Tag Archives: democrats

How Obama is paying for health legislation………..


All those with dividend income — here’s your wake up call!

President Obama and his Democrats have finally found a “hidden” way to pay for the proposed health legislation–hidden because it is a sneaky tax that you won’t know about until you pay your taxes!  Although health legislation was supposed  to save money, the current legislation will still cost everyone by stealing  more “taxes” from  anyone with dividend income — what a surprise!  In fact, the new tax on all dividend income above $250,000 will be a hefty 25% increase because they are adding a 3.8% tax on dividends!

To cover the cost of those changes, the compromise would impose a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on investment income for wealthy taxpayers, a levy that would come in addition to a Senate-proposed increase in the regular payroll tax for those families. And it would slice an additional $60 billion from Medicare, with the privately run program known as Medicare Advantage targeted for particularly deep cuts, bringing the total reduction in projected spending on the program to more than $500 billion over the next decade.

Good bye,  senior pension plans!

Good-bye, all who worked hard through the years and invested in America’s companies through the stock market!

Good-bye, to the concept that what you earn is yours and not the government’s.

There’s a new sheriff in town and he’s not only going to take all your guns, but is gunning for your money, too!

Undemocratic Democrats!

Although Americans are adamantly AGAINST the current health legislation, Democrats are determined to ram it through by hook or by crook!

Although the bill is not even in its final, written version, Democrats want to vote on it.  Although the American public is disgusted with Democrats’ wheelings and dealings, President Obama is trying to intimidate dissenters into voting for it.   Although representatives were supposed to represent the American public’s wishes and best interests, Democrats continue spreading lies about how the legislation would work and smearing those who disagree and completely disregarding the protestations of a majority of Americans.  It is such a bad piece of legislation that Democrats are scurrying for ways to avoid voting on the actual bill, yet passing it on to the president.  This has been Chicago style politics from the beginning and it looks as though it will be dirty, double-dealing, criminal, and unconstitutional,  to the end.

Democrats had better reconsider.

Are they Americans first, or Democrats first?

If they’re Americans first, then they must follow the people’s wishes, i.e., vote AGAINST  THE HEALTH LEGISLATION THAT PELOSI, REID, AND PRESIDENT OBAMA ARE PUSHING.

If they’re Democrats first, then, like sheep, they will do as Pelosi  and Obama want them to do, even if they must subvert our Constitution.

A “no” vote will be difficult, but would prove that our Representatives truly are representative of the American public.  A “yes” vote will confirm that dirty politics with all its sweetheart deals and closed door arm twisting is the new motif of the Democrats’ party.  If the legislation passes, Democrats will be labeled as undemocratic….a title they will deserve!

So, are Democrats Americans first or Democrats first?  We’ll know the answer soon.

Just another talking head —

After a day-long summit to discuss compromises to the health legislation that Democrats and President Obama are pushing, several conclusions can be reached.

President Obama obviously did NOT want to compromise with any Republican ideas.  Rather, he thought that his magnificent presence on tv would sway Congress and voters to his side of the debate.

Republicans presented valid ideas including:  inter-state insurance; tort reform; grouping of small businesses to buy insurance.  These would lower the health care costs for businesses and individuals and provide health care to more Americans.  None of the Democrats nor Obama seriously accepted these proposals.  At the end of the day, Obama clearly was upset that Republicans did not jump onto his bandwagon, even though he said he would “contemplate” their ideas.  He must think we are all idiots.  That we don’t realize that  he and the Democrats  intend to try to ram this legislation through with reconciliation — a process they previously repudiated.

President Obama showed his own arrogance by talking, and talking, and talking.  Well, according to him, he’s the President, so he gets more time!  Really?  Wasn’t he there to listen to everyone’s ideas?

Republicans explicitly demonstrated that the health legislation being proposed would not only cost us more money, would NOT cover more people, and would only be in effect for 6 of the 10 years that taxes were collected for it.   In essence, the legislation does NOT do what Democrats claim it will do, Americans absolutely do NOT WANT it, and it might actually ruin the financial integrity of our country.  It was a waste of everyone’s time.

The summit was exactly what people suspected it would be– grandstanding by President Obama and the Democrats.  They had no intention of listening to the other sides’ ideas and all they wanted was a photo op so they could claim they were trying for bi-partisanship.  Unfortunately, for them, Americans saw through this fiction and yet another poll proves that Americans do NOT trust Obama nor the Congress.


Washington (CNN) – A majority of Americans think the federal government poses a threat to rights of Americans, according to a new national poll.

Watching this debacle on tv was even more boring than watching reruns….wait.  This actually WAS a rerun of the Democrats’ and Obama’s talking points.

If they truly want to “do what the American public wants”, then they had better start listening.  As of yesterday, they and Obama were just doing what they always do — talk.   The saddest outcome of this health summit is that Democrats hardened their “we’re right” attitude and forgot that they were elected to represent us — our views and wishes — not pass legislation that helps them get re-elected!

So, the real outcome of yesterday’s “summit” was that  President Obama, he of the “change, transparency, bi-partisanship” campaign, became just another talking head.

Another health scare!

OMG!  I almost had a heart attack when I heard President Obama state that he was going to shrug off his partisan ways and actually discuss health legislation with the Republicans!  This bi-partisanship would be a first in his year-long presidency.   What a wonderful scenario it would be if he and the Democrats stopped their posturing and pontificating and tried to work around what the American people want, not what politicians want!

Well, today, we know that Obama’s latest promise of working with ALL the congress, not just conspiring with Democrats, is about as true as the data used by those scientists who claimed global warming would destroy the Earth.

Today, Obama proposed what HE sees as a plan for health care.  He didn’t bother to ask Americans exactly what they wanted.  He didn’t bother to check with anyone but his own bully partisans, i.e., Reid, Pelosi, Schurmer, and the other “ilks”.  He didn’t bother to determine what proposals are needed and how to implement them.

Nope.  He just had someone write down a bunch of proposals…oh, by the way, they are Democrat proposals!   That is typical of many “small” legislative proposals— written in the back room by some assistant and voted in by legislators who take neither the time to read it nor the time to study it.  It is typical to make the legislation so verbose that no one can understand it nor the nuances.  It is typical to hide gifts for your advocates within the legislation.

What is not typical is the complete lack of bi-partisanship on a bill of this monumental importance. It is NOT typical to TELL the American public that they MUST BUY HEALTH INSURANCE or face fines. It is NOT typical to continue spending taxpayer money to convince Americans that they are pretty stupid and don’t know what is best for them. It is NOT typical to claim transparency because the bill will be online, if it truly is this time, for 72 hours!

Those with any common sense know that 72 hours is not enough time to scrutinize a bill — Democrats are counting on this.  Everyone knows this is a political ploy by Democrats — Democrats are hoping we will forget before election day.  Everyone in America, except the Democrats, is saying “NO!”  In poll after poll, Americans resoundingly say they DO NOT WANT THIS HEALTH LEGISLATION TO PASS!  So, why do Obama and his league of miscreants totter on?

Well, we all know why.  It is a canard to say that Democrats are trying to improve health care. It is true that they are trying to foist a health system on all Americans that only a few will pay for and that will ration health care and that will scare away doctors.  Their pet dogs, like the unions and a few chosen few of the states, MIGHT benefit FINANCIALLY because someone ELSE IS PAYING THE BILL.

Oh, President Obama’s proposals for health legislation are indeed scary.  In fact, they might be the death of the wonderful health care that Americans enjoy today.  Obama and the Democrats’ proposals are the worst health scare yet!

How soon Democrats forget!

Remember when President Bush (41) spoke with school children and Congress held hearings about his speech to see if if money was illegally spent by Bush 41?  Eventually, the expenses were determined to be legitimate because Bush did not speak on political matters.

Now, President Obama has spoken with school children and many of us did not approve of the original topics.  But, in this case, there will be no congressional hearings because Democrats NOW approve of such speeches.

Wow.  Talk about hypocrisy.

Health “care” or “scare” ?????


Democratic legislators are trying desperately to convince Americans that the Health Care bill they propose is a solution for anything wrong with our current health care system.  You know what?  I don’t care!

I don’t care that they TELL me it is for my own best interests.  I know better.  Government has NEVER run anything efficiently or well.  I WANT the current system to remain because it has served me, and everyone I know,  very well.

I don’t care that Specter, and Pelosi, and Reid, and others are saying that the protestors “don’t represent the American people.”   Unless they have a referendum on health care, there is NO way for anyone to actually know what Americans think of any issue.  Elections are indications of general philosophies, but they are terrible indicators of attitudes on specific issue.

I do care that these legislators are using MY, and your, tax money to convince us to accept a program that we don’t want.  I do care that these legislators are calling us names when we voice our opinions.

I do care that, in the rush to pass legislation, a new system will be enacted which will devastate health care as we know it.  No one will be better off.  Everyone will suffer.  But, the legislators have forgotten that they are supposed to represent US – yes the United States is US-  rather than TELL us what to think, feel, say, or do!  Some legislators think they were elected to be gods, not representatives of the People.

So, health CARE?  A better name would be Health SCARE!

More Power


Everyone used to laugh at Tim Allen’s he-man claim to need  “MORE POWER” .  But, it appears that the White House is still stuck in that old sitcom mode.  The headline reads:  White House wants more power to control Medicare Costs.

It appears that the White House, i.e. Obama and his Democratic minions, just want MORE POWER period.

They already control what the major media outlets tell us….witness the pandering from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and NBC.  But, wait, that’s not enough!   They want to control what a CEO can be paid.  They want to control the minimum wage.  They want to control health care.  They want to control the education system.  They even used our tax dollars, despite most Americans opposing the bailout,  to bailout car companies, some financial institutions, and are now considering helping newspapers and tv outlets! They want to strip parents of being informed if an underage girl chooses to have an abortion.

When government has the power of life or death, abortion or life, then watch out!


Talking out of both sides of his mouth!!!!!


The Democrats and Prsident Obama are so eager to get their welfare plans in place that they don’t even pay attention to what they’re saying.  One day, they say the stimulus will work “now”.   When the stimulus is seen as failing, Obama declares that he never meant “now”.  Well, what did he mean when he said “now”?????

Democrats and the Smear routine–again!


Despite the campaign finishing last year, Democratic operatives are busy creating a new “seek and destroy” initiative, this time for conservative talk radio and tv commentators.  Their attacks against Limbaugh are juvenile at best, and, at worst, a serious infringement of the right to free speech.  If a radio commentator must “meet” standards, set up by the Obama administration, then that commentator, and we, lose our right of free speech.

Losing another freedom  does not seem to bother Democrats at all!  And, ad hominem attacks are always the form that Democrats prefer.  They seldom discuss issues, but label a person and then attack the person.  This is politics at its lowest, but typical Democrat in its form, message, and timing.

Isn’t it time for even the Democrats to at least pretend to work with all voters, including conservatives?  Not only was that one of President Obama’s pledges, but unity of purpose will also promote the public welfare. It’s time for President Obama to understand that people like Begala, Carville, and his other minions will not help either him or the country in the long run.  It’s time to stand those characters outside the door and let honest men and women run this country!

You go, Girl!

An editorialist today suggested that Senator Clinton is not qualified to be Secretary of State in the new administration.  Although obviously true, it is irrelevant.  Experience is no longer a prerequisite for anything in America.  Nope.  If you’re a minority, we will pump up your qualifications until you meet job specifications.  If you’re a minority, you can be President….even when you have no legislative — or any other — experience.

Let’s be realistic.  When the Democratic party rallied behind the least experienced, least knowledgable candidate in the history of our country, they ignored the need for experience!  It’s true that Hillary has no experience in foreign affairs, except for those little tea parties she attended as First Lady.  But, why should the Secretary of State specs be any more challenging than those for the President?    Neither Obama nor Hillary have any experience in running a country or running to foreign countries with our policies, but, in today’s America, that apparently has no bearing on who is the best person for a job.

I can’t say that I have ever supported Hillary for anything.  But,  if it takes her out of the country, as Secretary of State duties will do, I say, “You go, Girl!”