we took him as our saviour then the fact that we don’t believe everyone gets into heaven if they do not believe in Jesus is double talk.

I don’t know much about Christianity, but I do know he is an idiot. His whole point is flawed from trying to realize what Christianity is. Does he not realize that it says believe in God, and only one Him?

Then he tried to rip on Christians who were upset with the Da Vinci Code. I agree, I think people are really stupid. It’s just a book/movie that’s fiction. So I asked him what he thought about the muslims who were irate over those Danish cartoons. Well, since in muslim culture some things are off limits for humor so he see’s why they are ok to be mad. Um, lagot, I don’t believe Christians like you ripping on our Lord either.

It’s this double standard that makes me want to get up and beat down liberals. It’s ok for muslims to go irate and riot when we have 1 in 10000000 cartoons about them. But, if a cartoon is something ripping on Christianity, which alot more are, then I’ll be damned if even the Pope can say anything.

It’s like this in politics. I read a good quote the other day. Bush had 8 months to stop 9/11. Clinton had 8 years. Yet everyone blames Bush.

And finally, a sad day. Byron Nelson passed away today. Another legend of golf gone. Go Freddy.

– Mr. Knowledge