Tag Archives: democrats


Inexperienced was the obvious winner in last night’s presidential election, and in some senatorial contests, too.  For me, the fact that the Democrats would promote such an inexperienced man with a dubious past has confirmed what I believe the Democratic party has turned into — a power-hungry group of hypocrits who will do and say anything to win.

Witness the slandering of President Bush throughout his presidency.  No matter what happened, the Democrats laid all the blame at his administration’s door.   The slander was bad enough, but the net effect is that the rest of the world felt safe in also criticizing him and also felt safe in not working with him because they knew the Democratic congress would do anything to thwart his efforts.

Maybe the majority of voters was right to elect someone without experience.  We can only wait and see.  However, I fear that my children and grandchildren will not live in a better world than we have.  They will not be able to count on working hard and reaching their goals because higher taxes will cut into their paycheck.  Seniors, such as I, will not be able to retire as early and what we have earned and saved so far will be reduced to the point that we all have to do with less and work longer.

Is it fair?  The black woman who said she wanted Obama elected because then “I won’t have to worry about paying for my car and house” obviously represented a significant portion of the American voting public.  I just wonder what she will say when the better-off Americans and corporations decide they have to tighten their belt to pay higher taxes and thus, cutting jobs is the only answer.  Maybe she will lose her own job, car or house.  Will she be so happy then?

No one knows because no one has ever lived with a President this inexperienced before.  We all hope for the best, but I fear that we are going to experience a far harsher country where our young people no longer dream because they know the government will control their every move through financial strictures, such as higher taxes and fees on individuals and business.

Inexperienced?  This is the new standard and new reality of politics.  Experience the inexperienced!

Forget what I said before………

Yesterday, I said that I had heard everything when the Brazilian president chided us for not paying for the homes of the poor in the proposed $700B buyout of Wall Street.

Well, I was wrong.  Today, I actually heard the biggest lie of them all when the vote failed in the House of Representatives and the Democrats blamed the Republicans!  Forget that the Democrats hold a majority and all they needed to pass the measure was a simple majority — that means ONE VOTE!  Pelosi, despite her vicious attack speech,  could not  convince even a majority of her fellow Democrats to vote for the bill!

The Democratic nominee was ready to blame the Republicans, too, despite the fact that all he did was play phone tag in pretending to help pass the measure and, in fact, campaigned all through the debacle.  Nor was he prepared to take a stand on the issue.  His message was that “something ” had to be done!  Well, what something?  What was his recommendation?  It is a sorry commentary of his actions that he was too busy playing politics to help forward a specific plan.

So, whether we needed that $700B expenditure or not, it is demonstrably false to blame the conservatives because the liberals — Democrats — hold the absolute majority.   This time, they can’t blame anyone but themselves!

Politicians and Babies

Usually, babies and politicians mix quite well.  After all, who wouldn’t love a politician who loves (and usually kisses) every baby they meet?

The Democrats kiss as many babies as the Republicans, and you would think they love babies as much as anyone else….but, they are against babies in certain instances.  For example, Senator Obama feels no need to protect babies who survive an abortion!  It’s above his pay grade, he says.  And, most of the hierarchy in the Democratic party dismiss any baby not yet born as expendable.  After all, it’s a choice for the mother to make whether the baby gets to vote or not!

In the case of Governor Palin’s daughter who is expecting a baby, the Democrats again are using a baby as a politically useful tool, rather than as a human being.  Rather than congratulate the parents and grandparents, they hope to use the pregnancy to further their own agenda.  How sick.

It is a paradox that Democrats proclaim their love for humanity and yet are willing to arbitrarily kill the most vulnerable of human beings!  They fight vigorously to save a death-row inmate and yet don’t care when a baby is carved out of the womb.  So, when you see a politician kissing babies, just remember that only Republicans believe that EVERY baby is kissable and deserves a chance at the American dream. 

If the Democrats succeed to the White House, all babies in the womb are at risk because Democrats do not protect those up and coming citizens.  For the unborn, Democrats are the kiss of death!